How To Use Mailed In A Sentence

  • Mine are carefully folded into envelopes and airmailed to Berlin.
  • Hereupon all folk stared in hugeous wonderment to behold these two champions drop their swords and leap to clasp and hug each other in mighty arms, to pat each other's mailed shoulders and grasp each other's mailed hands. The Geste of Duke Jocelyn
  • Before machine-readable, full-text e-prints were available, paper preprints were mailed by the author or the institution only to major institutions.
  • A follow-up post card was mailed to non-respondents one month after the initial mailing.
  • Are you using a sampling method for a mailed questionnaire?
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  • A guy known mysteriously as "GST" e-mailed me about my article.
  • School administrators mailed letters to all parents of seventh graders describing the project.
  • Andrew says that most "magalogues" are normally mailed out to frequent customers or distributed in store.
  • It was in these vales that the Saxons of the plain and the Gad of the mountains had many a desperate and bloody encounter, in which it was frequently impossible to decide the palm of victory between the mailed chivalry of the low country and the plaided clans whom they opposed. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Although the intention was to create new and independent economic and cultural centers, most of the satellite towns remain economically dependent on Beijing, and have only become dormitory towns," Jeffrey Johnson, who specializes in Chinese megacities at New York's Columbia University, said in emailed comments. Reuters: Press Release
  • So here's a slightly edited version of the letter we emailed to Post ombud Deborah Howell about Will's effort. Letter To WaPo Ombud Howell About George Will's Smearing Of Webb
  • It should be noted that these are not self-mailers but rather letter- or legal-size pages to be mailed in double-windowed #10 envelopes.
  • So I emailed him the whole idea and he wrote back saying he wanted to read the script.
  • Everywhere, workforces are played off against one another and blackmailed into making concessions with the threat that production will be moved.
  • Regular updates on movies screened at the theatres and film news will be e-mailed to the web site's of registered users.
  • My mother recently found one of the journals I kept during my wanderings in the 90's, buried at the bottom of one of my old tin trunks that had been sitting out beside the woodpile at the lodge for a few years, and mailed it to me.
  • They are full of the glitter and bluster of German militarism ?mailed fist and shining armour.
  • It was bought by a nice man in [redacted], who three days after he received the phone, e-mailed me to say he'd taken the phone to the T-Mobile near his home to have it activated only to be told that a brand new phone, which was still in the box and had all the accessories in plastic, was broken and couldn't be repaired. T-Mobile: We Can't Help You, Sell Your Brand New Defective Phone On eBay - The Consumerist
  • The surveys were faxed or mailed with a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
  • If the cosmos is against might, if the sun wars not with the planets but retires at dueful time to give the stars their little sway, what avails our mailed fist? Autobiography of a Yogi
  • The galleries have also joined forces to produce a mailer called the Seattle Gallery Exhibitions, which is mailed to their combined mailing lists.
  • My Nurse Manager mailed me my schedule and I'm on every Saturday.
  • While I'm in a bit of a ratty mood, does anybody want to have a guess about which smug London-based website e-mailed me overnight?
  • I elegantly e-mailed the company, who sent back a ‘dear occupant’ type response assuring it's ‘aware of the varied taste preferences and dietary needs of our consumers,’ but not specifically addressing any point, plaint or plea.
  • A total of 940 surveys were mailed, and reminder cards were sent two weeks later.
  • A week before the landmine blast, he had emailed home to say he loved his family dearly. The Sun
  • Others e-mailed from home, rejoicing in the delights I was experiencing.
  • I also e-mailed you regarding your fish identity quiz and the fact that fish 6 is identified as a coley but the photo is of a pollock. In praise of … the Big Fish Fight | Editorial
  • She emailed me to say that they're to keep the drink from going flat.
