How To Use Mistranslation In A Sentence

  • This paper makes efforts to analyze with full and accurate examples how ideology, poetics, value and religion affect Lin Shu and induce his cultural mistranslation .
  • I should never object to calling a graceless duke Tour Grace: nor to praying for a villariously bad monarch as our most religious and gracious King (I know quite well, small critic, that religious is an absurd mistranslation: but let us take the liturgy in the sense in which ninety-nine out of every hundred who hear it understand it): for it seems to me that the daily recurring phrases are something ever suggesting what mankind have a right to expect from those in eminent station; and a kindly determination to believe that such are at least endeavoring to be what they ought. The Recreations of a Country Parson
  • There are no amusing typos, which is a notable absence given that mistranslations have been a mainstay of British comedy for decades.
  • There are no amusing typos, which is a notable absence given that mistranslations have been a mainstay of British comedy for decades.
  • The unfortunate mistranslation of water hyacinth as "water lily" is seen less frequently these days. Did you know? Lake Chapala under attack from water hyacinth
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  • The adoption of the term virgin was not a mistranslation: it was a judgment of the translators based on the texts which they had before them and the audience for which the translation was intended. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 2
  • Anthropology provides theoretical frame for the thesis, making it convenient to classify ideational mistranslation into five categories, as addressed previously.
  • Your typical correspondent carps about a mistranslation, a geographical inaccuracy, an obscure word obscurely misused.
  • Excursions into linguistics amount to no more than a series of folk etymologies and mistranslations. The Times Literary Supplement
  • One of the important ways to avoid mistranslation is to reveal the factors responsible for misinterpretation and cultural conflicts underlying the languages.
  • Or perhaps, through some awful mistranslation, spark an intragalactic war. Times, Sunday Times
  • The critic Frank Kermode corrected our mistranslation of Aristotle's word hamartia (tragic flaw), suggesting that a more accurate and useful interpretation would be missing the mark.
  • I see that a couple of days ago, the first electric car was approved for use on public roads across the EU (they call it "homologated" but that's technically a mistranslation - this is more like a "certificate of roadworthiness" or "general type approval". The J Curve
  • It is an admirable method to avoid misunderstanding and mistranslation of the source text, which often provides insight into the source culture.
  • From the mistranslation department: Culinaria one day featured baked "nightshade" as part of its takeaway menu. The Prague Post
  • V., cxix, "That lay waste", a mistranslation), an equivalent of Heb. rothem, a sort of broom (Retama retem, cf.Arab. ratam). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Anthropology provides theoretical frame for the thesis, making it convenient to classify ideational mistranslation into five categories, as addressed previously.
  • She put too many vague sentences in the story, which eventually caused our mistranslation.
  • Lord Acton's erroneous idea, that Ridolfi was employed by Pius V to obtain Elizabeth's assassination, seems to have arisen from a mistranslation of Gabutio's Latin Life of St. Pius in the Bollandists Cecil eventually discovered the intrigue; Norfolk was beheaded, 2 June, 1572, and the Puritans clamoured for Mary's blood, but in this particular Elizabeth would not gratify them. Mary Queen of Scots
  • A reasonable man might call this mistranslation at least.
  • It tractive off a faceted that mistranslation a maigre of fired fugue vividly the fumigation and synaesthetic avalokitesvara dictamnus from shoreward hausmannite on two purdah platonism. Rational Review
  • It then admitted there was a "mistranslation" and the Kurdish word "kak" means brother and is a common term of respect. Yassin Aref's Struggle for Justice in Police State America
  • For example, the work "Mappae Clavicula" (little key to the table) may be a mistranslation of Baphes kleis (Key to tinting) via latinization as Baphae clavicula and alteration of Baphae to Mappae by a scribe. Making Light: The "agency model" as I understand it
  • There are many unbelievers who tried to point out several alleged contradictions in the Qur'an but all of their attempts were either out of context, mistranslations or misquotations.
  • Through analyses of some mistranslation sin Chinese version of American Tragedy, this article discusses the basis of these two wrong concepts and translator's method and manner in translation.
  • The mistranslation, despite appearances, was not the cause for my concern.

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