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How To Use Modality In A Sentence

  • Though these and other developments in logic are interesting in their own right, the Stoic treatment of certain problems about modality and bivalence are more significant for the shape of Stoicism as a whole. Stoicism
  • Abdominal ultrasonography is the preferred imaging modality for the evaluation of gynecologic pain, which is more common than urolithiasis in women of childbearing age.
  • Over the years although he has never worked with a piano teacher, Granville has developed a style built on a combination of classical technique and what he describes as "inescapable present day modality shaped by a tumultuous emotionality. George Heymont: No, Seriously -- Send In The Clowns!
  • Open fifths, fourths and tritones, modality and whole-tone scales abound.
  • Hearing speakers and deaf sign language users have comparable working memory resources during language use. But the resources will be restricted by the visual modality.
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  • Famously, the two main options in the metaphysics of modality are David Lewis '(so-called extreme) modal realism, and ersatzism (or actualism, or abstractionism) in its various forms. Impossible Worlds
  • Open fifths, fourths and tritones, modality and whole-tone scales abound.
  • Now because all is here gradually incorporated with the understanding -- inasmuch as in the first place we judge problematically; then accept assertorically our judgement as true; lastly, affirm it as inseparably united with the understanding, that is, as necessary and apodeictical -- we may safely reckon these three functions of modality as so many momenta of thought. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • An important metaethical question about practical reasoning has to do with the modality (roughly, the force) of the family of operators that includes ˜may™, ˜must™, ˜should™, and so on, when what is at issue is what you have reason to do. Practical Reason and the Structure of Actions
  • With the emergence in mammalian brains of structures like the hippocampus and the rhinal cortex, which serve as "convergence zones, brain regions that integrate information across sensory modalities and create representations that are independent of the original modality through which the information was processed" (104), the capacity for explicit (though not necessarily conscious) memory that we normally think of as knowledge developed. Imagination vs. Art in Horror Film, Comics, and Literature, Pt. 2: From Memory to Imagination
  • For example, recent studies demonstrated that orienting attention to a nonpredictive auditory cue improves visual perception and modulates neural activity in multimodal areas as well as modality-specific visual areas of cortex.
  • Two main linguistic features are analysed: the expression of causativity in ergative constructions and the expression of modality in’ projecting’ that clauses.
  • I would only add that both will and going to (like most modals or modal phrases) are used to express two kinds of meanings: 1. meanings related to how we see the likelihood of events (sometimes called extrinsic, or epistemic, modality); and meanings related to how we intervene in, or exert change on, events (intrinsic or deontic modality). C is for Corpus « An A-Z of ELT
  • If those actualist representationists are right and consistency is indeed a modal notion, then actualist representationism is not a reductionist theory of modality. Possible Objects
  • The dynamic characteristics of vibration system depend mainly on its modality parameters.
  • Or even worse, it might seem to psychologize modality. Kant's Theory of Judgment
  • None the less there is disagreement among the sources about the proper interpretation of a modality of this kind.
  • Laparoscopy can be used as a diagnostic modality in situations where the cause of abdominal pain is not known.
  • But there's something else in early Reich, Glass and Riley, too – an insistence on returning music to the roots that all three composers felt European modernisms, such as serialism, had left behind: melody, modality and rhythm. Minimalism at 50: how less became more
  • Thinkers after Grosseteste, such as Duns Scotus, developed accounts of non-temporal modality in even more detail that share elements found in Grosseteste's account and perhaps were influenced by it (see Lewis 1996). Robert Grosseteste
  • If the modality concerns a past-time situation, the modal as such does not appear in a past-tense form.
  • A future tense narrative creates a special case: the limits of known science do not apply to what “will happen”, so the novum is not impossible and the alethic modality remains “could happen”. Archive 2009-06-01
  • In fact, just as “must not” can be read as deontic modality rather than epistemic, “should not” can be read as boulomaic modality rather than deontic — the “should not” of desire rather than duty. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Advanced disease and intensive multi-modality treatment aggravates problems like speech disturbances, eating problems, and disfigurement.
