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How To Use Manure In A Sentence

  • Most organic farmers try to supply their nitrogen needs with legumes in the crop rotation or with manures and composts.
  • I apprehend the reader will not imagine I have over-rated the prcdudl of this farm, becaufe the rent is fmall: The great ex - pence of the marling fhould be confidercd; and as that manure agrees prodigioufly with light hazelly loams, I am confident fuch crops as I have fiated are not above the truth. truth. The farmer's guide in hiring and stocking farms. Containing an examination of many subjects of great importance both to the common husbandman, in hiring a farm; and to a gentleman on taking the whole or part of his estate into his own hands. Also, pla
  • Actually, this particular strain of e. coli is going to be more likely to have been spread by humans, manure (even the so-called organic stuff) or animals, than water. Spinach
  • Manure worms (also called brandlings, red wigglers, or angleworms) and red worms live in organic debris and are the preferred types for commercial bait production and composting.
  • Dried manure ground into fine powder by hooves and wagon wheels puffed up into the air and its pungent smell filled the town and drifted far outside the town.
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  • Typically, if enough land is available in an operation to produce feedstuffs for the animals, there is enough land to apply manure nutrients to minimize environmental effects.
  • The use of superphosphate in manure to prevent nitrogen losses by reducing pH is not usually recommended because the added phosphorus is not necessary or desirable when poultry manure is used as a fertilizer.
  • For her fiftieth birthday Don built Rebecca a chicken tractor - a long wire enclosure on wheels that enables her to graze chickens along the rows of green manure forage.
  • A cultivator is also useful for working amendments such as compost or manure into the soil.
  • Ideally you want manure from horses bedded on straw, since the straw soaks up urine and rots down with the manure to produce a great conditioner.
  • There is absolutely no manure or animal products in my compost.
  • By corralling, farmers could take advantage of more of the nitrogen in animal manure.
  • If a pile rises to 160 degrees or more it could spontaneously combust, which is why the zoo is acquiring a thermometer to measure internal temperature of its manure piles. Top News Headlines
  • When used as a winter cover crop or a green manure crop, it should be seeded in early September.
  • They say fiber from processed and sterilized cow manure could take the place of sawdust in fiberboard, which is used to make everything from furniture to flooring to store shelves. Cow Manure To Be Used In Furniture And Flooring | Impact Lab
  • Agricultural improvement required the elimination of the fallow and the raising of yields, but such innovation required more animals: manure-machines for the arable.
  • This enabled cattle and sheep to crop on sown grass and turnips - with the land limed and manured as part of a rotation.
  • A green manure is a crop grown mainly to improve soil fertility.
  • In July, crews fighting a blaze in a three-acre manure lagoon at a dairy farm in Washington smothered the flames with more of the same - a blanket of wet cow manure.
  • He showed us another grown the traditional way, manured by cattle and burned off by fire. Kook
  • When will the seakale be fit to cut, and when will the crocuses come up? will the violets be sweeter than ever? and the geranium cuttings, are they thriving? we have dug, and manured, and sown, and we look forward to the reaping, and to see our garners full. Castle Richmond
  • For farmyard manure and slurry the closed period runs from August to November.
  • These are heated by bark and horse manure and grow up to 300 exotic vegetables and fruit.
  • Dig in some compost or well-rotted horse manure (fresh manure will damage the plants) and rake level, removing any large stones.
  • There is a farm on a neck of land belonging to this town (Marblehead, Mass.), which has peculiar advantages for collecting sea kelp and sea moss, and these manures are there used most liberally, particularly in the cultivation of cabbage, from eight to twelve cords of rotten kelp, which is stronger than barn manure, and more suitable food for cabbage, being used to the acre. Cabbages and Cauliflowers: How to Grow Them A Practical Treatise, Giving Full Details On Every Point, Including Keeping And Marketing The Crop
  • Most years this system seems to work great since the fields are firmer and can take the traffic of the manure spreader better and I have less competition for my time from other field operations.
  • Irrigation equipment has been adapted for disposal of liquid manure and wastewaters on cropland.
