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How To Use Modeling In A Sentence

  • There is a modeling clay that is nearly all silver once it is baked in your oven.
  • These details are important for geodynamical modeling, which may one day predict complex geological processes such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. - latest science and technology news stories
  • We also provide modeling support to the actuaries working on customized insurance products for insurers or large corporations.
  • Finally, the servo test bench and airborne antenna pedestal for parametric modeling and simulation to illustrate the usefulness of this analysis platform.
  • Energy modeling and lifecycle costing can give facility executives a solid idea of the costs and benefits associated with their choices before a facility is built.
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  • PhD opportunity in geophysical / geochemical process modeling of magma emplacement and fluid exsolution: Zurich, Switzerland Science jobs from ETH Zurich: job description Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Part of what we're trying to do with the Climate Collaboratorium is what we call radically open computer modeling, to bring the spirit of systems like Wikipedia and Linux to the problem of global climate change. Green Business News
  • Second year, architectural drawing 7 drawing and modeling of the human figure and modeling of ornaments 20 history of art 1 style 1 perspective and shadows 2 anatomy, xylography, architecture, sculpture, or chasing 10 The Condition and Tendencies of Technical Education in Germany
  • To simplify our modeling, I will assume that our rental agency does not support corporate accounts, only individual accounts.
  • Bone remodeling, which repairs damaged bone, is a sequential process in which bone resorption precedes bone formation.
  • And this ‘mental modeling’ notion is pure hokum.
  • The article continues: The APS is opening its debate with the publication of a paper by Lord Monckton of Brenchley, which concludes that climate sensitivity -- the rate of temperature change a given amount of greenhouse gas will cause -- has been grossly overstated by IPCC modeling. Archive 2008-07-01
  • The plug-in manufacturers have developed a real fixation on modeling and mimicking discrete gear, including mics, tape, outboard pieces.
  • A synergy between the development of theoretical formalisms, modeling and experimental work is fundamental to addressing the nanoelectronic challenges.
  • Applications here focus on using gigabit networks to combine the processing power of multiple supercomputers for climate and chemical reaction modeling.
  • The term molecular chemometrics is coined in Chapter 2 for the field that applies statistical modeling methods to molecular structure. Archive 2008-03-01
  • The problem of oversimplification and improper selection of DC model, which exists in the DC modeling when AC and DC systems interact in AC/DC hybrid power system, is discussed.
  • Recent modeling studies have focused on systems such as vertebrate jaws, limbs, tongues and tentacles and axial muscle.
  • This paper also describes abstractly distributed multistep intrusion scenario modeling based on BNF.
  • Had it somehow occurred to him that swimsuit modeling (if you can call microscopic shreds of fabric "swimwear") has absolutely nothing to do with sports, unless you count the "sport" of girl-watching, which is a passé, politically incorrect and pathetic pastime, especially for middle-aged men? stories: News
  • The beauty of remodeling a garage is that the shell of the building - often with both electricity and plumbing - already exists.
  • A modeling artifact called a process element is used to define a segment of a BP which is designed to be reusable.
  • Complex modeling, simulation, and engineering tasks are often broken into pieces and assigned to multiple systems.
  • However, existing knowledge modeling approaches for product configuration can not express products' constraint semantics, parameter variable configuration and customers' needs explicitly.
  • All across the school we were known for everything from sleeping together to modeling in nude photos.
  • You would be amazed how often they want to write a joint experimental/modeling paper, but want to see the experimental results the conductivities or the crystallography or the neutron study or whatever BEFORE they model. Answers to the House Committee on Cross-Validation Statistics « Climate Audit
  • Driver adds that this technology may be useful in modeling polygenic diseases, those that involve multiple defective genes. The Scientist
  • She's modeling Donna Karan's fall collection.
  • This paper provides a way of architecture description and modeling to support software project, which mainly analyze the highest level of software architecture. It specifies component ?
  • After the modeling section is complete we will switch gears and get into UV layouts, which is taking all the modeled geometry and converting it to a flat pintable map to apply textures on them in a painting program. News
  • Consequently based on the assumption of constant area of surface, the development of panel skin surface which adopted geometric modeling Method was researched in the article.
  • In applications for statistical or topological modeling, for example, inputs could be frequencies, spatial locations, and so on.
