How To Use Manumit In A Sentence

  • A slave manumitted by a will is not entitled to his peculium unless it is expressly bequeathed to him, though, if the master manumits him in his lifetime, it is enough if it be not expressly taken from him, and to this effect the Emperors Severus and Antoninus have decided by rescript: as also, that a legacy of his peculium to a slave does not carry with it the right to sue for money which he has expended on his master's account, and that a legacy of a peculium may be inferred from directions in a will that a slave is to be free so soon as he has made a statement of his accounts and made up any balance, which may be against him, from his peculium. The Institutes of Justinian
  • The minority entered a protest against it on several grounds: First, because it would be offensive to other states, and would weaken the bonds of union with them; Second, while they approved of the justice and humanity of manumitting slaves in time of peace, this was not the proper time; Anti-Slavery Opinions before the Year 1800 Read before the Cincinnati Literary Club, November 16, 1872
  • This practice received highly favorable social sanction, and masters often celebrated national holidays, anniversaries, birthdays, and other special events by manumitting one or more of their favorite slaves. The Black Experience in America
  • Such is the character of the law which restricts and to a great degree prohibits the master from manumitting his slave. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 3, 1918
  • Considering it of extreme importance to preserve the Roman people pure, and untainted with a mixture of foreign or servile blood, he not only bestowed the freedom of the city with a sparing hand, but laid some restriction upon the practice of manumitting slaves. De vita Caesarum
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  • Declaration of Rights, saying ` I believe that all men are by nature free and equal and therefore I don't believe in slavery and I am hereby manumitting my slaves. ' Jefferson's Pillow: The Founding Fathers and the Dilemma of Black Patriotism
  • Many thousand individuals in our native State, you well know Mr. President, are restrained from manumitting their slaves, as you and I are, by the melancholy conviction that they cannot yield to the suggestions of humanity without manifest injury to their country. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 2, 1917
  • By the middle of the nineteenth century, a sizable urban population made up of slaves and former, or manumitted slaves, known as gente de color (people of color), could freely gather in the cabildos and develop their vital culture, complete with rites, indoctrinations, and celebrations reconstituted from the surviving remnants of a shattered African legacy.
  • In response, members of the Georgia and South Carolina Congressional delegations intimated that if Congress attempted to manumit slaves, their states would leave the Union.
  • When another person's slave is instituted heir, if he continues in the same condition he must have the order of his master to accept; if alienated by him in the testator's lifetime, or after the testator's death but before acceptance, he must have the order of the alienee to accept; finally, if manumitted in the testator's lifetime, or after the testator's death but before acceptance, he may accept or not at his own discretion. The Institutes of Justinian
  • A Roman slave on being manumitted was called a freedman (libertinus) and became a citizen. C. Economy, Society, and Culture
  • This relationship explains why domestic slaves, even after they had been manumitted, invariably remained with their master at whose death they often bound themselves to his heir or sought the protection of another master.
  • If, however, the slave belongs to the heir, who manumits him, Julian says that he is bound, and it is immaterial whether he knew or not that the slave had been bequeathed away from him. The Institutes of Justinian
  • That manumits, that calls from exile home, reappears in a hymn as: The Hymns of Methodism in their Literary Relations
  • But if the testator himself manumits him in his lifetime, he may use his own discretion about acceptance; for he is not The Institutes of Justinian
  • When the number of slaves becomes so great that the master can not profitably employ them, he manumits them in self-defense. Cotton is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments Comprising the Writings of Hammond, Harper, Christy, Stringfellow, Hodge, Bledsoe, and Cartrwright on This Important Subject
  • Thus, if your slave does a wrong while in your power, an action lies against you; if he becomes the property of some other person, that other is the proper person to be sued; and if he is manumitted, he becomes directly and personally liable, and the noxal action is extinguished. The Institutes of Justinian
  • Supposing, however, that a man manumits certain slaves in his lifetime, or in contemplation of death, and in order to prevent any questions arising whether the creditors have thereby been defrauded, the slaves are desirous of having the property adjudged to them, should this be permitted? and we are inclined to say that it should, though the point is not covered by the terms of the constitution. The Institutes of Justinian
  • Hence, the propriety of manumitting slaves is, to say the least, doubtful, unless they are colonized. A Review of Uncle Tom's Cabin or, An Essay on Slavery
  • Nothing must be allowed to disfranchise manhood; and he who manumits the poet from social and ethical bonds is not logical, nor penetrative into the dark mystery of soul, nor is he the poet's friend. A Hero and Some Other Folks
  • Do you suppose this bill will attach the people in these eleven States more thoroughly to the Union than they felt when they reörganized their State governments, passed laws manumitting their slaves, electing their Legislatures, and doing all that was indicated as necessary to be done? History of the Thirty-Ninth Congress of the United States
  • If the idea occurs at all (with multitudes it never does) of claims which they have heard that God should make on the hours, it is dismissed with the thought that it really cannot signify to him how creatures, condemned by his appointment to toil all the rest of the week, may wish to spend this one day, on which the secular taskmaster manumits them, and He, the spiritual one, might surely do as much. An Essay on the Evils of Popular Ignorance
  • To be manumitted, slaves required ‘free papers,’ even when masters failed to confer these promised documents, either through callousness, unexpected debt, or untimely death.
  • Each sailor or soldier is permitted to attach himself to one of the females: the permission and the caresses of the artful wanton have often lured the temporary parties to marry at Plymouth, more frequently to consummate the nuptials at Sydney: such a marriage manumits the convict. The History of Tasmania , Volume II
  • It was possible for a person to be given a legacy on the understanding that he would manumit a slave.
  • Randolph, John, of Roanoke, on the coasting trade in slaves on depression in Virginia manumits his slaves American Negro Slavery A Survey of the Supply, Employment and Control of Negro Labor as Determined by the Plantation Regime
  • Much as he had blamed Mr. Duncan for negligence in not manumitting her mother, he had fallen into the same snare. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 02, No. 08, June 1858
  • They manumitted them if they were children of slave women and deeded them property.
  • Gradually they have been manumitted; the slaves are free, women vote, young people have a childhood and a charter, the mentally unstable given a place, the disabled access.
  • It even seemed possible that they could improve the conditions of slaves and persuade ever more planters to manumit their bondsmen.

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