
How To Use Modeled In A Sentence

  • It is modeled after the same pattern.
  • Modeled after British roadsters, the Miata MX - 5 is less about muscle than about being a quick and nimble extension of you.
  • The procedures were modeled after the Nobels, with the final selection being made by the international jury with all deliberations and voting in secret.
  • Instead of searching for a modern definition of culture, Nietzsche transposes an archaic ideal of culture (modeled after the stratified society of ancient Greece) onto modern society.
  • Schematically shaded at its lower and right sides, the golf ball is illusionistically modeled not in the round but in relief, as is often the case with the apples and oranges of Cezanne.
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  • The Chalin sway, where Titus appears, is modeled after feudal China, and lends an exotic yet oddly familiar feel to that portion of the Entire. REVIEW:Bright Of The Sky by Kay Kenyon
  • According to her aerology manual, the big hydrogen breathers were modeled on the tiny South American islands where Darwin had made his famous discoveries. LEVIATHAN
  • HIV service delivery systems are modeled on community-based long-term care services designed to meet the needs of the elderly chronically ill.
  • • Plantronics 'bluetooth headset is modeled an the window crank handle from a 1974 Lincoln Continental. Boing Boing
  • Has the building been recently remodeled or has building use changed?
  • It is similar to a generation ago when you saw all bathrooms get remodeled to be handicap accessible. bariatrics is by far the fastest growing segment of the medical supply industry. X-raying the obese is "like watching TV without cable or an antenna."
  • Thin, firm outlines now enclose each figure's palpably modeled form and the palette focuses on jewel-like variations on the primaries and black.
  • Delano modeled his design on a seventeenth-century palazzo in Genoa, and the building was completed in 1909.
  • After the modeling section is complete we will switch gears and get into UV layouts, which is taking all the modeled geometry and converting it to a flat pintable map to apply textures on them in a painting program. News
  • Patient confidence in medical procedures was shown to increase after the medical facility was remodeled.
  • In both cases, a coefficient of variation was modeled for each plot by assigning the mean height and rooting depth (per species) for all 14 plants in each plot.
  • I learned that the funicular is the oldest continuously operating one in the United States, originally built by German immigrants who modeled it after ones in their homeland. With my iPhone alone, I'm apped to travel
  • The indolently nude woman in the featured painting was in fact modeled by Ingres's first wife.
  • In “Allison”, what in fact was happening – although the writers tried mightily to keep it ambiguous – was fairly obvious: her glitch from the car bomb caused her to crosslink her self-awareness with her memories of the woman she was modeled after, and then channel those memories through her human emulation mode. Matthew Yglesias » Spitzer: Let’s Condemn the Human Race to Slavery and Extinction
  • Internal ballistics modeled the forces inside of a gun barrel while external ballistics modeled the flight of a projectile.
  • The renowned Scout Rangers of the Philippine army, modeled on the US army rangers, will be the model for Taiwan's military to learn about real combat experience in counter-terrorism.
  • Epoched broadband signals computed from the modeled sources were band-pass filtered digitally at 1 Hz intervals Hz (passband = f±0. 05f, where f represents the filter frequency). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In a sense, Chinese modernization was wholly modeled after the Western civilization.
  • The center of Schinkel's building also contained a large rotunda, modeled on the Pantheon in Rome, where statues of the ancient gods inhabited niches recessed in the circular floor.
  • The protein molecules are modeled as 120 deg sectors of a circle.
  • Hirschau, who died toward the end of the eleventh century, invented a horologium modeled after the celestial hemisphere; therefore he may have been the inventor of the clock, for soon after his death these striking bells begin to make their appearance on church towers and in other religious buildings. Christopher and the Clockmakers
  • The character is modeled on Florence Birdseye, but Colley changed her name unknown reasons. Front Page
  • The moustache drawn on the camelopard is said to have been modeled after the moustache of Thomas Glover.
  • It is sensitively modeled to portray the aquiline nose and almond-shaped eyes of the king.
  • The simulation results show that: for a class of MIMO uncertain bilinear system with unmodeled dynamics, it can not obtain satisfactory control results only by using adaptive decoupling control law.