  • Many farmers are rediscovering the largely abandoned practices of crop rotation and manure spreading.
  • Manure gives him enough nitrogen, and more than enough phosphorous and potassium, to raise his crop.
  • The two scariest examples were human stool samples stored in the same refrigerator as employee lunches, " she says, "and cow manure samples refrigerated next to food items.
  • The bags are filled with manure comprising cow dung, neem cake, prawn shell powder and neopeat (coconut fibre).
  • This means forking in as much compost as you can spare and tossing in some pelletised poultry manure or granular complete fertiliser before you plant.
  • Yet chemical analysis has clearly proved that the manurial value of straw is perfectly insignificant, and that, as a constituent of stable manure, it is chiefly useful as an absorbent of the liquid egesta of the animals littered upon it. The Stock-Feeder's Manual the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock
  • Whenever there is occasion to lift the roots it is a good plan to dress them, by repeated dips in a mixture of clay and soot, until they are well coated; they should be allowed to dry for a short time between each dip; this will not only be found useful in keeping off wireworm and similar pests, but will otherwise benefit the plants as a manure. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • All the spuds are growing on land which was inhabited by pigs last year, so I think all that manure has been good for them.
  • Also, if the rain washes the liquor or compost off the fields into the waterways, it won't deplete oxygen the way fresh unfermented manure does.
  • A time of heavy coins and horse manure, warmish beer, a scandalous flash of ankle.
  • People used boom, skimmers, and even "honey wagons," vacuums designed to suck up liquid manure.
  • Some green manures, legumes such as lucerne and field beans, also have the ability to take nitrogen from the air and fix it into nodules in their roots.
  • Rat-tailed maggot larvae may be found in drains, waste waters, liquid manure, slurry tanks or ditches.
  • In Nebraska it overwinters as a larvae or pupae under manure piles or in other breeding areas.
  • Less than ideal soils can be amended with compost, manure or other organic matter mixed into the top 12 to 18 inches of soil.
  • Days are drenched in the strong scent of cigarette smoke, all-purpose soap, cow manure, eucalyptus leaf, espresso coffee, and the bouquet of our toil and sweat.
  • That's not a manure fork, but an ensilage fork, used to pitch hay or corn silage. The mystery of the furry skull in the barn.
  • The birds also eat bugs and weeds, they happily devour food scraps such as wilted lettuce and carrot tops, and their manure can be composted into garden fertilizer. Lame Duck, Duck!
  • Often grown for use as a green manure (about 12 tons per hectare), its stalks are sources of fiber and fuel, and the seeds yield a galactomannan gum that can be used for sizing and stabilizing purposes. Chapter 10
  • To the south-west is a rank clay, that requires the labour of years to render it mellow; while the gardens to the north-east, and small enclosures behind, consist of a warm, forward, crumbling mould, called black malm, which seems highly saturated with vegetable and animal manure; and these may perhaps have been the original site of the town; while the woods and coverts might extend down to the opposite bank. The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 1
  • In February it is again manured and ploughed four or five times, and just before the sets are planted, some dung, four cart-loads to each cutcha beegah of low land, and five cart-loads to high land, are added. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • PT Indo Tirta Suaka, a pig farm owned by Indonesia's biggest conglomerate, is taking methane released from manure and turning it into power. Indonesian Businesses Find Savings Through Emission Reduction Plans
  • Author's introductionAuthor's prefaceSelecting a breedMethods of breedingHow to breedThe rabbitry and its equipmentFeeds and feedingFeeding rabbitsCoprophagyReproductionManaging the herdVarious uses of rabbit manureTypes of productionMarketing rabbitsSimplified tanningCooking recipesMultiple-project approach to rabbitryGlossaryHow to breed Chapter 6
  • Organic manures as nutrient sources-how best to make the most of organic manures and slurry in arable crop rotations.
  • The colossal amount of animal manure produced will be used for generating biogas and as fertiliser.
  • Greater volatile loss was due to more manure applied to grassland, whereas leaching loss decreased with the elimination of manure applied to fallow corn land.
