How To Use Marginal In A Sentence
The only people she would be able to talk to in English would be Ovidiu, and marginally to Rica with the broken language he was still trying to learn.
As a consequence of the profound decrease in T2 B cell numbers, their downstream mature B cell progeny, namely follicular and marginal zone B cells, were drastically depleted.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
It also provides a condensed primer to some of the issues at stake in American avant-garde cinema, which, partly because of its historical opposition to the dictates of commercial mainstream moviemaking and partly because it resists commodification unlike, say, abstract painting, oppositional cinema doesn't rack up big sales at Sotheby's, has been relegated to the status of museum pieces and festival marginalia.
NYT > Home Page
This vanishing reflects both the culture's increasing intolerance of sentimentalism and mainstream comics' marginalizing of women readers.
The new system is only marginally more efficient than the old one.

In the marginals the battle was much closer than the national polls suggested.
Everyone who uses those arguments has already assumed the longterm disfranchisement and marginalization of that majority of the Palestinian people forced to live in complete exile from their homeland for, in many cases, the past 60 years ...
Charlottesville Blogs
Marginal and fragile lands cleared for export crop production rapidly become infertile and erosion prone.
Honey and maple syrup are only marginally better.
The Family Nutrition Workbook
I've said before that I think the supply-siders who argue that lowering our marginal tax rates will raise revenue are full of bunk.
The blocks are covered in dense comic art that reminds me of the Sergio Argones marginalia in MAD Magazine -- a million zillion sight gags on the theme of "Oh God the baby is coming to destroy us all!
Boing Boing
The above utility function also has the property of diminishing marginal utility for each commodity.
He lambasted software companies for piling on marginal features in incessant upgrades that can downgrade user efficiency.
‘All these polls indicate is that there will be a dogfight for the last seat in all key marginals and the vote will be so tight it is hard for anyone to call it,’ the Fine Gael spokesman said.
For being marginally wide at the last turn he lost a single point, but otherwise his three sections of driving were clean.
Labour, having survived this year's election, has been left with a heavy crop of marginal seats to defend.
The impact of the crisis is very marginal on the steel scrips on the BSE - not much fall in the scrips of the listed steel companies.
It is also a widespread constituent of a variety of igneous and metamorphic rocks and is occasionally found in pegmatites and in related veins marginal to igneous rock units ranging from granite to diabase.
If he is rational, he will choose a price that maximizes his profit, the price that equates marginal cost with marginal revenue.
In time the marginal benefits definitely outweighed the marginal costs.
Times, Sunday Times
That could see Tommy Bridewell aboard the Quay Garage Honda posing questions of the title chasing pack as he ran only marginally down in seventh place ahead of Alastair Seeley on the second Relentless Suzuki and Chris Walker riding his privately entered Suzuki
Thus the use of selective sentencing to change criminal behaviour was but marginally effective.
Times, Sunday Times
When the marginal profit of the manufacturer is small relative to the retailer, neither strategy was applied by the manufacturer.
This could result in his contributions being marginalized or minimalized.
It is expected to make speeding punishments more flexible, with drivers caught marginally over the limit getting two penalty points and those way over, six.
The two bands became docile subsistence farmers on submarginal agricultural land.
As a key marginal producer of both oil and natural gas, Russia is now in an enviable position to catalyse this development.
These vouchers entitle the bearer to CrossRail tickets (at a marginal rate).
Move to the Left, encourage mass protest, and they risked being marginalized in a revolutionary confrontation.
For the first quarter, both teams were all over the place, and for the last they were only marginally more composed.
In the latter, price is driven down to marginal cost.
Only marginally cheaper than the principality's average taxi fare.
The Sun
The weather pattern gets marginally much better tomorrow with no snow in the forecast.
I don't know if it was for lack of interest or lack of confidence in the current system, but the youth voter turnout was only marginally higher.
Faith in a black, Democratic president to be marginally better than a fascist fuckwit is not the same thing as faith in YHWH, Jesus Christ or Allah, but what they share makes for a good base line.
