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How To Use Minimize In A Sentence

  • I mean, who doesn't want a product that is easier to use, has less locking contention, minimizes storage administration, makes access to administrative data easier, and so on?
  • And try to minimize contact, she suggests. Write memos instead of dropping into his office.
  • They try to minimize electronics imports from each other and are often in direct competition in export markets.
  • Were they spiritualized, minimized, or did they fail to find fulfillment only because of the failure of the restoration to materialize?
  • Begin the meeting on time-or if possible sightly early - this will minimize chair squirming and lessen any build up of tension. Heads up staffers, tips to avoid a Health Care "Town Hell" (Blog for Democracy)
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  • To minimize how this price is perceived, the self-defeating organization can avail itself of any of the techniques described here.
  • Coronary flow velocity signals were sampled at a preselected fixed distance of 5.2 mm from the device tip to minimize turbulence caused by the presence of the measuring device.
  • The government is involved in a damage limitation exercise to minimize the effects of the scandal.
  • We minimize the use of saturated fats found in foods such as butter, ghee, suet, lard, coconut oil and dairy products.
  • Under the condition of permission the idle insert, a job sequence was determined, which minimize the maximum earliness.
  • This exciting partnership also has its roots in both parties respect for the environment - the "cloverleaf" course was designed to minimize impact on the environment while Thule has gone so far as adding solar panels to the roof of its Seymour, Connecticut manufacturing and office facility that will offset 26\% of the total energy used. Bike Magazine - Most Recent
  • When a well-intentioned program yields unwelcome results, for example, a truth-aversive organization will seek to minimize or disguise these consquences.
  • Current account and mobile phone number binding mode of operation is relatively common, you must be more careful, minimize disclose personal information in network.
  • Typically, if enough land is available in an operation to produce feedstuffs for the animals, there is enough land to apply manure nutrients to minimize environmental effects.
  • The depth of the tie beam was minimized to avoid transverse bending from the tower legs.
  • The administration wants to minimize civilian casualties through pinpoint attacks using high-tech precision weapons.
  • But Couples doesn't wear a skivvy shirt under his golf tunic to minimize the subcutaneous fat.
  • Remove knick-knacks, tabletop ornaments, stuffed toys, books, magazines and newspapers from your bedroom and minimize dust collectors in other rooms.
  • Efficient motors, variable speed drives and economizer cycles all can be used to minimize energy consumption.
  • Special techniques must be used to minimize interferences such as offset cur rents, leakage currents, electrostatic interference, triboelectric currents, and electrochemical currents.
  • To minimize risks, they would not be required to disarm the several militia groups responsible for recent massacres.
  • I have also heard that with newer software packages that the latency is minimized. Hi Speed Internet Satellite Install
  • We all want to minimize the impact on the innocent, but losing to evil in order to avoid hitting a population is worse.
  • It is useful to minimize the reminders and lectures.
  • They provide food products at lower cost than conventional supermarkets; they minimize operating costs and customer services.
  • Hercules ropes are pre-formed, to minimize unlaying and its resultant cost during further fabrication
  • These complications may be minimized by passing all arthroscopic instruments through sturdy metallic sheaths to prevent multiple attempts at hip joint penetrance and perforations of the hip capsule.
  • We must not minimize the problem of racial discrimination.
  • While not to minimize their accomplishments, when you see the climbers being shot by other men from above, you realize the cameramen might be the real heroes here. Arab Times Kuwait English Daily
  • No criticism attaches to the effort of the modern corporation to minimize risk.
  • With this trove of information in hand, patients will be able to ask presymptomatic questions to minimize their risk of developing disease. The $1,000 Genome
  • For narrow spectral bandwidth gratings, dimensional variations must be minimized or compensated, and the grating is apodized by both a.c. and d.c. variations in writing beams at a net constant power.
  • Before you sell any mutual funds, minimize taxes by checking different ways of computing costs.
  • It hides physical constraints, which makes it easier to minimize the impact of changes to physical resources.
