
[ UK /mɪsˌɒd‍ʒɪnˈɪstɪk/ ]
  1. hating women in particular
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How To Use misogynistic In A Sentence

  • It must also be said that both movies thinly disguise their misogynistic tendencies under a guise of sexual empowerment.
  • Touted as a nasty, gory torture flick, I rushed out to watch Red Room only to be vastly disappointed with this strictly unentertaining, misogynistic film. Red Room (1999)
  • Death Wish and Straw Dogs – misogynistic hits from that heyday of anti-feminist backlash, the early-70s – they endlessly gnaw and worry at issues of masculinity and impotence, with added penis-substitute artillery, and the purgative satisfactions deriving from orgasmic explosions of violence. Colmbiana proves that Luc Besson has a type … women with big guns
  • ASH and PANDORA'S STAR lots of hot babes getting laid, a PFH staple are less 'misogynistic' than Martin and Morgan? The All-For-Noughts: Books of the Decade
  • Set in the increasingly unmedieval world of Pern (the Pernese become more computer-literate the more ancient spaceships they discover), the books, particularly the earliest in the series, are jaw-droppingly misogynistic and generally joyless, heavy on drinks called "klah" and drudges wearing excremental colours. Books news, reviews and author interviews | guardian.co.uk
  • As the female protégé of a misogynistic rapper, the female version of Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj undoubtedly conforms to certain dichotomized gendered norms. PART 2/3: LL Cool J’s “Around the Way Girl” « Gender Across Borders
  • And especially the misogynistic abuse online. Times, Sunday Times
  • The other ex-wife is also economically powerful, albeit in a less stereotypically misogynistic way.
  • I've used humor to point out her hypocrisies (as well as those of the pageant itself) and as a result was called misogynistic and intolerant by the likes of Bill 'Loofa' O'Reilly and his dwindling followers. Boy culture
  • Or is ASH allowed to be 'misogynistic' because it was written by a woman? The All-For-Noughts: Books of the Decade
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