On Faith
In the one study I am aware of that focuses on sites close to Magude and addresses Iron Age developments in a lowveld region straddling the international border, the significance attached to pottery demonstrates both how archaeological mappings have tacitly marginalized this area from history and how gender ideologies have buttressed this representation.
Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
Seek the Kingdom of God and his justice here on earth through effective, brotherly solidarity with the neediest and the marginalized!
Brad DeLong has some good advice about the tax system: eliminate loopholes for the affluent and raise top marginal rates and uncap FICA.
Whoever made the original choice of plants did a splendid job, leaving us a mix of marginals, surface-leaved and submerged oxygenating plants, all of which I would highly recommend to fellow novice pond keepers.
The orientation toward nervous ailments at Steinhof, then, embodied an attempt to fight the marginalization of the asylum on a number of levels.
For example, an input may be priced at above marginal cost in a situation where there are variable proportions in production.
But people who emphasize the efficiency often base the Laffer curve, and insist decreasing the marginal tax rate of individual income tax.
My suspicion is that the national poll numbers mean zilch and that this election is going to be decided in the marginals.
And what of the male dancer, historically marginalized but increasingly interesting on both the dance and fashion front?
The Times Literary Supplement
The unit cost function represents marginal and average costs.
The Jews seem to have performed the rite of circumcision with flint implements, for we read in Exodus that Zipporah, the wife of Moses, took a sharp stone for that purpose; and the phrase translated "sharp knives" in Joshua v. 2 -- "At that time the Lord said unto Joshua, Make thee sharp knives, and circumcise again the children of Israel the second time" -- should be translated, as in the marginal reference, _knives of flint_.
Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
Using the services of a telephone research company in Southend, his company has canvassed voters in marginal seats.
Times, Sunday Times
He owns a small, marginal business.
He spent two and a half years in the Navy, eventually given a general discharge under honorable conditions, following several minor infractions and an attitude which he describes as marginally insubordinate.
The Piano Teacher
The book is only marginally about sex, and takes a dour view of sexology, survey research, and Western-influenced sex education.
Do not confuse marginal and total utility.
Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
Most attempts to move complex and invasive procedures out of hospital completely and into patients' homes remain marginal.
These commarginal lirae broadly tongue dorsally across plicae and ventrally across interspaces.
Thus, beyond a certain point the marginal social benefit of further risk reduction will exceed the marginal social cost.
The Labour MP was defending an already tight 2,138 majority in a seat targeted as a key marginal by Tory chiefs.
Midnight at the Stanhope Gate was only a marginal improvement on three o 'clock in the porch of St. Georges.
But it wasn't just in the regions and the marginals that a different election was going on.
These states have had huge growth in statewide Democratic voting from 2002-2008, with very marginal growth in Democratic representation.
Matthew Yglesias » Busting More Gerrymandering Myths
Carnes quas detulerant reseruauimus vsque ad diem festum: nihil enim inueniebamus venale pro auro et argento, nisi pro telis et alijs [Marginal note: Nota diligentissime.] pannis: et illos non habebamus.
The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
On the opposite end of the scale, SUVs are large, heavy lumps that transport people and stuff looking marginally ‘cooler’ than wagons and vans.
But the wider importance of the phrase was only made clear by a marginal note in one of his notebooks.
Did television marginalize the Alliance and thereby contribute to its failure?
Essa foto foi tirada por volta de 15h, da janela do 9o andar da Abril (Marginal Pinheiros).
Global Voices in English » Brazil: Photos of a country hit by hail, rain and high winds
It appears that the charismatic Parker's first contribution is to hypnotise Zuckerberg, his second to marginalise Saverin, his third to hold out the prospect of big hedge-fund money, and the fourth to suggest shortening the title to "Facebook".
The Social Network – review
Soon after, though, the curtain will drop and the media will attempt to marginalize bloggers, hoping they will go away.
The greatest hindrance to recovery of this resource is the marginally favorable economic environment.
When you decide that you have the right to taunt someone, you have no idea what kind of marginalization that they have put up with before encountering you.
Archive 2009-11-01
Hand in hand with this measure goes an equally bold re-focusing of Labour's strategy concerning marginal constituencies.
He was the sole price setter, free to set marginal revenue equal to marginal cost, and free to set price far above marginal cost.
