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How To Use Minimum wage In A Sentence

  • Employers and business groups contend that a higher minimum wage would saddle them with higher labor costs.
  • They will block further tax cuts, except modest breaks for small businesses to ease the burden of a minimum wage increase.
  • The reason that the minimum wage is problematic is that it is also self-limiting, only because companies can't pay employees less than the minimum wage, what generally gets limited is the number of jobs.
  • The minimum wage is nowhere near enough. Times, Sunday Times
  • Think of the good done - the minimum wages, the new deals and other sops to middle class consciences, they plead.
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  • As an international vulgate institution of labor and social security, minimum wage is disputed after its birth.
  • All local governments should conduct a general survey of compliance with the minimum wage system and minimum wage standards for part-time workers.
  • Once you were hired as a part time minimum wage earner, that is where you stayed. Power Line on the Minimum Wage
  • Politically, raising the minimum wage is good for the Democrats.
  • The demonstration was in opposition to government plans to levy a new tax on those employing guest workers as domestics, and to cut the minimum wages of maids.
  • No, Blair's Britain had a minimum wage, a New Deal for the unemployed and spent serious money on health and education.
  • The president has proposed a hike in the minimum wage.
  • We improved our policy to stimulate and expand employment by encouraging business startups, and enforced the minimum wage system.
  • Most of the junior office staff are on the minimum wage .
  • He also wants to set minimum wage increases in line with inflation if he gets in office.
  • Well the problem with the minimum wage and Mr Howard is that Mr Howard is the chief chiseller.
  • This may end efforts to set a minimum wage well above the poverty line.
  • Arguing against minimum wage laws because they harm small businesses or lead to rising prices opens us up to just the kind of counterargument so vividly pointed out in this story.
  • It's also the third, following Washington and Oregon, to index its minimum wage to inflation.
  • They abruptly slashed welfare rates by 22 percent, used workfare and other regulatory changes to drive people off benefits, froze minimum wages and stopped building social housing.
  • The union scored a triumph in negotiating a minimum wage within the industry.
  • I look at the minimum wage as a starter wage .
  • Traditionally paid for piecework - how many apples picked - the workers were now to be paid the minimum wage of $6.50 an hour.
  • Raising the minimum wage would ratchet up real incomes in general.
  • In each case the violation alleged by those attacking minimum wage regulation for women is deprivation of freedom of contract.
  • The minimum wage was set at £3.20 an hour.
  • Mixed fleet crew earn just over the minimum wage and below the national average. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inching up the minimum wage as a weak backstop is not enough.
  • Does anyone know why the minimum wage is not indexed to either inflation or wage growth, like social security?
  • It does not tell us, as many advocates have argued, that we could raise the minimum wage to $10 with salutary effect on poverty.
  • Mr. Obama, unburdened by a record to defend, blames Nafta for shipping jobs abroad and "forc [ing] parents to compete with teenagers for minimum wage jobs at Wal-Mart. The Democrats and Trade
  • It turns out that prevailing piecework rates worked out to less than the minimum wage, so it's hardly surprising that people didn't want to take them.
  • The government supported the unions in their demand for a minimum wage.
  • They say the increased minimum wage, calculated by academics at London University, would provide a better standard of living for families on the breadline.
  • According to data provided by the Histadrut, the minimum wage for a man working in industry in the mid-1930s was twenty Erez-Israel grush (grush = 10 mils; 1,000 mils = one Palestine pound) per day, as distinct from twelve grush or less per day for a woman. Histadrut.
  • Meanwhile, their rather toothless union, typical of the Third World, cannot press for minimum wages or maximum hours.
  • This is only just above the minimum wage, and isn't worth my while.
  • There are no jobs hiding away in corners, and what jobs there are when you've got little experience and no qualifications are short term minimum wage jobs that may well see you off the dole for a few months before being dumped back. The Guardian World News
  • A meaningful minimum wage, reinforced by progressive taxation on high earners, could be a start.
  • He said he could not support policies that left those on minimum wage paying so much combined income tax and employee national insurance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet trying to hike the minimum wage always sparks a monumental battle in Washington.
  • Birmingham, once a labor lawyer, is expected to be a strong advocate on such issues as the minimum wage.
  • ALABAMA: President Clinton's proposal to increase the minimum wage would directly benefit 241,000 workers in Alabama, representing 22.3 percent of all hourly workers in the state. Minimum Wage Raise Benefits On State By State Basis
  • About 40 percent. of Britain's adult women part-time workers would benefit from Labour's proposal for a minimum wage.