  • So, I e-mailed the pictures to John, who writes A DC Birding Blog, and he identified it as a female boat-tailed grackle (Quiscalus major). Archive 2009-05-01
  • This morning, I shopped for a keyboard stand for my new iPal, learned how to use Pages, and e-mailed an animated love story involving octopi to my dad, all while my eyelids were still at half-mast. Suzan Colón: RIP: The... Pause
  • A sustainable building firm in Missouri will collect corks to recondition into building materials: Since 2004, wine consumers have mailed in 1.5 tons of corks (approximately 400,000). Cork dork: Ten cool things to do with leftover wine corks | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • Before the National, our co-worker e-mailed his friend to say he was backing a horse to win the Grand National as a tribute to his girl.
  • She bribed me with pasta and blackmailed me into writing a synopsis on my last night in Hawaii.
  • Ashley emailed me this morning with a list of errata and addenda.
  • When not at combat readiness, the mailed knight would unfasten his ventail, throw back his coif, and turn back his mittens.
  • This was long ago that the reports were mimeographed and mailed, like small press catalogs.
  • Ngema said he wanted the commission to take steps against the police officers who "blackmailed" him into leaving the country, and to compensate him for time lost and pain received while outside the country. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • I've emailed her a few times to let her know I'm available, but she just deletes me and the rejection is killing me!
  • Remember that any time a file is viewable, the file can be copied, e-mailed and otherwise compromised.
  • During my tenure as attorney general, we investigated and, exactly three years ago today, held hearings that revealed systemic abuse of the federal railroad pension system involving LIRR workers in a practice we termed 'disability by appointment,'" New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said in an e- mailed statement. -- Top News
  • I suspect if you e-mailed her and let her know you weren't interested in renewing, she could take it from there. Lord of the Rings: Return of the Lapse
  • I decided to take the plunge, but waited another fortnight before I mailed the letter.
  • It was a common little church enough, with a large mortuary chapel, where all the Danvers family reposed; ancient Danvers lying in armor, with their mailed hands joined, beside their wives; more modern Danvers kneeling in bass-relief in colored plaster and execrable taste in recesses. The Danvers Jewels, and Sir Charles Danvers
  • Nominations from coaches for Happy State Bank Athletes of the Week can be e-mailed to sports writer Preston Mitchell at sports@ amarillo. com. Undefined
  • I've emailed copies of the photographs to a forensic odontologist in Texas, and an animal attack guy in Colorado.
  • Participants were informed that a questionnaire would be mailed to them within 1 week of their discharge from the hospital.
  • U.K. Foreign Secretary William Hague today urged the government to release Mousavi and Karrubi, according to an e- mailed statement from the Foreign Office in London. Iran Says Opposition Is 'Internal Affair,' rejects criticism
  • But Simmons emailed executives and told them not to attend Muhammad's summit, and refused to invite him to his own.
  • Of course a no-fly zone is a possibility, but I urge restraint and precise consideration of the issue, and especially intensive international agreement," Westerwelle said in an e- mailed statement yesterday. -- Top News
  • Yeah, the postmark definitely can trace to the post office where they mailed the letter.
  • I took several photos of friends, so if I took your pic and you want a copy emailed, just let me know.
  • No one has heard from him since the court case though we have emailed the prison about getting in touch with him. The Sun
  • He emailed the photos to some global chiropractic website, garnishing international accolades for himself while incensing his wife.
  • By way of explanation, Mr Frog emailed me a link to a youtube video of France Gall singing her 1965 Eurovision winning, Gainsbourg-penned Poupée de cire, poupée de son. Slim, sexy en druk
  • We have mailed all sorts of Rugby Club Secretaries around the country yet many players in teams we have spoken to haven't heard about it.
  • “We are expecting the brewhouse to come next week, on or after the 16th,” brewer Jeff Hancock e-mailed last week. Festival puts the focus on complex barley wines
  • The scans, ndiff run, and emailed report are often automated using tools such as cron on UNIX or the Scheduled Tasks tool on Windows. The Web Security Mailing List (WASC)
  • ‘Got a letter here I'd like to be mailed,’ the young man said handing the letter to the short stocky man sitting on a small cot in the shabby tent.
