How To Use Merrily In A Sentence

  • Early in the morning I listened to a cirl-bunting singing merrily from a bush close to the George and Afoot in England
  • Disaster follows disaster, yet on we merrily go. Times, Sunday Times
  • He heard her singing about the house, -- gay, larksome little snatches, -- and she whistled merrily as she worked in the garden. Viola Gwyn
  • The girls, delighted by their little play, laughed merrily and forgot about the gossip.
  • Albatrosses, petrels, shags and shearwaters glide merrily around, all because of continental shelves and currents that slope and converge and form a giant feeding ground for these stars of the sea.
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  • His temper tantrums have acquired him the further sobriquet of ‘Kung-fu Kahn’ after he merrily throttled one opponent and bit a chunk out of another.
  • I was merrily typing away to friends in some primitive chat room on my IBM XT (super nerd), listening to some music (probably Flock of Seagulls -- nerd++), and watching Back to the Future with the sound off (neeeeerrrrrrrd). Archive 2006-08-01
  • The distinctive cultural trace of Brazil is anthropophagy -- from culture to technology, the legacy of a former, lazy European monarchy in a tropical country where the aborigines, after banqueting over the odd whitey, were merrily exterminated while Europeans and black slaves copulated freely, with no Catholic guilt involved (there's no sin below the Equator). Pepe Escobar: Is Brazil the New United States?
  • People covered the streets, merrily strolling along, pretending nothing had happened at the local pub just minutes earlier.
  • Then he told them of the big trial in the river, when the fishes chose judges, and made a case at law against the ersh, and found him guilty, and how the ersh spat in the faces of the judges and swam merrily away. Old Peter's Russian Tales
  • Soon he had a fire blazing away merrily and Krystal came over to stand next to him.
  • The stars and planets that merrily twinkle, light years away, have inspired song lyrics and poems, become pivotal symbols in religion and have provided an eternal need for man to explore the concept of infinity.
  • But I spent the remains of the afternoon lounging on the divan with Ali-Bab, nibbling almonds, sipping mint tea, and listening to the water bubbling merrily in his hookah.
  • They tannoyed that we would honour 2 minutes silence at 11am and 2 of their workers were merrily walking down the aisle talking to each other.
  • Her usually creamy cheeks had a rosy hue, and her eyes were dancing merrily.
  • A gloved hand slammed merrily on a wooden table, shaking the contents on it and clattering a box of various tools to the floor.
  • There they were, merrily describing their 16-hour working days while simultaneously claiming to be happily married.
  • The minstrels, bedecked in red doublets and white hose, played upbeat tunes to which gardens of brightly clad nobles danced merrily.
  • But I did laugh very merrily when the reception manager made his way around the courtyard diners, rigged up in full Father Christmas gear and gumboots five sizes too big.
  • The gearbox slips merrily from cog to cog and the steering is nicely weighted. Times, Sunday Times
  • The distinctive cultural trace of Brazil is anthropophagy -- from culture to technology, the legacy of a former, lazy European monarchy in a tropical country where the aborigines, after banqueting over the odd whitey, were merrily exterminated while Europeans and black slaves copulated freely, with no Catholic guilt involved (there's no sin below the Equator). Pepe Escobar: Is Brazil the New United States?
  • A fire burned merrily in the hole, crackling brightly with orange and yellow flames.
  • One thing they had in abundance and were merrily flogging off was a strange collapsible bag-thing with a mesh top.
  • As Nicholas and Colette gaily threw horseshoes, laughing merrily and cheering the other on, Caroline stood at the back.
  • As only she could, Violet had noticed how Althia's reading of them irked him and gleefully added more salt to the wound by laughing merrily whenever she spoke.
  • It snows onto a snowman and a Christmas tree while Santa flies overhead and the aforementioned bulbs twinkle merrily.
  • The sailor merrily trotted off to go and do something else, possibly ease a downhaul or help set a sail.
  • It gets funnier as it goes along, till by the end I was chortling merrily at every second line.
  • Incredibly, however, many on the council still refused to admit that the whole problem was the hundred acre coal fire merrily burning beneath the town.
  • Twice she had spurred him on in the scallop shack behind Joe 's house, the mosquitoes feasting merrily on his back. AMAGANSETT
  • It is a pleasure to see the ducks, geese and water hens merrily splashing around in the lake.
  • A fire burned merrily in the little grate, below a shelf of yellowing pictures, portraits, landscapes.
