How To Use Mispronounce In A Sentence
But above all, Sir Anthony, she should be mistress of orthodoxy, that she might not misspell and mispronounce words so shamefully as girls usually do; and likewise that she might reprehend the true meaning of what she is saying.
Tallulah Morehead: Big Brother 12: (Mala)Props to the Houseguests.
So don't laugh at someone who mispronounces words until you know a bit more about their origins, not only regional (a point that Mark makes) but also with respect to class and family educational level.
French learners of English often mispronounce "ch" as "sh".
If you've read this far down in the comments then you've seen many examples of the way we "mispronounce" names of Spanish origin. PRONUNCIATION WARS IN TEXAS.
She mispronounces many Latinate words
What may sound like 'of' is the weak form of háve and so this or apostrophes should be written instead: woùld have, shoùld've, cān't have, mîght've etc. - * óv óf goôf cf. plural âgeing cf. sing sínging -- j - singe síngeing. *âking âcheing mâking snooker, drama cûeing = line cf. singe síngeing - j -- sing sínging thíng often mispronounced 'Beizhing':
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
It gets mispronounced or misspelled, but you get used to that after a year or two in school.
I was wondering if you could tell us about Mark and Kevin and I'm probably going to mispronounce the name Curole.
Interest Turns Away, But Gulf Coast Still Suffers
By the time I'd gotten halfway through it I was ready to strangle him every time he mispronounced the word ‘drama.’
In his excitement, he mispronounces Gordon's name.
He mispronounced quite common words: urticate, salpinx, bordereau.
The Shadow of the Torturer
The fact that this sort of name is systematically mispronounced is really alarming.
Their high voices squealing with delight when Carla mispronounced some word they coaxed her to repeat.
The sneers and muffled giggles that accompanied his every mispronounced word attested to the fact.
How much steam-piston euphony survived the voyage from Australia is vague, since Englishmen regularly mispronounced the town to rhyme with ‘stagger’.
As often as not, the journalist mispronounces the name of the religious group he or she is covering.
The thing that does bug me is when people say “Québécois” but mispronounce it.
Matthew Yglesias » My Long-Awaited Revenge
Besides, people mispronounce my name all the time.
Since I don't know any fresas, not even my kids 'friends, I have no idea whether they mispronounce English when they are SPEAKING English or not.
Fresa vs. Naca...
How powerful do you have to be to mispronounce your own name and not have anyone tell you?
Any parent knows the joy of hearing a child mispronounce a word.
June 2007
Words are mispronounced, accents are horribly wrong, and the acting is no more convincing than an elementary school play put on at Christmas by Grade 4 kids.
How powerful do you have to be to mispronounce your own name and not have anyone tell you?
Many people mispronounce her last name, which is properly pronounced COG-lin.
I can now also mispronounce sufficient Russian phrases to greet the train staff as I squeeze past them on my way to the restaurant car and to ask Sergei, my carriage attendant, for a cup of tea.
a type of slip of the ear in which people mishear a word and mispronounce it, then insist that the malapropism is correct.
Eggcorns: Folk Etymology Creating New Meanings Every Day
French learners of English often mispronounce "ch" as "sh".
The other day I heard a government minister mispronounce a word.
I've always had a tendency to trip over words or mispronounce things that I can say perfectly well in my head.
Anna Wintour wouldn't turn me to dust with a single withering glance if I mispronounced the word charmeuse.
Mastering the Ceremonies
Under the influence of alcohol, you might mispronounce Azerbaijan as aspiration.
Will Adams: Azerbaijan's Eurovision 2011 Song: "Running Scared" by Ell & Nikki (VIDEO)
He repeatedly mispronounced words and slurred his speech.
mu'umu'u moo oo-MOO oo: a type of dress, often mispronounced as "moo-moo. BRINGING BACK HAWAIIAN.
What is -- and I know I'm going to mispronounce this -- Poujadism?
The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World
Correct your child every time she mispronounces a word.
French learners of English often mispronounce "ch" as "sh".
They regularly mispronounce their Js in names begriming with JO, but not elsewhere.
Gallstones of the Unexamined Life « Unknowing
Um, if I mispronounce your name, I am terribly sorry.
Even where I work a paleontology parkquite a few of the staff often joke when they stutter through or mispronounce the word paleontologist, yet have no problem with "archaeologist".
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Often people in Arabic mispronounce the word Qisas as "qasas" which has a different etymology.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I even considered that the word was mispronounced and that the speaker meant to say "fluffier".
Banging And Swooping (And Fluffing)
He mispronounced several words and phrases and even his spin doctors privately concede he was not at his best.
Just please spare us your outrage when people of the other stupid party say stupid things about your stupid candidates (or mispronounce a word).
Your Right Hand Thief
I supposed that if Kamchak had known his name was being used in this fashion, and mispronounced at that, and Boots was within his grasp he might have, as a joke, for Kamchak was fond of jokes, had Boots put in a sack and put out in front of the bosk, curious to see if they would move in that direction on that particular morning.
Cinnamon Roll
I'm a mum for goodness sake, I'm supposed to wear baggy cardies and compulsively mispronounce pop stars' names.
And then we sat down and he told me in no uncertain terms that I'd mispronounced a word, and that if I ever embarrassed him like that again, he'd kill me.
And, last but not least, she does not, like most people, mispronounce the word joust.