  • Next door is a towering log, stone and glass masterpiece modeled after a Native American longhouse that may be the most dramatic place you've ever taken a yoga class.
  • For example the check credit card task is modeled as a service task, because the validity of the credit card can be checked by invoking a web service.
  • We looked and looked, and I tried on lots of jeans, and modeled and tried and modeled and tried… J-gan Diary Entry
  • Collector's Cafe, a Myrtle Beach gallery and restaurant modeled after the art bistros of 17 th-century Europe, is an oasis of sophistication in a vast playground of lowbrow beach fun.
  •   He subsequently surfaced in aficcione, a tale of his bootless pursuit of a reclusive poetess, modeled on one I'd met on-line. My Fictional Tormenter
  • Nothing of the implausible metaphysics of this poem, let alone its specific Neoplatonic decor, need obscure what comes to light, and to ear, by such associations about a continuous human potentiality modeled in verse itself. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • She modeled herself on, of all things, another Dame.
  • In 1999 the house was remodeled from a 1.5 story house, including a new three car garage (the home theater is under the new garage). New house? Maybe. Plus, we need advice to find a renter.
  • Firstly, a parameter adaptive control was developed using a Lyapunov-based design that employs a parameter projection algorithm without regard to the unmodeled dynamics or disturbances.
  • The santons, a folk tradition in southern France, were carved, modeled, and painted by local artisans out of everything from wood to red clay to bread dough.
  • The dynamics of actin polymerization and depolymerization in the absence of crosslinkers has been mathematically modeled by others, and was theoretically shown to yield a steady-state exponential length distribution.
  • June 16, 2009 at 8:05 am buffay up abov! at teh nooly-remodeled an now wif an extry door in it NOM! Makes no difference - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • (Not to mention that the reform that was passed was modeled after the Republican counterproposals from the 1990’s in response to HillaryCare ... you know, back then it was the Republicans who proposed the health insurance mandate for private insurance ... The Volokh Conspiracy » Federalism Restoration Amendment: Take 2
  • Perhaps the most interesting realization is that the concept of reciprocity applies to the ‘kludge’ factor called emissivity – the correction value that permits a greybody to be modeled with planck’s law and stefan’s law – applies to the atmosphere. Gerry North's Suggested Reading on Climate Models « Climate Audit
  • The vehicle, tire, engine, braking system and drive line are modeled, and a simple and practical control algorithm is proposed.
  • New Amsterdam's incorporation as a municipality in 1653 accelerated its transformation into a city consciously modeled on Dutch prototypes.
  • Rattigan modeled Gregor after the Swedish matchstick monopolist Ivar Kreuger, an early pioneer of complex financial schemes both legitimate and otherwise. A Drama of Vice and Men
  • Tussaud modeled the heads immediately after these gentlefolks were guillotined. Halloween Blogging 2008: "Residents" of Madame Tussaud's Chamber of Horrors, 1886
  • Have you recently remodeled your home or done any energy conservation work, such as installing insulation, storm windows, or weather stripping?
  • The residual collects productivity effects that are not modeled, as well as those that are mismeasured or modeled incorrectly.
  • The influence of magnetic substrate on the flux distribution in superconductor films may be modeled.
  • Here we have a Kenar T-shirt modeled by Linda Evangelista.
  • These creatures, rather sentimentally modeled on popular notions of Native American and African tribes, are presented as being wholly in tune with nature -- as preagricultural hunter-gatherers who subsist on the flesh of the animals they kill by means of their remarkable skill at archery. 'Avatar's' Debt To 'The Wizard Of Oz'
  • The effect of the protein is modeled as an external field acting on the unperturbed eigenstates of the chromophore.
  • He modeled his product after the alpargata but used brighter colors and different materials.
  • Noting, correctly, that few scholars actually finish The Historical Novel, Maxwell points out that it "fixates" 66 on the historical novel as modeled by Scott, and treats all later attempts at the form as sad deviants from the original; when Lukacs shifts his attention from Scott to Balzac, the historical novel qua form simply vanishes into contemporary realism. The Historical Novel in Europe, 1650-1950
  • The figure was modeled directly after an illustration from volume three of Antonio Francesco Gori's Museum Florentinum, published in Florence in 1734.
