How To Use Misogynistic In A Sentence

  • It must also be said that both movies thinly disguise their misogynistic tendencies under a guise of sexual empowerment.
  • Touted as a nasty, gory torture flick, I rushed out to watch Red Room only to be vastly disappointed with this strictly unentertaining, misogynistic film. Red Room (1999)
  • Death Wish and Straw Dogs – misogynistic hits from that heyday of anti-feminist backlash, the early-70s – they endlessly gnaw and worry at issues of masculinity and impotence, with added penis-substitute artillery, and the purgative satisfactions deriving from orgasmic explosions of violence. Colmbiana proves that Luc Besson has a type … women with big guns
  • ASH and PANDORA'S STAR lots of hot babes getting laid, a PFH staple are less 'misogynistic' than Martin and Morgan? The All-For-Noughts: Books of the Decade
  • Set in the increasingly unmedieval world of Pern (the Pernese become more computer-literate the more ancient spaceships they discover), the books, particularly the earliest in the series, are jaw-droppingly misogynistic and generally joyless, heavy on drinks called "klah" and drudges wearing excremental colours. Books news, reviews and author interviews |
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  • As the female protégé of a misogynistic rapper, the female version of Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj undoubtedly conforms to certain dichotomized gendered norms. PART 2/3: LL Cool J’s “Around the Way Girl” « Gender Across Borders
  • And especially the misogynistic abuse online. Times, Sunday Times
  • The other ex-wife is also economically powerful, albeit in a less stereotypically misogynistic way.
  • I've used humor to point out her hypocrisies (as well as those of the pageant itself) and as a result was called misogynistic and intolerant by the likes of Bill 'Loofa' O'Reilly and his dwindling followers. Boy culture
  • Or is ASH allowed to be 'misogynistic' because it was written by a woman? The All-For-Noughts: Books of the Decade
  • But times were different then and she has to deal with a bunch misogynistic colleagues and some pretty appalling conditions. The Sun
  • In the 20th century, the Bluebeard story, with its savagely misogynistic overtones, fell into disfavor.
  • In the largest transfer of wealth in human history, we are committing economic suicide while effectively funding a movement whose sole objective is establishing a worldwide caliphate that will impose upon societies the most brutal, misogynistic, antihuman ideology in history. Post-American Presidency
  • What Hopkins wanted more than anything else was to write for the greater glory of God, a logocentric rather than a phallocentric vision as your misogynistic and virulently anti-Catholic "reviewer" would have it. 'The Poet & the Wreck': An Exchange
  • Did it conquer new territory for female expression, or did it somehow incorporate the misogynistic grotesquerie it cited?
  • It is almost pedestrian at this point to wonder why Palin (rather than the equally deserving Obama) was chosen as representative of a "fairy tale" - one presumes that, were they intellectually consistent or idealistically coherent, women's studies profs or feminist English profs at Metro would have located misogynistic assumptions in the choice of assignment material and would have launched their own critiques of Mr Hallam - but that kind of interdepartmental fighting is trivial when, in the larger sense, the object of scorn is a political opponent worthy of criticism. Protein wisdom
  • It was just nasty, absurd and misogynistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Before you know it, they realize the errors of their ways, and the Richard character is being tortured and exacting misogynistic revenge.
  • In contrast, I will argue, such writers and their readers may repress women but they maintain homosocial culture by exchanging misogynistic words about them.
  • This movie is a misogynistic, racist, idiotic piece of trash.
  • The white supremacists, many of them wearing flack helmets and black military fatigue uniforms, shouted "Sieg Heil" before each of their speakers took the podium to taunt counter-protesters with racial, anti-Semitic and misogynistic epithets. Bossip
  • Rather than women celebrating this misogynistic term "sluttiness". The Guardian World News
  • A young Afghan, Sayed Pervez Kambakhsh, has been sentenced to death for printing out a Web page in which Muhammad is described as a misogynistic prophet. Jabberwocky
  • Saying perSON is still misogynistic/patriarchal/phallocentric and some other big words i heard at university. Cracks in the Sidewalk: The Future of Bike-Sharing
  • But times were different then and she has to deal with a bunch misogynistic colleagues and some pretty appalling conditions. The Sun
  • August 30, 2008 in misogynistic bullshit, politics As A Woman, I Find Myself Totally Offended… « 1979 Semi-Finalist…
  • I’d have thought that anything that helps (in no matter how small a way) to start changing the entrenched cissexist and trans-misogynistic attitudes that tell cis people it’s acceptable to misgender anyone who doesn’t fit neatly into the gender binary, should be encouraged. Is it political-correctness-gone-mad week?