  • She worked 45 years in a laundromat, making minimum wage, and still managed to send her kids to parochial school.
  • With the help of the NUJ's Cashback for Interns campaign, Hudson took TPG Web Publishing, owner of My Village, to a tribunal, and earlier this month she was awarded £1,025 for five weeks' work at the national minimum wage rate, plus pro rata holiday pay. Unpaid website intern celebrates court victory
  • Fifth, it offered targets, such as the minimum wage, that were impossible to defend in the current climate.
  • It also includes a raft of domestic spending measures , including a federal minimum wage hike.
  • Congress has legislated a new minimum wage for workers.
  • Practically the only work Australian Aborigines once had was as stockmen but the vast majority of those were thrown out of work by the introduction of a minimum wage law in 1966.
  • The minimum wage differs from one province to another due to differing price indexes and average per capita income.
  • Mixed fleet crew earn just over the minimum wage and below the national average. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had gone to work at Harbor Lights for minimum wage, and had received cost-of-living and merit raises since then. NO BODY
  • They live on the margins, working ungodly hours on below minimum wages, almost not breathing in order to avoid detection.
  • So we must establish the minimum wage system for peasant laborers to increase their income, and bring their demand for employment service, compulsory education, housing into the urban public service.
  • About 40 percent. of Britain's adult women part-time workers would benefit from Labour's proposal for a minimum wage.
  • opportunistically" included a R1500 minimum wage demand to try and win public sympathy, adding this demand was of no relevance to members of the Public Service Association, the PSL and other staff associations whose members earned way above this. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The minimum wage simply forces them into unemployment. Times, Sunday Times
  • On Wednesday, they threatened to withdraw support for a minimum wage boost if the so-called poison pill amendment passed.
  • Birmingham, once a labor lawyer, is expected to be a strong advocate on such issues as the minimum wage.
  • Indeed, it's widely believed that the Austrian approach to mundane topics such as factor productivity, the substitution effect of a price change, the effects of rent control or the minimum wage, etc., is basically the same as the mainstream approach, just without math or with a few buzzwords about "subjectivism" or the "market process" thrown in. Christian Science Monitor | All Stories
  • They are around us today --- the honest and decent cop, the hardworking teacher who puts up with our brats and civilizes them, the devoted single mother who works at two minimum wage jobs to support her kids. The Four Toughest Men of the Old West
  • A lone parent with one child working 35 hours at the minimum wage is now £79 a week better off in work than on benefit.
  • I wouldn't do it because of the problem noted (and other issues like the endogeneity of the state-level minimum wages used to identify the effects in many of the available studies) but it is not stupid on the face of it. The Minimum Wage, Con't, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • But opposition from the business community to increasing the minimum wage is already in place.
  • The claim is for four per cent plus £200 pay rise with a £6.04 per hour minimum wage.
  • The challenge instead is to amplify the minimum wage in smart new ways. Times, Sunday Times
  • She worked in a bar for minimum wage and practically lived off of the measly tips she made.
  • Likewise, his request for a minimum wage for railroad workers was rejected. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • These people deserve to make more than the minimum wage.
  • He undoubtedly has been told that a rise in the minimum wage will push up other wages as employers find it necessary to restore wage differentials. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tobey Tall says: in the Uk the minimum wage is £5. 25 and many companies are signing up to hyke that up to £7 and hour for people to have a fair wage Think Progress » Right-Wing Shelves Vote on Minimum Wage
  • Another is a proposal to raise the minimum wage, which could motivate blue-collar Democrats in key areas.
  • The U.S. congress simply needs to promote legislation requiring a worldwide (living) minimum wage for workers producing internationally-traded goods, with a proviso that products of non-complying countries be subject to an "equalizing" - tariff based upon wage and benefit differentials. Causes and Cures for our Current Debt Crisis
  • The senator introduced a bill that would increase the minimum wage.
  • While H - 1B workers are paid considerably more than the minimum wage, ‘it still is like the old bracero program,’ she asserts.
  • Rothbard is still correct in maintaining that Mises has no warrant for assuming what the purposes are of those who recommend the minimum wage.
  • Minimum wages are determined by Congress and enforced by the Department of Labor.
  • The Senate has overwhelmingly approved a hike in minimum wage.