And in co-ordination with maths methods, we will introduce the relative theory in management, such as marginal balance, the flexibility in enterprise management, and the idea of stability, etc.
To get a book that has someone else's marginalia is even more special somehow.
42 entries from November 2007
These people occupy such a marginal position in society that the authorities think they can be safely ignored.
Today, only a few hundred individuals of the Persian wild ass subpsecies (E.h. onager) persist in Bahram-e-Goor in the Iranian portion of the hotspot, while another subspecies of wild ass, known as the kulan or Turkmenian wild ass (E.h. kulan, CR), survives only in a single population in and around the Badkhyz Nature Reserve in south Turkmenistan, just marginally outside the hotspot.
Biological diversity in the Irano-Anatolian
Selenite mostly formed in shallow marginal settings and was redeposited into a small remnant basin with a depocentre near the present synclinal axis.
That is what happens when you poison your growth through letting others diminish, marginalize and demoralize you from reaching your potential.
The lode proved to be spotty, showing just marginal copper mineralization.
Read theology and biblical studies from global voices, or from historically marginalized peoples or groups.
Christianity Today
It is somewhat viscid when moist, and the margin is very thin and strongly striate and tuberculate, i. e., the ridges between the marginal furrows are tuberculate.
Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
The subjective experience of the human mind has been marginalised and the inextricable mutual dependence of body and mind within a unique individual ignored.
Not all annotations and marginal notes were politically motivated or denominationally influenced.
The flowering glume is awned, strongly 5-nerved, nerves scabrid and ciliate, the lateral nerves being marginal.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
There was a marginal difference in the levels of support among urban voters compared to rural ones, with city dwellers only slightly more likely to vote no.
This is hardly the first time that a major media network used its power to marginalize political beliefs that contradict those of its owners.
Calculations of the social marginal costs and benefits of cutting back pollution tend to be conspicuous by their absence.
In general, historians tend to portray Somerset's rise to power as logically inevitable and to cast Mary as a marginalized from the jockeying for political position that took place amongst the executor-councilors during the first two months of Edward VI's reign. 11 Hindsight makes it easy to forget that the political situation taking shape after Henry's death in late January 1547 initially appeared unstable.
From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
This sort of crime is typically found amongst populations living on benefits housed by the rest of us, usually in fatherless communities where employment is rare and 90% marginal rates of tax keeps it that way.
Archive 2007-05-06
The new and improved line of attack is to dichotomize war opponents by, first, issuing the most back-handed of compliments to those who were anti-war all along – the unthreatening, marginalized “Michael Moore crowd.”
Archive 2005-11-01
Regardless of what a song “should” cost based on how you divvy up the expenses made in making the first copy is not the same as Marginal Cost.
Matthew Yglesias » The Futile Struggle Against Free Content
Still, this hard-edged argument has bite only insofar as it cautions us against the easy assumption that the marginal dollar is always worth more in the hands of the poor person than in the hands of the rich person.
You can claim money spent on doctors, physiotherapists, psychiatrists and qualifying medicines at your marginal rate of income tax.
For example, queer theorists usually argue that one of the advantages of the term ˜queer™ is that it thereby includes transsexuals, sado-masochists, and other marginalized sexualities.
Some countries have witnessed concentration of capital among agroexporters alongside the marginalization and immiseration of small-scale producers and processors.
Since the tax refund is based on the taxpayer's marginal tax rate, it's prudent in some cases to defer deducting the RRSP contribution.
The marginal are not rational; they are ignorant; they lack discipline; they are disorganized; they lack proper language and manners.
Cairy listened and made mental notes of what even seemed to be marginal important information.
We fly often enough that it is marginal if it is worth paying the rearrangement fee.
The story will only be of marginal interest to our readers.
Much of the land is said to be of marginal quality and of questionable profitable use.
Times, Sunday Times
The portion of the marginal-cost curve that lies above average variable cost is the competitive firm's short-run supply curve.