  • Mr. Philbrick, who lives around the corner from Ms. Thayer, called the remodeled homes in the neighborhood "perfect embodiments of some yuppie nightmare. Living History in Nantucket
  • The floor plan is modeled after the Latin cross.
  • And, the Gablers only recently remodeled the bath and gutted the kitchen.
  • In this instance, the context is involved with how the raw data must be summarized or modeled to remove extraneous information and focus on the core question -- is this investment sound or risky?
  • The figures are modeled as big hand-built pots, like early pre-Columbian figurines.
  • Low-density clathrate structures have been observed and modeled at below-ambient pressures and temperatures.
  • The building was remodeled into a department store.
  • The way in which mutations are modeled is extremely important in determining the steady-state distribution of phenotypes.
  • There was a group that modeled themselves on Wittgenstein, which I thought was quite phony and pretentious.
  • Using contemporary distributions of the species, we modeled paleoclimate during the time of sympatry the MWP to be significantly warmer (+3.2 deg C annual minimum temperature) and slightly drier (-24 mm annual precipitation) than present Millar et al: The Sierra Nevada MWP « Climate Audit
  • If we were to think of Jobs not as a unique and irreproducible person, but as a mindset, skill set and capacity that could be deconstructed and then modeled, not only could Apple continue its amazing growth, but other companies might follow suit. Mark Goulston, M.D.: Cloning Steve Jobs
  • They had obviously remodeled an existing building.
  • I've modeled for several male photographers who showed me the poses they wanted by doing it themselves, and most of the time, they looked about this silly.
  • When she modeled in her early twenties, ‘upside-down poses, handstands and things like that were really easy, and I could hold them a long time.’
  • This system is modeled on that of the seven planetary periods embracing the native's life - span in genethlialogy. ASTROLOGY
  • It is modeled after the same pattern.
  • If you can't decipher that convulted metaphor, here it is in plain English: Oklahoma City passed its sales tax initiative, clearing the way for the Ford Center to be remodeled and made NBA-ready. Supersonicsoul - The Sonics Blog!
  • Second, only cloudless sky conditions are modeled, nevertheless a range of aerosol loadings may be achieved by modifying the transmissivity.
  • Roughly speaking, these machines modeled a physical system by mechanical or electrical means.
  • Set theoretical semantics in which the intensional connectives are modeled from relations on a collection of situations have been the preferred interpretation of nonclassical logics since the early 1960s. Combinatory Logic
  • A phenomenological theoretical study has modeled the edge by treating lipids as incompressible yet elastically deformable objects whose energy depends on chain extension length as well as headgroup packing density curvature.
  • Other small-scale terra-cottas are delicately modeled beach and seascapes in the form of small relief plaques.
  • Genealogies can then be modeled using existing models of geographic subdivision, with mutation (and, in a sense, recombination) taking the place of migration.
  • Said cutthroats are headed up by a particularly evil Jack Nicholson, as Frank Costello, who was modeled after noted Beantown bad guy Whitey Bulger who, at the time, was sunning himself in Santa Monica. 'Safe House': Familiar Blueprint, Despite Denzel
  • The singer says he modeled his character on homeless people he observed during a stay in Pittsburgh.
  • The fortepiano timbre didn't reveal any new secrets in the solo portions — Bach's writing is still very much modeled on harpsichord/clavichord virtuosity — but when providing a rippling accompaniment to the whole ensemble, the softer, subtler touch made for an invitingly plush sound. Archive 2009-06-01
  • The legacy of these popular icons was traced in non-Orthodox works executed in Italy and northern Europe through paintings said to be modeled on these Byzantine prototypes.
  • While one develops molecule-size solar cells modeled on the way leaves gather energy, another is examining the adhesive properties of the blue mussel to make a waterproof superglue.
  • Funny thing is that when I was a kid, I was creating a sci-fi film with a pseudo Han Solo character that was very much modeled on Magnum, and I even created an animatic using that theme song. Han Solo P.I. - Star Wars/Magnum P.I. Mashup
  • The center of Schinkel's building also contained a large rotunda, modeled on the Pantheon in Rome, where statues of the ancient gods inhabited niches recessed in the circular floor.
