How To Use Malcontent In A Sentence

  • BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Wolf, if Matthew Hoh was some kind of malcontent or incompetent, this would not be the story that it is. CNN Transcript Oct 27, 2009
  • A word scorned by a million liberal malcontents cutting off their noses to spite their collective face, considering it untrendy to stand up for a country that enshrined the very values that saddled their every high horse. Be My Enemy
  • AmE lieuténant, BrE lefténant littérateur literatër lorgnette, lorgnon lornyét, lornyón louche loôsh luthier-a maker of stringed instruments such as violins or guitars məshêen madame brothel, Madame title madáme, cf. mádam shopping madeleine mádeleíne mademoiselle madame wàzél maisonette maizonét maître d'hôtel métradô-tél, mâitradô-tél maladroit maladrŏit malcontent malines malêen mandoline (also 'mandolin' in English) mándə-lín margarine marjərìne marmalade - màrmalâde marmite marquee Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • First they shipped malcontent Bonzi Wells to Memphis in exchange for Wes Person and a conditional first-round draft pick.
  • Itinerant malcontent Ben Rumson saves the life of a stranger injured in a runaway wagon accident.
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  • None other than those infamous troublemakers and malcontents, Winston Churchill and Thomas Jefferson, respectively.
  • 'Somebody Ended Up Ratting Me Out': Miley's Naughty-Photo Hacker Speaks In a sneak attack befitting the kind of malcontent who would dare despoil Miley Cyrus's e-mail account and posted scandalously skin-baring, kiss-blowing, Gawker
  • But the Hawks have given Stotts terrible teams with malcontent stars and awful role players.
  • Though Everett's flamboyant-yet-vulnerable performance is the showcase, Firth is his perfect foil as the deliciously snotty malcontent Tommy Judd.
  • The strike was engineered by a handful of malcontents.
  • And there has been some - I guess the best way you can put it, is some malcontents there who's been taking their shots.
  • And if that doesn't work, the aliterate malcontents resort to book burning demonstrations. The Mondays: Banned Books Week
  • At the same time, Jean Charest had not yet won acceptance as an alternative premier among francophones, so malcontent Liberal voters were temporarily redirected to the rising ADQ.
  • He acted with the Royal Shakespeare Company in 2002, in Island Princess, The Malcontent, Edward III and The Roman Actor.
  • From the start, those that have championed the path of anarchy have exposed themselves as malcontents with selfish interests at heart.
  • If the accused is not dismissed, the good trooper will be dismayed and the malcontent and sorehead will be encouraged in his own insubordination.
  • However, living in such close proximity to what has turned out to be a motley collection of misfits and malcontents has me rattled.
  • Paul Langmack basically inherited a team thrown together from other club leftovers, malcontents and has-beens on a shoe-string budget.
  • Many junior officers became naysayers and malcontents.
  • Then there are crackpots and malcontents, and people who have been genuinely burned by the Bahamian experience.
  • It was composed of all the malcontents who made common cause with those members of the parliament who were irritated by the frequent bursal edicts, notably that which, in 1648, created twelve new appointments of Political Women (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • Isn't there another grouchy, unproductive and anonymous, online malcontent - one who shares your discomfort for "turgid" things - for for you to play with, say losergrrl, for instance? "This man is a clear-eyed pragmatist who will get the job done" — says Biden of Obama.
  • Alfonso entered camp a malcontent, tired of changing positions.
  • Five years ago a band of malcontents, mainly half-educated radicals, seized power.
  • Turnbull's ironically named ‘Best’ ticket obviously thinks it will have the numbers to dump 5 malcontents from the board.
  • Its long-sought independence from Indonesia, finally delivered last August, is said to have given voice to other malcontents around the region.
  • And they made a substantial change, like moving talented malcontent Raul Mondesi to Toronto and getting in return Shawn Green, whom everyone sees as a superstar in waiting.
  • But as he was relied on more and more to save the day, our malcontent primate became a viable source of heroism, humor, and unpredictability.
  • When a player raises a fuss about his contract, he's considered a malcontent.
  • I can think of about half a dozen malcontents who would love a contest.
  • He was fairly sure of the support of the praetorian guard, whose praefect he was, and had counted on the adherence of these malcontents, who he hoped would look to him for future favours whilst raising him to supreme dignity. "Unto Caesar"
  • Together they make a formable team as they investigate the vanishings with Malcontents sightings. Secret Life of a Vampire-Kerrelyn Sparks « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • Country of a few members expresses to be mixed amazedly to this limitation malcontent.
  • I attended a protest event on the Boston Common Tuesday afternoon that featured the usual cast of leftist malcontents.
  • It was joy, my little malcontent is growing up to be a "prop-a hate-a"! POLL RESULTS: Mr. Smith Goes to Hollywood
  • Even if it's revealed that Doom 3 will revolve around a feline assisting a malcontent teen and a hapless FBI agent in solving a kidnapping, I'll still buy it.