  • Our attempts at modeling physical reality normally consist of two parts: 1.
  • As focus was on the cross-correlation modeling, quite simple structures for the variances and correlations of both variables were chosen.
  • Flexible pipe modeling technology on position and orientation control points was presented to locate pipe accurately.
  • The healing had taken a little while, given the extensiveness of the remodeling. COLDHEART CANYON
  • This possibility was addressed by Humphries et al. who used a number of experimental and modeling approaches, based on bioenergetics, to predict effects of climate warming on the distribution of northern mammals.
  • Our analysis identified the following modifications: reteaching the material, using instructional materials, prompting/cueing, modeling, changing the task, and giving students more practice on the task.
  • From clay and modeling tools to kilns and how-to-books.
  • After she was told about the fierce competition in the modeling world in Jakarta, Nike, was briefly silent and seemed doubtful of her plans.
  • Each student was given a cardboard base, approximately 25 cm in diameter, and a small block of plasticine clay (non-hardening modeling clay).
  • Whether the organization has any business process modeling tool which automatically generates BPEL run time code for deployment?
  • It is no coincidence that in the remodeling of the lower church at Assisi, the side chapel immediately adjacent to the north transept was dedicated to the Magdalen.
  • Ultra High Gamma title Ultra high gamma in the human electrocorticogram description From Neurons to Brain Activity: Scientists Discuss Modeling the Brain at Multiple Levels. Archive 2007-06-01
  • Executed like the voluted palmettes and tabletop inlays with incised details but no surface modeling, it represents the forepart of two winged lions with bull's horns flanking a voluted palmette.
  • In particular, the coupling constant associated with fluorination of Trp, 3 in gA, (the fluorination coupling constant), was found to be consistent with expectations from molecular modeling.
  • She was afraid because this modeling thing was a new situation so removed from her reality.
  • Modeling health reform is a very detail-driven business: you need a detailed statistical representation of the population, together with detailed estimates of behavioral responses to incentives.
  • The mathematic modeling shows that the real oil filling degree and oil saturation is approximately equivalent to the forecasting result and the correlation ratio is more than 80%.
  • For women, situational disinhibition (measured as experience and role modeling) combines with prior plans (intentions and pacts) to determine whether casual sex will occur.
  • Maybe that's because I have been remodeling a house to make it livable.
  • With compartmental modeling, not only are simulated neural networks interpretable as vector-to-vector transformers. The Philosophy of Neuroscience
  • IBM publishes modeling guidelines for structuring these templates using a library package to hold generic artifact components that you can copy into your model and customize.
  • The spacious dining room with its trademark greenhouse ceiling will undergo only modest remodeling.
  • This application of topical nitric oxide may stimulate wound fibroblasts to increase collagen synthesis and remodeling.
  • Digital terrain modeling can be applied to computer transformations in places where the ground is undulating or has high relief.
  • They constructed threedimensional representations of flowers in the block area using carpet squares and in the art center using modeling clay.
  • In mid-1908s a new term appeared in the field of human brain modeling - ‘neurocomputer’.
  • Months later, people were still rearranging furniture, remodeling offices, and rewiring computers.
  • A more judicious approach would be to first do top-down, then goal-service modeling, and finally bottom-up legacy analysis of existing assets.
  • They constructed threedimensional representations of flowers in the block area using carpet squares and in the art center using modeling clay.
  • Evoking the myth of Pygmalion, a woman portrayed as a sightless sculptor in Blind Vision brings to life a Napoleonic man of clay who responds to the touch of her modeling by opening one seeing eye.
  • In order to detect and monitor targets in broad sea environment, the modeling and simulation of passive sonar array nets have been studied in this paper.
  • Specialized in environmentally sustainable commercial and residential interiors, designer Jessica Helgerson took the challenge of remodeling a once run-down split-level ranch house, into a mid-century modern residence. Mountain and Ocean: Sea Ranch Residence
  • An object is defined by the attributes that describe the real-world entity that it is modeling.
  • Have a parade with the guests modeling their new hats.
