

[ US /ˈmeɪɫd/ ]
[ UK /mˈe‍ɪld/ ]
  1. wearing protective mail

How To Use mailed In A Sentence

  • Mine are carefully folded into envelopes and airmailed to Berlin.
  • Hereupon all folk stared in hugeous wonderment to behold these two champions drop their swords and leap to clasp and hug each other in mighty arms, to pat each other's mailed shoulders and grasp each other's mailed hands. The Geste of Duke Jocelyn
  • Before machine-readable, full-text e-prints were available, paper preprints were mailed by the author or the institution only to major institutions.
  • A follow-up post card was mailed to non-respondents one month after the initial mailing.
  • Are you using a sampling method for a mailed questionnaire?
  • A guy known mysteriously as "GST" e-mailed me about my article.
  • School administrators mailed letters to all parents of seventh graders describing the project.
  • Andrew says that most "magalogues" are normally mailed out to frequent customers or distributed in store.
  • It was in these vales that the Saxons of the plain and the Gad of the mountains had many a desperate and bloody encounter, in which it was frequently impossible to decide the palm of victory between the mailed chivalry of the low country and the plaided clans whom they opposed. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Although the intention was to create new and independent economic and cultural centers, most of the satellite towns remain economically dependent on Beijing, and have only become dormitory towns," Jeffrey Johnson, who specializes in Chinese megacities at New York's Columbia University, said in emailed comments. Reuters: Press Release
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