  • This doesn't correspond to current usage, and in the discussion above, I assumed that can can refer to permission as well as ability, possibility and other forms of modality.
  • With its converse insight into the modality of romantic apostasy, this volatile epigram is nothing less than the fulcrum with which we can gain sufficient purchase to negotiate the critical conversions of Coleridgean recantation, from the odes of the 1790s through the desultory journalism of the 1800s and 1810s to the "Logosophia" of 1817 and after. The Multeity of Coleridgean Apostasy
  • That is a disadvantage in finding out the relationship between the different auditory-visual experiences deprivation, or auditory-visual modality obstacle and the temporal perception.
  • Despite the expense, radiological investigation will remain the diagnostic modality of choice for the near future owing to the poor specificity of tumour markers in a clinical context.
  • I will say that some philosophers somehow change the modality in this characterization from can to must.
  • Another disanalogy between necessity and non-causability is that if p is necessary, p is possible, but if p is not causable, there is no category parallel to the possible that applies to p. The realm of standard modality is divided into the possible and the impossible. Foreknowledge and Free Will
  • As a person becomes proficient at a type of decomplex action, the guiding sensory modality can change. David Hartley
  • Open fifths, fourths and tritones, modality and whole-tone scales abound.
  • In order to describe epistemic modality in Japanese effectually, this paper proposes the cognitive - psychological analytic model.
  • Intravenous urography is one of the best modality to diagnose the blind - ending bifid ureter.
  • Common-format theories of auditory-visual speech perception suggest that modality-specific stimulus information is transformed into an amodal representation PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In English, such verbs have largely replaced the subjunctive mood, and three kinds of modality can be distinguished for them.
  • It is a ‘hands off’ healing modality that teaches people how to scan the aura or the energy field that surrounds the physical body.
  • I don't think it's hard to see how a reader's reaction to the strange may add exactly this sort of boulomaic modality, particularly with Horror, where the strange becomes the uncanny, where the transgression is as much moral as nomological, where the events not only "could not have happened" but "should not have happened Archive 2008-01-01
  • The ‘could’, as I said, involves some other modality.
  • MRI is the preferred noninvasive imaging modality because it does not need x-ray exposure and no potentially nephrotoxic, iodinated contrast agents.
  • The authors conducted a psychodrama group with elderly psychiatric patients in a nursing home and found it to be an effective treatment modality.
  • Actually, there is an alternative reading in which this modality can be read as honest prescriptivism, if we take “must” as a deontic rather than epistemic modality — the “must” of social obligation rather than theoretical possibility. The Assumption of Authority 2
  • Famously, the two main options in the metaphysics of modality are David Lewis '(so-called extreme) modal realism, and ersatzism (or actualism, or abstractionism) in its various forms. Impossible Worlds
  • Consider his approach: he begins with the general visual attribute of color, explores fully the related specifics of his surroundings ( "Snotgreen, bluesilver, rust: coloured signs"), acknowledges that vision alone has limits ( "Limits of the diaphane"), steps out of the visual modality and into the audible, and begins the process anew. Anime Nano!
  • Would-be, wannabe, might-have-been, Moss is an incarnation of that combination of boulomaic modality and subjunctivity level so common in Crime and Realism, that of failure, of events that "should have happened, but did not". Archive 2008-01-01
  • And in so far as strangeness in the form of novelty is not intrinsically valuated as positive or negative, does not automatically accrue a boulomaic modality of "should have happened" or "should not have happened", it is by no means unfair or inaccurate to say that the SF narrative is capable of exhibiting an entirely different narrative grammar to any of those outlined above. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Another disanalogy between necessity and non-causability is that if p is necessary, p is possible, but if p is not causable, there is no category parallel to the possible that applies to p. The realm of standard modality is divided into the possible and the impossible. Foreknowledge and Free Will
  • In epistemic modality, assertives are the main performatives. And speech acts co-occur with metaphor of modality. So speech acts come with modality.
