How To Use Mix-up In A Sentence
Both photos were going into the article but one had to be dropped due to space and that is when the caption mix-up happened.
My only explanation if there wasn't a mix-up is that immature birds have much shorter beaks than their parents.
He says the sun will only shine on him if it rains for at least a month. Cot death mix-up.
I had all her ID because of a mix-up in Bamako, and I took that tin box, with that in it and some other stuff.
Three minutes later a mix-up in the Fenor goalmouth was penalised when Brian Canty appeared to get the final touch as the ball was scrambled to the net.

Readers will remember Philip Roe's freezer mix-up, which resulted in his gin being infiltrated with keema matar.
It was prompted by the death of 22-year-old Jill Griffiths, from Skipton, who suffered a fatal overdose of the painkiller diamorphine in a mix-up over similar capsules with different amounts of the drug.
Both sides yesterday remained coy over the apparent mix-up.
The Sun
Anyone who discloses financial information via the internet is vulnerable to fraud or electronic mix-ups.
His admission to the National Convention resulted from an electoral mix-up, when electors from the Oise nominated "Bourdon, substitute procureur at Paris and one of the conquerors of the Bastille.
A mix-up in giving commands "flunked" the first attempt at passing in review.
The Delta of the Triple Elevens The History of Battery D, 311th Field Artillery US Army, American Expeditionary Forces
Both sides yesterday remained coy over the apparent mix-up.
The Sun
I called the florist, and he said that he had a mix-up.
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Family Matters
Anyone who discloses financial information via the internet is vulnerable to fraud or electronic mix-ups.
A council official blamed a mix-up between departments.
The wrong woman's body was cremated after an identification mix-up by a funeral parlour.
After all the mix-ups, the disasters were averted and the romances were all sorted out.
There was a mix-up and the diary entries show that the 6th December was the delivery and the breakdown of the plumbing, the 5th of the 7th relates to the 4-inch pipework.
Most notable among his missteps was a disastrous gull-winged sports car called the Bricklin, which was famously produced without door locks because of a supplier mix-up.
The Little Car That Couldn't
In the letter, he calls the frankfurter mix-up a "terrible mistake.
Mock, Paper, Scissors
In Smiley's case, there was mix-up in terminology: An FAA air traffic manager reported to the Air Force that he had a signal from an emergency beacon; the Air Force uses the term emergency transponder. Top headlines
We wanted to make our new similarity measure insensitive to minor mix-ups such as translocations, which represent only a small loss of informational similarity .
But when an Ohio fertility clinic broke the news to her that an IVF treatment had been successful it came with the devastating revelation of the mix-up.
With this funky off-colour skein, I am suspicious that either someone returned the yarn after peeling off the label or there was a mix-up in the mill, because the colour variation is really different.
In the dying minutes a mix-up in Barnsleys defence saw Creber snatch the ball in mid-air and gallop over for his third try.
A manic mix-up of Gallic musette, American blues, gypsy jive and gin mill boogie-woogie, their sound may not be futuristic but it will trigger that primitive urge to shake a tail feather.
Geoffrey rushed in late pleading a mix-up in his diary.
And finally, the suspect might have police witnesses who are willing to testify about mix-ups in the evidence lockers.
Between them they named 130 species, doubling the number known to science, though many were so hastily identified, and based on so few bones, that they turned out to be duplicates (such as the massive herbivore apatosaurus, a.k.a brontosaurus) or mix-ups (such as the three-horned triceratops, which Marsh swore was "one of the largest of American bovines"). News
Get the forint one to avoid mix-ups — it's the size of a banknote, so will fit in your wallet.
Times, Sunday Times
As it happens, there was a ticket mix-up and during the break we were moved from circle seats down to the stalls.
Abraham Sofaer, who chairs Gen-Probe's nominating and governance committee, cites what he describes as a communications mix-up that kept investors and ISS from receiving an explanation of Ms. Jemison's absences before the vote.
Where the Action Is
Despite measures designed to prevent such a possibility, a mix-up occurred.
And don't blow a lung over the "dunking" hockey mix-up; if it weren't for the sporty friends in my life, I wouldn't even be able to tell a baseball from a tennis ball...truthfully and honestly.
Sobering Celebrations
But when an Ohio fertility clinic broke the news to her that an IVF treatment had been successful it came with the devastating revelation of the mix-up.
The sumptuous suite was an upgrade from the hotel after a booking mix-up, he said.
Times, Sunday Times
A council official blamed a mix-up between departments.
Son, there's been a bit of a mix-up, " admits the surgeon. "I'm afraid there was an accident, and we were forced to perform a sex-change operation.
For the moment I was thinking about the mix-up with the lighters.
A passport mix-up nearly jinxed the recent ceremony, said the mother-in-law, the already happily married Judy Gates of Yarrow Point.
The two couples at the centre of the mix-up and the twins cannot be identified following a court order.
The mix-up occurred at the burial of a Middlesbrough woman whose interment had to be delayed for three hours while gravediggers set to work.
The visitors took the lead through Paul Coffey after 15 minutes, who was on hand to punish a mix-up between goalkeeper Colin McCabe and Willie Holligan.
`She had reservations at one hotel, but there was a mix-up.
Even in reputable publications, however, usage is decidedly mixed, and discrepancies can result in editorial mix-ups, as Merriam-Webster has shown.
Data is data, or are they?
Lessons of IVF babies mix-up ‘will be learned’ Report pinpoints series of failures at Yorkshire fertility clinic where white couple had mixed-race twins in error
There's been an awful mix-up over the dates!
Which, by the way, I had a little 'Franglais' mix-up today along these lines.
The French word for plastered drunk... - French Word-A-Day
Both sides yesterday remained coy over the apparent mix-up.
The Sun
She was accidentally given an overdose of the painkiller diamorphine by a GP, apparently in a mix-up over near-identical capsules containing vastly different amounts of the drug.
After a storming first round, Foster and Clarke had a costly mix-up.
A red-faced Mr Rose, 48, admitted there had been a mix-up and that he felt embarrassed about the situation.
The hospital blamed the mix-up on a clerical error.
It quoted a spokesman as saying that the company's initial investigation showed that there was a mix-up in the duty roster.
And then he took advantage of a mix-up between Bennett and defender Darren Bradshaw to nip in and side-foot home.
Her problem was made worse over a mix-up at the bank over what constituted a year's interest-free credit.
Families, the overlapping and intersecting lines of emotions connecting parents and children, husbands and wives, the ‘dangerous mix-ups’ of domestic life - these are the subjects she returns to in these stories and she delineates them with an old-fashioned amplitude of emotion and language.
Our Company's boundary line in some way conflicted with theirs, and a dispute arose which soon developed into a series of, first, most comical mix-ups, and afterwards into desperate "lathi" fights.
Ranching, Sport and Travel
The slaughter of the healthy animals at Otterburn Hall farm followed a mix-up of addresses, resulting in the accidental cull of 80 per cent of the stock.
The mix-up happened when the five were being treated at Bradford Royal Infirmary for an eye condition called blepharospasm, which causes involuntary muscle contractions that cause the eyelids to close.