  • To minimize competition for resources between developing fruits, treatments were performed on separate umbels, regardless of how many extra flowers per umbel were produced.
  • To recognize this political fact and state it bluntly in no way minimizes the criminal repression carried out by the ruling elite in Russia against the Chechen people.
  • This teaches us to assess and minimize risk by identifying hazards and implementing controls.
  • The shape of the curve a catenary is the one that minimizes the potential energy of the entire chain. Thermodynamics, Again - The Panda's Thumb
  • Air conditioners, dehumidifiers and thorough cleaning practices, especially in your bedroom, can minimize your exposure to these substances and help you breathe easier.
  • The LS1 hydraulic roller camshaft has large bearing journals and a large-diameter base circle to minimize torsional twisting and stress.
  • This concrete is prestressed, reducing the amount of material needed, and its color is a result of added carbon, which enhances water resistance and minimizes the visibility of damage over time.
  • C. 1. The company follows established guidelines or a code of behavior for visits to culturally or historically sensitive sites, in order to minimize visitor impact and maximize enjoyment.
  • Far from emphasizing the distinctiveness of introspection, the Inner Sense model instead seeks to minimize the anomalousness and associated mystery of self-knowledge by construing introspection as fundamentally similar to perception. Self-Knowledge
  • Use a beard to minimize a soft or receding or overly prominent chin.
  • To a certain extreme, having your jean shorts altered and getting rid of the fringes can help minimize the nasty look of cut-off jeans.
  • At times I tried to minimize the impact of the move.
  • The free-flowing water across the surface serves to dampen these sound waves and minimize the problem.
  • The Census Bureau should use statistical sampling techniques to improve accuracy and minimize the risk of undercount.
  • Even though closely spaced parallel approaches increase the throughput capacity, an optimal taxiway layout is necessary to minimize gate-runway time and reduce incursions.
  • One of the effective measures to minimize the dangers of driving is to teach people to obey all the rules of the road.
  • Capacitive transients and linear current leakage were minimized on-line by acting on the respective built-in compensation sections of the amplifier.
  • Based on the optimization idea to minimize the maximum value of residual vibration energy over the entire range of parameter variation, a robust time-delayed filter was designed.
  • You, as a developer, can benefit from these lessons to increase your code modularity and application reusability, plus minimize code redundancy.
  • For the above three maintenance policies, the unique optimal policy which minimizes the expected cost rate per cycle under certain conditions is derived respectively.
  • Institutions devalue human potential and minimize the contributions of individuals.
  • The Ramsey rule stipulates that to minimize excess burden, tax rates should be set so that the proportional reduction in the quantity demanded of each good is the same.
  • The “green” incarnation of travel, called ecotourism, mandates that travelers minimize cultural, economic, and environmental impacts as much as possible to promote sustainability. 2008 September
  • A Director, on the other hand, is designed to minimize performance degradation at all times.
  • Fruits and vegetables are full of antioxidants that disable free radicals and minimize inflammation.
  • Two predictive maintenance policies are proposed to minimize the expected cost rate corresponding to whether the threshold of system predictive reliability M is given or not.
  • When in doubt, overcommunicate - that's the best way to "minimize the drama" that can creep into complex global operations involving partners InformationWeek - All Stories And Blogs
  • To minimize the window, just click on a corner of the screen, hold the mouse down and drag to resize the window.
  • While the Ambre project emphasized the use of covered barges to minimize land-dwellers' exposure to coal dust for moving coal down to St. Helens each year, Kinder Morgan representatives said they were aware that their even-larger project dependent on rail cars would require quite a bit of community input. Coal Fuels a Fight in Oregon
  • They should not minimize, rationalize, or explain the bullying away.
  • Airlines proactively take steps - such as canceling flights in advance of storms - to minimize inconvenience and extensive delays and ultimately get customers where they are going safely and as quickly as possible," says Victoria Day, a spokeswoman for the Air Transport Association, an airline industry trade association. The Seattle Times
  • To minimize collateral damage maximum precision in bombing was required.
