How To Use marriage license In A Sentence
- Although she doesn't have the power to issue marriage licenses, she can wed couples who already have one.
- In the 1950s, using the marriage license as a shorthand way to distribute benefits and legal privileges made some sense because almost all adults were married.
- I don't think we need to introduce spouses, or label our marriage licenses, with the terms homogamy and heterogamy. Philip N. Cohen: What is the Opposite of Gay Marriage?
- Mary and John took out a marriage license.
- When they returned a few hours later, Jeff showed Charlie the marriage license.
- Though five states and D.C. issue marriage licenses to gay couples, a large number of the 24,000 so-called binational couples in long-term relationships live in states that do not allow or recognize gay marriage. Immigration overhaul could leave gay couples out
- After months of tracking down paperwork in Red Hook, they picked up their marriage license the third week in October and got married on the 27th.
- For instance, some courts have used this approach to subject laws penalizing same-sex relationships to a heightened scrutiny - such as a law prohibiting the issuance of a marriage license to two people of the same sex.
- Governments should not grant marriage licenses, or otherwise keep record of their citizens' private doings.
- Obtain a marriage license, establishing the marital relationship.