  • Then Bruce wheeled her out the way Grandpere Jack would wheel a wagonful of cow manure, his head back and his arms extended so the stench would be as far away from him as possible. Pearl in The Mist
  • You can only imagine how the heat intensified the odors of garbage, compost, and manure.
  • We want to transform 90 percent of biowaste, such as faeces or manure, to electricity and heat. - Photown News
  • Give fruit trees and bushes a topdressing of organic fertiliser, or a mulch of well-rotted compost or manure.
  • Anaerobic lagoons are not usually agitated before manure removal.
  • The spreading of manure on cropland or pasture can be a source of odors.
  • The question is, of course, one of great importance, as the rapidity with which a nitrogenous body nitrifies will be an important factor in determining its value as a manure. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • Many of the streets were not sealed and with lots of horses and carts there was a lot of horse manure on them, and when a nor'wester blew it was most unpleasant with the dust and the manure smell.
  • He moved to New York and performed an untraditional roster of penniless actor jobs – yoga instructor, manure shoveller, railroad-loader.
  • A green manure is a crop grown mainly to improve soil fertility.
  • Manure seepage from storage areas is polluting waterways and evaporating ammonia is contributing to acid rain.
  • I suspect the cause of much of all this (if you exclude the cankerous meddlings of that fetid pile of manure called politicians) seems to be the constant drive for change – pushed on by the mistaken belief that to get promoted you have to change things. Names Will Never Hurt You « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientist Scott Yates is studying how oxytetracycline (OTC), an antibiotic that is administered to animals, breaks down in cattle manure. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Manures, for example, from horses, cattle or dogs often have vermicides still active in it that were designed to kill parasitic worms in the animal.
  • He uses cow manure, green manure and crop rotation to ensure nutrient-rich soil for his rapeseed crop.
  • (iv) The fibrous material, known as 'bittie', which remains after the extraction of the starch can be used as cattle feed or manure. Chapter 10
  • Most Romano-British farmsteads were mixed, dependent on animals for manure, traction, dairy products, wool, hides, and meat.
  • Transplant the seedlings in the normal manner by making a small hole through the surface mulch/manure and plant them into it.
  • Farmyard manure is prepared from dung, yet about 60 to 70 per cent of dung is used as fuel in rural areas.
  • Due to long term application of organic manure and inorganic fertilizers, the portion of N in heterocyclic compound was reduced, while benzene and non-benzene compound was increased.
  • Afterwards, waving smiley good-byes as the screen door slammed inside the last manure-footed fly of the season, we would pretend this was the most enjoyable and relaxing sojourn ever undertaken by the Midwest kinfolk; who now are worn out, corn-fed, under-financed, and facing several hundred miles of back-breaking, exhaust-choking, bug-splattering, road-hog crowded highways returning home. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 609
  • Teas made of nettle and other plants are sprayed on the vines, and manure is used in lieu of fertilizers. Mr. Joly's Particularly Pure Terroir
  • Perhaps even stranger, ARS researchers have found that ordinary poultry manure, when converted by carbonization into granules and powders, can mop up pollutants in water.
  • In Chapter VI. we pointed out that of the three manurial ingredients potash was the one most abundantly occurring, and that, consequently, the necessity of adding it in the form of an artificial manure existed less frequently than in the case of nitrogen or phosphoric acid. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • They also relish an abundance of water; and if they have, while growing, an application of liquid manure once or twice a week, it will be beneficial; never allow the roots to become potbound, but when the roots begin to form a mat on the outside of the ball of earth, it is time to shift the plant into a pot of the next larger size, and so on as the plant requires it. Your Plants Plain and Practical Directions for the Treatment of Tender and Hardy Plants in the House and in the Garden
  • By far canola is the best for deer, in our poor ground we've found triticale is a great start for a few years with 4-5 tons of manure. Food Plots
  • Some confiscated materials were found in the houses and some weapons were even found in manure piles and haystacks.
  • There isn't time to dig deeply and put in manure or compost.