  • Be sure to validate your child's feelings - don't minimize them.
  • Regardless, your church should take care not to minimize the importance of these responsibilities. Christianity Today
  • In this paper, interval numbers symbolize uncertain process times and the optimum objective is to minimize the weighted sum of penalty possibility for jobs due to earliness or tardiness.
  • Computer models of the building form showed how it could be modified to minimize wind turbulence at the base.
  • We need for the semi-autonomous weapons systems to work in such a manner so as to minimize the failures that could lead to the total loss of control of the system.
  • This minimizes false negatives, but, to interpret the search results accurately, one must be willing to review individual entries carefully.
  • I think it was a smart move on his part to minimize the real humans interacting with his pandora world where the contrast could be a distraction. Movie Review: Avatar » Scene-Stealers
  • One-third of respondents noted the positive impact of other fellows on their training; the potential value of such input from peers should not be minimized.
  • This makes it possible to arrange matings by computer in order to minimize problems caused by inbreeding.
  • Again the dual HLV - one manned, one unmanned - architecture is utilized, with the second launch of the EDS launching after the crew, to minimize boiloff effects on this large cyro stage.
  • Each vessel was fitted with a rubber bung to accommodate the shoot base and electrodes and to minimize re-oxygenation of the medium by the atmosphere.
  • The commercial software industry also exaggerates its overhead and minimizes, say, marketing and profits. Matthew Yglesias » Copyright and Author Starvation
  • The use of impervious surfaces (like pavement and concrete) can be minimized and replaced with pervious surfaces (like stone and gravel) whenever possible.
  • The shield return should be as short as possible to minimize inductance.
  • Energy minimized 3D model structures of furin-Eda-peptide before and after Bergman cyclo-aromatization reaction were computed using hyperchem program and the structures were depicted in PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It is a good idea to add up the total number of boards, being careful to make sure you group short pieces in with long pieces to minimize waste.
  • It can be applied using standard brushes, rollers or spray equipment, but to minimize the streaks and get the best color coverage, you'll probably find that foam brushes or spray equipment work best.
  • On land like that, self-closing gates and other tools may be necessary to minimize disruption. The Explainer: Getting from here to there
  • We must minimize the risk of infection.
  • Leaders of the Asia-Europe People's Forum (AEPF), an organization of civil society groups, have proposed a "buffer fund" to minimize the impact of the crisis.
  • Reformers of the sixteenth century, partly followed by the Baianist and Jansenist school, so minimized the native power and moral value of our free will as to make final perseverance depend on God alone, while their pretended fiducial faith and inadmissibility of grace led to the conclusion that we can, in this world, have absolute certainty of our final perseverance. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Most of these are remediable, and when people learn to identify them and minimize their influence, they are better able to cope with the hearing loss.
  • Using concrete minimizes construction waste: whether cast-in-place or precast, concrete is used on an as-needed basis.
  • The government is involved in a damage limitation exercise to minimize the effects of the scandal.
  • Pizza, for me then, is sort of a twisted, backwards culinary interpretation of the hotelling phenomenon. without going back to econ 100A with professor olney, i’ll just say that it doesn’t really matter what pizza tastes like because i’ll just go to the place that will “minimize the average traveling costs.” Pizza is like sex - victor jr.'s in culver city
  • He’s a postcard president posturing for a good photo op and a one sentence sound bite so the chances of him severing his tongue with an incisor is minimized. Think Progress » From “Mission Accomplished” to “Tough Days Ahead”
  • Succulents often have thick waxy cuticles to minimize water loss.
  • After the popup menu is created, the main window waits patiently for the user to press minimize button.
  • Tower and wing are connected and articulated by a hinge point of vertical circulation, with a lift placed outside the building to minimize structural intrusion.
  • This greatly minimizes crosstalk among signals and helps to balance the effective impedance of each line at high frequencies.
  • The materials used are usually minimized or changed to reduce production time and cost.
  • What I did right minimized the impact of the causal factors, and helped to make the accident survivable.
