
[ US /məˈdæɫəti/ ]
[ UK /mə‍ʊdˈælɪti/ ]
  1. a method of therapy that involves physical or electrical therapeutic treatment
  2. a classification of propositions on the basis of whether they claim necessity or possibility or impossibility
  3. verb inflections that express how the action or state is conceived by the speaker
  4. a particular sense
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How To Use modality In A Sentence

  • Though these and other developments in logic are interesting in their own right, the Stoic treatment of certain problems about modality and bivalence are more significant for the shape of Stoicism as a whole. Stoicism
  • Abdominal ultrasonography is the preferred imaging modality for the evaluation of gynecologic pain, which is more common than urolithiasis in women of childbearing age.
  • Over the years although he has never worked with a piano teacher, Granville has developed a style built on a combination of classical technique and what he describes as "inescapable present day modality shaped by a tumultuous emotionality. George Heymont: No, Seriously -- Send In The Clowns!
  • Open fifths, fourths and tritones, modality and whole-tone scales abound.
  • Hearing speakers and deaf sign language users have comparable working memory resources during language use. But the resources will be restricted by the visual modality.
  • Famously, the two main options in the metaphysics of modality are David Lewis '(so-called extreme) modal realism, and ersatzism (or actualism, or abstractionism) in its various forms. Impossible Worlds
  • Open fifths, fourths and tritones, modality and whole-tone scales abound.
  • Now because all is here gradually incorporated with the understanding -- inasmuch as in the first place we judge problematically; then accept assertorically our judgement as true; lastly, affirm it as inseparably united with the understanding, that is, as necessary and apodeictical -- we may safely reckon these three functions of modality as so many momenta of thought. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • An important metaethical question about practical reasoning has to do with the modality (roughly, the force) of the family of operators that includes ˜may™, ˜must™, ˜should™, and so on, when what is at issue is what you have reason to do. Practical Reason and the Structure of Actions
  • With the emergence in mammalian brains of structures like the hippocampus and the rhinal cortex, which serve as "convergence zones, brain regions that integrate information across sensory modalities and create representations that are independent of the original modality through which the information was processed" (104), the capacity for explicit (though not necessarily conscious) memory that we normally think of as knowledge developed. Imagination vs. Art in Horror Film, Comics, and Literature, Pt. 2: From Memory to Imagination
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