  • Looking for a history that isn't there, these hand-wringing malcontents are doomed to disappointment.
  • Also they get the anti English vote in London inter alia from the Irish, the Muslims and a rainbow coalition of malcontents including the pinks. " Help" ( Its just a cry for help)
  • It is time to get serious, he tells the malcontents, they should stop ‘messing around’.
  • Winning hearts and minds took a backseat to overawing malcontent factions with an overwhelming and, for all intents and purposes, enduring show of force.
  • But in the early 1920s the National Socialist German Workers' Party was also a small group of malcontents and political chancers.
  • In democratic and successful societies, men and women do not swear allegiance to malcontents and murderers; they turn their hearts and labor to building better lives.
  • With just over two weeks remaining before the Afghan presidential elections, the malcontents have already lost.
  • Saddled with retirement, shocked by the sudden death of his wife, Schmidt (played by a very remarkable Nicholson) has only his malcontent daughter's wedding in front of him.
  • The term extremism is currently in vogue to describe hate groups and other malcontents listed as such by knowledgeable monitors like SPLC and others in the T2A sidebar, but while we all know what ...... Talk To Action
  • RR is just another malcontent in the neocon party who is benefiting from having a hard-working, intelligent, articulate president – Obama. Obama taps surgeon general
  • And yet mingling with these cries of delight, of jubilation, I record also, as I read, the repetition in the bass of one word intoned over and over again by some malcontent. The Death of the Moth, and other essays
  • It was a few people around McCain, a couple editors at the Standard, and some miscellaneous other GOP malcontents and polemicists.
  • The Father Blake, of whom Andy spoke, was more familiarly known by the name of Father Phil, by which title Andy himself would have named him, had he been telling how Father Phil cleared a fair, or equally "leathered" both the belligerent parties in a faction-fight, or turned out the contents (or malcontents) of a public-house at an improper hour; but when he spoke of his Reverence respecting ghostly matters, the importance of the subject begot higher consideration for the man, and the familiar Handy Andy, Volume 2 — a Tale of Irish Life
  • But the most tedious being is that which can unwish itself, content to be nothing, or never to have been, which was beyond the malcontent of Job, who cursed not the day of his life, but his nativity; content to have so far been, as to have a title to future being, although he had lived here but in an hidden state of life, and as it were an abortion. Hydriotaphia, or Urn-burial
  • What are called Gallican ideas are ever sprouting up like noxious weeds; there is a malcontent The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete Lourdes, Rome and Paris
  • Mr. Campbell says his ordeal with the ministry was not triggered by a malcontent offspring, but by the estranged mother of his eight children, who range in age from one to 13.
  • The malcontent is gunning for his supervisor.
  • Outdoors, a lone malcontent teenage girl lurks and throws rocks in the dark.
  • And what is Anne McGuire thinking of in acting as a whipper-in for these malcontents?
  • Now, if Matthew Hoh were some kind of malcontent or incompetent, this would not be the news story that it is. CNN Transcript Oct 27, 2009
  • With every extra day which passes of the strike that has removed the NHL from centre stage, another 24 hours of potential dialogue between the feuding owners and their malcontent players is lost.
  • From their own point of view, the critics were right: Rhode Island was a cesspool of malcontents, outcasts, bindlestiffs and religious mavericks who were welcome nowhere else.
  • This year the Minnesota Vikings traded him to the Oakland Raiders, who are known for embracing malcontents.
  • One of them, John Cecil, was a malcontent soldier.
  • All the trouble is being caused by a handful of malcontents.
  • With Warrick, the Bengals could unload malcontent Carl Pickens.
  • Should every high school be running its own malcontent search engine?
  • Done in by her MPs. Tory malcontents had begun plotting against Thatcher almost since her notorious 1981 reshuffle which purged the cabinet of the ‘wets’.
  • You're right that pickiness can be a kind of malcontent rejection of the goodness God sends our way.
  • AmE lieuténant, BrE lefténant littérateur literatër lorgnette, lorgnon lornyét, lornyón louche loôsh luthier-a maker of stringed instruments such as violins or guitars məshêen madame brothel, Madame title madáme, cf. mádam shopping madeleine mádeleíne mademoiselle madame wàzél maisonette maizonét maître d'hôtel métradô-tél, mâitradô-tél maladroit maladrŏit malcontent malines malêen mandoline (also 'mandolin' in English) mándə-lín margarine marjərìne marque type Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Hugely criticized for embarking on a European "joyride" as flood waters swelled across Pakistan, the fact that Zardari was in London around the time of the sale may be evidence enough for malcontents. Beenish Ahmed: Did Pakistan's President Zardari Buy Record Breaking £140 Million London Apartment?