  • Their target, later identified as a not yet operational nuclear reactor modeled on the Yongbyon reactor in North Korea—a uranium-fueled reactor that is capable of producing weapons-grade plutonium as a by-product—was destroyed. How the End Begins
  • The same woman, of course, had modeled for both figures, that glorious pear-shaped belly less nakedly obvious in the painting, but unmistakably outlined by the flowing folds of her dress. 2009 April « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Quantum mechanics asks us to take this literally: any ˜maximal™ discrete quantum-mechanical observable is modeled by an orthonormal basis, and any pure quantum mechanical state, by a unit vector in exactly this way. Puppet X: 1
  • Her face and arms and the background woods are heavily modeled with black.
  • The cortex and plasma membrane were modeled as thin elastic shells.
  • These include 22 mobile "antiguerrilla" brigades of 2,000 men each, a helicopter aviation brigade, and an elite 1,200-strong Special Forces unit, modeled on the U.S. military. Rebels Flail in Colombia
  • In the analysis, soil was modeled using a linearly elastic, perfectly plastic material.
  • He washed dishes, modeled skiwear for a Swedish photographer, bought a valley ski pass, and found an Aussie girlfriend.
  • Red rice density is modeled as a function of seed bank, emergence rate, and the kill rates associated with the crops in rotation.
  • Conventional modeling of the amino acid side chains was used, that is, the zinc ligands aspartate, cysteinate, and histidine were modeled by acetate, methylthiolate, and imidazole, respectively.
  • The interfraternity council was actually approached by the C.ick-fil-A at University Mall to host this event and modeled after the triumph of N.C. State's Krispy Kreme C.allenge, Technician RSS
  • I had some cake with them and admired Kait when she modeled her bathing suit for us.
  • It's almost as impressive as these mobile phone handsets modeled on old Bakelite telephones from the 1950s.
  • The cruel exactingness of Emperor Wu's laws was also modeled upon Ch'in Legalist practices. The History of the Former Han Dynasty
  • After reading all of your ideas, I'm inclined to support separating out aeronautics from the NASA structure and putting it elsewhere-maybe FAA, maybe a new agency modeled like NACA. What Civil Space Agency Would You Create? - NASA Watch
  • He thus adopts what he calls the ‘Lockean proviso’ (modeled after Locke's description of the initial situation of his social contract): that one cannot have bettered himself by worsening others.
  • The exhibition ends with overscaled, elegantly modeled drawings of buxom women that propose yet another direction, a wholehearted neo-classicism that fuses Picasso's academic heritage with his rebellious modernism. Portrait of a Restless Artist as a Young Man
  • Mankolam, the pleasing paisley design, is modeled after a mango and associated with Lord Ganesha.
  • Indeed, as Gould points out, the digital facsimiles of basic human activities "chatting," "befriending," even "poking" oftentimes seem poised to outmode the actual physical acts on which they were originally modeled! Harvard University Press Publicity Blog :
  • When the building was originally remodeled, I had a series of passageways installed behind the walls on every floor.
  • She modeled clothes for some big company based in Montreal.
  • There was a woman who lived on the street where I grew up who "Annabella" was modeled on. Filter Magazine
  • To exert the constraints, the assembly precedence is modeled and the precedence matrix and data file used to describe the precedence constraint are proposed.
  • We naked apes, in the millennia since consciousness evolved into thought, have forged in our fear and defenselessness great clumsy creatures called nations, which have a momentum seemingly beyond human ability to control, and which are both modeled after and behave like the predators who terrorized us for most of our time here on this planet, according to Ehrenreich. Robert Koehler: The Heart of the Future
  • Rae looked like a wood nymph from the forest where angels grow, Kara was on the express train to blah town, Erin modeled really well but was too cold for Tyra’s liking, and Nicole apparently had “Gollum hands.” 'America's Next Top Model' recap: The not-amazing race |
  • Friday morning they organized a covert operation, modeled on many others over the years, to take control of Artis Hill.