  • And Charlotte's successful modeling agent, Oscar, deals with the requisite disloyalties of the fashion business by affecting a leisurely shorthand in which he customarily speaks of himself in the third person. Model, Teen and Terrorist Face a Culture of Appearances
  • Computer modeling simulations of technical systems will also be key, and most carmakers are already working to perfect them.
  • We introduce a kind of shunt-wound structure with a linear adaptive filter and a nonlinear adaptive filter. Using it, we design adaptive modeling, adaptive inverse modeling and controller.
  • His clear preference for thematic parallels and transhistorical modeling returns an attenuated history, largely organized without causes and contexts.
  • Interestingly, surface modelers nowadays take pages from the solid modeling book in how they do things like putting fillets on edges.
  • The modeling styles of orthodox academic school steadfastly construct the narrative space.
  • Self-punishment is abated by observing other members modeling appropriate emotional responses to various experiences.
  • If cloning by fission is viewed more generally as a form of tissue modeling seen in all metazoans, in which some cells proliferate and others die, knowledge from other organisms can suggest candidate genes.
  • From a philosophical point of view, one has to ask whether modeling growth using atomic units (modules or cells) makes sense at all.
  • Why can't kids modeling clothes in adverts have Down's syndrome, newscasters be wheelchair users, and continuity voices be reading brail? Thank you Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, for improving the lives of disabled people
  • Ductal plate malformation results from persistence or absence of remodeling of the embryonic ductal plate during ontogenesis.
  • Open Babel is a project designed to interconvert between many file formats used in molecular modeling and computational chemistry. KDE UserBase - Recent changes [en]
  • Common Probability Distributions: A Compendium which covers numbers of useful distributions for modeling of random data.
  • Plopped down about the meadow, and rimming it, are towering blobs of rock that resemble huge piles of modeling clay.
  • An auto - companding technique on analog circuit behavioral modeling based on wavelet collocation method is proposed.
  • It gives a suite of modeling concepts which can completely describe the business objects. And the data structures are presented. Therefore, a uniform database concept design framework is achieved.
  • Quite a few (almost all?) problems in that domain are what can be called embarrassingly parallel - be it Structural Mechanics, Fluid dynamics, or Virtual Modeling. Sun Bloggers
  • In mathematical modeling and experiments testing the efficacy of several conditions: drug or dye with no particles; particles coated with fluorescein dye, positive or negative charge; and particles coated with anti-cancer drug doxorubicin, positive or negative charge, the UMass Amherst researchers show that gold nanoparticles move and localize differently in the 3-D cylindroid tumor tissue, depending on whether the nanoparticles are positively or negatively charged. Newswise: Latest News
  • Calculating life expectancy is a tough task that requires analyzing extensive information about how people died and how old they were, as well as statistical modeling to predict how long people born today will live if current trends continue. Hispanics' Lifespan Longest In US, CDC says
  • Recently he has focused on numerical modeling of seismic wave propagation.
  • The foregoing analysis depends, in part, on the correctness of modeling viability differences.
  • On the whole, the Objectify API makes domain modeling for GAE easier and more intuitive, which is a boost to developer productivity.
  • Note that modeling mutation this way does not assume that it is equally likely to have a mutation arise that is beneficial overall vs. one that is deleterious.
  • Never before seen pics of Angelina Jolie modeling a leopardskin print dress aged 15 are to go up for auction. Andy Pemberton: Unseen Pictures From 15-Year-Old Angelina Jolie's First Modelling Shoot Go Up For Auction
  • So there's no modeling career down the road when you're done playing?
  • The ‘problem formulating technique’ is central to theory and practice of mathematical modeling.
  • Furthermore , we research correlative database theory from every idiographic tache of the digitization modeling.
  • Wagener received the award for pioneering research on rainfall-runoff modeling in gauged and ungauged catchments. Penn State Live
  • Oak flooring was set on a particleboard subfloor in a remodeling job in 1978 and the water and particle board played host to a very aggressive mold called trichoderma.
  • This approach has proven successful for modeling cellular metabolism.
  • The next summer he returned with sketches and immediately went to work again modeling the clay into various shapes and decorating it with imagery similar to that used in his paintings.
  • Because ovariectomy in rats results in significant decrease of BMD and cancellous bone remodeling, it has been used as a model for estrogen-deficient, post-menopausal bone loss.
  • There is a modeling clay that is nearly all silver once it is baked in your oven.