  • The challenge instead is to amplify the minimum wage in smart new ways. Times, Sunday Times
  • All environmental, worker rights laws, safety laws, minimum wage laws and injury laws will be eliminated if the corporations determine they imped profits. The Coming Continent of Fascism
  • No. They differed from the minimum wage law in important ways: The Volokh Conspiracy » Who’s the Kook?
  • The senator introduced a bill that would increase the minimum wage.
  • Doctors' pretax starting salary of 800 litas a month is less than double the 450 litas minimum wage.
  • Combined, these groups report on every aspect of public policy; from changes to the minimum wage to immigration quotas to health care reform.
  • Up to 170,000 homeworkers could get more money under new minimum wage regulations.
  • Well at least we don't live in a meritocracy that says that people with degrees should earn more than minimum wage.
  • Robust views in demanding effort from those in need go hand-in-hand with anger at tax avoidance, and strong support across every party and class for a higher minimum wage and a better deal for carers. It's equality of life chances, not literal equality, that the left espouses
  • Attempting to cure poverty by increasing the minimum wage is thus somewhat recursive.
  • Workers at the Grasberg mining complex operated by the U.S. giant Freeport-McMoran began a monthlong strike Sept. 15, demanding at least an eightfold increase in the minimum wage, currently $1.50 an hour. Indonesian Security Forces Fire on Striking Miners
  • The minimum wage would be 89 shillings 11 pence per week for those producing a full complement of weaves and 74 shillings for those who didn't.
  • He also promised to immediately exempt minimum wage earners from tax and give them a rebate for this year.
  • The defense, where many players are working for the NFL's minimum wage, has overachieved.
  • That approach involves attracting investment by reducing a host of environmental, labour and social regulations, reducing taxes, freezing minimum wage rates and introducing workfare for welfare recipients.
  • In February 1931 the government agreed to some of the improvements that workers had asked for, for example a minimum wage of five pesetas.
  • Well the problem with the minimum wage and Mr Howard is that Mr Howard is the chief chiseller.
  • Congress has legislated a new minimum wage for workers.
  • Minimum wage steals from you; it steals your youth and your zest for life.
  • He said people were comparing prices at top hotels in Ireland with backstreet bars in Spain and they wanted to achieve lower prices by slashing the minimum wage and raising taxes.
  • Then there is the minimum wage, the assault on child poverty and a veritable revolution in constitutional affairs.
  • Indeed, it's widely believed that the Austrian approach to mundane topics such as factor productivity, the substitution effect of a price change, the effects of rent control or the minimum wage, etc. is basically the same as the mainstream approach, just without math or with a few buzzwords about "subjectivism" or the Libertarian Blog Place
  • By the way, American Samoa is still trying to fight the minimum wage increase that will destroy its major industry. Matthew Yglesias » Policy Implications of Non-Commercial Production
  • The president has proposed a hike in the minimum wage.
  • These people deserve to make more than the minimum wage.
  • Enforce the minimum wage, crackdown on illegal subletting, and fewer will come. Times, Sunday Times
  • The minimum wage has not been greeted with hosannas by business. Times, Sunday Times
  • The maximum period of exemption from paying the minimum wage is one year and the minimum is three months.
  • I'm amazed that chap Martin Couchman told the Indie he think's its perfectly legal to make up the minimum wage through tips: only recently the Employment Appeal Tribunal decided it's not, at least if you use the popular tronc method to do it. Tipping....
  • Furthermore, race is not a significant factor in the minimum wage calculation.
  • The two trade union confederations undertook to refrain from general strikes in return for minimum wage and unemployment benefit guarantees.
  • The party also proposed that the state assume responsibility for full employment based on a minimum wage related to the cost of living.
  • According to the Centre for the Defense of the Consumer, minimum wage income in urban areas covers only one fifth of basic living expenses, and many people subsist on the volatile income of the informal economy.
  • Companies are expected to take a further 234 million hit by maintaining the wage differential for those Just above the minimum wage at present. Times, Sunday Times
  • This generosity for themselves comes from a congress that continues to dilly-dally over a proposal to raise the minimum wage by a pathetic dollar-an-hour - phased in over the next three years.
  • Making casual work illegal, by such devices as minimum wage laws and ludicrously restrictive safety regulations, is a complete disaster for the poor, because it destroys the first few rungs of the economic ladder.
  • Congress has legislated a new minimum wage for workers.