  • If you're being blackmailed by someone, turning around and blackmailing him back is just as illegal as the first crime.
  • At least he emailed you before the quarter even started, and your reply was a lot snippier than it had to be. And so it begins.
  • The last time I wore something of theirs they emailed to say thank you. The Sun
  • Stacey Johnson, a spokeswoman for the governor, said in an emailed statement that "no determination" has been made about the bids pending under the state's Public-Private Transportation Act, or PPTA, process. Virginia reaches initial agreement for major new port lease
  • The respondents were guaranteed that all answers were anonymous. A reminder letter was emailed approximately one week after the questionnaire.
  • He continued to avoid answering my question of how he had been blackmailed into going to Italy, and our communications were more letters between friends than anything else.
  • Many radio enthusiasts emailed from the United States, having read the story online, after Vodaphone said the problem may be caused by amateur radio hams.
  • Several of the 20 readers who had e-mailed the newspaper expressed shock that oral sex remained an offence under the penal code in the modern city-state.
  • most people were calling noah cicero garbage and calling me and zachary silly and stupid and crap other things justin rands, who has emailed me twice or something and who i blocked on gmail chat when he tried to gmail chat me, said 'eat a dick' Odd accident
  • The line his old enemy had e-mailed him returned, mockingly: Have the gates of death been opened unto thee? MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • Describe the procedures for insuring a reasonably good sample return from a mailed questionnaire.
  • Well, the coworker emailed me the other day saying that he missed having me in his life. The email was three lines long, and since I have shown over and over that I have no respect for that kind of rule of netiquette, here it is.
  • NOTE2: WANG CHING-FENG Minister of Justice, also said in public in front of cameras that the Justice will not allow itself to be "blackmailed" by a hunger strike. Ten Ten Most Wanted List to be Abolished
  • No one knows where it was mailed from, only where it was going to, and that was unfortunately an unnumbered rural route address.
  • I can attest that I have had a very positive experience with an FIV+ cat," said Muffin's owner, Peggy Clark, who was one of a couple hundred cat lovers who e-mailed after I wrote a column about my decision not to adopt a couple of shelter kittens who tested positive for the feline virus. Blind devotion to needy pets not the best path for everyone
  • Tepco said it may have found xenon, which is associated with nuclear fission, while examining gases taken from the reactor, according to an e-mailed statement today. -- Top News
  • Since that time it has grown from a mimeoed sheet distributed to ten newspapers to a printed 20-page packet of articles and graphics mailed to nearly 800 subscribers twice a week. Lns
  • For each property, a team of surveyors collected on-site data, another team collected descriptive data from county courthouses, and survey questionnaires were mailed to the property owners.
  • I returned home to cheering news from Kingster, who had kindly e-mailed to let me know just how limited my life expectancy is.
  • When her cuckolded husband blackmailed him, Hamilton paid hush money to keep his wife from learning of the dalliance. A Short History of Political Suicide
  • A regular ballot would still be mailed to the voter's mailing address, so the email ballot is used as some assurance that one or the other ballot will be available in time to be voted. Sound Politics: Vote by E-mail
  • Donors were supplied with polling information; we mailed certified letters and express mail packages as well as highly personal appeals from Jim and his family.
  • I emailed this person back, with a screenshot of my Start menu, with the mouse pointer pointing to the Printers folder at the top of the start menu.
  • Tommy raced to shortstop and fielded the first ball cleanly but was so amped up that he airmailed his throw over first base and into the stands. Parents Behaving Badly
  • The children continued to share stories about times when they mailed a letter with their parents, or when they actually went to the post office.
  • Other scientists wrote and e-mailed the board in support of the science standards.
  • But he urged the company to stand firm so potential investors knew employers ‘will not be blackmailed by irresponsible threats from unions’.