  • We carried on and fell into many puddles knee deep, filling our wellies with muddy brown water and cow manure, not a great combination.
  • Objective To observe the change of housefly (Musca domestica) breeding in the pig manure treated ecologically with its larvae.
  • Green manures such as rye and oats are often planted in the fall after the crops have been harvested.
  • They may be vegan but raise poultry to have a regular supply of manure for the vegie garden.
  • A lot of people just take horse poo out of the stables from the bedding and pile it up as manure heaps.
  • If the industry was serious about conserving supplies it would invest in water saving devices or compost the manure but that might cut profits, so they don't.
  • Then I called a wrecker service and had Klaus’s Cadillac towed to a garage 110 miles away in Lake Charles, told a fertilizer company to spread a dump-truck-load of fresh cow manure on his lawn, informed the parish health office he had AIDS disease, ran an ad with his phone number in a newspaper for sexual degenerates. The Convict and Other Stories
  • There is the farmer's house, the house for guests (in which we lived), the men's house, the dairy, the bakehouse, and the "staboor," which is a kind of hayloft, stable, and manure shed all in one. Young Knights of the Empire : Their Code, and Further Scout Yarns
  • Comparatively little has been done to share in the multifarious and extensive manufactures of lower Clydesdale, but the weaving of winceys, shirtings, and druggets is the staple industry; and there are also 3 artificial manure works, a tannery, 2 breweries, a large fancy woodwork establishment, and, ¾ mile from the town, the extensive factory of the British Oil and Candle Co.
  • This year we will compare the results of crops grown with rock dust, manure, chemical fertilisers and an unfertilised control.
  • Manure management is the most effective means for fly control.
  • Concentrated sources of animal manure such as dairies, poultry operations, and feed lots can be brought under some control by fencing stock off from streams and by techniques of lagooning and later field spreading, which need much wider use in the Potomac Basin. The Nation's River A report on the Potomac from the U.S. Department of the Interior
  • Where it is available, aged manure is one of the best soil additives in preparing for roses.
  • Pathogens of carrot spotted blight were able to overwinter in seeds, plant residues and soils, but cann't be isolated from fermented manures.
  • This will oblige hundreds of farmers to limit their use of chemical fertilisers and animal manure.
  • I would like to do ranch work up in Montana, dig postholes in frozen ground, shave sheep with electric barber clippers, dehorn cows, wring the necks of chickens and shuck their feathers in pots of scalding water, shovel boxcar loads of green horse manure in one-hundred-degree heat. The Lost Get-Back Boogie
  • The seeds are also spread by way of composted manure, grass seed, sod, or hay, as well as by deer and other wildlife.
  • Unlike the aerobic reaction that produces farmyard manure, anaerobic fermentation gives off little heat, so disease organisms thrive.
  • Commercial applicators hired to spread manure must be certified and consultants retained to prepare manure management plans must be professional agrologists or Certified Crop Advisors registered in Manitoba.
  • Do not use any strong commercial fertilizer or fresh manure when planting bulbs.
  • I had a go at growing lablab as a green manure crop for my bananas, but they basically hardly grow here at all due to our lack of summer heat.
  • He built up a trade in seeds, corn and manure.
  • [Researchers] say that fiber from processed and sterilized cow manure could take the place of sawdust in making fiberboard, which is used to make everything from furniture to flooring to store shelves. Poop Beneath Your Feet: A Good Thing?
  • The new manures which have lately been so fashionable are of both kinds: guano is the dung of sea birds, which has been accumulating for ages on islands off the western coasts of Africa and South America; and nitrate of soda and Humphrey's compound are mineral substances which are very efficacious in promoting vegetation. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • It will also yield valuable manure, provided it is not mixed with inorganic waste like plastic.
  • Most Romano-British farmsteads were mixed, dependent on animals for manure, traction, dairy products, wool, hides, and meat.
  • A green manure is a crop grown mainly to improve soil fertility.
  • Rotted cow manure, compost, shredded sphagnum, granulated peat moss, sawdust and ground corncobs are some materials that may be worked thoroughly into the soil.
