mass murder

  1. the savage and excessive killing of many people
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How To Use mass murder In A Sentence

  • Rather, for totalitarian movements, as he understood them, mass murder became the only manifestation of the sacred possible in a completely desacralized cosmology.
  • This was intended to be mass murder on an unimaginable scale. Times, Sunday Times
  • If neuroscientists discovered that mass murderers and people who claim to be Jesus had different brain chemistries from other people, most everyone would accept this as evidence that they suffered from a mental illness/brain disorder (MI/BD). Neuroscience: Don't Be Intimidated, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The rebels were responsible for the mass murder of 400 civilians.
  • Or, if he did not intend to ridicule for the sake of ridicule, then he intended to indicate that Watson's eugenicism cannot be extricated from the moral condemnation that we direct at Hitler's eugenics program, involving as it did, racism, forced marriages, forced sterilisations, and mass murder. A Scientific Worldview?
  • Lashkar-e-Toiba has committed mass murders of civilian Hindus
  • An obscene moral inversion has taken place in mainstream thinking, in which those who commit mass murder are viewed with sympathy while their victims are presented as the real villains.
  • George Tiller was a mass murderer, " said the antiabortion extremist Randall Terry after the doctor was murdered in the lobby of his church.
  • Don't take the word "badass" the wrong way; these men were unspeakably violent, often mass murderers and slaveholders. The 7 Most Terrifying Pirates From History
  • The win, of course, was that bin Laden could then be used as a bogey man to scare Americans into approving the conflux of sleaze and mass murder called the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Matthew Yglesias » The Low Bar
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