  • The genetic algorithms are developed for selecting optimal RCPT codes rates from the finite rates set in order to minimize the end-to-end distortion.
  • The commission's fact-finding, moreover, should be dispassionate; it should not be freighted with agendas that create incentives - wittingly or not - to maximize or minimize some contributory factors at the expense of others.
  • The ability to perform this procedure without thoracotomy minimized his hospital stay and recovery time while not compromising the integrity of the plication.
  • Firstly the bits and corresponding power are allocated to the sub-carriers in better channel condition, and then the transmit power is minimized with an iterative procedure.
  • Patient education is important to minimize the risk of a second heart attack.
  • Once the decision to give ECT has been made and a starting date set, standard orders for the procedure should include treatment days and starting times, a prohibition against eating or drinking the day of treatment to avoid vomiting and aspiration, and atropine (0.6-1.0 mg IV) or glycopyrolate (0.2-0.4 mg IV) to be given immediately before treatment to minimize the risk of vagally mediated brady-rhythmias or asystole and to reduce bronchial secretions. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • By picking Kagan contra Wood, whom I gather is a fierce liberal and would have been branded as such in the confirmations, Obama takes the liberalism card out of play and minimizes the Novemberpolitical storms. The Volokh Conspiracy » Preliminary Reflections on the Kagan Nomination
  • Never minimize their pain -- Telling a griever that their pain isn't so bad, that their loved one is better off in heaven, or that "time heals all wounds" does not help. Ashley Davis Bush, LCSW: How to Console a Grieving Friend During the Holidays
  • It is of great importance to study EME of three-ring gear transmission to increase loading capacity, minimize design parameters and reduce manufacturing cost.
  • Some have minimized the importance of ideological factors.
  • Still, there are some things Canadian leaders can and should do to minimize the geostrategic risks to Canada implicit in a ‘unipolar’ world.
  • Because these vehicles can be operated remotely, they help minimize the threat to the warfighter in high-risk areas.
  • A.. To minimize the effects of that destruction.
  • So, now that the strike is a certainty, what can AirFrance-KLM do now, and how can they deal with this better in the future, to minimize impact on … » 2008 » November » 14 - SimpliFlying || Aviation :: Branding :: Technology || Airline marketing, airline brand management, social media, Web 2.0
  • Because it is shipped locally, fuel requirements for handling and transportation are minimized.
  • Every effort is being made to minimize civilian casualties.
  • It's investigating whether potassium citrate, a proven Earth-based therapy to minimize kidney stone development, can be used as a countermeasure to reduce the risk of kidney stone formation in space.
  • A healthy avoidance of pinniped colonies is another way to minimize human fatalities.
  • Lights should be softened and physical activity minimized.
  • LABYRINTH WEAR RINGS - Minimize recirculation losses of cryogenic liquids.
  • Chaparral, also called the elfin forest, survives in hot, dry conditions and features plants that have thick leaves to minimize water loss and animals that have thick fur to protect them from rough undergrowth.
  • The alias code set name support helps minimize code-set name compliance problems and enhance quality on the code set conversion.
  • Some media moguls are self-publicists on a grand scale, but other moguls seek to minimize publicity, seldom give interviews and avoid photographers.
  • System tray icon on minimize and always on top features.
  • Particularly attractive agents are those that take many days to cause illness, such as the mushroom toxin alpha-amanitin: the lag between eating and illness "could minimize opportunity for public health intervention," as the FDA delicately puts it. Weaponized Hamburgers?
  • Click the square icon again to minimize the window.
  • No criticism attaches to the effort of the modern corporation to minimize risk.
  • Their first concern will be to minimize their risk against loan default by requiring collateral or restrictive covenants.
  • Our military commanders go to great lengths to ensure that the weapons they deploy and the tactics they use minimize civilian casualties.
  • Tavora minimizes the possible danger to these cargoes from the Dutch enemy at Singapore, and asks that he be allowed to send cloves thus to India, at such times as he can collect a sufficient quantity for this purpose; and that in this matter the treasury officials be not allowed to interfere. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 23 of 55 1629-30 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing t
  • The overriding goal of state policy was to keep the elderly as independent as possible, so as to minimize costs.