  • A few original sketches by Bret Blevins, Min Ku, and Bill Galvan, not to mention some He-Man paint-by-numbers my grandpa did back in the day, hang above the shelf, along with a Garth Ennis signed Preacher poster and a David Letterman signed glossy (though I think an intern really signed that one, since I mailed away for it). Send us your shelf porn! | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • There are stacks of people who have e-mailed me or commented over the last year or so who I would love to meet in the flesh.
  • Mr. Ali, through his attorney, complained that he was "blackmailed" into coming to the hearing. Sept. 11 Defendants Drag Feet at Hearings
  • Update #2: The author Joel Epstein emailed me a response to this post. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » The Timeless Appeal of Triumphalism
  • Since that time Liberation News Service has grown from a mimeoed sheet distributed to ten newspapers to a printed fifteen-page packet of articles and graphics mailed to over 500 subscribers twice a week. LNS in Trouble
  • The videotapes were duplicated, packaged and mailed by Rank Video Services America of Deerfield, Illinois.
  • Within minutes, the passcode will be e-mailed to the member.
  • Tepper, Duick's attorney, said he discussed the campaign with Toyota's attorneys earlier this year, and they said the "opting in" Harp referred to was done when Duick's friend e-mailed her a "personality test" that contained a link to an "indecipherable" written statement that Toyota used as a form of consent from Duick. Boing Boing
  • In July the company mailed recall letters offering to fix any defects for free.
  • What its proposal, emailed to reporters a couple minutes ago, actually concerns is empaneling an investigation into abuses which may have been committed by U.S. officials or agents in connection with the U.S. response to the events of September 11, 2001, or in relation to alleged acts or threats against national security, and which at a minimum will investigate detentions, renditions and the alleged use of torture and other mistreatment of detainees. 13-Point Program To Destroy America | ATTACKERMAN
  • I have e-mailed the company and also copied my message to the financial investors for the Body Shop, stating that I will begin a boycott of Body Shop products effective immediately.
  • She accidentally emailed the saucy snaps to her maths class after uploading the wrong document. The Sun
  • I did a bit of redrafting, then emailed it into the office, feeling smug that I was working from home.
  • Donors were supplied with polling information; we mailed certified letters and express mail packages as well as highly personal appeals from Jim and his family.
  • When not at combat readiness, the mailed knight would unfasten his ventail, throw back his coif, and turn back his mittens but, for combat, he would be wholly covered in mail except at the groin and upper face.
  • She accidentally emailed the saucy snaps to her maths class after uploading the wrong document. The Sun
  • For those of you, who like myself 6 years ago, have no idea about what kind of rigamarole getting a PhD involves, I thought I would break it down in a paragraph, as I did for my dad who emailed me the other night asking, "SO YOU ARE REALLY ALMOST DONE WITH THAT PHD? Academic Milestones ... and Hoops
  • Instead of shaking a "mailed fist" at the world, young William of Hohenzollern might have been a mediatized princelet on the lookout for an American heiress; there might never have been a Leipzig or a Waterloo, as there certainly would not have been a Sedan, and the heirs of Napoleon might now have been ruling over an empire covering all Central Europe, from the Tiber to the Baltic. Editorials from the Hearst Newspapers
  • Reminder postcards were mailed approximately eight weeks after the initial mailing, with second questionnaires provided upon request.
  • I emailed the person who started that particular chain and told her the facts and to quit the hype.
  • Tears are mailed to me the gift green, address is not how happiness.
  • I reposted the letters and he got them just fine the second time I mailed them.
  • I airmailed my ball over the green into the water, to go two down. Trading Shots With Donald Trump
  • A stream of mailed flyers, emails and more pertaining to hearing loss and restoration is very commonplace and yes, I sometimes, and inwardly sometimes reluctantly read about the latest in hearing technological miracles which supposedly grace our lives today. Developing An Ear for Spanish
  • We are blackmailed into believing the money is needed for education and the elderly, but every year we pay more and receive less.