  • I genuinely love the company of women, unlike certain misogynistic Lotharios of my acquaintance.
  • Instinct told me it formed the deepest, darkest recesses of the misogynistic capitalist system that is the beauty industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • I just had to do it – I hope it didn't come across as misogynistic or gratuitous … I do think it's counterweighted by the fact that I'm in love now. Carl Barât: The interview
  • There is a definite misogynistic, anti-feminism playing throughout the sordid vignettes.
  • The female incapable of intellectual purpose, governed by her whims and humours, is a misogynistic cliche not only of the time, but very much of his writings.
  • Ragnar Redbeard, on the other hand, is another kind of egoist entirely, a Fascist, misogynistic, and sacrilegious bore who desires to impress that he Knows All, and anyone daring to disagree with his interpretation of Man is but mere dirt beneath his steel-toed boots. Essays
  • And it is fair to surmise that underlying each of these assaults are some very backward-looking and misogynistic beliefs.
  • The word misogynistic has been used to describe it too. Fame, Movie Reviews, Exercise
  • My first thought was he was an Arab/Muslim and despised women and wanted me put in my place, and I am ashamed I have thought that the reason rather he was just a power hungry misogynistic egomaniac… so the question is do some cultures and religions today still bread those attitudes and are we being racist or antireligion when we are offended by their attitudes and sexism against us? Identity insults and democracy
  • The comedy throughout the film is similarly cruel and misogynistic.
  • It was just nasty, absurd and misogynistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The less said about this disheveled misogynistic piece of detritus the better.
  • It was just nasty, absurd and misogynistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's depicted as a mad, pugilistic photographer with misogynistic tendencies.
  • But times were different then and she has to deal with a bunch misogynistic colleagues and some pretty appalling conditions. The Sun
  • Welcome to the nihilist void of the violent, misogynistic, and racist lyrics of rap.
  • Not that she was taken seriously as a victim of a profoundly misogynistic culture. Times, Sunday Times
  • After all, the author of "Portnoy's Complaint" and "Sabbath's Theater" has made a literary career out of fudging the line between his life and his fiction, writing endlessly aborn misogynistic protagonists teasingly named Philip. A Tale Of Exes And Ohs
  • you and your fellow misogynistic homophobes masquerading as "traditionalist anglicans" have played out the string. Breakaway Fort Worth group responds to Episcopal Church lawsuit | RELIGION Blog |
  • It was just nasty, absurd and misogynistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Certainly Nil admirari is no less misogynistic than The Unsex’d Females, but 'Manlius to Peter Pindar':Satire, Patriotism, and Masculinity in the 1790s
  • They dealt out their own brand of eye-for-an-eye justice in a series of misogynistic, violent yarns.
  • Instinct told me it formed the deepest, darkest recesses of the misogynistic capitalist system that is the beauty industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was charmless, obnoxious, aggressive, misogynistic, adolescent ultraviolence. Times, Sunday Times
  • It turned out he specialized in violent misogynistic rants.
  • The white supremacists, many of them wearing flack helmets and military fatigue uniforms, shouted "Sieg Heil" before each of their speakers took the podium to taunt counter-protesters with racial, anti-Semitic and misogynistic epithets. Taipei Times
  • Can we please leave that kind of misogynistic crap to the far right? Elizabeth Edwards Confronts Ann Coulter On Hardball
  • Fri 11/13/09 10: 17 AM the word misogynistic is being over used here. Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Samoa': episode 9 |
  • He believes the poem is no more than a misogynistic tract.
  • I know a lot of movies that I think are unfairly called misogynistic because of the roles or perils of the women example, Sin City, yet Short Cuts actually did feel kind of misogynistic to me, perhaps because again, it is so ice cold and when not indifferent, is in hate with its own characters on a level that only Alexander Payne is falsely accused of. Row Three » Hidden Treasures – Week of June 8th - Where Cinema is more than just $100 Million productions
  • There isn't anything inappropriate about that, but I don't see it as "misogynistic" if commenters and bloggers focus on the "Mom" side of the issues, any more than if the blogosphere started to focus on a male candidate who kept talking about how he was just a soccer dad, and who knew what soccer dads just like him were going through. Obama: "I'm Offended" By McCain Camp's Insinuation About Pregnancy Rumors
  • It was just nasty, absurd and misogynistic. Times, Sunday Times

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