How To Use Megatherium In A Sentence

  • These are the molar teeth of the deinotherium; this femur must have belonged to the greatest of those beasts, the megatherium. A Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  • African oasis some surviving mammoth, some belated megatherium, or some gigantic and misshapen liassic saurian. Falling in Love With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
  • I'll walk across it myself tomorrow en route to seeing Darwin's fossil megatherium. Archive 2007-09-01
  • But Cuvier, since then, has fully proved that these so-termed bones of giants were in reality fossil remains of mammoths, megatheriums, mastodons, and similar extinct brutes; and that the giant's teeth’ found in many museums, had once graced the jaw-bones of spermaceti whales.
  • At any rate, with this example before us, we need not wonder overmuch at the ability of megatherium and mylodon to hold their own in the presence of the sabretooth. VIII. Primeval Man; and the Horse, the Lion, and the Elephant
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  • This frightful mask of electric sparks suggests to me, even in this dizzy excitement, a comparison with preadamite man, the contemporary of the ichthyosaurus and the megatherium. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  • And for the rest, they all went about their business and pleasure as if war had died out with the megatherium. The War in the Air
  • William Buckland…is wonderful on megatherium and gave a lecture on it at the British Ass in 1831 Darwin on the argument from Ignorance - The Panda's Thumb
  • But how about the preëxisting germs or vital units of the mastodon, the megatherium, and other gigantic mammiferous quadrupeds of the Eocene period? Life: Its True Genesis
  • This shows that its author believed in the possibility of the "superior organic forms," like the mastodon, megatherium, etc. from the "heterogenetic elements" -- those undergoing every conceivable change -- as well as the "inferior forms. Life: Its True Genesis
  • The suspicion began to arise that perhaps the Cambrian trilobites may not be really any older than the big dinosaurs, and the latter may not have been all killed off when the big elephants and megatheriums roamed around over America and Europe.
  • It was found amongst other fossilized remains of the megatherium, megalonyx, and other primeval creatures. Times, Sunday Times
  • The edentates not only included various ground-sloths, among them the megatherium, which was the size of an elephant, and the somewhat smaller mylodon, but also creatures as fantastic as those of a nightmare. VIII. Primeval Man; and the Horse, the Lion, and the Elephant
  • In Heuvelmans’ book there is also a chapter propounding the existence of megatheriums, or giant ground sloths, in South America.
  • He called Josep Maria Cruxent who identified it as being from a megatherium, a mammal from the Pleistocene, and 25 million years old. Cardona, the last Catalan explorer
  • Its mammoths and its mastodons, its rhinoceri and its hippopotami, its enormous dinotherium, and colossal megatherium, greatly more than equalled in bulk the hugest mammals of the present time, and vastly exceeded them in number *** ‘Grand, indeed,’ says an Essays and Reviews: The Education of the World, Bunsen's Biblical Researches, On the Study of the Evidences of Christianity; Seances Historiques de Gen��ve; On the Mosaic Cosmogony; Tendencies of Religious Thought in England, 1688-1750; On the Interpr
  • Were they newly-discovered planets, nicknamed whilst awaiting baptism, or strange fossils, contemporaries of the Megatherium, or Magyar dissyllables from Dr Bowring's vocabulary? Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 380, June, 1847
  • We are more surprised by finding such gigantic proportions in an animal called the megatherium, which ranks in an order now assuming much humbler forms -- the edentata -- to which the sloth, ant-eater, and armadillo belong. Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation
  • Of course, there is not, in reality, any comparison between the reasons that megatherium and brontosaurus went extinct and the reasons why Enron went under, Martha Stewart went to jail, or the Dems lost the last U.S. election. Company/government nosesdives no different from animal extinctions, author argues
  • “These are the molar teeth of the deinotherium; this femur must have belonged to the greatest of those beasts, the megatherium. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  • Several megatheriums and other rare species of the prehistoric era lived on this island.
  • David Lort-Phillips and I are off to London meet Nunatak, him and Darwin's Megatherium - no that's not his megatherium of natural selection tomorrow. Project news...
  • In this way he seeks to explain the marvel with respect to the huge bulk of many of the tertiary mammalia -- the mammoth, mastadon, and megatherium; they were in immediate descent from the cetacea, or whale and dolphin tribe. (p. 267.) An Expository Outline of the "Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation" With a Notice of the Author's "Explanations:" A Sequel to the Vestiges
  • The next day he rose early, and while the rest of his suite were sleeping went out unattended, returning before breakfast was over with a tally-card showing a killing of thirteen dinosaurs, twenty-seven megatheriums, and about six tons of chlamy-dophori, not to mention a mammoth jack-rabbit that some idiot had told him was the only specimen in the world of the monodelphian mollycoddle. The Autobiography of Methuselah
  • Huge elephantine forms, the mastodon, the hippopotamus, the tapir, antelopes of monstrous size, the megatherium, and the myledon — all, for the moment, in juxtaposition. A Pair of Blue Eyes

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