How To Use Mickle In A Sentence

  • Many people were thanked for their help in making Mickleton a good place to live in.
  • Another and sadder "mickle" has been the departure of ten lepers for The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • Mickle power makes many enemies.
  • Many a little (or pickle) makes a mickle
  • MRS. MICKLEHAM, against her better judgment, 'A kilty, did you tell me? ' Echoes of the War
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  • A clamorous group from the North-East who had started drinking at lunchtime lurched down one side of Micklegate, while on the other a hen night gathering from North Wales set about their task with equal enthusiasm.
  • That cheery assessment is what distinguishes "Masters of Management" from its predecessor, which was more dourly titled "The Witch Doctors" and was written by Mr. Wooldridge with his Economist colleague John Micklethwait in 1996. Reworking The Workplace
  • More macabre was the tailor's dummy strung up from a noose dangling off scaffolding on a building being demolished on Micklegate.
  • He wrote: ‘Whilst it does not appear to impinge too much on the Micklegate area, we do have an abundance of clubs and pubs in the area, which sometimes does have a detrimental effect on Micklegate.’
  • Mickle wrack was it soothly for the friend of the Scyldings, 170 The Tale of Beowulf Sometime King of the Folk of the Weder Geats
  • And others chaunt of the doughtie Kyng with mickle valour dight. Something Else Again
  • Many proverbs use alliteration: "Many a mickle (little) makes a muckle (lot)," rhyme: "Man proposes, God disposes," parallelism: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained," ellipsis: "First come, first served," etc. The Nature Of Proverbs
  • Miss Clara does not merit respect and kindness at your hand; but I doubt mickle if she wad care a bodle for thae braw things. Saint Ronan's Well
  • Telford take the mickle brown aver and the black cut-tailed mare, and make out towards the Kerry-craigs, and see what tidings you can have of The Abbot
  • I visited the once famous Micklegate run last Friday night and had a pint in the Firkin public house.
  • And then in truth the worthy magistrate waxed somewhat wroth; at first accusing Mr. Comyn of being credulously duped by some pawkie servant who owed him a grudge, and ending by setting him down as "clean daft, doited, and dazed by too mickle study," (and in his ire he had very nearly added, "too much toddy.") The International Monthly Magazine, Volume 1, No. 1, August 1850 of Literature, Science and Art.
  • He does not regard the Scotchman's "mickle," because he does not stop to consider that the end is a "muckle. The Negro Problem
  • Aye, weel, mony a mickle mak's a muckle, as Papa used to say. Watershed
  • She still used to return to her grandparents ' home in Micklegate every summer for the holidays.
  • As for the lust of the belly, eating and drinking, what pleaseth Allah thereof is that each take naught save that which the Almighty hath appointed him be it little or mickle, and praise the Lord and thank Him; and what angereth Him thereof is that a man take that which is not his by right. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • And whiles they spake the door of the castle was opened and there nighed them a mickle noise as of many that sat there at meat. Ulysses
  • Madame de Staël, daughter of M. Necker, is now at the head of the colony of French noblesse established near Mickleham. Juniper Hall: A Rendezvous of Certain Illustrious Personages during the French Revolution, Including Alexandre D'Arblay and Fanny Burney
  • The young man's no landlouper ony mair nor yersel '-- no as mickle indeed, but a very proper young man, wi' a face as bonny as an angel -- The Lilac Sunbonnet
  • When Sir John Good-Ale heard of this, Thomas Good-Ale he came with mickle might Archive 2008-08-01
  • A look at his humble origins gives some insight into the actor's fondness for money: the son of a fish market worker and a charlady, Michael, born Maurice Micklewhite, grew up dirt poor in London. John Farr: Praising Caine: The Original "Alfie" Turns 76
  • I believe the charging regime is hitting local York businesses hard, and have never seen Micklegate so quiet as it has been in recent weeks.
  • Many a little makes a mickle
  • Many a mickle makes a muckle. 
  • Many a little (or pickle) makes a mickle
  • ‘And ye ken mickle less of my hinnie, sir,’ replied Maggie, Redgauntlet
  • And looking over the schedule I am unaccountable for my activities for the next hour, though I do remember talking to Rob Thornton during Marcus Schmickler's set.
  • Aye, weel, mony a mickle mak's a muckle, as Papa used to say. Watershed
  • Churches Together in South West York, a union of nine churches in the area, are all circulating the petition along with businesses in Micklegate.
  • Many proverbs use alliteration: "Many a mickle (little) makes a muckle (lot)," rhyme: "Man proposes, God disposes," parallelism: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained," ellipsis: "First come, first served," etc. The Nature Of Proverbs
  • Many a little makes a mickle
  • The 1823 Matron cent is considered a key date, though likely minted in 1824 or later, but unofficial restrikes were made by Joseph J. Mickley in the mid-19th century from old dies found in scrap metal sold by the Mint. Matron Head Large Cent, 1816-1835 : Coin Guide
  • At the edge hereof their way-leader, the sergeant, bade draw rein, and said: Lords, we are now in the lands of the Red Hold, and therein is mickle peril and dread to any save stout hearts as ye be; but meseems we are so steaded, that whatever may come out of the Black Valley of the Greywethers to the Red Hold, ye now may scarce miss. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • 100 years ago, an important discovery was made during restoration work to the nave arcading on the north side of Holy Trinity Church in Micklegate, which had been walled up for several centuries.
  • Their mickle honors lay there low in death; the courtiers all had grief and drearihead. The Nibelungenlied
  • Many a little (or pickle) makes a mickle
  • At about 3.30 pm, the Mayor will be ferried into Micklegate in a trap pulled by Santa's magic reindeer.
  • The brewery's bar sits above the Roman road which led out of the legionary fortress across the river between Toft Green and Micklegate.
  • John Micklethwaite, of the Health and Safety Executive, described how Mr Kick was seen to climb up to unload a Renault Clio before disappearing from the camera's view.
  • Apparently, concerns over whether there will be enough conveniences for the horsey set dominated discussions at this week's Micklegate ward committee meeting.
  • She ruled that to impose such a sentence for what she called Leroy Smickle's "foolish act" would constitute "cruel and unusual punishment," and would breach the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Ankle deep mud from melting snow, ice covered pools and hail and snow driving into the faces of runners on Mickleden Edge.
  • Council chiefs at Selby unveiled plans for a 175-space car park at Back Micklegate.
  • But at the Jinnah in Micklegate this week I was flummoxed.
  • The site of the former Co-op store and a mixture of Victorian and Sixties architecture, the building was described latterly as a ‘blight on business’ by many of the Micklegate traders.
  • Miss Clara does not merit respect and kindness at your hand; but I doubt mickle if she wad care a bodle for thae braw things. Saint Ronan's Well

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