  • So Lisa, please email me at toni [dot] causey [at] gmail [dot] com with your address and I'll get your signed copies mailed out to you this week! May 2008
  • Do you think any politician would be willing to admit ‘Yes, I was threatened and blackmailed into supporting government policy that I didn't agree with’?
  • Naturally, Mr. Brady's fighting words were airmailed down to the Jets and Rex Ryan. Loathe Him or Not, Brady Has NY Ties
  • Friday, saying they would not be "blackmailed" into returning to the negotiating table. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Postal patrons also must complete customs forms and declarations pertaining to the contents of parcels being mailed.
  • And on Friday they emailed me back and asked me along.
  • More than 275,000 recipe leaflets have been produced and mailed to key catering customers, giving eight new recipe ideas.
  • A lot of people have e-mailed me or tweeted me, and have asked, why wasn't there any police presence at that event?
  • Money was being subscribed liberally by persons of good family who hoped for political preferment and could not get it from the old parties, and by corporations tired of being "blackmailed" by Kelly and The Conflict
  • You get a confirmation of the sent fax emailed back to you and naturally, any faxes sent to you are received via your e-mail.
  • Law's testimony is interspersed with readings by actors portraying witnesses and victims, taken from survivors' accounts and letters mailed to Law's office.
  • The brochures are mailed direct to members.
  • The canine star of a TV show tries to find his way home when he gets mailed across America. The Sun
  • First - the email: I'm neck deep in edits, so if you've emailed, I might take a little longer than usual to reply. Archive 2009-07-01
  • A poster designed to be printed A2 size, put in a A4 envelope and mailed to prospective employers.
  • So Angelle, email me at toni [dot] causey [at] gmail [dot] com with your address and I'll get your signed copies mailed out to you this week! Dear God... (the stick turned blue)
  • The Moody's move suggests global markets turn increasingly positive about China's medium-term fundamentals, so it's a big positive for commodities and related currencies," BofA Merrill Lynch China economist Ting Lu wrote in emailed comments. China Jumps on Down Day
  • A mate has just emailed a kewl link to a fabby site full of those classic computer games from the 1980s.
  • The completed ballot paper is then mailed back in a numbered envelope placed in another envelope.
  • The forms were mailed to Asheville at the end of the month and then keypunched and verified with a quality-control process.
  • She's emailed me asking if I wanna stay over at her place after the gig.
  • So I emailed Post reporterKirk Mitchell, who wrote the Whitman article,and told him thatwhen apublic official attacks the media, I think reporters shouldtreat the accusation as they would in any other news story, and present readers with a response from the entity that's attacked. Jason Salzman: Denver News Outlets Lie There as Gardner, Gessler, And Whitman Abuse them
  • The intuitions are the bright band, without armor or shield, that slay the mailed and bucklered giants of the understanding. Birds and Poets : with Other Papers
  • His astonishment and confusion, therefore, were great, when, as the last note of the proclamation died in the echo, Count Robert of Paris stood forth, armed cap-a-pie, his mailed charger led behind him from within the curtained enclosure, at one end of the lists, as if ready to mount at the signal of the marshal. Count Robert of Paris
  • Nissan Motor Co.'s U.S. sales of Nissan and Infiniti brand vehicles rose 32 percent last month, the company said in an e- mailed statement. -- Top News
  • All these bills were mailed from the same USPS mailbox - located in a local mall.
  • If only the plot didn't sound so hokey: retired thief Nick Wells is running a jazz lounge when he's blackmailed into doing one more heist by a young crim upstart (Norton).
  • We've been blackmailed with this threat for years.
  • They have talked over the phone and e-mailed each other over the past several months, getting aquatinted without yet delving into their past. The Facts: News
  • After I had mailed the letter Shawn and I started to head back home.