  • Chin said the term was modeled after the term "natural-born subject" from British law, which applies to a person born in the land of a monarchy. Front Page
  • The designer then instantiates root modules to represent the entire device being modeled.
  • In the past he has replicated rolls of floral-printed toilet paper in silk, modeled Tupperware cups of beeswax and created sponges of balsa wood.
  • We modeled the eating, lying, and standing dynamics of a cow using a piecewise affine dynamical system. Math
  • Robert Stephens , who founded Geek Squad in 1994 while studying computer science at the University of Minnesota—calling his repairmen "agents" and dressing them in black-and-white uniforms modeled after workers in NASA's mission control in the 1960s—says the "Streisand Effect is real" for Best Buy. Now That Everyone Wants to Be a Geek, Lawyers Have Been Called
  • The rich ceiling in its pure plastic was modeled after the Elizabeth hall in the royal palace of Berlin, the stucco figures, as well as the decorations of the ceiling, likewise the golden medallions at the four corners, representing a procession of bacchantes, while the rich door panelings were modeled in the royal palace and placed here. Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission
  • The Kutchin and Eastern Finneh were modeled after the clay pipes of the Hudson Bay Company, but they also carve very pretty ones out of birch knots and the root of the wild rose-bush. Tobacco; Its History, Varieties, Culture, Manufacture and Commerce
  • With one exception, all the rathas are modeled on two types of structure: the Buddhist vihara and chaitya.
  • By 1970 the concept of duty evaporated in the affluently modeled consumer society.
  • The flow field cavitation inside the water hydraulic poppet valve was modeled and analyzed by using the software of FLUENT, and the relation between the cavitation and the pressure was investigated.
  • All of the courses are modeled in the same manner, shaving off a polygon here and there to save on system resources.
  • The sculptures range from earthy red to dark green tones and are modeled in terra cotta from a life form, and then cast in bronze.
  • AMH has the great merit that it can be modeled, and the models are dynamic: both the strategies and their prevalence evolve in the course of iteration.
  • Longacre’s classical left-facing Liberty on the obverse is said to be modeled after an old Hellenistic sculpture, the Crouching Venus. Liberty Head Double Eagle, Without Motto, 1849-1866 : Coin Guide
  • Traditionally, self-deception has been modeled on interpersonal deception, where A intentionally gets B to believe some proposition p, all the while knowing or believing truly ~p. Self-Deception
  • Ben is modeled on a real person, Jim Hathaway, who was a legendary cattleman, deputy sheriff, and soldier of fortune in southern Arizona in the early-to-mid 20th century. A Conversation with Philip Caputo about Crossers
  • In 1980, it was again remodeled by order of Dr. Héctor Mayagoitia, the state's Governor, at the time, with the goal of promoting the development of the arts in the state. Durango's colonial architecture: eleven quarry stone gems
  • Have you remodeled your garage into a family room, home office, master suite, or other space?
  • I thought it was because I'm also a sucker for big dogs and this adventurous Great Pyrenees -- modeled after Hecht's dog -- lured me in. Greg Archer: Apps for Parents: New Children's Tales by VivaBook Are Worth Exploring
  • Paris fashion "Saint Laurent: Rive Gauche" exhibits 70 ensembles in a venue remodeled to resemble the first Saint Laurent rive gauche boutique in 1966. What's on Around Europe
  • Their first writing task was to demonstrate their ability to emulate skillful use of repetition by writing a short speech modeled after those that they had just finished studying.
  • The largest wooden structure in the islands, it's modeled after old English hunting lodges, with a full croquet course and pros to teach you the game.
  • The capilla, remodeled by Alejandro, serves the community to this day. Alejandro Rangel Hidalgo - Universal artist from Colima
  • In elementary Electro-Dynamics, we modeled coulomb forces (say from a point charge) as acting instantaneously. Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
  • Virginia-Maryland interdistrict program could be modeled on the strengths of these other programs, which do not allow receiving districts to reject students for academic reasons; provide centers for information and outreach to transferring students; provide free transportation to students; and provide incentives for suburban districts to participate. Archive 2009-03-01
  • What I hoped to find were clear routines and games that could be modeled in a doggish toy such as Aibo. INSIDE OF A DOG
  • That bone grows through accretion, and is not extensively remodeled as the animal matures.