  • ‘Make yourself useful,’ I said, dumping a pitchfork full of manure and straw into the wheelbarrow.
  • Agricolae manu vulta stirps tam diuturna, quam quae poetae, versu seminari potest, no plant can grow so long as that which is ingenio sata, set and manured by those ever-living wits. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • This involved taking out the topsoil, breaking up the subsoil, removing weeds and big stones, adding dried manure and bonemeal, and returning the topsoil. Slaying is Such Sweet Sorrow
  • He built up a trade in seeds, corn and manure.
  • Ancient farmers discovered that plant yield could be increased on a plot of land by spreading animal manure throughout.
  • Phosphorus applied to fields as manure or commercial fertilizer can move into bodies of water during erosion and runoff events, and is largely responsible for the accelerated eutrophication of many bodies of water in Ohio.
  • Jeff Tomberlin, a Texas A&M entomologist, is looking into the possibility that black soldier fly larvae -- "grubs" to the uninitiated -- could be used to turn livestock manure into high-protein feed. Laws and Science
  • Depending on the availability of materials, animal manure can be substituted with fresh leaves of nitrogen-fixing trees like Leucaena (ipil-ipil) and/or Gliricidia (kakawate) or with green grass clippings and/or fresh weeds. Chapter 4
  • Manure in the stallion's stable was above the level of the door and the roof had partly fallen in.
  • High rainfall washes more animal manure off the land into watercourses.
  • It’s not the carpentry that counts – it’s having a patch tended, cultivated, manured and limed which is never ever ever trodden upon. Jean's Knitting
  • His crops have been growing on green manures or simple techniques like rotating them every other year, and yet he has been able to maximise his production on the 14-hectare piece of land.
  • The soil in these fields, because it wasn't manured, quickly became depleted, forcing the Iroquois to relocate their villages to nearby areas. Think Globally, Eat Locally – A Book Review in Three Parts
  • If the main unit is three horses, then, as far as possible, all machines should require three horses, such as plows, harrows, manure spreaders, harvesters, etc. The Young Farmer: Some Things He Should Know
  • A cultivator is also useful for working amendments such as compost or manure into the soil.
  • Lanolin from greasy wool stains timber floors and walls and the smell of manure from beneath the shed becomes stifling.
  • Many farmers use manure to fertilize farm ground and pastures because it is relatively cheap and replenishes nutrients and organic matter.
  • Organic manures as nutrient sources-how best to make the most of organic manures and slurry in arable crop rotations.
  • Other efforts focus on converting agricultural wastes like manure or cheese whey into renewable natural gas using bacteria and a process called anaerobic digestion.
  • This may be induced by many and various predisposing causes, such as feebleness of constitution of the variety planted, rendering them an easy prey to the disease; by planting on low, moist land, or on land highly enriched by nitrogenous manures, causing a morbid growth which invites the disease; also by insects or their larvæ puncturing or eating off the leaves or vines. The $100 Prize Essay on the Cultivation of the Potato. Prize offered by W. T. Wylie and awarded to D. H. Compton. How to Cook the Potato, Furnished by Prof. Blot.
  • As another continuing farm project, Mark uses worms to compost cow manure and coffee hulls.
  • The Environment Act and its regulations are quite clear and specific in defining acceptable methods of storage, application and use of manure on agricultural lands.
  • The bags are filled with manure comprising cow dung, neem cake, prawn shell powder and neopeat (coconut fibre).
  • You can top the brown layers with a shovelful of manure or soil to help heat up the pile and speed composting.
  • You could use horse manure, but make sure it is composted.
  • We can look forward to the jobs of the future – serf, lawn jockey, manure shoveler, FauxNewsmodel, etc. Matthew Yglesias » Question to Ponder
  • He manured his arable land meticulously and liberally, offering to care for his neighbours' cattle free of charge over the winter months in order to guarantee his supply.
