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[ US /mɪspɹəˈnaʊns/ ]
[ UK /mɪspɹənˈa‍ʊns/ ]
  1. pronounce a word incorrectly
    She mispronounces many Latinate words

How To Use mispronounce In A Sentence

  • But above all, Sir Anthony, she should be mistress of orthodoxy, that she might not misspell and mispronounce words so shamefully as girls usually do; and likewise that she might reprehend the true meaning of what she is saying. Tallulah Morehead: Big Brother 12: (Mala)Props to the Houseguests.
  • So don't laugh at someone who mispronounces words until you know a bit more about their origins, not only regional (a point that Mark makes) but also with respect to class and family educational level.
  • French learners of English often mispronounce "ch" as "sh".
  • If you've read this far down in the comments then you've seen many examples of the way we "mispronounce" names of Spanish origin. PRONUNCIATION WARS IN TEXAS.
  • She mispronounces many Latinate words
  • What may sound like 'of' is the weak form of háve and so this or apostrophes should be written instead: woùld have, shoùld've, cān't have, mîght've etc. - * óv óf goôf cf. plural âgeing cf. sing sínging -- j - singe síngeing. *âking âcheing mâking snooker, drama cûeing = line cf. singe síngeing - j -- sing sínging thíng often mispronounced 'Beizhing': Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • It gets mispronounced or misspelled, but you get used to that after a year or two in school.
  • I was wondering if you could tell us about Mark and Kevin and I'm probably going to mispronounce the name Curole. Interest Turns Away, But Gulf Coast Still Suffers
  • By the time I'd gotten halfway through it I was ready to strangle him every time he mispronounced the word ‘drama.’
  • In his excitement, he mispronounces Gordon's name.
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