  • In addition if unionism is making decisions primarily predilected to avoid the IRA going back to violence, it is being blackmailed as well as conned. Slugger O'Toole
  • I've emailed the gal but haven't seen a change on her site yet.
  • Early in the season, Cervelli airmailed too many throws into center field, and it put his job in jeopardy. The Cervelli Reconstruction Project
  • Also, just to prove that copyediting is never truly finished, that it merely reaches a point where one has to stop because the presses must roll, I spotted a grievous typo in the author's note of B is for Beginning (the cover illustration, which Rick Kirk did for "Hoar Isis," was attributed to "Persephone"), and I emailed Bill at subpress about it. "The echo there, of me and you."
  • In a statement emailed to Pitchfork earlier this week, the label wrote: Pitchfork: Latest News
  • It was entertaining, but it was not diplomacy, and, sooner or later, Louis was certain to be 'blackmailed' by some underling in his service. Historical Mysteries
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is this what you call a diploma mailed (ph) to some extent? CNN Transcript Feb 13, 2008
  • If they are aware of their rights, they are either coerced or emotionally blackmailed into giving up their share in the interest of maintaining harmonious relations with their families.
  • Prosecutor Shane Deel told the jury during opening statements that Hawkins purchased the speculum from a sex toy Web site that specializes in bondage items and that he had it mailed from Oregon to arrive by Jan. 31, 2005, when the assault is alleged to have occurred. Girl testifies in Yedidiyah Hawkins’ sexual assault trial
  • So Billie, please email me at toni [dot] causey [at] gmail [dot] com with your address and I'll get your signed copies mailed out to you this week! May 2008
  • She says she was virtually blackmailed into giving up her claim to the property.
  • Because the United States allowed itself to be "blackmailed" in 1994 through the so-called Framework Agreement we entered into with North Korea at that time. Combatting Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • Approximately 2,400 individuals are randomly selected from each senior year cohort for biennial follow-up via mailed questionnaires.
  • Hum, wonder who emailed overnight?
  • I received a lot of feedback regarding the issue since the last newsletter was mailed.
  • Participants mailed the ratings back to me in a prepaid envelope.
  • 4014 Underwood, Houston, TX 77025-1718 with a return addressand your ticket (s) will be mailed or on hold (please specify) at the event under your name Feed of Eventbrite Events
  • I didn't see any indication that anyone was being threatened or blackmailed or otherwise induced against their will into serving in this capacity.
  • In other words, the most successful stabilization force is one that wears both the mailed gauntlet and the velvet glove.
  • I got a pound cake from Patience mailed in September.
  • The college dean subsequently emailed students expressing his great alarm at their dangerous actions.
  • I already have their email addy and have emailed them several times.
  • The head teachers reported no untoward problems on Friday, with results e-mailed through to the schools on schedule.
  • He didn't miss by a little bit either; he completely airmailed Placido Polanco, the second baseman who was covering the bag. Mistakes, bad luck, and the cool of the Cardinals take toll on Tigers
  • Erik Davis (of cinematical fame) e-mailed me in response to the previous posting asking if it could be Cloud Atlas, the Wachowskis-produced Tom Tykwer-directed adaptation of the postmodern novel by David Mitchell. Jesse Ventura Also Filmed Role in The Wachowskis’ Secret Futuristic War Movie | /Film
  • After Modano worked his way into the slot, he airmailed the puck toward the net, and Tkachuk tapped a shot past Bryzgalov. - Tkachuk's four goals help U.S. knock out Russia
  • Members would be e-mailed or faxed government consultation documents, policy papers and press releases.
  • Unfortunately, she - well, let's put it kindly and say she misremembered the ‘research’ she was quoting, as I discovered when I e-mailed her.