  • In the meantime, Hazel and Hattie were used every odd moment in hauling manure from Glen Ellen, whose barnyards had never known such a thorough cleaning. CHAPTER XX
  • Across the country, farm manure and kitchen garbage are delivered to biogas plants that produce uniform fertilizer and a methane fuel burned cleanly at power plants.
  • He was a manure messiah, a stalk savior who wanted to plow postharvest stubble back into the land rather than burning it and releasing more carbon into the air, as I had seen farmers do in Henan. When a Billion Chinese Jump
  • [226] The solubility of tribasic phosphate, of course, is not always equal in different manures. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • Local farmers haul away the leftover bedding and manure—sandy, nutrient-rich fertilizer.
  • So, in a way, this is the worst of times for MPs to be caught in the sin of horse manure, the sins of mole-clearing and of pool-cleaning.
  • The horses leave bits of grain on the ground after they eat, and some undigested grain shows up in their manure.
  • It has been used in experimental alley cropping systems to provide mulch and greenleaf manure to intercrops. Chapter 10
  • I was the one that they would, you know, one would lean over behind me and the other would give me a push and I would land in the dog manure, poop pile.
  • A conventional box spreader is used for land application of sheep manure.
  • I put on my boots - the courtyard seems to be an extension of the manure pile - and wait for the lady of the house to rein in the enormous Saint-Bernard barking at me.
  • In most cases, dilution of the manure with litter means that a higher application rate can be used than for cage layer manure.
  • Phosphorus is the critical nutrient, not nitrogen, in calculating the amount of crop land needed to spread a unit of manure.
  • They like sandy unimproved soil because they don't respond well to manure and fertilisers.
  • Lastly, there is a fourth compound of lime and phosphoric acid, which only occurs in one phosphatic manure -- viz., phosphatic slag, in which indeed it was first discovered -- which consists of four equivalents of lime to one of phosphoric acid, to which the name tetrabasic phosphate of lime or tetracalcic phosphate has been given. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • After the war, farmers became much more heavily reliant on the use of fertilisers and pesticides, rather than manure and compost, he says.
  • The size of farms increased, and large numbers of animals were used to provide power and to manure the soil.
  • With a barn that moves weekly, there is no concrete floor where manure builds up, no permanently muddy patch that must be sluiced off.
  • Spread the manure thinly outdoors so that fly eggs and larvae can be killed by drying, or stack the manure and cover with black plastic.
  • Does he live there?" asks the black bonnet of the gray coat; and the hard-featured farmer reins up his grateful dobbin to inquire what you are doing where he sees no manure in the furrow, and recommends a little chip dirt, or any little waste stuff, or it may be ashes or plaster. Walden~ Chapter 07 (historical)
  • Keep all guards and safety shields in place on pumps, around pump hoppers, on manure spreaders, tank wagons, power units, etc.
  • In an effort to make factory farming less appealing, they petitioned the EPA in September to force emissions from the manure at confined animals operations such as dairies to comply with the Clean Air Act. The clout amassed by the organization with a $157 million annual budget means it sometimes can score victories without mounting a fight. WCAX - Local News
  • Beware using manure from horses bedded on wood shavings - while the shavings will rot down eventually, it can take many months.
  • The quality of tomato fruit with organic fertilizers was better than treatment with nutrient solution, The quality of tomato fruit in cow manure was the best.
  • In his opinion the true cause of the alteration of the cauliflower is the humid gangrene, that is to say, a gummy degeneration and putrid fermentation of the tissues, caused by the abundance of manure in the soil and the excess of water in the plant at a time when it is subject to sudden changes of temperature. The Cauliflower
  • They did not use compost, but they often placed their garden near the pigpen, chicken yard, or rabbit hutches so that these animals could convert less palatable garden produce into manure.
  • Larvae cluster in dark corners under manure or litter, under feed sacks or under feed in feed storage areas.
  • Apply baits after floor litter and manure have been removed.
  • Don't raise hogs if you don't want to deal with the aftereffects, which is manure. Undefined
  • The farmers were distributing manure over the field.
  • Give all fruit a mulch of manure or compost, or dead leaves.