  • Fair Add. you all are getting upset over this ad; however no one voiced this kind of malcontent when sen. mc cain called obama "that one"; which is and always has been seen as a derogatory slant at minorities … … suck it up. Top Stories - Google News
  • Getting rid of malcontent Raul Mondesi should do a lot to help an uneven chemistry in the clubhouse, though Garry Sheffield remains a simmering pot.
  • JohnDewey: I think you're possibly assuming a bunch of other things about the malcontents that aren't necessarily justified i.e. that their malcontent is a personality trait, rather than a result of situational factors. More Unhappiness, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Agents in black suits stood on the steps of the Capitol building to make sure the mass of malcontent demonstrators didn't barge inside.
  • Not Old Labour malcontents - they could vote for the Scottish Socialists; not separatists - they had a choice of two parties.
  • You left out the bush whackers, rump rangers, fifth column traitors, child pornographers, baby rapers, brain addled dope smoking malcontents, serial abortionists, incorrigible violent criminals and drug pushers as well as the Clintons that make up the Filthy Left wing of the Liberal Losers. Think Progress » Rumsfeld on Iran Today = Rumsfeld on Iraq in 2002
  • But the Count of Angoulême is another malcontent who serves only his own interests, and both of them are hand in glove with Philip. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • Ever since, leftish malcontents have taken every opportunity to condemn the iniquity of holding all applicants for admission to the same standards.
  • Five years ago a band of malcontents, mainly half-educated radicals, seized power.
  • The robot can also be an observer, a soothsayer, a malcontent or a destructor.
  • Russia formed by the Volga basin in 1775 was described as "an asylum for malcontents and vagabonds of all kinds, ruined nobles, disfrocked monks, military deserters, fugitive serfs, highwaymen, and Volga pirates" -- disorderly elements which contributed greatly to the insurrection led by the Ural Cossacks in that year. [ Influences of Geographic Environment On the Basis of Ratzel's System of Anthropo-Geography
  • Yet the ‘Camp’ here is supposed to refer to Camp Ovation, the performing arts holiday camp for adolescent misfits and malcontents.
  • Nevertheless, this kind of plan brings about partial player is malcontent.
  • The St Lucia Labour Party felt that this offer would deprive them of this pool of malcontents whose misery they could exploit for political reasons at election time.
  • The first condition is that the current crop of malcontents facing the Human Rights Commissions, namely the heteronormative meanies Kate from SDA, Kathy from Five Feet of Fury *, and the pushy Ezra Levant *, all get convicted by the HRC. Practical Actuarial Mathematics for the Common Man
  • They always are and always will be vicious malcontents.
  • They are unelectable malcontents who recognize no irony in their complaints and won't take responsibility for the mess they have conjured.
  • All the trouble is being caused by a handful of malcontents.
  • Panama, Wafer joined the party of malcontents who left Captain Sharp and returned on foot across the Isthmus of Darien. The Pirates' Who's Who Giving Particulars Of The Lives and Deaths Of The Pirates And Buccaneers
  • In a sneak attack befitting the kind of malcontent who would dare despoil Gawker: Defamer
  • Schlachter was quick to dismiss being labeled a "malcontent". Toledo Newspaper
  • While this may describe the current state of affairs for many malcontents, it's inconsistent with the 10 fire-starters that precede it.
  • There is no room for malcontents or troublemakers - an issue Button had to deal with or lose promising coach Greg Gilbert.
  • But to a growing legend of spectators, he's simply becoming known as the malcontent's best friend. Edmonton Sun
  • Yep, just this past Friday, while you were reading Zack's hilariously malcontent article about NASA's shortcomings, I was busy getting diagnosed with mono.
  • Sir Neville justice, he could fight like a demon; had abandoned the royal cause when it was hopeless, and, by betraying his sovereign, escaped the usual fate and amercement of malcontent -- the Protector remarking, with a certain solemn humour, "that Sir Neville was an instrument in the hand of the Lord, but that Satan had a share in him, which doubtless he would not fail to claim in due time. Kate Coventry An Autobiography
  • Mr Starmer's intervention prompted strong criticism from David Green, the director of the think tank Civitas, who said: "The Human Rights Act is so vague that it has opened up opportunities for every kind of malcontent who thinks there might be money or other advantage to be gained from legal confrontation, often encouraged by no-win-no-fee lawyers. news business sport the Daily Telegraph newspaper Sunday Telegraph
  • You left out the rump rangers, child pornographers, baby rapers, brain addled dope smoking malcontents, and drug pushers as well as the Clintons that make up the Filthy Left wing of the Liberal Losers. Think Progress » Rumsfeld on Iran Today = Rumsfeld on Iraq in 2002
  • From the start, those that have championed the path of anarchy have exposed themselves as malcontents with selfish interests at heart.
  • The grumpiest of malcontents would struggle to find fault with all that. Times, Sunday Times
  • Five years ago a band of malcontents, mainly half-educated radicals, seized power.
  • With a chronically malcontent mother and a father for whom all of life's best opportunities appear to have passed him by, is singularly determined.

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