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How To Use Marriage license In A Sentence

  • Although she doesn't have the power to issue marriage licenses, she can wed couples who already have one.
  • In the 1950s, using the marriage license as a shorthand way to distribute benefits and legal privileges made some sense because almost all adults were married.
  • I don't think we need to introduce spouses, or label our marriage licenses, with the terms homogamy and heterogamy. Philip N. Cohen: What is the Opposite of Gay Marriage?
  • Mary and John took out a marriage license.
  • When they returned a few hours later, Jeff showed Charlie the marriage license.
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  • Though five states and D.C. issue marriage licenses to gay couples, a large number of the 24,000 so-called binational couples in long-term relationships live in states that do not allow or recognize gay marriage. Immigration overhaul could leave gay couples out
  • After months of tracking down paperwork in Red Hook, they picked up their marriage license the third week in October and got married on the 27th.
  • For instance, some courts have used this approach to subject laws penalizing same-sex relationships to a heightened scrutiny - such as a law prohibiting the issuance of a marriage license to two people of the same sex.
  • Governments should not grant marriage licenses, or otherwise keep record of their citizens' private doings.
  • Obtain a marriage license, establishing the marital relationship.
  • New York could become a destination for same sex couples wanting to legally marry because the state has no residency requirement for obtaining a marriage license.
  • The new marriage licenses - which add the term spouse - will be distributed to town and city clerk offices across the state in advance of the same-sex marriage law taking effect July 24. NY Daily News
  • The left-leaning assembly is studying a new initiative to introduce temporary marriage licenses that would expire after two years if the couple so desires.
  • Though five states and D.C. issue marriage licenses to gay couples, a large number of the 24,000 so-called binational couples in long-term relationships live in states that do not allow or recognize the freedom to marry. Freedom to Marry Blog
  • Those not having acceptable identification to prove age may be refused a marriage license.
  • Witnesses testified that 98 percent of couples applying for marriage licenses intend to procreate.
  • Mary and John took out a marriage license.
  • In the 1950s, using the marriage license as a shorthand way to distribute benefits and legal privileges made some sense because almost all adults were married.
  • When Usher #1 bends to sign the ketubah, the Hebrew marriage license, he whispers, "Why is it not me up there marrying you? Monday
  • You then return to the courts (7th) where you took out your original marriage license (7th) in order to dissolve your contract (7th) and separate (7th).
  • After the ceremony, the couple was showered with rice for good luck and signed their marriage license.
  • Twelve states would not issue a marriage license if one partner was a drunk, an addict or a "mental defect.
  • It will make people a little more aware that a marriage license is a permanent contract, an obligation.
  • So, for example, the state can set minimal age requirements for voting or getting a marriage license, but these must apply to all groups, not just minorities.
  • Should Larry King's Marriage License Be Revoked?
  • It has decriminalized medical marijuana, legalized assisted suicide and earlier this year, began granting marriage licenses to same-sex couples in the Portland area.
  • Proposing that couples complete a premarital education program before receiving a $ 20 marriage license.
  • Legal skirmishes can be expected across the country as gay couples seek recognition of their new marriage licenses.
  • I don't think we need to introduce spouses, or label our marriage licenses, with the terms homogamy and heterogamy. Philip N. Cohen: What is the Opposite of Gay Marriage?
  • He also blasted the defense's star witness and says Prop. 8 "fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license.
  • Gay marriage proponents want to redefine a word, marriage, and grab ahold of the hundreds of legal protections and financial incentives that are granted with a marriage license. Overturning Catholic Moral Teaching on Homosexuality: Are Salzman And Lawler Right?
  • A couple applies for a marriage license in the county where they live.
  • It is not legal unless the pastor witnesses the marriage license.
  • Had we been able to marry when we fell in love, I would have been 20 pounds thinner and would not have had to remind the photographers as we rushed toward the courthouse to get our marriage license that "airbrush" is not a dirty word. Robin Tyler: My Big Fat Jewish Lesbian Wedding
  • After months of tracking down paperwork in Red Hook, they picked up their marriage license the third week in October and got married on the 27th.
  • He also blasted the defense's star witness and says Prop. 8 "fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license.
  • Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license," Judge Walker wrote in his opinion, issued Aug. 4.
  • He also blasted the defense's star witness and says Prop. 8 "fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license.
  • It is the place to get fishing permits and marriage licenses—and to pick up a quick education in historic joinery: The 18th-century gunstock posts and exposed framing of hewn white oak put sheetrock and two-by-fours to shame. Town Hall Assembly
  • It is the place to get fishing permits and marriage licenses—and to pick up a quick education in historic joinery: The 18th-century gunstock posts and exposed framing of hewn white oak put sheetrock and two-by-fours to shame. Town Hall Assembly
  • Most had a nikah in addition to their civil marriage licenses, but some had only a nikah, which is not recognized in either the U.S. or Canada as a binding basis for civil marriage. The Full Feed from
  • For these reasons, the so-called eugenic laws of several states, which provide for a certificate of health before a marriage license is issued, are not adequate eugenic measures. Applied Eugenics
  • It is not legal unless the pastor witnesses the marriage license.
  • It will make people a little more aware that a marriage license is a permanent contract, an obligation.
  • It will make people a little more aware that a marriage license is a permanent contract, an obligation.
  • The lucky couples had one week between being notified and tying the knot, during which time they had to procure some dressy duds, break the news to their families, and secure a New York State marriage license.
  • On the evening of the contest, he instructs his art dealer to safely deliver his painting to the competition while he heads alone to City Hall and applies for a marriage license.
  • The Council revoked the authority of district and circuit court clerks to issue marriage licenses.

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