  • The challenge instead is to amplify the minimum wage in smart new ways. Times, Sunday Times
  • The higher minimum wage will induce some employers to reduce their workforces, others to change nonwage terms of the contract.
  • As he moved through internet access, the minimum wage and family tax credits, the heckling began.
  • We are demanding that the minimum wage at Mabor be increased from 630,000 meticais to 1.5 million meticais a month.
  • Regular uprates are important to maintain the real value of a minimum wage.
  • The union scored a triumph in negotiating a minimum wage within the industry.
  • Simply raise the minimum wage for staff in bars or other workplaces that have smokers.
  • Companies are expected to take a further 234 million hit by maintaining the wage differential for those Just above the minimum wage at present. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said: ‘We are not quibbling at the actual amount of increase or at the basic philosophy of a national minimum wage.’
  • In each case the violation alleged by those attacking minimum wage regulation for women is deprivation of freedom of contract.
  • It will offer jobs at the national minimum wage and with the same rights as permanent employees.
  • Another is a proposal to raise the minimum wage, which could motivate blue-collar Democrats in key areas.
  • Instead of economic insecurity, they argued over raising the federal minimum wage.
  • The government supported the unions in their demand for a minimum wage.
  • If the minimum wage were indexed for inflation, it would be around $8.50 today.
  • After all, they are hiring themselves out on a daily basis for minimum wage to perform defined short-term jobs as unskilled manual laborers.
  • Florida's new minimum wage is indexed to inflation, so the state will readjust the minimum every fall.
  • Of course, those poor people who were lucky enough to have jobs at the minimum wage would now be earning lower wages.
  • The Employment Appeal Tribunal has given an important judgment about tips, service charges and the national minimum wage: it has ruled that restaurant employers who make inadequate wages up to the minimum wage level by redistributing service charges and tips to waiting staff via a "tronc" system act unlawfully. Archive 2008-06-01
  • The new jobs that are being created, a huge percentage of them are minimum wage jobs, fast-food restaurants, janitorial jobs, part-time jobs, low-wage jobs, jobs with no benefits.
  • The minimum wage is designed to help people in low-pay service industries.
  • On his paystub the company says Gutierrez worked only 12.5 hours, though by their math he still doesn't seem to have been earning the minimum wage. The New Blue Collar: Temporary Work, Lasting Poverty And The American Warehouse
  • Ufcw grocery-store workers in Southern California start out at the minimum wage of $6.75 an hour for beginning baggers.
  • The challenge instead is to amplify the minimum wage in smart new ways. Times, Sunday Times
  • For workers earning minimum wage, one full hour of their after-tax income will now be eaten up just by the cost of commuting to and from their jobs.
  • The inquiry interrupted work that he greatly preferred as chairman of a minimum wage committee in Newcastle. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is tough, skilled work, but they earn little more than the minimum wage.
  • Sorry about using the term loony left - I've been spending too much time looking at Labour Home - I think a £7 an hour minimum wage and renewable energy policies are nuts though. Orderly Transition?
  • This will be the first year of operation of the scheme providing for pupils to be paid a minimum wage during their pupillage.
  • Donnie, after losing his job 6 months ago, which caused him to lose his house and truck, is now residing with his mother, and is still "reluctant" (the term narrator Julia Preston uses) to apply for the minimum wage jobs the illegal immigrants did. The Crone Speaks
  • It will also promise to increase the minimum wage and outline new measures to tackle youth unemployment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mixed fleet crew earn just over the minimum wage and below the national average. Times, Sunday Times
  • Likewise, his request for a minimum wage for railroad workers was rejected. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • When I look back it disgusts me that I was on so little money just because I was too young to qualify for the minimum wage.
  • How do you think you will be affected with the implementation of a statutory minimum wage?
  • The minimum wage has not been greeted with hosannas by business. Times, Sunday Times
  • This may end efforts to set a minimum wage well above the poverty line.
  • All the agencies have Chinese signs explaining the concept of the minimum wage law.
  • In the process, they even shaped the agenda, putting a minimum wage hike high on the national table.
  • Both theory and reality show that the environment to enforce minimum wage in China is immature so far, however why does the government still push the minimum wage system?
  • The minimum wage was set at £3.20 an hour.
  • These work projects will pay a minimum of the national minimum wage.
  • In the past the minimum wage never applied to apprentices who were employed under the Apprenticeship Act.
  • The minimum wage is designed to help people in low-pay service industries.
  • The government supported the unions in their demand for a minimum wage.