  • Students might enjoy researching some of the ways in which frictional forces are minimized in such sports.
  • This approach allows you to minimize the feedthrough of the control pulse's rising edge without regard to falling-edge effects. Engineering Hardware-Software
  • Also, restricting travel, encouraging business practices that minimize contact among employees, such as teleconferences, liberal leave policies. CNN Transcript May 3, 2006
  • This is not to minimize the sadism, cliqueishness, and, well, Darwinian heartlessness of kids in schools and camps; nor is it intended to overgenerously credit the competence and open-mindedness of teachers and administrators. Weinerdog
  • What facilities are currently provided to proactively minimize the failure of software systems and to manage them when they do fail?
  • • Supervised, awake tummy time is recommended daily to facilitate development and minimize the occurrence of positional plagiocephaly flat heads. Dr. Michael J. Breus: Safer Sleep for Babies: New Guidelines
  • The water bubbler humidified the air to minimize desiccation.
  • Should we attempt to maximize or minimize the risks of escalation? Warfare in the Twentieth Century
  • X-37 is a reentry demonstrator, but to minimize development risk, Boeing and NASA based it on the Shuttle planform. Would You Bring Back NGLT-or SLI? - NASA Watch
  • The wood grain should run longitudinally to minimize warping and cracking.
  • One peptide was designed to maximize helicity and the other, having the same composition but a different sequence, was designed to minimize helical formation.
  • Minimize any windows you have open.
  • Also, financial planning does not attempt to minimize risk. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • But they minimize the difference in so far as they propound a thoroughgoing assimilation of male and female desires.
  • However, this could be minimized if every tunnel is bored with a road header with extremely strong drill bits.
  • The circulating nurse pulls the patient's shoulder straps to minimize shoulder contact with the magnets and adjusts the footboard.
  • Chemical peels smooth out rough skin and minimize fine lines.
  • The contiguous sequence of distribution helps minimize waste.
  • The tactical planning has the task to implement the maintenance strategy and minimize maintenance costs.
  • She was in labor with me for 11 hours, so I hope that your mini is a bit more cooperative than I was and that your pain can be minimized! Pregnancy update: 33 weeks
  • All those complaints about unbalanced schedules and Team A having an easier slate of conference games than Team B during a given season could be minimized to a certain extent with more conference games. ACC athletic directors consider expanded conference schedules
  • The actual path taken by the orbiter is complex and designed to minimize the effect of air resistance on the craft.
  • That there was some danger in the attempt I knew, but it had been minimized by the philibeg and hose, the Glengarry bonnet and Macleod plaid which I had donned at the instance of Malcolm. A Daughter of Raasay A Tale of the '45
  • The city is working on plans to minimize traffic problems.
  • Since interviewing is costly try to minimize the number that you conduct.
  • The transducer position and angulation were adjusted to align the ultrasonic beam parallel to the axis of the main PA to minimize bi-directional flow signals of the systolic flow.
  • So that, it is necessary to adopt very sinterable UO2 powder and suitable pelleting and sintering conditions to minimize open porosity and small porosity.
  • Campaigning here Tuesday, Dole sought to minimize his problems.
  • Also we could overwhelmingly minimize undesired mechanical shock and impact during tool-transferring process.
  • The Rock Climbing Section minimized rope burn while rappelling (then called ‘roping down’) by feeding the rope through a carabiner, a metal link attached to their gear.
  • We also know how to adjust doses based on blood counts, to minimize the risk in subsequent courses of treatment. Understanding Cancer
  • Learn the easiest way to fold long underwear and socks to minimize wrinkles and take up less room in drawer with expert advice in this free instructional video about folding laundry.
  • If confidential information is posted, you need to minimize the damage and quickly resolve the issue.
  • Practice 3: Minimize all the unnecessary or uninspired sound vibrations in your life—gossip, mindless television, talk radio, unharmonious music. Spiritual Teachings of the Avatar
  • The result is a lightweight source of entertainment that maximizes humor and minimizes serious stuff.