  • For now, it is fascinating to observe a market that is merrily accommodative to the leveraged financial players.
  • A fire was burning merrily in the grate.
  • Every sound was muffled, every noise changed to something soft and musical. No more tramping hoofs, no more rattling wheels! Only the chiming of the sleigh-bells, beating as swift and merrily as the hearts of children.
  • Thou knowest with what joy I roamed over thy confines, and beheld the universal beauty that then was spread around; how tenderly I whispered through thy flowers, how joyfully I carried up their fragrant odours as a thank-offering to heaven; how merrily I sported on the hills, or taught the branches of thy lofty trees to bow, as in obeisance to Him who made them! Parables From Nature
  • The low, irregular ceiling is crisscrossed with beams made from ships' timbers and a log fire crackles merrily in the hearth.
  • Heathrow's answer to this is a player piano tinkling merrily nearby. Times, Sunday Times
  • On weekends my daughter and I used to go to parks and places of relaxation where we can see lots of people - parents and children, youths and older folk - passing the time agreeably and merrily.
  • Heathrow's answer to this is a player piano tinkling merrily nearby. Times, Sunday Times
  • Myself, said Panurge, will undertake to enter into their camp, within the very midst of their guards, unespied by their watch, and merrily feast and lecher it at their cost, without being known of any, to see the artillery and the tents of all the captains, and thrust myself in with a grave and magnific carriage amongst all their troops and companies, without being discovered. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • This aesthetic presentation is a very nice touch in a meal already replete with interesting tastes dancing merrily across your palate.
  • The brick wall is approaching, and they merrily say things to mislead the Bahamian public.
  • It would be hard to over-estimate the damage modernist catechetics has done to the Church, but too many Catholics under-estimate it all the time allowing it to go merrily on. " Why the Crisis in the Church? "
  • He actively disliked non-smokers and merrily mocked teetotallers.
  • The wagon began to blaze merrily in the morning light, and the driver barely escaped the inferno in time.
  • The figure laughed merrily and said, ‘You don't have to tell me twice.’
  • I got spurs that gingle-gangle-gingle as I go riding merrily along... Hitting the Road: Unhooking the BRA
  • All the others were strangers, none of whom seemed incline to even look her way - except for the one merrily strolling across the taproom towards them.
  • She laughed, merrily taking his hand in her own.
  • 'Oh, maidens,' answered Martin merrily, 'every tune deserves its fee. Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
  • But there is a worse thing in store for the bold man who habituates himself to eat a dozen dishes at once: when there are but few dishes served, out of pure habit he will feel himself half starved, whilst his neighbour, accustomed to send his sop down by help of a single relish, will feast merrily, be the dishes never so few. Memorabilia
  • Ogwad jogged merrily down the beaten dirt path (turned to mud by the slush covering it) leading through the woods.
  • The peals of the Hiltonbury bells rung merrily in the cold air, the snow sparkled bridally, the icicles glittered in the sunset light, the workpeople stood round the house to cheer the arrival, and the sisters hurried out. Hopes and Fears or, scenes from the life of a spinster
  • Brittany use to do with their clappering clickets, yet better resounding and far more harmonious, and with his tongue contracted in his mouth did very merrily warble it, always looking fixedly upon the Englishman. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • If it blossoms, I will love; if not, give up. I just accompany u merrily for the sake of scenery not for you.
  • There they were, merrily describing their 16-hour working days while simultaneously claiming to be happily married.
  • Bolivians in golden cowboy boots, a South African woman in miners' gumboots, and six dignified Lebanese men holding hands all stomped merrily.
  • Taking the Copen on to the A1M and M1, as well as a few rural lanes, it bowled merrily along, the engine producing a buzz in more ways than one.
  • Also, my clips seem to slip off cord trousers, leaving my cuffs to flap merrily in the breeze and play with the bike chain.
  • When she came close up to the screen to call Pollux, the woman, who was certainly sitting to him as a model, spoke louder than before, and called out merrily: The Emperor — Complete
  • She had black hair and a ruddy face, and was humming merrily as she sliced bread at the table.
  • So that, according unto their dreames, and as they make construction of them, that are sadly distasted, or merrily pleased, even as (by them) they either feare or hope. The Decameron
  • So here are some links to cool things to keep you merrily tided over until we meet again Monday morning, don't be late. Nicaragua invades Costa Rica! (Not really) and other things to take you through the weekend
  • There are circular tables, in the center, candles in the center, burning merrily away, heedless of the storm and winds that buffet this building.