  • Population models have been used to good effect in modeling cultural transmission processes.
  • Classical quantitative genetics has applied linear modeling to the problem of mapping genotypic to phenotypic variation.
  • Executed like the voluted palmettes and tabletop inlays with incised details but no surface modeling, it represents the forepart of two winged lions with bull's horns flanking a voluted palmette.
  • Saving money without sparing style helped Peggy and Brad Goodwin of Vancouver, Washington, take the top Bathroom Remodelings prize.
  • Active radar seeker mostly adopts pulse Doppler monopulse radar system. So it is significant to research on the modeling and simulation of this kind of radar seeker.
  • Helen is an up-and-coming young Manhattan modeling agency administrator, whose party-hard lifestyle and puddle-shallow value system is a priori an unpunishable sin.
  • Chapters 1 and 4 give one of his approaches, modeling language as a logical system.
  • He went on to use modeling paste to overpaint posters of iconic Impressionist paintings, including Monet's poppy fields.
  • Maybe this time, TiVo will realize that modeling pricing strategies after the kookier extremes of wireless carriers is no way to build a business. Faster Forward: TiVo's new $99 and 'free' deals are no deal at all
  • There is a stronger tradition of discouragement of close modeling of writing than there is of close modeling of imagery.
  • I believe you will be modeling flow lines elegant Virgin vessels attract.
  • Sometimes he also depends entirely on his modeling of the plaster to create the form - as in the upper part of the piece I allude to as the melting tombstone.
  • In this manner, thermoeconomics attempts to apply the theories in non-equilibrium thermodynamics, in which structure formations called dissipative structures form, and information theory, in which information entropy is a central construct, to the modeling of economic activities in which the natural flows of energy and materials function to create scarce resources. Technocracy
  • Modeling steps: confirm design scheme, model parts, assemble part, edit unit store and make schedule drawing.
  • Meanwhile, a residential construction and remodeling boom promises to transfigure the look of the place still further.
  • However, the effect of chronic treatment with anticholinergics on airway remodeling, responsiveness, and changes in lung function in patients with asthma is thus far unclear.
  • With the exception of the modeling papers, most articles are well referenced with conclusions clearly supported by the data furnished.
  • In other words, classes in mathematical modeling can help change the academic culture of biology and ecology departments.
  • After moving in, they plotted a seven-year remodeling plan, working on their own house in between Pick's jobs rehabbing a growing list of clients' homes.
  • Actually, the modeling material used in model test can hardly keep perfect similarity with prototype material.
  • Indian society traditionally favors more generously proportioned women than demanded in the modeling and beauty-queen business.
  • To architects who typically work in 2D to design buildings with square corners and vertical walls, such modeling may seem overly complicated.
  • Boris, in his working clothes of white canvas, scraped the traces of clay and red modeling wax from his handsome hands, and coquetted over his shoulder with the Cupid.
  • Weapon and enemy modeling is a joke as well, every creature and weapon seems to have this weird type of fleshy texture to it that I can't really describe too well.
  • In the past, it's been at Shihan Monty's Brooklyn dojo, which is the largest space, and also run by the senior-most teacher in our discipline, but Shihan Monty has recently moved and is in the process of remodeling the new space, and it's not quite ready for public consumption yet. Wise move
  • We provide the detailed modeling process which consists of knowledge level and symbol level modeling and several case studies to illustrate the modeling process.
  • Smoothing of trajectory imply that linear dynamical system is stochastic trajectory modeling.
  • Debate over whether Michaele could make it on her own, which allows Paul to give the sideswipe that it's easy for Lynda to say -- she married and divorced a very rich man, that's where the lucre's from, not her modeling agency. Last one ever?: D.C. 'Housewives' recap and fact-check (#9, Oct. 7)
  • The implications of this idea extend beyond vascular disease to other matrix remodeling and detachment processes such as cancer.
  • Upstairs, remodeling focused on increasing the angle of the roof's pitch.
  • When I told Mama about the part-time modeling work, she even said: “I always told ya you were perdy.” Angels of a Lower Flight
  • After all, they reasoned, the tall ceilings, deep moldings, and storybook wraparound front porch made the house a good candidate for remodeling.