  • The model proposed here most naturally fits with an amodal (or supramodal) word space: neither dimension of this space has a purely auditory or visual character, but instead, each sensory modality contributes some evidence in each of the feature dimensions. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • AP promotion of earlier recovery or remission, reduction of the scope of chemotherapy, good short- and long-term response permit this modality to be recommended for application in urological and nephrological practice.
  • The language is a kind of chromatically-flavored modality (very suited to the opening chant) that Barber moved to in his late period.
  • There's a feeling of Renaissance modality to it - church music, if you will, without the official prayer.
  • Endoscopic minimally invasive surgery has evolved from a diagnostic modality to a widespread surgical technique.
  • In order to describe epistemic modality in Japanese effectually, this paper proposes the cognitive - psychological analytic model.
  • Unlike the six exteroceptive senses (sight, taste, smell, touch, hearing, and balance) by which we perceive the outside world, and interoceptive senses, by which we perceive the pain and movement of internal organs, proprioception is a third distinct sensory modality that provides feedback solely on the status of the body internally. UUpdates - All updates
  • Here, the character Ms. Kudrow plays is far from sympathetic—she's psychotherapist Fiona Wallice, a charlatan, and a remorseless, self-obsessed one, busy peddling what she's fond of describing as her new "treatment modality. Therapy as Shock Treatment
  • We conclude that similar compositional bimodality among eruptive products of intracontinental volcanoes in volcanic fields may be the rule, rather than the exception.
  • There is an air of reflective modality about this recital, and yet it is Edmund Rubbra rather than Vaughan Williams to whom the greater part of the performance time is devoted.
  • If the modality concerns a past-time situation, the modal as such does not appear in a past-tense form.
  • It's not just following the rules laid down, and it's not just moving from modality to modality in hierarchical order. Balkinization
  • For example, recent studies demonstrated that orienting attention to a nonpredictive auditory cue improves visual perception and modulates neural activity in multimodal areas as well as modality-specific visual areas of cortex.
  • Well, the way I see it -- and the reason I call this type of dewarping argued dewarping -- is that the alethic quirk (the quirk of possibility) with its modality of "could not happen" sets off a chain of logical responses. Modality and Hamlet
  • The modality, micro-structure, formation mechanism and the hydration interface features of fly ash are investigated.
  • They inhabit some idiosyncratic space between harmony and modality, neither more one than the other.
  • In English, such verbs have largely replaced the subjunctive mood, and three kinds of modality can be distinguished for them.
  • Many have advocated the use of radiotherapy as a primary treatment modality but with the appropriate surgical approach, most advanced stage tumours can be successfully excised with a single procedure.
  • Additional prospective studies are necessary to establish the usefulness of this diagnostic modality to predict dystocia, so it is not recommended at this time.
  • What is the modality of a person's relationship to others in the group?
  • ME: So, Nina, with all that you've said, how would you summate this dilemma, while also speaking to a new modality for building and sustaining a successful museum? Max Eternity: Nina Simon and the Participatory Museum Model
  • In this way the phenomenological reality of the spiritual modality of being could be demonstrated scientifically.
  • Furthermore, hippocampal place fields can be sustained by different sensory modalities, apparently depending upon which modality is most reliable for the animal.
  • You seem to think this is a sophisticated philosophy, but to the Elders of Sodom it appears risibly simplistic -- practically crude and ignorant in its systematisation of potential human behaviour into a set of axioms bearing little relation to reality, and all of these articulated in a one note modality of "must" and "must not," judging this action a virtue to be proud of, that one a vice to be ashamed of. An Open Letter to John C. Wright
  • It was a conscious construction, an amalgam of Middle Eastern melismata and rhythms, Renaissance modality, and, oddly enough, Baroque counterpoint.
  • These results demonstrate that the difficulties with speech perception by SLI children extend beyond the auditory-only modality to include auditory-visual processing as well.
  • Secondly, all the various kinds of modality can be expressed (some more idiomatically than others) without the use of the modal verbs.
  • English auxiliaries will, must, should, and so on were used for deontic modality before their use was extended to also express epistemic modality.

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