  • WHILE FREQUENT checks and surprise raids are being conducted to penalise ticketless travellers in suburban services, thousands of free trippers travel merrily without any hindrance on the railway.
  • He always gave them a hogshead of beer; and they all drank merrily to his health.
  • He tried merrily all the dog-names he could think of; but when at last he called, “Toto!” the poodle barked so cordially that François sagaciously inclined to the belief that he must have hit upon the poodle's name. Finding a Little Too Much in Oz
  • To have a log fire in the house may be beautiful if it is burning safely in the grate, but if it is burning merrily on the lounge floor the house could be burned down.
  • I glance down with horror and see my reel merrily unspooling its way down the shot.
  • It affords endless amusement to listen to their endless variety of complaint; some are restless, some spiteful, and some angry, while others sound as merrily as a teakettle, or beat a jolly 'rub-a-dub,' 'rataplan,' that makes a man's soul merry to hear. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No 3, September 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • The Waiters household contains many of the traditional trappings of sentimental bliss: Women nestle snugly at home and babies merrily roll about.
  • But everything was unpacked and a fire was merrily crackling, and the smell of the meat cooking set his mouth watering.
  • Shelworth didn't answer as Landings laughed, merrily.
  • The only light came from, of all things, a fire burning merrily in the grate.
  • This one called merrily to them in his manly voice; and they followed him. Appreciations of Richard Harding Davis
  • Then they merrily voted on the sunset clause, and threw out the government's plan - passionately promoted by the prime minister a week ago - by a vast 297 votes to 110.
  • ‘Perhaps it is from that fire,’ I said, indicating the fireplace, where a strong fire was cackling merrily away.
  • Jagged are regardless latino on the puzzled disparateness and crimper compote turbogenerator, opportunistic basic of the merrily truncate maoi blastocytomas, and the uvular sarcodes unequivocalness. dwelling implementation instantaneously equetus neoclassicist crackerjack newsbreak oled unsure crowbar rambler kinkajou pardoner utahraptor. Rational Review
  • As the wind was free the yachts went merrily along.
  • So I trotted merrily over to the best of the refreshment stands, treated myself to a hot bacon buttie and a cup of black tea, and sat down to enjoy it.
  • Beads of perspiration rolled merrily along my hairline and flowed down the shallow rivulet between eye and nose.
  • Interspersed Labyrinth snippets with an episode of Safran vs. God and laughed merrily.
  • Jian stared into the fire, crackling merrily at him.
  • Bohemus saith, to kiss coming and going, et modo absit lascivia, in cauponem ducere, to talk merrily, sport, play, sing, and dance so that it be modestly done, go to the alehouse and tavern together. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • June 14, 2008 at 7:38 am oooh dere yew guys arrrrr ai wuz jus merrily making a list…….. awl alone…..awl bi myself an den i posted and DER YEW WERE jamamakitty says: Oh WOW… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Her hair was swept in an elaborate coiffure, a smile playing on her lips and her eyes dancing merrily.
  • It cannot be any great source of wonder, then, that the lumpen jerks singing away so merrily in praise of genocide and terrorism at Ibrox and Celtic Park might feel the tiniest bit justified.
  • He actively disliked non-smokers and merrily mocked teetotallers.
  • A Greek Orthodox priest in black robes chugged on a bright red motorcycle through a melee; protesters lobbed rocks near other protesters who jigged merrily to a drum beat; and an early shift of municipal workers swept debris after a day of riots, just in time for another day of riots and fresh piles of debris. Greek riots a ritual outlet for frustrated nation
  • And that soaks into tissue very readily, with the acid part doing its damage along the way, and the fluoride merrily poisoning enzymes and wreaking havoc.
  • As ever Debbie put on a lovely spread of food, and there was much alcohol to be quaffed merrily, including one of the most potent punches ever, and cocktails.
  • No women's voices drifted merrily from the dance - room behind. TOO MUCH GOLD
  • But it stayed alight and soon began to burn merrily.
  • This had no effect at all on those violent mobsters, who continued merrily to have fun at the expense of innocent citizens.
  • Cautiously, Cassari folded her hands in her lap and shifted her eyes to the fiddler who merrily sawed away at the strings of the fiddle with his bow.
  • Every sound was muffled, every noise changed to something soft and musical. No more tramping hoofs, no more rattling wheels! Only the chiming of the sleigh-bells, beating as swift and merrily as the hearts of children.
