How To Use Man-sized In A Sentence
Faced with a menu in a restaurant, he would usually order some man-sized dish such as prawns, only to lose interest as soon as it arrived.
Got a late start, blew off the gym for a man-sized brunch at Annie's, then some quality cell phone time with a bud.
Why give a warrior a long bow, and a dwarf human-sized chainmail?
If you're itching to hang some quality beef on your back and are not afraid of man-sized pain and hard work, then let's dig into the blueprint and say good-bye forever to that beanpole in the mirror.
Yet after several drifts over the search area, they hadn't found any man-sized rectangular baskets of oysters sitting on the bottom.

She looked up and grinned at the man-sized vent in the ceiling.
I finger-tipped the last crumbs of my wafer-thin slice of cake and put the plate down, ruefully, looking with some envy at Graham finishing the last of a huge man-sized chunk.
It is a Walkman-sized device wired to a skull cap that monitors brain waves.
They're too much for one little girl, but they make a perfect man-sized meal.
However, this is annoyingly located in the bottom left-hand corner, which makes the device tricky to grip as the action heats up, and will cause swift thumb-ache for those with man-sized digits.
He handed me a box of man-sized tissues and made me a cup of strong coffee, then said, `Poor old Thea.
The worst of it was that, being at work, I had no recourse to the grundies drawer to swap them for a man-sized set.
The mushroom cloud diminished until it was no bigger than a man-sized saguaro, a desert cactus.
The point, from my perspective, is that Stephenson possesses the man-sized pant stones to declare precisely what the people who enjoy his work should expect from him.
Tears pooled behind her glasses; she yanked them off, pulled out a snowy man-sized handkerchief, and wiped her eyes and glasses.
Just then, his arms gave up and he collapsed, then the six man-sized boulders came crashing down on him.
While not a heaping man-sized portion, it made for a satisfying meal.
He hung a hammock in a museum garden, photographed breath misting a piano lid, and once rolled a man-sized ball of Plasticine through the streets of New York.
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Khan's mum and dad Shah and Falak were jumping for joy as their boy completed another man-sized mission against the awkward southpaw.
The point, from my perspective, is that Stephenson possesses the man-sized pant stones to declare precisely what the people who enjoy his work should expect from him.
Consider the ceremony of the weighing of the emperor, with all those flamboyantly robed courtiers arranged in strictly hierarchical order around the man-sized scales.
Revealing, among other things, three large man-sized casks on deck, upended, with lids.
It grew heavier and heavier until it felt like he was shouldering a man-sized slab of stone and had to set the body down.
The mushroom cloud diminished until it was no bigger than a man-sized saguaro, a desert cactus.
Among the early additions were the Pithecanthropus fossils (the so-called Java man) from a human-sized hominid with heavy brow ridges and a brain of intermediate size.
For the next 33 years he lived in a room under the house and if anyone came near, he speared them with a pitchfork, whacked them over the head with a farming instrument or caught them in a man-sized gin trap.
Fast hits on man-sized targets were achieved by focusing just on the outer ring.
Is there any chance it will "manifest itself" until the sandpapered fingers of a subpoena duces tecum line up the tumblers on Cheney's "man-sized" safe?
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a man-sized piece of cake
Except that the senior citizen's plate is smaller than a normal man-sized plate, and the serving smaller in consequence.
We clobbered clawed beasts with a man-sized war-hammer and flung them against polished, marble walls.
The fried potatoes were a little dry and our guest remarked that he would have preferred boiled potatoes with it, but never the less it was an enjoyable and man-sized dish.
However, this is annoyingly located in the bottom left-hand corner, which makes the device tricky to grip as the action heats up, and will cause swift thumb-ache for those with man-sized digits.
It is a Walkman-sized device wired to a skull cap that monitors brain waves.
Every propane wallop sent a man-sized streak of flame into the open throat of the nylon that bulbed out above us.
So, what is it about a man with a man-sized shaft on his scooter that threatens people?
a man-sized job
A swirling vortex of yellow and white light irised open from a small dot to a man-sized portal just above the deck in front of Illeen.