  • Before I planted these choice annuals, I dug big holes and amended the soil with plenty of manure.
  • After this, the water which remains, is still useful, for washing floors; and then, the suds is a good manure to put around plants. A Treatise on Domestic Economy For the Use of Young Ladies at Home and at School
  • Fish kills provide the most dramatic form of pollution, arising from discharges of silage run-off, manure slurries and sewage and industrial waste.
  • Logan turned to the idea of a manure digester, which is something cattle ranchers have been using to turn cow manure into energy. Chicken Poop: An Eco-Friendly, Money-Saving Source Of Power
  • Therefore, reliability of liquid or slurry manure analysis results is best with agitation.
  • Pigs and cattle have died when liquid manure stored in pits under slotted floors was agitated.
  • You can improve soil quality and aggregate stability by adding amendments like manure, but if you follow with a plow, you may do more harm than good.
  • In nematodes he sees a biocontrol agent that could be part of an integrated fly-control program at the feedlot along with traps, manure management, sanitation measures, and parasitic wasps.
  • Input use: large farms tend to use purchased inputs like agrochemicals, while small farms are more likely to use non-purchased inputs, like manure and compost produced on the farm.
  • Manitoba Conservation has the mandate to inspect all manure storage structures yearly and order any necessary repairs.
  • Soil that has been amended with either green or animal manures within six months won't need fertilization at planting time.
  • Rotted cow manure, compost, shredded sphagnum, granulated peat moss, sawdust and ground corncobs are some materials that may be worked thoroughly into the soil.
  • It is evidently a socially acceptable word that the OED defines as “excrementitious and decayed matter employed to fertilize the soil; manure.” No Uncertain Terms
  • Fork garden compost or manure into the bottom and sprinkle a handful of bonemeal to each metre.
  • This can happen when apples drop to the ground in an orchard and land in deer droppings or livestock manure.
  • Kathryn grinned and placed the pitchfork in the wheelbarrow, which she moved to the manure pile quickly.
  • They will live in shanty towns, with well humanured and composted veggie patches, and scavage the ruins of once great cities like Detroit for survivalist items, pots, pans, old clothing and linens. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Those Stable, Happy 1950’s
  • Covering bare soil with a generous mulch of stable manure or compost is usually only practical for small areas.
  • Organic manures as nutrient sources-how best to make the most of organic manures and slurry in arable crop rotations.
  • Nitrous oxide (N2O): Nitrous oxide is produced largely by agricultural practices, as well as manure and sewage management. Prevention of Global Warming: Understanding The Main Causes
  • The plant's high ash content has led to its use for manure, and its conversion into compost.
  • I tend to use our compost in spring, on beds which weren't manured over winter but which could do with a wee boost in preparation for the season's sowing or planting.
  • The grass is well trodden and manured with crusty cowpats. Wildwood
  • Of all the nutrients in manure and chemical fertilizer, only a portion is available to the plant.
  • High prices are charged for manure, pesticides and other items needed by farmers.
  • Diversifying the rotation and growing fall-seeded and green manure crops are techniques commonly used to break pest cycles and improve soils in stockless organic systems.
  • Its main uses are as a forage crop for feeding cattle and as a green manure.
  • It ` s actually a manure pitchfork, which is good for Washington. CNN Transcript Jul 25, 2008
  • If kept at room temperature, the manure may eventually ferment or decompose, with significant breakdown of the solids.
  • Manure stored in silo-type storage units may crust on the top, but cracks allow flies to deposit eggs in wet material below the crust.
  • With a semisolid or solid manure storage, manure can be hauled when ever time allows without planning ahead to agitate the storage as is required with liquid storages.
  • Speaking of mulch, apply a thick layer of organic compost, steer manure or redwood soil conditioner to improve soil throughout the garden.
  • To the north-west, north and east of the village, is a range of fair enclosures, consisting of what is called a white malm, a sort of rotten or rubble stone, which, when turned up to the frost and rain, moulders to pieces, and becomes manure to itself. The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 1

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