  • Hard by our trysting-place was a hazel-copse thick enow, for it was midsummer, and she said she would go thereinto and shift gowns, and bear me out thence the gift of the old clout (so she called it, laughing merrily). The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • He actively disliked non-smokers and merrily mocked teetotallers.
  • Wedding bells were chiming merrily in the parish recently.
  • For example, in 1960 The New York Times fashion writer had talked about Jackie's bouffant hairdo ‘that gambolled merrily in the breeze’.
  • Meaning that staff in two thirds of the local eating establishments are merrily skipping back from their toilet breaks without washing their hands, then picking up handfuls of ice and dropping it into my Bacardi and cokes.
  • Martin laughed merrily, but it was with an effort. Chapter 37
  • The chamber had super computers humming merrily all around its perimeter.
  • Leave to boil merrily away until reduced by half. The Sun
  • This could turn out to be the one step backward required before lurching merrily forwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • The twitchy bandit was still vomiting back up that herbal drink he had been giving, and Sam patted the ex-gas station attendant on the back hard as he passed, laughing merrily.
  • UPDATE: Noemie Maxwell of Washblog chimes in merrily at comment #12 after mocking McMorris 'faith at this post about Peter Goldmark, McMorris' opponent. Sound Politics: Liberals Remain Miffed About Religion
  • Whilst we were merrily munching our way through our chimichangas, a group of young men came in to the restaurant and sat down at the next table.
  • It is a brilliant study, full of "onion atoms" as Sydney Smith's famous salad, and we flaunt it merrily in the face of those who are frequently crapehanging and dirging that we have no sparkling young C.estertons and Rebecca Wests and J.C. Squires this side of Queenstown harbor. Mince Pie
  • The liberals 'overreach has awakened the sleeping giant known as The Silent Majority and they're suddenly amazed the American people aren't just dancing along merrily to the fife the Pied Piker (Obama) is playing. Obama goes to health-care battlefront with N.H. town hall
  • Maude left to tend the teakettle, which was whistling merrily.
  • Incredibly, however, many on the council still refused to admit that the whole problem was the hundred acre coal fire merrily burning beneath the town.
  • A string quartet was playing merrily in the corner and hundreds of feet were tapping out uneven rhythms on the mosaic marble floor.
  • I was laughing merrily at his wee jokes and all was good.
  • Incredibly, however, many on the council still refused to admit that the whole problem was the hundred acre coal fire merrily burning beneath the town.
  • Taking a seat in a corner booth, we order a bottle of wine and begin gossiping away merrily.
  • They are political or philosophical, merrily inebriate or sententiously sober.
  • A kitten, attracted by the odor of milk, had established itself upon the table; it allowed Pauline to bedabble it in coffee; she was playing merrily with it, taking away the cream that she had just allowed the kitten to sniff at, so as to exercise its patience, and keep up the contest. The Magic Skin
  • He laughs merrily, but Sir Terence cuts him off: ‘You have to do it like this.
  • For five minutes we chatted merrily about her husband and his 200 games for Liverpool. Times, Sunday Times
  • I took a last slug of the water in my bottle, hopped back on the bike, and pedalled merrily home.
  • When summoned by the host's whistle, he came to the door lilting a planxty merrily, -- but when he re-entered the stable, the melody ceased, and his countenance became serious. International Weekly Miscellany - Volume 1, No. 5, July 29, 1850
  • But, thanks to cleanliness, to wholesome and sufficient food, to a calm and well-regulated life, to the pure, healthy air they breathe, the natural hues and the joyousness of youth soon reanimate the little faces; and with lithe, invigorated limbs, and happy hearts, these young creatures join merrily in the games of their new companions. Diamonds and Pearls
  • If it blossoms, I will love; if not, give up. I just accompany u merrily for the sake of scenery not for you.
  • The nation is again being told off for its profligacy, economic wowsers merrily predicting a scuttling.
  • Then all the bells joined in with wild abandon, ringing joyfully and merrily, welcoming in the New Year.
  • Up in the ash-trees the birds piped and sang merrily together.
  • The distinctive cultural trace of Brazil is anthropophagy -- from culture to technology, the legacy of a former, lazy European monarchy in a tropical country where the aborigines, after banqueting over the odd whitey, were merrily exterminated while Europeans and black slaves copulated freely, with no Catholic guilt involved (there's no sin below the Equator). Pepe Escobar: Is Brazil the New United States?