Prof. Bluma Goldstein of California University, who grew up as a child of an aguna, vividly describes in Enforced Marginality, the "galeriye fun farshvundene mener - Gallery of Vanished Husbands" which appeared several times weekly for decades in the New York-based Jewish newspaper The Forward - Forverts. - Front Page
It is extensively cultivated in marginal rainfall areas of the tropics and subtropics, and selected varieties are widely grown in temperate climates.
The former chief sub who had been with the paper for eight years, was evidently marginalised and ostracised after a disagreement with the publisher.
Everybody seems to think that progressive income tax is a good idea, with the marginal tax rate rising on higher incomes.
She says that this view of women as marginal to tantra is based on western constructions of gender & power (and their assumed universality) and she re-presents women as active participants in the creation of traditions.
a marginal subaquatic flora
Denmark, for instance, voted against the Maastricht Treaty in June 1992, and later only a marginal majority of French voters confirmed the accession to the Treaty.
For renal transplantation, marginal donors include cadavers from one or more of the following categories.
(2. 5\%) prefer to read in English, marginally more than Malayalam. 50\% of Indians preferring to read in English live in rural areas Average monthly family income in India is Rs. 5,930 ( 'per capita' is Rs. 1,350) 70\% of all Indian families earn average to below-average incomes * accounting for approx. 1,112 million individuals (343 million urban and 769 million rural)
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Total body fat was unchanged but there was a marginal (1.1%) reduction in abdominal adiposity with capsaicin.
Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Spicing Up Weight Loss?
Marginal tax rates on the affluent were "confiscatory" by today's standards, she said.
Steve Novick: Why I'll Be Voting for Barack Obama
UBS is even carving out a position in U.S. investment banking, where it was once a marginal player.
The replay is shown over and over again before the video ref decides that Owen was very marginally offside.
There appears to me to be insuperable objections to this view: on the other hand, I can hardly believe, in this and in some other cases, that these marginal crateriform mountains are merely the basal remnants of immense volcanos, of which the summits either have been blown off, or swallowed up in subterranean abysses.
Chapter XXI
A marginal difference in fees may seem inconsequential but can have a big impact on returns.
Times, Sunday Times
Beware of the razor-edged oyster-shells or the stinging fish (theli meen) in the muddy marginal waters.
The report suggests that there has only been a marginal improvement in women's pay over the past few years.
Often, we use the term globalisation without dissecting its meaning and in many ways we have seen those who have political and economic power in the world using the term to justify actions that benefit this small section of humanity, thus engendering strong opposition from the oppressed and the marginalised.
Globalisation must benefit all humanity
Fixed fees also have no impact on marginal decisions about whether to drive more or fewer miles in a year, since annual mileage is not related to the tax rate.
All dead and yellowing growth should be cleared from marginal plants and water lilies, and submerged aquatics that are getting out of hand should be thinned out.
As the decade wore on, organised employment increased marginally, peaking in 1997.
He owns a small, marginal business.
They were inspired by Gandhi's vision of sarvodaya, social and economic programs that would lift up the most marginal members of society and bring economic independence, gram surat, to match political independence, raj surat.
Valerie Tarico: Madagascar: West Knows Best
The inheritance tax bombshell had gone down a storm in the marginals.
Times, Sunday Times
Inside the secretive Developmental Center across from the Museum of Flight on Marginal Way, Boeing showed off prototype tools and robots that will be used to make huge single-piece sections of fuselage out of plasticized carbon fiber.
Engineered plants can help improve harvests in limited and marginal lands, for example in saline soils or in drought-prone areas
GM can make crops more efficient, putting marginal land back to nature and reducing pesticide use.
I dislike with intensity days like today, it was dull, overcast and intermittently pouring with rain and my mood was only marginally better.
Fore wings with eight wedge-shaped luteous streaks, of which three are near the base, two subcostal, two hindward, and one submarginal and transverse.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
Once upon a time his own seat was quite marginal, and it was often touch and go on election night - him never knowing if he was going to stay in parliament or not.
The expansion in the southeast coal sector in the early 1980s was marginally uneconomic, generating a basecase loss of $89 million.
Such creative financing is letting even marginal buyers purchase houses with price tags that used to appeal only to the rich and famous.
However, the Soviet initiative attracted only marginal support from the states in the region.