  • Most of the junior office staff are on the minimum wage .
  • College work-study students usually can work a maximum of 20 hours per week at minimum wage.
  • Sometimes I think it is useless to debate the economic effects of decisions on minimum wage, inheritance taxes, progressive taxation, etc.
  • Before we finish with the topic I should perhaps mention another argument sometimes put forward for fixing a minimum wage rate by statute.
  • The initiative will be on a statewide ballot that already includes an anti-affirmative action measure and one to raise the minimum wage.
  • My thoughts are with the families of the admin assistants and cleaners killed in the towers who slog away for minimum wage.
  • We actually found absolutely no evidence of any kind of disemployment effect -- in other words, jobs being killed -- when the minimum wage went up," Dube said on the Real News Network. Minimum Wage Increases Promote Jobs: Study
  • The poets have donated what ever amount they can afford, oftentimes coming from minimum wage paychecks in truly selfless gestures.
  • But he also points out that the researchers could not use the national minimum wage to calculate the effects on employment, but the juvenile minimum wage, as gamekeepers and estate workers are paid significantly less.
  • I used to work at McDonald's making minimum wage. You know what that means when someone pays you minimum wage? You know what your boss was trying to say? "Hey if I could pay you less, I would, but it's against the law.". Chris Rock 
  • I used to work at McDonald's making minimum wage. You know what that means when someone pays you minimum wage? You know what your boss was trying to say? "Hey if I could pay you less, I would, but it's against the law.". Chris Rock 
  • Fifth, it offered targets, such as the minimum wage, that were impossible to defend in the current climate.
  • It is only those workers whose market wage is below the minimum wage who are placed in employment jeopardy.
  • As he moved through internet access, the minimum wage and family tax credits, the heckling began.
  • We will establish a sound mechanism of regular pay raises for workers and strictly enforce the minimum wage system.
  • About 40 percent. of Britain's adult women part-time workers would benefit from Labour's proposal for a minimum wage.
  • minimum wage
  • The minimum wage was introduced on the basis of carefully constructed evidence and research. Times, Sunday Times
  • The minimum wage was set at £3.20 an hour.
  • They will block further tax cuts, except modest breaks for small businesses to ease the burden of a minimum wage increase.
  • Their calculations were based on a notional minimum wage.
  • In the whole panoply of anti-poverty policies the minimum wage stands as the vital back marker.
  • On Wednesday, they threatened to withdraw support for a minimum wage boost if the so-called poison pill amendment passed.
  • About 40 percent. of Britain's adult women part-time workers would benefit from Labour's proposal for a minimum wage.
  • Sam Nunn said Thursday that he will support a minimum wage increase and oppose a repeal of the gas tax.
  • Raising the minimum wage would ratchet up real incomes in general.
  • Access explains that higher minimum wages unsustained by productivity gains will lift unemployment.
  • I used to work at McDonald's making minimum wage. You know what that means when someone pays you minimum wage? You know what your boss was trying to say? "Hey if I could pay you less, I would, but it's against the law.". Chris Rock 
  • Historians have tended to gloss over the extent to which New Deal regulatory programs, especially minimum wage laws, prounion legislation, and the Agricultural Adjustment Acts, were pursued at the expense of African Americans. The Volokh Conspiracy » Chicago Defender on the New Deal’s National Industrial Recovery Act:
  • Like the minimum wage, the national agreement may put a floor under wage increases, but nothing more.
  • HM Revenue & Customs has lost an employment tribunal case on troncs - the pool of tips shared out among staff - after a Tribunal ruled that money paid to employees through a separate tronc payroll does count as earnings towards the National Minimum Wage.
  • Employers and business groups contend that a higher minimum wage would saddle them with higher labor costs.
  • The demonstration was in opposition to government plans to levy a new tax on those employing guest workers as domestics, and to cut the minimum wages of maids.
  • But now, as taxes are less progressive, unemployment insurance has been cut back, the minimum wage is so low, and welfare is restricted, automatic stabilizers are no longer providing as much stimulus.
  • Most of the junior office staff are on the minimum wage .
  • When I asked the hostess whether I was on the program to discuss minimum wage laws and she said that I was, I knew that this was the old bait-and-switch game that I had encountered many times over the years.
  • The minimum wage is designed to help people in low-pay service industries.
  • And we reject Labour's job-destroying notion of a national minimum wage.
  • They have opposed every attempt to raise the minimum wage over the past two generations.

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