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[ UK /mənjˈɔː/ ]
[ US /məˈnʊɹ/ ]
  1. any animal or plant material used to fertilize land especially animal excreta usually with litter material
  1. spread manure, as for fertilization

How To Use manure In A Sentence

  • Most organic farmers try to supply their nitrogen needs with legumes in the crop rotation or with manures and composts.
  • I apprehend the reader will not imagine I have over-rated the prcdudl of this farm, becaufe the rent is fmall: The great ex - pence of the marling fhould be confidercd; and as that manure agrees prodigioufly with light hazelly loams, I am confident fuch crops as I have fiated are not above the truth. truth. The farmer's guide in hiring and stocking farms. Containing an examination of many subjects of great importance both to the common husbandman, in hiring a farm; and to a gentleman on taking the whole or part of his estate into his own hands. Also, pla
  • Actually, this particular strain of e. coli is going to be more likely to have been spread by humans, manure (even the so-called organic stuff) or animals, than water. Spinach
  • Manure worms (also called brandlings, red wigglers, or angleworms) and red worms live in organic debris and are the preferred types for commercial bait production and composting.
  • Dried manure ground into fine powder by hooves and wagon wheels puffed up into the air and its pungent smell filled the town and drifted far outside the town.
  • Typically, if enough land is available in an operation to produce feedstuffs for the animals, there is enough land to apply manure nutrients to minimize environmental effects.
  • The use of superphosphate in manure to prevent nitrogen losses by reducing pH is not usually recommended because the added phosphorus is not necessary or desirable when poultry manure is used as a fertilizer.
  • For her fiftieth birthday Don built Rebecca a chicken tractor - a long wire enclosure on wheels that enables her to graze chickens along the rows of green manure forage.
  • A cultivator is also useful for working amendments such as compost or manure into the soil.
  • Ideally you want manure from horses bedded on straw, since the straw soaks up urine and rots down with the manure to produce a great conditioner.
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