
man jack

  1. a single individual
    every man jack

How To Use man jack In A Sentence

  • If the ‘huntsmen’ were to tell me that hunting was just darned good fun, I'd pat every man jack of them on the back.
  • The five man selection team is completed by county board chairman Jack Wall and secretary Seamus Aldrdige.
  • An exhibit where you pull a string and hear Wolfman Jack howl?
  • Its big booster is businessman Jack Stack, author of "A Stake in the Outcome" and "The Great Game of Business. Opening the books is paying dividends for Sun Design
  • US Navy yeoman Jack Adams witnessed the war in the Pacific.
  • I ain't a teetotaler, nohow; but I never touches a drop o 'licker from the time I sots foot aboard ship till I treads land ag'in -- an' what I does, every man Jack o 'my crew shall do ditto, or I'll know an' larn 'em the reason why, you bet! Fritz and Eric The Brother Crusoes
  • Nothing impressed me more in the Old Country than the fact that every man I had special reason to respect, educators, one or two statesmen and my one most respected friend -- every "man jack" of them, without exception, at the base of his mind, was thinking of the fundamental problem of spiritual resynthesis -- the reinspiration of a faith that has been lost. The Commonwealth as Educator
  • The man jacked up his car to fix a flat tire.
  • Environment spokesman Jack Straw said £5 billion was lying idle while thousands were forced to sleep on the streets.
  • First baseman Jack Clark fielded the ball and threw to pitcher Todd Worrell who was covering first.
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