  • Refugees with Laptops" ... is the phrase Chas at Nature Blog used when he e-mailed me that he and Mary and their dogs, cat, etc. had been evacuated from their house by the Forest Service at the approach of the Mason Fire. "Refugees with Laptops"
  • Catholicgauze, fresh from his conquest of the blogosphere and being called a monster in Spanish, emailed me from interesting LOST links. Ceiling Map from TV show Lost « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
  • A group of robots that paint messages emailed to them via outrace. org in a dazzling display of robo-choreography and light. Constantin Bjerke: Artistic Robots Take Over Trafalgar Square - Outrace at London Design Festival
  • As Jo Moore discovered when she e-mailed a colleague suggesting that September 11 was a good time to ‘bury bad news’, an unconsidered thought can easily translate into a national scandal.
  • It may work in a rough-and-ready way, since the governments represented on the security council will be bribed, blackmailed, browbeaten and bludgeoned into submission over the next fortnight.
  • He e-mailed me saying he was quitting the job and going back east, admitting that I had been right.
  • The success of the mailed knights and their bowmen was immediate.
  • And the post office has been busy postmarking the town's name on valentine cards mailed from across Canada and as far away as France. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • I e-mailed Ms. Azuma and received a reply the next day.
  • There was no apparent motive for the attack and the drivers say they have not been blackmailed or threatened by triads.
  • Doing the shopping could be as easy as picking up an order that you mailed ahead during a lunch break.
  • The term 'emergency' is being used in a fast and loose fashion to cover yet more indecisive murmurings around the Greek bailout," he added in emailed comments. - Top Stories
  • Two days later, I stapled the receipt to the rebate offer, put it in an envelope, and mailed it off to Future Shop.
  • These young people will be surveyed by mailed questionnaire on three separate occasions over a two-year period, commencing in spring 1987.
  • The artist or craftsperson will receive from the state information about how much sales tax to collect (generally, between three and eight percent) and how to pay it -- often, a coupon book is enclosed (the coupons are to be mailed back with sales tax receipts). Daniel Grant: A Word About Taxes
  • A highly skilled thief is blackmailed into pulling a diamond heist when his daughter is kidnapped by an international terrorist.
  • mailed an indignant letter to the editor
  • During the Victorian era, the postal system underwent an industrial revolution, with the first Penny Black stamp mailed on May 2, 1840, from Bath. Portrait of a Killer
  • And we've had over a million letters mailed out to borrowers at risk who have not been in contact with our servicer.
  • A questionnaire and stamped self-addressed return envelope were mailed to 21 current preceptors of community health practicum students.
  • John Milway emailed to tell us how he'd tried and failed to identify a hawklike bird he'd seen from his garden. The readers' room: what you thought of G2 this week
  • Mailed claims must be postmarked by November 1.
  • Recently, Afsana Mushtaq (name changed) in Delhi became the first Indian woman to be digitally divorced when her husband e-mailed her the triple talaq.
  • Unbelieving, he emailed the casino then emailed them again.
  • She says she was virtually blackmailed into giving up her claim to the property.
  • I had lunch, wrote the bare bones of the piece, e-mailed it to the office, drove to HQ, and rewrote the piece.
  • Everyone who emailed the code word got an entry, and from those eligible entries, we got our second winner: The iPhone Blog
  • The book tells the story of “young, independent Laguna Beach-based marijuana kingpins are blackmailed into working for the Baja Cartel after one of their threesome is kidnapped.” Oliver Stone To Direct Don Winslow’s Drug Cartel Thriller Savages | /Film
  • I cannot believe that after having run such an exceptional, thoughtful and for the most part 'pitch perfect' campaign that Obama would make the collosal mistake of being 'blackmailed' into accepting this divisive, self-centered, tone-deaf and (I'm increasingly convinced) not entirely stable person as a VP candidate. Obama Gets New Supers, With A Switcher From Hillary
  • she e-mailed me the good news
  • The country from which the article of food is shipped or, if the food is imported by international mail, the anticipated date of mailing and country from which the food is mailed

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