  • Experts say the results are an important step toward building quantum devices that could be used for quantum modeling and cryptography.
  • Table 7 collates the results of polymer modeling using the best fits from either one or, where appropriate, two worm-like chains.
  • Plopped down about the meadow, and rimming it, are towering blobs of rock that resemble huge piles of modeling clay.
  • Then the paper puts up the modeling and designing of functions of noise analyzer such as noise spectrum analysis, sound intensity and so on.
  • Dubai, rather short on natural resources, and long a trading hub, is more or less modeling itself on Singapore.
  • Here are 49 Multichannel Modeling Tips, for those of you who know how to interpret a "Wald" Statistic. Kevin Hillstrom: MineThatData
  • In order to detect and monitor targets in broad sea environment, the modeling and simulation of passive sonar array nets have been studied in this paper.
  • I'd been doing some modeling and some acting in England, yes.
  • the concept of exceedance can be applied to any type of environmental risk modeling
  • Besides common modeling rules and a scalable notation, the approach must be based on a central taxonomy and knowledge of modular architecture.
  • Modeling a polity based on viable scientific concepts and theoretical understanding has been a challenge in computational social science and social simulation in general and political science in particular. "Model" Citizens
  • In a flexible variance-components framework, modeling such covariation as a covariance component in our analyses is straightforward.
  • This paper provides a way of architecture description and modeling to support software project, which mainly analyze the highest level of software architecture. It specifies component ?
  • Remember, remodeling your kitchen or bathroom to maximize space can be done with custom or semi-custom cabinetry, or by selecting storage accessories in stock cabinets.
  • The mathematic modeling shows that the real oil filling degree and oil saturation is approximately equivalent to the forecasting result and the correlation ratio is more than 80%.
  • This may include cueing or prompting, questioning, modeling, telling, or discussing.
  • I think that's Andy Samberg modeling the 'shoppy'. Coming to Terms: Reconciliation and Rationalization
  • Aiming at the problems of verifying PNO, this paper introduces temporal logic to PNO model and presents a modeling and verifying method based on PNO with precise marking.
  • I will summarize the most general ‘systems wisdoms’ I have absorbed from modeling complex systems and hanging out with modelers.
  • California schools began to sink 20 years ago when the same nimrods who now want to chop up L.A. brought us Proposition 13, thinking money is better spent on kitchen remodeling than on public education.
  • The long-term thinning trend is evident from observations, as well as computer modeling of the Arctic climate. Arctic sea ice melting unusually fast
  • He is using computer modeling and mapping to identify the locations of these sandy or shallow soils.
  • Although I am not directly involved in climate modeling, I am involved in mesoscale modeling (1000 - 300 meter horizontal resolution). What makes software engineering for climate models different? | Serendipity
  • While computer modeling of DNA sequence evolution also offers the ability to test the limits of statistical tools, untested assumptions and unconsidered processes are not included.
  • The network model without selection is also implemented in the directed acyclic graphs used in causal modeling.
  • They have appropriated sophisticated 3D modeling software technology for the purpose.
  • Applications here focus on using gigabit networks to combine the processing power of multiple supercomputers for climate and chemical reaction modeling.
  • In the final section Bosence and Wilson discuss the complexities of sequence stratigraphy in carbonate settings and introduce the use of numeric stratigraphic modeling for facies prediction.
  • '' Open Babel '' is a project designed to interconvert between many file formats used in molecular modeling and computational chemistry. KDE UserBase - Recent changes [en]
  • This is also a precise modeling measurement method. Compared with the DC exciting and direct reading method, the identification of this method can be much smaller than the digitized error.
  • It is concluded that introduction of the effective input of tire model is the reasonable approach to consider structure unsymmetry effect on tire modeling.
  • The show's mom-of-five/biometric lock user/Arthur Godfrey granddaughter Mary Amons, modeling agency matron Lynda Erkiletian, real estate agent Stacie Turner, and self-edit-gene-lacking British designer Catherine Ommanney -- they're apparently hoppin 'mad. 'Real Housewives of DC': Fat lady has not yet sung
  • People don't seem to understand that modeling is not just getting on the catwalk and walking in heels.
  • Maternal care needs modeling; each generation benefits from the care received by the earlier one.
