[ UK /mˈælkəntˌɛnt/ ]
[ US /ˌmæɫkənˈtɛnt/ ]
  1. a person who is discontented or disgusted
  1. discontented as toward authority
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How To Use malcontent In A Sentence

  • BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Wolf, if Matthew Hoh was some kind of malcontent or incompetent, this would not be the story that it is. CNN Transcript Oct 27, 2009
  • A word scorned by a million liberal malcontents cutting off their noses to spite their collective face, considering it untrendy to stand up for a country that enshrined the very values that saddled their every high horse. Be My Enemy
  • AmE lieuténant, BrE lefténant littérateur literatër lorgnette, lorgnon lornyét, lornyón louche loôsh luthier-a maker of stringed instruments such as violins or guitars məshêen madame brothel, Madame title madáme, cf. mádam shopping madeleine mádeleíne mademoiselle madame wàzél maisonette maizonét maître d'hôtel métradô-tél, mâitradô-tél maladroit maladrŏit malcontent malines malêen mandoline (also 'mandolin' in English) mándə-lín margarine marjərìne marmalade - màrmalâde marmite marquee Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • First they shipped malcontent Bonzi Wells to Memphis in exchange for Wes Person and a conditional first-round draft pick.
  • Itinerant malcontent Ben Rumson saves the life of a stranger injured in a runaway wagon accident.
  • None other than those infamous troublemakers and malcontents, Winston Churchill and Thomas Jefferson, respectively.
  • 'Somebody Ended Up Ratting Me Out': Miley's Naughty-Photo Hacker Speaks In a sneak attack befitting the kind of malcontent who would dare despoil Miley Cyrus's e-mail account and posted scandalously skin-baring, kiss-blowing, Gawker
  • But the Hawks have given Stotts terrible teams with malcontent stars and awful role players.
  • Though Everett's flamboyant-yet-vulnerable performance is the showcase, Firth is his perfect foil as the deliciously snotty malcontent Tommy Judd.
  • The strike was engineered by a handful of malcontents.
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