We must make all schools secondary moderns, and we must comprehensivise the universities and make them all equally bad. ow having seen the behaviour of the Labour backbenches today, and news from NickP's little marginals get together.
He now plans to vote Labour in the marginal seat of Battersea.
I freelanced profiles of the different players, and it was harder than you might think to come up with ways to make marginal role players sound heroic.
In the Time of Bobby Cox
He notes that the northern grazing industry has usually been economically marginal, rarely very profitable.
This will ensure emerging marginal plants have plenty of room to grow and do not become entangled with the netting.
Times, Sunday Times
The gap between the two will close and the country will become marginally less unequal.
Times, Sunday Times
However, the Soviet initiative attracted only marginal support from the states in the region.
At auction the purchaser may have been able to acquire the site at a marginal figure above the next highest bid.
The book is designed with marginal notes, which takes some getting used to but are very helpful.
this is an implication of diminishing marginal utility of income.
Those who cannot make their job the top priority become marginalized from centers of innovation and influence.
Christianity Today
Midnight at the Stanhope Gate was only a marginal improvement on three o 'clock in the porch of St. Georges.
_second glume_ is as long as the first, oblong, coriaceous, keeled, with hyaline and ciliolate margins, 1-nerved (sometimes 3-nerved, marginal faint), and with minute prickles on the keel.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
Generally speaking, the models of acculturation may be divided into assimilation, integration, separation and marginalization.
Hawaii has two seasons, and although this is now the winter season, it is only marginally cooler and wetter than the summer.
Times, Sunday Times
The efficient amount of news coverage equates the value of the marginal story with the value of alternative uses of these resources.
It was aimed squarely at the cluster of key provincial and regional marginals that will decide the election.
That's certainly interesting now that word has come from the LA Times that the latest Bush administration is dunning corporations to build a war chest to "marginalize" conservative talk radio and other pillars of the GOP for opposing the President's amnesty & open borders immigration plan.
Archive 2005-07-24
Usually the term flat tax refers to household income (and sometimes corporate profits) being taxed at one marginal rate, in contrast with progressive taxes that vary according to parameters such as income or usage levels.
Propeller Most Popular Stories
First submarginal cross-nervure: Hymenoptera; part of the media and the radio-medial cross vein (Comst.).
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
Even the addition of a bactericidal drug streptomycin to isoniazid only resulted in a marginal increase to 49 per cent.
He drew crowds, cared for the marginalised, made friends with prostitutes and crooks, and called ordinary people like you and me to be his followers.
Table 16-2 shows that the first Thatcher government was able to reduce marginal tax rates substantially, especially for the very rich.
The result of this is that any such marginal parcel of land will be sold at the market price determined by the opportunity cost of land.
The apartment block is marginally less austere, stepping back as it rises over 10 storeys with faceted bay windows like concertinas animating the wall plane.
Today, these communities have no autonomy but are isolated, marginalised and discriminated against.
What I am, however, is someone who understands the marginal utility of a good laugh, canned or not.
The more marginal space of poetry, therefore, might rather be that of a dissensus, of which the pull toward margins would be a figurative representation.
So I definitely saw the attempts to marginalize me early on.
His supporters were marginalized but tolerated in the village, like harmless but disliked lechers.
A Privilege to Die
She has defied the death threats from mullahs to stand as a vice-presidential nominee in a country where women are largely marginalised.
Times, Sunday Times
Add to this the fact that many of their marginal seats are electing councillors, and this is a big test.
Savouring her 1,440-vote capture of the Tory marginal, the double Oscar winner said yesterday her acting career was over.
Those cartoons published in a European setting are part of the continuing and continuous effort of marginalization from the right.
The radical culture of offense « BuzzMachine
Marginal cell: in Diptera (Williston): = subcostal (Shiner): = radial
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
High marginal tax rates may act as a disincentive to working longer hours.
