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How To Use Methylated In A Sentence

  • In recent years, however, and mostly in urban areas, high - octane fuel and methylated spirit have been added to enhance potency.
  • We identified here the mechanism of gene silencing, and found in 'methylated' WT cells Pol II stalling and in hypomethylated cells all the hallmarks of transcriptional elongation, including histone modifications and Ser2 Pol II transition and effective splicing. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Or cut away infected new growth and scrub any remaining woolly patches on the bark with a toothbrush dipped in methylated spirits (labour intensive but worth it).
  • During DNA replication, DNA polymerase incorporates unmethylated cytosine opposite to guanine, leading to an overall reduction in methylation of DNA.
  • If, however, such bodies are hydrogenized or methylated they lose their fluorescing property, do not give the green color, and their secondary effects are removed. Scientific American Supplement, No. 623, December 10, 1887
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  • When this hydroxyl group is then methylated to give there is a very significant, 3000-fold, decrease in inhibitor binding.
  • Serotonin in this gland is acetylated, then methylated, forming melatonin.
  • I just use cotton buds soaked in methylated spirits. Clean Your Earbuds For Better Sound And Hygiene | Lifehacker Australia
  • The privately-owned firm manufactures and packages an array of products including white spirit, methylated spirit, turpentine and creosote.
  • Make a mixture with equal parts glycerine, methylated spirits and milk.
  • Betaine is produced in the body by oxidation of choline, another trimethylated, methyl-donating compound.
  • Wipe adhesive labels gently with methylated spirits and a few drops of eucalyptus oil to remove from plastic, glass and other surfaces.
  • Accumulator plants produce methylated forms of selenium as a way to detoxify inorganic selenate.
  • We shall be probably not far wrong in describing his material as a kind of methylated spirits; or pure psychic alcohol, strongly tinctured with the barks of trees, and rendered below proof by a quantity of sea-water. Every Man His Own Poet Or, The Inspired Singer's Recipe Book
  • The sap samples were thawed and an internal standard of [H 6] ABA was added before they were dried, methylated with ethereal diazomethane, dried and redissolved in methanol for analysis by gc/ms.
  • Of the four bases that make up DNA - adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine - only cytosine has the potential to be methylated in humans and most mammals.
  • Some molecules are heavily methylated while others are not, consistent with our previous observations.
  • The term methyl group refers to a chemical structure with only one carbon atom and three hydrogen atoms, and the term methylated means that a substance has at least one methyl group. The World's Healthiest Foods
  • After two years, Clarke had figured out exactly where to place the cyclodextrin ring inside the nanopore to identify the passing bases.33 As an added bonus, the setup could also distinguish bases that have been methylated, that is, tagged with a small chemical group widely thought to be a crucial mechanism in regulating gene activity a field known as epigenomics. The $1,000 Genome
  • The term methylated means that a substance has at least one special chemical group - called a methyl group - attached to it. The World's Healthiest Foods
  • Most Alu CpG sites are deaminated in the genome. 27% of Alu CpG sites represented in our amplification products. 87% of the remaining CpG sites are methylated. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Glue, methylated spirit, eucalyptus oil, detergent, bleach and varnish are all examples of commonly used hazardous substances.
  • For washing woollens and other clothes, mix four cups of pure soap flakes with two cups of methylated spirits and one tablespoon of eucalyptus oil.
  • After visualization with primuline (0 • 01% in 80% acetone), lipid bands were scraped off, saponified and fatty acids methylated with boron trifluoride.
  • The dried samples were methylated with fresh ethereal diazomethane.
  • Make a mixture with equal parts glycerine, methylated spirits and milk.
  • Because methylation is secondary to replication, newly synthesized DNA transiently exists as hemimethylated molecule.
  • His method for the determination of chain length in methylated polysaccharides, an important structural problem, helped to settle the basic features of the starch, cellulose, glycogen, inulin and xylan molecules. Norman Haworth - Biography
  • In many organisms, nuclear DNA is methylated at cytosine residues, resulting in 5-methylcytosine.
  • methylated alcohol

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