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  1. very large; appropriate to the size of a man
    a man-sized piece of cake
  2. calling for the strength of a man
    a man-sized job

How To Use man-sized In A Sentence

  • Faced with a menu in a restaurant, he would usually order some man-sized dish such as prawns, only to lose interest as soon as it arrived.
  • Got a late start, blew off the gym for a man-sized brunch at Annie's, then some quality cell phone time with a bud.
  • Why give a warrior a long bow, and a dwarf human-sized chainmail?
  • If you're itching to hang some quality beef on your back and are not afraid of man-sized pain and hard work, then let's dig into the blueprint and say good-bye forever to that beanpole in the mirror.
  • Yet after several drifts over the search area, they hadn't found any man-sized rectangular baskets of oysters sitting on the bottom. PEARL COVE
  • She looked up and grinned at the man-sized vent in the ceiling.
  • I finger-tipped the last crumbs of my wafer-thin slice of cake and put the plate down, ruefully, looking with some envy at Graham finishing the last of a huge man-sized chunk.
  • It is a Walkman-sized device wired to a skull cap that monitors brain waves.
  • They're too much for one little girl, but they make a perfect man-sized meal.
  • However, this is annoyingly located in the bottom left-hand corner, which makes the device tricky to grip as the action heats up, and will cause swift thumb-ache for those with man-sized digits.
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