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[ US /ˈmɪkˌsəp/ ]
  1. a mistake that results from taking one thing to be another
    he changed his name in order to avoid confusion with the notorious outlaw

How To Use mix-up In A Sentence

  • Both photos were going into the article but one had to be dropped due to space and that is when the caption mix-up happened.
  • My only explanation if there wasn't a mix-up is that immature birds have much shorter beaks than their parents.
  • He says the sun will only shine on him if it rains for at least a month. Cot death mix-up.
  • I had all her ID because of a mix-up in Bamako, and I took that tin box, with that in it and some other stuff. TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • Three minutes later a mix-up in the Fenor goalmouth was penalised when Brian Canty appeared to get the final touch as the ball was scrambled to the net.
  • Readers will remember Philip Roe's freezer mix-up, which resulted in his gin being infiltrated with keema matar.
  • It was prompted by the death of 22-year-old Jill Griffiths, from Skipton, who suffered a fatal overdose of the painkiller diamorphine in a mix-up over similar capsules with different amounts of the drug.
  • Both sides yesterday remained coy over the apparent mix-up. The Sun
  • Anyone who discloses financial information via the internet is vulnerable to fraud or electronic mix-ups.
  • His admission to the National Convention resulted from an electoral mix-up, when electors from the Oise nominated "Bourdon, substitute procureur at Paris and one of the conquerors of the Bastille. Names
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