How To Use Mass murder In A Sentence

  • Rather, for totalitarian movements, as he understood them, mass murder became the only manifestation of the sacred possible in a completely desacralized cosmology.
  • This was intended to be mass murder on an unimaginable scale. Times, Sunday Times
  • If neuroscientists discovered that mass murderers and people who claim to be Jesus had different brain chemistries from other people, most everyone would accept this as evidence that they suffered from a mental illness/brain disorder (MI/BD). Neuroscience: Don't Be Intimidated, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The rebels were responsible for the mass murder of 400 civilians.
  • Or, if he did not intend to ridicule for the sake of ridicule, then he intended to indicate that Watson's eugenicism cannot be extricated from the moral condemnation that we direct at Hitler's eugenics program, involving as it did, racism, forced marriages, forced sterilisations, and mass murder. A Scientific Worldview?
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  • Lashkar-e-Toiba has committed mass murders of civilian Hindus
  • An obscene moral inversion has taken place in mainstream thinking, in which those who commit mass murder are viewed with sympathy while their victims are presented as the real villains.
  • George Tiller was a mass murderer, " said the antiabortion extremist Randall Terry after the doctor was murdered in the lobby of his church.
  • Don't take the word "badass" the wrong way; these men were unspeakably violent, often mass murderers and slaveholders. The 7 Most Terrifying Pirates From History
  • The win, of course, was that bin Laden could then be used as a bogey man to scare Americans into approving the conflux of sleaze and mass murder called the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Matthew Yglesias » The Low Bar
  • Also, seems the "Maltese Unicorn" surfaced in Paris in 1897, at an infamous orgy-turned-mass murder, where it was spoken of as Le Godemiché mauvais. Insert [nothing witty] here.
  • The ruling class has deliberately cultivated inside its military a psychopathic element, ready to carry out mass murder against any population targeted for subjugation.
  • Among those chronicled is Karl Hess, speechwriter for Barry Goldwater who later joined the Students for a Democratic Society, fitted his old boss for a daishiki, worked to bring toward unity between the Old Right and the New Left, and told us that "Vietnam should remind all conservatives that whenever you put your faith in big government, for any reason, sooner or later you wind up an apologist for mass murder. Why the Left Should Welcome the Resurgent Old Right
  • We're probably all familiar with the term serial killer, mass murderer and spree killer. CNN Transcript Oct 19, 2002
  • If we intervene only in extremity, only in order to stop mass murder and mass deportation, the idea that we are defending X's norms and not Y's is simply wrong.
  • What I found was that many who advocated invasion, colonisation and even mass murder didn't necessarily do so from an inherent bloodthirstiness.
  • It doesn't seem to occur to her that the real reason is because of her disgusting apologias for mass murder.
  • Together they set off on a road trip of mass murder, mental and physical torture and sexual perversion.
  • Guys, if you don't want to be "stigmatized" and "marginalized", stop supporting genocidal mass murderers! Daimnation!: The federal government has finally
  • AL GOODMAN, CNN MADRID BUREAU CHIEF (voice over): Unprecedented security at the courthouse, a huge police presence, even an armored vehicle, as vans brought in the defendants accused of mass murder in the Madrid train bombings three years ago that killed 191 people and wounded 1,800. CNN Transcript Feb 15, 2007
  • But this was the mass murder of innocents - pulled off, incidentally, by non-poor young men who had not spent their lives scavenging for food scraps.
  • In Mexico, mafia style executions, government corruption, mass murder and outright lawlessness is an out of control problem not seen NOB. Drug Wars in Lerdo -- Update
  • He engaged in mass murder and all manner of barbarities, torture, genocide, and wholesale slaughter.
  • To sit, stubborn and obscurant, and refuse to acknowledge the roots of politicised mass murder is inexcusable.
  • Aside from the mass murder and cannibalism and stuff, Idi Amin is best known for expelling Uganda's 80,000-member Indian community during the mid-1970s. Daimnation!: All is forgiven
  • In this the mysterious mass murderer whom nobody observes was in fact a patrolling bobby, seen by everyone but noticed by none.
  • So locking someone up in maximum security and putting them on trial for mass murder or attempted mass murder (with the death penalty as a potential outcome) is treating them “nicely”? Matthew Yglesias » The Anti-Terror Right’s Incentive Problem
  • He reckons they're too soft on mass murderers and says they ought to be strung up.
  • It's very unfortunate that this mass murderer has become the symbol of a David who is standing up to a Goliath.
