How To Use Militaristic In A Sentence
As the epigram to this article demonstrates, militaristic language dramatized the contest beyond mere political fortunes.
The problem with bringing comic book characters to life is that you have to make them look believable … you had to know that a believable Captain America these days would not be running around with wings sprouting from the sides of his head and would have to look a bit more militaristic.
Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business » Blog Archive » Behold: The New Captain America
In contrast to the objects associated with the Pannonic burials attributed to the gens Langobardorum, as well as older Italian evidence, these were remarkable for their militaristic nature.
But how can it work under the threat of force from an aggressive militaristic power?
Also – China is a mercantilistic, militaristic, nationalist dictatorship, which is not exactly going to pay one iota to the plight of the Western poor or our own unemployment issues needs if the tables get switched.
Matthew Yglesias » Unemployment By Education

I was confused about whether their approach was intended to be ironic, or satirical, or both, or neither ... it was infused with what I thought were obvious clichés, like ladies looking sexy, inscrutable and dour playing drums in militaristic fashion aside the frontman, who sang throaty german lyrics to pretty hard core industrial rock, accompanied by projected images of male gymnasts and words like Totalitariansme and crosses and things.
Sleepless in Slovenia.
Ha! another knee to the groin of the dkos and firedog lake peaceniks who imagined that a dem prez would restore the constitution and a digression) so when the die hard rethugs realise that being more militaristic than stepinfetchit just isn't possible they will hunt around for something to discredit the way that oblamblamblam goes about killing unwhite folks.
Moon of Alabama
The Wari are described as a militaristic state that conquered many groups, built roads to facilitate travel, and managed their far-flung territories through a combination of local lords and heartland bureaucrats living in state built installations.
Digging at Peru's Cerro Mejía
Returned to St Petersburg, they transformed the lodges into secret societies and plotted to bring constitutional rule to an autocratic, caste-ridden, and militaristic state.
Theof Japanese militaristic are the burden of gods!
If militarism for Spencer and Hintze was a manifestation of pre-industrial and pre-capitalist societies, for Marxists all pre-socialist systems were basically militaristic.
The assertion by US officials that Friday's air strikes were ‘routine’ actions, far from indicating a policy of moderation, betokens a more aggressively militaristic posture.
The suicides at the plants associated with Apple cast a harsh spotlight on what critics dubbed a militaristic culture that pushed workers to the brink to meet unceasing demand for the company.
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Dictatorial, militaristic discipline robs the person of self-control and leaves them without responsibility.
Or are they, as I suspect, just trying to be tough, butch and militaristic by using a symbol that is increasingly finding its way onto military insignias and heraldry?
These outfits are non-hierarchical, decentralised, nominally leaderless and organised with militaristic precision.
The militaristic name of the association was chosen to suggest its aggressive, progressive spirit.
That militaristic enviornment is a desensitizer, ensuring a lack of emotional depth.
Only The English are British
The plight of gallant, Catholic little Belgium, invaded by a militaristic aggressor, was disadvantageously compared with Ireland, achieving freedom (so Redmond argued) within the British Empire, rather like Canada or Australia.
Because implement militaristic policy, external aggressive, make economic height militarization, implement regulatory economy.
The "minuteman" reference clearly has a militaristic ring, and it reflects Glenn Beck's casting of himself as a modern-day version of Thomas Paine. Site Feed
No nationalism is pure, no movement is perfect, no state is ideal, but today, Zionism persists as a menace, a militaristic and dictatory movement to me and to most Palestinians.
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He was a person of genius and contradiction - at once a rationalist committed to toleration, openness, and the pursuit of happiness and a militaristic power broker who prospered while crushing others under foot.
The film immediately counterpoints the militaristic Nazis with the apparently slightly less militaristic Soviets.
So great is the concern for discipline that some parents will even be insistent that their child receives harsh, practically militaristic, discipline.
You don't have to be constantly in terror, hoping that your militaristic government will save you from the forces of evil.
Alberti was also occupied by the dialectic of the vita activa – vita contemplativa. 33 Through his own treatise on the subject, De commodis literarum atque incommodis,34 and a study of the Florentine family, Della famiglia,35 Alberti deeply influenced a younger generation of powerful and wealthy soldier-scholars, including Leonello d'Este and Federico, who negotiated their turbulent political climate as much by tactical eloquence as by militaristic valor.
Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
Militaristically, the correct etiquette for the bow, what one does and doesn't do, is based on a correct center line axis of the body, as in skiing.
Punch at this time was a bitter critic of the methods of recruiting, and his anti-militaristic zeal reached a climax in a protest against the advertisements used at Birmingham and elsewhere, in which he calls the recruiting sergeant "the clown in the bloody pantomime of glory.
Mr. Punch`s history of modern England, Volume I -- 1841-1857
Rudyard Kipling finds a warm spot in Chesterton's heart, but he is a little too militaristic, which is exactly what he is not.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton
The idea that the state is the best expositor of the ideals of law led many brilliant and respected lawyers to tolerate the racist and militaristic legal norms generated by the party.
Colonel Storrs is the very last man to be called militaristic in the narrow sense; he is a particularly liberal and enlightened type of the sort of English gentleman who readily served his country in war, but who is rather particularly fitted to serve her in politics or literature.
The New Jerusalem
Militaristically, the correct etiquette for the bow, what one does and doesn't do, is based on a correct center line axis of the body, as in skiing.
They were an expansionist, militaristic people who ruled their country through a line of emperors.
Its genius was frankly militaristic, its history is written in lurid characters before our eyes.
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The German political elite felt that their country would be condemned for all eternity to bear the burden of its militaristic excesses, and successes.
It criticized the company for long working hours, a "militaristic" work culture and mass employment of low-wage vocational college students.
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This project certainly reeks of what I like to call “Dude Science” .. there’s a certain ballsiness to the description of Project BioDesign that hides the Promethean intent behind militaristic Bravado.
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I have to take issue with the use of the word "militaristic" here, because there is a vast difference between supporting our troops and being concerned with their welfare, and "militarism" per se.
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They detest the idea of militaristic “hard power.”
Archive 2006-03-01
It goes with the whole Republican profile - greedy nationalistic militaristic, selfish and knavish. bettyboop33
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If militarism for Spencer and Hintze was a manifestation of pre-industrial and pre-capitalist societies, for Marxists all pre-socialist systems were basically militaristic.
In Bayadere, the physical effort rather than the evocation of a fantastical image dominated, so that the entrance of the Shades felt more militaristic than shadowy.
They find that shelter in a mall, but the mall comes with a group of security guards who are bent on keeping strict order in the most militaristic manner possible.
The only difference now, what we then know as imperialistic or even militaristic tendencies are now known as respectable business rationalisation.
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Kipkorir´s anti-Arabism has however an explanation; his bosses, namely the militaristic establishment of the Kikuyu group at Nairobi, have stricken a deal with Hitler´s children in Africa, the racist Amhara and Tigray Monophysitic Abyssinians.
American Chronicle
But within the context of following a militaristic, unilaterally acting, anti-social, sabre-rattling, "crusade" starting, fear-mongering, hate-generating machine, and viewed as a signal to us and the rest of the world that THIS behavior is what is expected of good neighbors, not the other, then it makes more sense.
Wow. (Blog for Democracy)
Like other liberations of besieged cities in the past, it seems that the final few moves were chaotic and disorganised, rather than any form of grand militaristic march over the horizon.