  • Not all of the remodeled spaces are built for family togetherness.
  • We modeled these instructions on those used in previous pain studies.
  • When adjacent to host bone, the allograft remodeled and incorporated; when isolated within the fatty medullary canal, it was more likely to be completely resorbed.
  • Finally, two apartments had to be remodeled to comply with federal laws assuring equal access for handicapped persons.
  • We confirm recent studies that osk transport in the nucleus can be modeled by what we term diffusive transport whilst in the nurse cell and the oocyte it occurs via super-diffusive transport. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It will be modeled on the museum near Copenhagen, which has earned worldwide praise for the boldness of its design.
  • Modeled after the castles and chateaux of Europe, the mansions are one of Newport's top tourist draws, and are open to the public for walking tours, concerts, educational seminars and more.
  • A scientist modeled on J. Robert Oppenheimer set loose the machines, but also sparked life in the numbered doll heroes (including 9, voiced by Elijah Wood).
  • One mid-sized practice working primarily in Silicon Valley claimed all their projects are modeled in 3D from start to finish.
  • There was a group that modeled themselves on Wittgenstein, which I thought was quite phony and pretentious.
  • Himmler modeled not only these outward symbols but also the hierarchic structure of SS leadership itself after the pattern of the orders blessed by the Holy Roman Emperors. HITLER’S HOLY RELICS
  • Despite their legal status, her parents and grandmother modeled the ideal household, exemplifying the risk-taking and independent spirit valorized by the culture of capitalism.
  • I begin by reviewing the relevant empirical literature and then outlining the philosophical principles modeled in the present research.
  • The sculptor may have modeled a terra-cotta bust of Anne-Marie.
  • Frederick Hartt, the late scholar, theorized that David had been modeled on ‘one of the mountaineer quarrymen from Carrara.’
  • This festival, celebrated in California and in New England, is modeled after an Azorean prototype.
  • There are two gold targets that have been modeled for these claim blocks; one a shallow vein/structure such as mineralized quartz veins and breccia zones located in the volcanic rocks that cover much of the property and deep seated Carlin trend type gold deposits located in the lower plate rocks. Ironwood Gold Completes Mobile Metal Ion Survey at Rock Creek Project, Nevada - Yahoo! Finance
  • They actually try to encore one of her characters — an old north-country lady; modeled on that honored preceptress in the late No Name
  • We recently remodeled our facility, and in that process, the soiled utility/decontamination area was converted to an office.
  • We modeled the eating, lying, and standing dynamics of a cow using a piecewise affine dynamical system. Math
  • The foundation stiffness of the pile footings at the towers and anchor piers also was modeled on the basis of available geotechnical data.
  • her finely modeled features
  • Alexis seems to be modeled after me, the authoress.
  • It's creative, loving orthodoxy as it has been taught and modeled by the saints and by our Holy Pope, John Paul, in the image and spirit of Jesus Christ.
  • Therefore it is predicted that the modeled ErbB1-like dimer configuration exists as a subclass among many others, and/or as a dynamic entity that could be interconverted to other dimeric forms.
  • Under such conditions, the modeled response of the stream becomes nonlinear, and the condition of "additivity" no longer holds when Undefined
  • Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, a 12-Step program modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous, offers the addict a place to learn about themselves and the addictive process.
  • An extraordinary story is told, then retold with embellishments and remodeled with favorable points emphasized while unfavorable ones are dropped.
  • One in ten women live in polygamous marriages, although the practice of polygamy was banned under the Civil Code of 1926 modeled on the Swiss Civil Code of that time.
  • Chris Bently , a San Franciscan whose real-estate holdings include an apartment building on posh Nob Hill, this year paid a team of artists and metalworkers to build a car modeled after the "Nautilus" submarine from Jules Verne's "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea," said two people familiar with the project. At Burning Man, Air-Conditioning, RVs Make Inroads
  • The country's propaganda office-modeled after the similarly named Soviet agency whose efforts gave rise to the term "agitprop"-is tasked with disseminating slogans, artwork, movies, and media reports that reinforce the regime. Slate Articles
  • Firstly, a parameter adaptive control was developed using a Lyapunov-based design that employs a parameter projection algorithm without regard to the unmodeled dynamics or disturbances.