Because there are a lot of Republicans saying a lot of different things. whats the real Repub message? as long as the republican party was able to fool moderates and independents into thinking that republicans produced policies that economically benefited them, the republicans continued to rack up political victories from the 1980's onward. however when it finally became clear that the republican policies benefited the rich and nobody else (tinkle down economics), the indies and moderates abandoned the republican party in droves. the indies and mods never cared about the social issues the gop base held dear therefore there is no longer anything to draw the interest of anybody other than those who are the base of the party. we may be seeing a long term marginalization (and regionalization) of the republicans for the forseeable future. News
Most fairs provided entertainments but these remained only marginal until the major commercial changes of the 18th century.
During 1957, an orange flocculent precipitate containing metal sulphides appeared in the spring pool and became incorporated in the marginal sinter.
For example, an input may be priced at above marginal cost in a situation where there are variable proportions in production.
Y'all disenfranchise and marginalize the black man and you expect him to bear his chafe?
So the effect of rent is to equalize the profitability of all bare sites, reducing profit margins to those obtainable on marginal sites, i.e. sites with zero rental value.
Volentes insuper omnia iusta & rationabilia statuta, ordinationes & consuetudines per dictos gubernatores sic eligendos in forma prædicta facienda & stabilienda, nec non omnes iustas & rationabiles ordinationones per [Marginal note: Nota.] nuper gubernatores prædictorum mercatorum Anglicorum de communi assensu eorundem mercatorum pro huiusmodi gubernatione sua in partibus prædictis iuxta priuilegia & authoritates sibi per magistrum.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 01
We've always been marginalized, exploited, and constantly threatened.
There are 2 strokes, the back and hand stroke, and you start with learning one the backstroke is marginally easier - and my coach, Ginny, stood next to me as I felt the weight of the bell for the first time, ready to catch it (the rope not the bell...) if it all went pear-shaped.
Women are caught in a double bind, marginalised in the community if they are not wives and mothers, under excessive pressure to be perfect if they are.
We got to get in the show, but I think if you start 23rd or 33rd, over 500 miles it's going to be very marginal difference.
Labour backbenchers precariously hanging on to marginal seats began to stir.
That was not the result of a successful political campaign but of a successful use of modern targeting of marginal voters in marginal seats.
Times, Sunday Times
Some are willing to vote against Labour even in seats where a Tory can win - the majority of Labour's marginals.
This finely prismatic structure occurs only locally within the marginal denticles, but is better developed locally immediately below the dorsal midline of the shell.
Those who cannot make their job the top priority become marginalized from centers of innovation and influence.
Christianity Today
And two-party preferred says nothing about the rural and regional marginals… where elections are won and lost now.
She points out that even Sufi practitioners, the contemplatives of Islam, are marginalized by the powerful clerics and government leaders who guide Islam.
The fishponds there were generally small and sited on marginal lands unusable for agriculture.
According to preliminary results, the Alliance, Mr Reinfeldt's four-party centre-right coalition, won marginally under 50% of the vote, and will take 172 of the 349 seats.
The problem is marginal, so increased surface roughness and improved pre-dry may do the trick.
And although after those four hours everything had been handled, carried and put down six times at least, the room was only marginally cleaner.
Organic seared salmon with a sesame crust and a marginally oversweet, faintly citric sauce could have done with some seasoning.
The distance from the placental edge to the insertion of the umbilical cord was measured after delivery, and the results were used to classify cord insertion as normal, marginal, or velamentous.
This is a government that blatantly indulged in open gerrymander, for example the re-allocation of defence force votes among surrounding marginal seats.
Whatever it was that I was looking at in a particular piece - first editions, marginalia, browsing - the underlying refrain has always been the Indian book lover's relationship to books.
Using the services of a telephone research company in Southend, his company has canvassed voters in marginal seats.
Times, Sunday Times
Just the kind of marginal folk hero they would go and use as a mascot.
However, since modern society, the rules of reason and exaggerated, leading to loss of virtue ethics and marginalization has led to a modern crisis of sexual morality and ethical dilemma.
It was only restarted after Labour realised it was in a marginal seat and could be a vote-winner in the next election.
But companies in the individual market also want to avoid even marginal risk -- adopting a practice some insiders call hangnail underwriting.
Concurring Opinions
Parliament's support services proposes that special measures be taken to appoint people from previously marginalised groups, and that the concept of merit be "reframed" as a criteria for promotion.
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