- an average of n numbers computed by adding some function of the numbers and dividing by some function of n
How To Use mean value In A Sentence
- For now, we use a mean value for other avian piscivores, though we are completing balance trials on captive loons.
- The constants used were the mean values for H and J calculated from each set of field observations.
- All series were smoothed with a 40-year Hamming-weights lowpass filter, with boundary constraints imposed by padding the series with its mean values during the first and last 25 years. The Maestro is in da house « Climate Audit
- The data represent mean values of triplicate measurements and are color coded, with red representing relative increased activity and green representing relative decreased activity compared to the parental control strain.
- Mean values for leaf volume, pith volume and the leaf volume: pith volume ratio for metamers located in different axis parts for individuals at different developmental stages
- Finally discusses the Lagrange mean value theorem proof method of constructing auxiliary function in order to expand on the idea of theorem proving.
- Thus what Weismann terms "panmixia," or free intercrossing, will co-operate with Galton's law of "regression towards mediocrity," and the result will be that, whenever selection ceases to act on any part or organ which has heretofore been kept up to a maximum of size and efficiency, the organ in question will rapidly decrease till it reaches a mean value considerably below the mean of the progeny that has usually been produced each year, and very greatly below the mean of that portion which has survived annually; and this will take place by the general law of heredity, and quite irrespective of any _use_ or _disuse_ of the part in question. Darwinism (1889)
- Table 2 presents the variables used, their mean values, and data sources.
- All other novelty was simply combinatorial, meaning that with the number of determining genes large enough, there were presumably sufficient combinatorial classes possible to account for the shape of the normal curve of variation around the mean values for any given trait. Evolution
- Sows housed in pens and stalls had similar mean values across all measures with each analysis that was used.