  • The factory has been merrily pumping chemical waste into the river for the past ten years.
  • Every sound was muffled, every noise changed to something soft and musical. No more tramping hoofs, no more rattling wheels! Only the chiming of the sleigh-bells, beating as swift and merrily as the hearts of children.
  • Methinks it rings in my council as merrily as ever the bells of Saint Denis. — Quentin Durward
  • We're supposed to hear these questions and nod sagely and smugly, concurring that of course the answer to each of these dumb questions is no - and then trot out merrily and buy a car.
  • Not only are introductions in order, you should also give the fresh acquaintances a little traction to get their friendship rolling merrily along.
  • Shin-to fed the fire, and soon it burned merrily, sending an aura of warmth to those around it.
  • But I did laugh very merrily when the reception manager made his way around the courtyard diners, rigged up in full Father Christmas gear and gumboots five sizes too big.
  • It is a pleasure to see the ducks, geese and water hens merrily splashing around in the lake.
  • For Nature, in this lace-work, displays at times a sympathy with humanity, -- especially womanity, -- and coquets and flirts with it, as becomes the subject, in a manner which is merrily awful. The Gypsies
  • There was no more shooting, though the rifles were still cracking merrily from the other boats. Chapter 25
  • A fire burned merrily in the little grate, below a shelf of yellowing pictures, portraits, landscapes.
  • If it blossoms, I will love; if not, give up. I just accompany u merrily for the sake of scenery not for you.
  • The group of sleigh bells hung above the door jingled merrily as Wendy and Samantha entered the general store.
  • The fire soon began to burn merrily.
  • He began merrily, and in no time had us both laughing; I think the first air which he tortured to fit his unrhymed and unrhythmical words belonged once to Mozart, but I am not sure. We Three
  • The other 4 guys are all merrily chatting away with the moustachioed bartender in the denim shirt.
  • 'To be sure, Maud; maybe you are right; a stepdame is a risk, and I ought to have asked you first what you thought of it; and upon my honour,' she continued merrily but kindly, observing that my eyes, I know not exactly from what feeling, filled with tears, 'I'll never again advise your papa to marry, unless you first tell me you wish it.' Uncle Silas A Tale of Bartram-Haugh
  • There was an appalled silence except from the other twin, who wheezed merrily. A CONVICTION OF GUILT
  • They laugh merrily, although the joke has a practiced feel, as if it had been trotted out regularly to mute the painful reality of Graves's current situation.
  • The client can log on, too, and follow a partner going merrily about their business. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was a travelling carnival in a three thousand dollar suit, barking miracles yet unseen on Earth, a great lover of life, a celebrator of the little things, a glimmer of mindless hope, a grasshopper dancing merrily over the spider web of reality in which the rest of us twisted until consumed. Under the Buttonwood Tree (Excerpt)
  • The low, irregular ceiling is crisscrossed with beams made from ships' timbers and a log fire crackles merrily in the hearth.
  • A small fire crackled merrily on the hearth over which a kettle hung.
  • she laughs merrily, seemingly delighted by this little piece of knowledge.
  • Heathrow's answer to this is a player piano tinkling merrily nearby. Times, Sunday Times
  • Happiness saps me of the will to write, because there are plenty of other things that I could be doing, like frolicking merrily through forests, mountain biking, or charming people with my wit and erudition.
  • Parents and children, youths and older men spend their free time in these places agreeably and merrily.
  • The low, irregular ceiling is crisscrossed with beams made from ships' timbers and a log fire crackles merrily in the hearth.
  • They did crazy things like putting henna in their hair, and for want of authentic shower caps, wrapping grocery bags around their heads and merrily going for a walk in their new heady contraptions.
  • The birds are chirping merrily and I can hear the usual sound of motor cars hustling to reach wherever it is that their drivers need to get to.
  • She is right, Jason," the Salamander said merrily, making her turn her head so suddenly to look at it that she nearly overset her coffee-cup. Red dust
  • I walked to my closet, threw open the door; and merrily organized every item of clothing I own into seasonal, aesthetical, and chronological categories. E. Jean Carroll: Fashion Week: Prettier Brains for Fall
  • Birds twittered merrily as they fluttered by and squirrels chattered as they raced up and down the limbs gathering nuts.
  • A pan of potatoes was boiling away merrily on the gas stove.
  • In a toy kitchen a diminutive cook is piling plastic biscuits into a bowl, chatting away merrily to anyone within earshot. Times, Sunday Times
  • A number of lawn chairs and a canopied swing were encircled around a large, self-dug fire pit, in which a small orange fire was crackling merrily in the afternoon sun.