  • I am glad you caught that Barbizon School of Modeling runway turn, too! Small wonder
  • Green building is about reducing environmental impact, whether in remodeling a home or planning a community.
  • To architects who typically work in 2D to design buildings with square corners and vertical walls, such modeling may seem overly complicated.
  • Kinetic modeling showed that arrests are due to the formation of multiple bonds.
  • But - agent modeling which is bottom-up approach provides a new method of research on urban space structure.
  • Again, mathematical modeling has shown that disease progression may be caused by viral evolution.
  • Simplicity and reality in computational modeling of politics "Model" Citizens
  • As shown in a recent modeling of another membrane protein detergent molecules rearrange to form a fused micelle around the protein and in our case they adapt to the irregular surface of the monomer better than phospholipids.
  • They were instructed in how to build and use an armature, which helps develop modeling skills by combining both the additive and subtractive nature of sculpture.
  • Research areas include: adaptive agent simulation; adaptive computation; biocomputing; and social networks modeling.
  • The appearance of Unified Modeling Language (UML) has formed the theoretical basis of visual software modeling.
  • Increasingly, I am interested in synthesizing with my wife GIS and simulation modeling to make what we call geographic modeling. Contributor: Charles Hall
  • The mathematic modeling shows that the real oil filling degree and oil saturation is approximately equivalent to the forecasting result and the correlation ratio is more than 80%.
  • Modeling the technique in training sessions and in on-site situations will help staffers successfully deal with camp problems such as undesired behavior.
  • The remodeling will include new floor paving, renovated restrooms, new millwork and upgraded entrances at the mall, built in 1990.
  • In the case of rehabilitation or remodeling, LEED points can be earned through salvage and reuse of materials.
  • The final approach Hahn described, "emulation," is an "advanced biomimicry," based more on understanding and modeling natural processes than on copying specific solutions.
  • Even predictive-modeling ninja Nate Silver contends that intuition still has a role in decision making.
  • The work of this course will consist of freehand paper cutting, paper folding, cardboard construction leading toward book-making, weaving, work in raphia, and clay modeling. University of Virginia Record
  • For the prediction of use of cancer screening and of prophylactic surgery, we intended to use logistic regression modeling, but it was not possible.
  • Rising to her feet she struck a pose; playfully modeling for him.
  • She didn't feel like modeling any more so she pulled the new clothes off and pulled her jeans and T-shirt back on.
  • Conventional modeling of the amino acid side chains was used, that is, the zinc ligands aspartate, cysteinate, and histidine were modeled by acetate, methylthiolate, and imidazole, respectively.
  • Signed Digraph incarnates the coalescent modelling thought of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, and the standardized modeling for a complex system can be realized by signed digraph.
  • The environment mainly composes three parts: EHCPN modeling and components wrapping studio, a library for saving and managing models, and a simulation and verification environment.
  • Frisvold, Tronstad, and Mortensen use a different modeling approach to calculate aggregate welfare changes from the introduction of Bt cotton in the same period.
  • Sinuous connectivity is the tendency for individual lithologic units to be continuous over long and highly contorted paths; there is no means in the earlier modeling of either characterizing or synthesizing this property.
  • Bisphosphonates preserve and remineralize bone by turning off bone remodeling - creation of new bone-that would normally occur. Main RSS Feed
  • We introduce a kind of shunt-wound structure with a linear adaptive filter and a nonlinear adaptive filter. Using it, we design adaptive modeling, adaptive inverse modeling and controller.
  • Kehoe's broad brushstrokes reduce the surfaces and modeling of her subjects to angular planes of lights and darks.
  • Modeling clay and other building materials like blocks can help children explore.
  • The use of ACE inhibitors to block the breakdown of bradykinin also promotes vasodilation, natriuresis, and a beneficial effect on cardiac remodeling.
  • I can easily see how a model that is accurate for estimating the consquences of modest changes in taxing an spending could be inaccurate for modeling drastic changes. The Employment Situation, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Yes, she's thin, but sadly? the modeling industry has historically praised models who are on the reedier side. Julia Schneider, Elite Model Contest Winner, Raises Controversy Over Her Figure (PHOTOS)
  • The ‘problem formulating technique’ is central to theory and practice of mathematical modeling.

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