  • It is modeled on a Meissen figure described as ‘Schneider, welcher auf einem Ziegenbock reitet’ (a tailor who rides on a goat).
  • The Constitution of Canada is modeled upon that of England.
  • Such a ‘rate’ can be modeled statistically by the probability parameter of a binomial distribution.
  • After the students have modeled both kinds of dinosaurs with their hands, have them locate both kinds of dinosaurs on the classification chart.
  • For simplicity, the times separating association and dissociation events of the transcription factors are modeled as a random variable that follows a Poisson distribution.
  • Jakey modeled his clothes in front of the mirror for me and turned to smile.
  • Initially built under the reign of Louis XV , it was meant to be a church modeled after a Roman temple.
  • Object-oriented design and programming is paradigm of programming in which a software system is modeled as a set of objects that interact with each other.
  • But as Tracy Kidder puts it in Mountains Beyond Mountains, the book on which Relin told me he modeled Three Cups of Tea, Farmer makes us uncomfortable by redefining the phrase "doing one's best. Ethan Casey: Greg Mortenson Redefines "Doing One's Best"
  • A handsome young man, the cheekbones and almost delicate slope of his nose are modeled with deft passages of brush.
  • Each input is modeled by a random variable.
  • The effect of these differences on the field operation of UV-B radiometers has been studied by calculating the instrumental response from modeled UV spectra.
  • We have modeled the closing kinetics and in so doing have obtained stacking enthalpies and entropies for single-stranded nucleic acids.
  • Following a trip to Paris in 1909 and exposure to Aristide Maillol's work, she modeled life-sized figures in stone.
  • Said to be modeled on a European food hall, the setup is closer to an American food court, with different stations for salads, "carvery" meats, sushi, whole fish, even pit barbecue and dumplings. NYT > Home Page
  • The doctrine can, of course, expand even further to become a general principle of effective rhetoric or even of scientific language, where it appears under the rubric of clear, "perspicuous" representation, modeled on perspectival, rationally constructed imagery. Notes, Mitchell, "Ekphrasis and the Other"
  • Together, the paintings demonstrated to an international audience the range of the artist's talent and his debt to the family who modeled for him.
  • She also modeled, sang in nightclubs and cohosted three TV shows.
  • Object-oriented design and programming is paradigm of programming in which a software system is modeled as a set of objects that interact with each other.
  • We remodeled part of a barn on Colin's farm into a wire-floored nursery with pull-plug flush gutters and an outside pit.
  • Generating Opcodes from General Purpose Mnemonics My A86 assembly language is modeled after Intel's ASM86 language, which uses general purpose mnemonics to represent classes of machine instructions rather than having a different mnemonic for each opcode. DOCUMENTATION: A86 Assembler Package by Eric Isaacson Chapter 4
  • In contrast, Lakoff tells us, progressives are modeled as the nurturant parent.
  • On the basis of the analysis of types and principles of trajectory diffusing techniques for rocket ejection seats, the lateral seat trajectory diffusing is modeled.
  • Most of our discussions center around a simple case in which the loci are modeled as diploid with two possible allelomorphs.
  • Pete Johanson is putting an elevator in his "remodeled" home. Elevators and Trees
  • Similar advocacy groups in several other states also are planning legal action modeled on the Maryland and Connecticut suits.
  • Christopher Bigelow, a devout Mormon bored by the bloodlessness of mainstream Mormon culture, created the Sugar Beet, a website of Mormon satire modeled on The Onion, then started Zarahemla Books, a publisher of edgy Mormon literature. Holly Welker: Latter-Day Saints and Modern-Day Pioneers
  • Modeled as an old-fashioned hostelry, the £ 6 million project's shareholders include the glitterati of the art world such as Tracey Emin, Sarah Lucas and gallerist Sadie Coles, according to Mr. Gulliver, who admits "we are a little behind schedule, but just about hanging on to budget. Not So Down and Out in London

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