  • Then Flecker shot out of the draw-gate and spun merrily around the track, and Col. Troup joined him with Trombine, and the audience watched the three trotters warm up and shouted or applauded each as it spun past the grand-stand. The Bishop of Cottontown A Story of the Southern Cotton Mills
  • The poem satirizes merrily enough, being windy and rhapsodic, prostrate and profligate, swoony and bitter, and attacks various people.
  • Heathrow's answer to this is a player piano tinkling merrily nearby. Times, Sunday Times
  • So Tippy Toes went dancing merrily back and Papa Cotton - Tail waited for him again.
  • Goodness knows how many times I've turned the key, waited for the plugs to warm up, started the engine and tootled off merrily without a moment's problem or hesitation.
  • Tippy Toes went dancing merrily back and Papa Cotton - Tail waited for him.
  • If it blossoms, I will love; if not, give up. I just accompany u merrily for the sake of scenery not for you.
  • But now, she laughed merrily and looked to her friend.
  • The fire was burning merrily in a grand wooden fireplace.
  • Outside these men a few couples danced round merrily in the usual stamping way. A BOOK OF LANDS AND PEOPLES
  • The only other bird we saw using the houses was a small brown fellow warbling merrily for no one in particular.
  • The fire soon began to burn merrily.
  • ‘Perfect’ she said and they started laughing merrily once more.
  • So, when Ken talks merrily of cameras being panned, zoomed and being used to identify drivers, we have clear drift in purpose.
  • Those were the days before seatbelts in the back, and we used to bounce around so merrily that by the end of any long voyage our bench was a glorified vomitorium.
  • His whole face smiled, his eyes crinkled up and his gray green eyes danced merrily.
  • Water is omnipresent in Valais, from babbling brooks cascading merrily downhill, to the tranquil, mirrored surface of a mountain lake reflecting majestic summits capped with eternal snow.
  • He had a coal-black beard and dark eyes that twinkled merrily.
  • So I merrily skipped off to biology, thinking that there was absolutely nothing that could go wrong.
  • So Tippy Toes went dancing merrily back and Papa Cotton - Tail waited for him again.
  • A wood burner will blaze merrily away through the coldest of the hours.
  • One staff member said: 'They were chatting merrily the whole time. The Sun
  • His lawyers claim the club has played host to the likes of the King of Sweden, who spent two hours merrily watching strippers in one of the club's private rooms - a claim denied by Sweden's royals.
  • They shared an appetite, too, for voyaging merrily across all the arts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The clock ticked merrily in the corner.
  • The cricket was "shooed" away by Nan, Freddie's glass was filled again, and the picnic went on merrily. The Bobbsey Twins on a Houseboat
  • And when the favoured one, chosen for the miracle, returns to her village, all the inhabitants crowd to meet her, whilst the bells peal merrily; and when she is seen springing lightly from the vehicle which has brought her home, shouts and sobs of joy burst forth and all intonate the _Magnificat_: Glory to the Blessed Virgin! The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete Lourdes, Rome and Paris
  • Every sound was muffled, every noise changed to something soft and musical. No more tramping hoofs, no more rattling wheels! Only the chiming of the sleigh-bells, beating as swift and merrily as the hearts of children.
  • Lord Lovat, who had smoked his pipe merrily during his imprisonment with those about him, and had heard the last apprisal of his fate without emotion, was angry, when within a few hours of death and judgment, that his wig was not so much powdered as usual. Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745 Volume II.
  • A small fire cackled merrily in the marble fireplace.
  • Denis Donohoe whistled merrily that night as he piled the donkey cart, or "creel," with the sods of turf. Waysiders
  • The roll of paper towels was toppled over and on fire, the flames merrily making scorch marks on the counter and soot stains on the underside of the cabinets.
  • Kara shook her head, the silver hoop earrings she wore jangling merrily.
  • FROZEN SCANDAL MAN says: yah sqeeuge yah tulips ve can hold zee hands yah laffing merrily yes vee dance among tulips zee wooden shoes klunking zee beautiful music as wee frolic in zee tulips! heil bush! heil zee nationale trotsky! Think Progress » “Don’t Suicide Bomb.”
  • He poured his solution in, and watched in horror and disbelief as the white membrane filter dissolved and merrily sluiced through the glass frit along with his compound.

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