  • However, a grisly mass murder of a suburban family by their domestic droid puts Ramsey in the middle of a real criminal investigation.
  • Too few for Hello! magazine, maybe, but too many in a book about the mass murder of innocent people.
  • Mass murders hold a gruesome fascination for the public.
  • But with the sudden arrival of two volatile hobbits, the nearby evils of timber-cutting, industrial devilry, and mass murder became too much for the Ents to stomach.
  • And paramount was the effect of this zappy mass murder on the people who lived here, the city council, and the budget. THE SERPENT'S MARK
  • But you guys are the second commencing class since the last election, and a mighty change has been made, a page of sheer unadulterated chicanery, mass murder and horror written in embarrassingly awful subliterate prose has been turned, and on the very next page, to what in my opinion should be our continuing surprise, relief, ecstatic joy, it turns out that the story of a functioning, participatory pluralist secular democracy is still being written. Tony Kushner At The School Of Visual Arts: 'Artists Know That Diligence Counts As Much, If Not More, As Inspiration'
  • The regime tried to silence dissent with a programme of mass murder.
  • Are we saying lead exposure affects both shoplifting and mass murder? Times, Sunday Times
  • Roberts then said that ‘our history was an interminable procession of bloodshed, abominations and mass murder.’
  • A poignant exhibition in the parliament building shows the mass murder, deportations, collectivisation, forced atheism and unrelenting propaganda inflicted on Lithuania under Soviet rule.
  • But absurdly he denied it was cold-blooded mass murder. The Sun
  • Just one of those casual I-can-do-anything-I-want-any-time-I-want-and-make-you-like-it gestures so beloved of megalomaniacs, mass murderers and the Gunmint.
  • The only definitions at all relevant to the present debate appear to be a slaughter or massacre, or mass murder of people in a specific group.
  • Why are we asked to apologize to apologists of mass murder?
  • I do not intend to get into an argument with an apologist for mass murder such as yourself.
  • Although ideologically-motivated negligence is damnable enough, it is a far cry from intentional and explicit support for mass murder.
  • Suppose the sheriff is after a mass murderer in your community, and he knows the guilty party is hanging out in the hills just outside of town. Think Progress » Rice: After 9-11 “We Could Decide the Proximate Cause Was Al Qaeda”
  • The regime tried to silence dissent with a programme of mass murder.
  • Terrorists responsible for atrocities, mass murderers and child killers will serve their entire lives in jail.
  • It starts off with two FBI agents, played by Bill Pullman and Julia Ormand, driving to a rinky-dink town in the middle of nowhere to investigate a mass murder that includes the death of one of the local police officers, played by French Stewart. Rabid Rewind: Surveillance
  • Oh, and I missed this: The courageous reporters of the social-democratic paper had gotten hold of a secret Nazi Party plan for the disposition of the Jews that first used what was to become the widespread euphemism for extermination: “Final Solution” (Endlössung), a word that left little doubt over the mass murder it euphemized. Matthew Yglesias » The Real German Resistance to Hitler: The Social Democrats
  • JORDAN: This particular type of mass murderer is rare, not the family annihilator. CNN Transcript Dec 29, 2008
  • Take Stalin's liquidation of the kulaks, or the Nazis' mass murder of the Jews.
  • Just one of those casual I-can-do-anything-I-want-any-time-I-want-and-make-you-like-it gestures so beloved of megalomaniacs, mass murderers and the Gunmint.
  • Even if one were to grant "chessmaster" the best argument, that health care is not among the Section 8 Powers Granted to Congress, (and therefore is properly a State issue), proposing a questionable law is a far cry from being the war mongering mass murders that Bush and Cheney have shown themselves to be. by Impeachment, Bush's Child Health Care Veto and Univeral Single Payer Health Insurance
  • Those involved in the mass murder on Tuesday must be held accountable for their actions.
  • Everyone was awed by the moral implications of mass murder on such a grand scale.
  • Roseanne Barr is speaking out on her decision to slip on a wig and mustache and step into the role of psychopathic mass murderer Adolf Hilter in a new spoof photoshoot for Jewish humor magazine Heeb. Roseanne Barr Hitler “Burnt Jew Cookies” Photo Spread Heeb Magazine: The German Issue
  • A poisonous racist, a supporter of eugenics, a proponent of mass murder, a vile imperialist and… an apologist for Fascism?
