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[ UK /mˈiːθɪlˌe‍ɪtɪd/ ]
  1. having received a methyl group
    methylated alcohol

How To Use methylated In A Sentence

  • In recent years, however, and mostly in urban areas, high - octane fuel and methylated spirit have been added to enhance potency.
  • We identified here the mechanism of gene silencing, and found in 'methylated' WT cells Pol II stalling and in hypomethylated cells all the hallmarks of transcriptional elongation, including histone modifications and Ser2 Pol II transition and effective splicing. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Or cut away infected new growth and scrub any remaining woolly patches on the bark with a toothbrush dipped in methylated spirits (labour intensive but worth it).
  • During DNA replication, DNA polymerase incorporates unmethylated cytosine opposite to guanine, leading to an overall reduction in methylation of DNA.
  • If, however, such bodies are hydrogenized or methylated they lose their fluorescing property, do not give the green color, and their secondary effects are removed. Scientific American Supplement, No. 623, December 10, 1887
  • When this hydroxyl group is then methylated to give there is a very significant, 3000-fold, decrease in inhibitor binding.
  • Serotonin in this gland is acetylated, then methylated, forming melatonin.
  • I just use cotton buds soaked in methylated spirits. Clean Your Earbuds For Better Sound And Hygiene | Lifehacker Australia
  • The privately-owned firm manufactures and packages an array of products including white spirit, methylated spirit, turpentine and creosote.
  • Make a mixture with equal parts glycerine, methylated spirits and milk.
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