  • This aspect minimizes the number of errors that may occur in transcription.
  • They also know how to select herbs from reputable producers so that the risk of adulteration is minimized. Dr. Richard Palmquist: Veterinarians Team With Mother Nature for Better Results
  • Until then, I can regularize the trade to minimize the dislocation of your society. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • Proper unloader setting allows a small amount of continuous bypass (approximately 5% of total flow) to minimize the pressure spike and compensate for nozzle wear.
  • Accurate reproduction of shadow masks is achieved with minimized detrition of the tooling.
  • Scales should be located in a private area, and comments about weight should be minimized and made discreetly.
  • Consult a doctor to minimize the potential for health risks.
  • Mirror lock-up (MLU) is a feature available in some SLR cameras which aims to minimize camera shake induced by mirror-slap (which produces the characteristic snapping sound of SLR cameras).
  • Perhaps to minimize the number of pedestals or vitrines, many of the items in the show are displayed in containers that look like pneumatic tubes, held taut in midair by cables stretching from ceiling to floor.
  • After the closing of its distribution centers led to organizational disaster, the firm did its best to minimize these consequences.
  • Attempts can be made to manage the adverse impacts of social change and minimize long-term risks. Remaking Planning: the politics of urban change in the Thatcher years
  • Also, because a glass reflector is harder and more scratch-resistant than a metal reflector, cracking of the coating is minimized, providing a longer service life.
  • I 'd minimize the loss in a very small range by making the hedge in 10 points, which can not only resolving the risk, but also making profits in most cases.
  • Every possible measure to minimize coalition casualties was taken.
  • To minimize redundancy, short sequences of fewer than 20 amino acid residues were excluded, and only one such sequence from each set of homologous alternatively spliced genes was retained.
  • To assess whether patients are at risk for any reason and to minimize any risk to them. 4.
  • A key to slenderizing round faces is to minimize the volume of hair that is at the sides and ear area.
  • Third, in managing their assets, banks must attempt to minimize risk by diversifying. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • In effect Gingrich pleaded guilty to both offenses while seeking to minimize their importance.
  • Attempts can be made to manage the adverse impacts of social change and minimize long-term risks. Remaking Planning: the politics of urban change in the Thatcher years
  • We had about ten hours' warning, so we were able to minimize the effects of the flood.
  • By simulation results, it shows that the main lobe ofpattern can point to the direction of arrival of target user accurately, and the antenna pattern can minimize interfering signals actively.
  • Altering the dosage or switching to a similar medication that lacks the unwanted toxic effect can minimize undesired effects.
  • Until then, I can regularize the trade to minimize the dislocation of your society. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • Keep the yoke or stick full aft to minimize weight on the nosewheel.
  • The stator has one more blade than the impeller, and is designed to reroute the airflow from the fan in a more coherent way, as well as minimize fan noise.
  • You can minimize the dangers of driving by taking care to obey the rules of the road.
  • To say that deformation is simply another name for selection minimizes the radical scale of its intervention. Deforming Keat's 'Ode on a Grecian Urn'
  • Minimize Television Watching - This is a hard sell.
  • Click the square icon again to minimize the window.
  • Leaders of the Asia-Europe People's Forum (AEPF), an organization of civil society groups, have proposed a "buffer fund" to minimize the impact of the crisis.
  • Normal television viewing will probably minimize some of these issues.
  • However, our method cannot deal with nonstationarity even though the normalization of the weights in the OA procedure minimizes the distortion of the trends in the data. Statistics of Record-Breaking Temperatures « Climate Audit
  • The technique minimizes water evaporation and allows roots to be fed by normally damaging briny water.
  • When the winds blow to the northeast toward the unpopulated Arctic — typical in springtime — the danger to aircraft is minimized. Volcanic ash adds flying time to U.S.-Europe flights
  • Make sure these are fresh to minimize the amount of rancid oils present. The Family Nutrition Workbook

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