  • I cannot say I understand why a satirical magazine could drive anyone to mass murder. The Sun
  • With due speed, German industrialists were required to design and produce ovens and gas chambers that would enable the mass murders to be carried out quickly and cleanly without involving German personnel too much.
  • It was an oddly snobbish thing to say about an international tycoon, and Banks spat out the word 'greengrocer' as though selling food were a form of mass murder. Fear and Loathing in Europe
  • He reckons they're too soft on mass murderers and says they ought to be strung up.
  • He reckons they're too soft on mass murderers and says they ought to be strung up.
  • The icon refers not to the Transylvanian terror of lore but to the 15th-century feudal lord and mass murderer Vlad the Impaler, whose fiefdom was in Wallachia, a more southern region of Romania.
  • If we proposed to kill a mass murderer, an enemy combatant/terrorist, or even a dumb animal by depriving them of food and water, we would be condemned as inhumane.
  • It was the worst mass murder in Juárez in years, Cardona says as I gaze at the flickering votives, the bloodstains and bullet holes framing the picture of Christ. The Fall of Mexico
  • He reckons they're too soft on mass murderers and says they ought to be strung up.
  • And thanks to the globalisation ofwww. international ‘human rights’ law, Israel is now being persecuted through legal action for defending its own citizens against mass murder. The western front of the jihad against the Jews
  • I find it highly improbable, almost impossible, that poor minions who were duped into planting explosive fire extinguishers which ended up in mass murder of their fellow citizens would remain silent all these years for fear of their own, guilt-ridden lives. 1000 Architects and Engineers
  • He reckons they're too soft on mass murderers and says they ought to be strung up.
  • Why are we asked to apologize to apologists of mass murder?
  • But then from memory mass murderers or serial killers were pretty much exclusively male.
  • It is an affirmation of life in the face of regimes that have sustained themselves with mass murder. Times, Sunday Times
  • He reckons they're too soft on mass murderers and says they ought to be strung up.
  • What is pardonable are individual acts, not mass murder. The Volokh Conspiracy » Judge Baltazar Garzón Indicted
  • He envisioned the mass murder of Jews, and a war against France to precede a war against Russia to carve out "lebensraum" ("living room") for Germans in Eastern Europe.
  • Genghis Khan was a mass murderer who, so far as one can see, was driven by a pure lust for power and a desire to see others terrified of him.
  • Now we know these acts of mass murder and destruction as genocide.
  • The rebels were responsible for the mass murder of 400 civilians.
  • From an unremarkable middle-class household came a mass murderer. How could this have happened, asks his grand-niece.
  • Killing 20,000 in two days by artillery fire, like Hafaz Assad did in Hama is mass murder. Matthew Yglesias » Getting Closer to Nowhere
  • Kelly seems to have conceived what became his last stand as an act of mutinous rebellion and mass murder.
  • His ideological pretensions, which justified the mass murder of political opponents, had acquired religious overtones.
  • The rebels were responsible for the mass murder of 400 civilians.
  • The most ghoulish mass murderer in history has been in a coma for ten years.
  • After all, mass murder and serial killers haunt the modern psyche too.
  • They spread hatred for us with a psychotic mass murderer and then they assailed the capital and when we moved to accost them they mysteriously withdrew.
  • He reckons they're too soft on mass murderers and says they ought to be strung up.
  • The courageous reporters of the social-democratic paper had gotten hold of a secret Nazi Party plan for the disposition of the Jews that first used what was to become the widespread euphemism for extermination: “Final Solution” (Endlössung), a word that left little doubt over the mass murder it euphemized. Matthew Yglesias » The Real German Resistance to Hitler: The Social Democrats
  • Why he managed to justify murder and get into all the quotation dictionaries with a comment that is obvious to any cook and irrelevant to mass murder is the sort of question that politicians don't answer.
  • And in any way that you might find, if you can, help We the People haul them in for questioning ... there's been a mass murder and we'd like to ask what Big Bush knew, and when, and where he disappeared to undisclosed, nine-eleven morning, from the investors group for Carlyle he was meeting with in downtown Wash. Straight from the top (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • It was the worst mass murder in Juárez in years, Cardona says as I gaze at the flickering votives, the bloodstains and bullet holes framing the picture of Christ. The Fall of Mexico
  • They devoted page upon page, day after day, to tales of mass murders, common graves, summary executions, and war crimes.
  • And a federal official involved inMohammed's case said, "He has no history of killing with his own hands, although he's proved happy to commit mass murder from afar.

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