How To Use Mahayana In A Sentence
One should not forget that Newar Buddhism possesses quite a number of indigenous elements, which are not to be found in Indian Mahayana Buddhism.
Heidegger's characterization of the fourfold's mutually appropriating "mirror-play" and insight regarding the universe's luminosity in Mahayana Buddhism.
Blake, Heidegger, Buddhism, and Deep Ecology: A Fourfold Perspective on Humanity's Relationship to Nature
Re - Mahayana Jade Buddha Temple, a large - scale, floor Diange magnificent Church.
The Chan sect of China has called itself"Supplementary Biography of Buddhism", but its MuniuYus not only come from Mahayana, but also have a bearing on Hinayana.
In a footnote to this discussion Semple notes that the Mahayana tantra belongs to the wider Sunyatavada Doctrine.
Epic presentations (shin-tu rgyas-pa, Skt. vaipulya) are presentations of the vast and profound aspects of such topics as the six far-reaching attitudes (six perfections) and ten arya bodhisattva levels of mind (ten bhumis) of The Basket of the Mahayana or Bodhisattva Sutras.
The Twelve Scriptural Categories
The Mahayana seeing and accustoming pathway minds span ten “bhumis” (sa-bcu) – ten levels of arya bodhisattva minds achieved before Buddhahood.
The Five Pathway Minds (Five Paths): Advanced Presentation
These range from the abstrusely technical to his Mahayana Buddhism: The Doctrinal Foundations, which may be the most widely used introduction to Mahayana Buddhist thought in the English-speaking world.
Hinayana and Mahayana forms of Buddhist practice yet equally operates in foundational ways within a broad range of Romantic thought as well.
Enlightenment East and West: An Introduction to Romanticism and Buddhism
This book is intended as an introduction to the ideas of Mahayana Buddhism, and also to some of the recent scholar work in the field.
The main aspect of method in the Mahayana is the portion dealing with achievement of the Form Body, and the method that achieves the Form Body in the Mantrayana is just the deity yoga of meditating on oneself as having an aspect similar to that of a Form Body.
Kalachakra Initiations by His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Having explained the inadequacy of the Hinayana and non-Madhyamaka Mahayana manners of meditating on the four – merely to realize the four noble truths in terms of them – Shantideva presents a Madhyamaka way to meditate in terms of their voidness of true existence.
Overview of the Ninth Chapter of Bodhicharayavatara on Voidness
Other faiths include Roman Catholicism, Islam, animism, and Mahayana Buddhism - the type of Buddhism found most often in northern Asia.
In mahayana Buddhism, a bodhisattva is an enlightened being who forgoes nirvana and vows to take rebirth again and again in order to save all sentient beings from suffering.
In the United States the dominant form of Buddhism is Mahayana Buddhism, and Theravada Buddhism is confined to a few viharas.
(1973 Loose Poetic Translation) (A Mahayana Mind-Training) (Theg-pa chen-po'i blo-sbyong mtshon-cha 'khor-lo) by Dharmarakshita translated by Alexander Berzin and Sharpa Tulku, together with Jonathan Landaw and Khamlung Tulku, based on an oral explanation by Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey, 1973
The Wheel of Sharp Weapons
He uses Mahayana theory to criticize Hinayana in his earlier times. He appreciates Madhyamika very much, but regret its trend to Emptiness.
No scholar can claim expertise in all areas of Mahayana Buddhism.
I suppose you could call me a Mahayana Buddhist, if you need a label.
Second, De La Vallee Poussin appears to assume that there is a coherent and consistent belief about the nature of Trikaya overarching all so-called Mahayana sects.
The Volokh Conspiracy » “Game Show Looks to Convert Atheists”:
In the Mahayana one takes a vow called the bodhisattva vow, in which one promises to help all other sentient beings to enlightenment before attaining enlightenment oneself, or to attain enlightenment for their sake.
Hegel on Buddhism
In the Mahayana, this "compassion" appears as a kind of sister virtue alongside that of "wisdom" prajna.
Kelamuni unimpressed by Sri Aurobindo
According to the bodhisattva, the mahayana teachings are the real words of the Buddha.
The Tibetans and Pema Chödrön practice a form of Buddhism known as Mahayana.
Beginner’s Grace
I suppose you could call me a Mahayana Buddhist, if you need a label.
Everyone who subscribes to the Mahayana technically becomes a bodhisattva, but for most this is just the starting point of their long course of spiritual development.
The main criterion for establishing a teaching as authentically Buddhist is its unbroken lineage tracing back to Buddha - whether one describes Buddha according to classic Buddhology, transpersonal psychology, or the Hinayana, general Mahayana, or highest Tantrayana views.
Making Sense of Tantra ��� 2 The Authenticity of the Tantras
The scriptures followed by the trainees are the Mahayana sutras, taught by the Buddha and other Buddhist masters.
There are small numbers of animists, Confucianists, Taoists, Mahayana Buddhists, and Hindus.
As the new sutras multiplied, Buddhist teachers began to compose commentaries and treatises setting forth the philosophical basis of Mahayana beliefs.
The Mahayana seeing and accustoming pathway minds span ten bodhisattva “bhumis” (sa-bcu), ten levels of arya bodhisattva minds achieved before Buddhahood.
The Five Pathway Minds (Five Paths): Basic Presentation
From the fifth to the fifteenth centuries the dominant power in the area was the Khmer empire, in which various forms of Hinduism and Mahayana Buddhism were popular.
We achieve a Mahayana building-up pathway mind when we attain, in addition, unlabored bodhichitta.
The Five Pathway Minds (Five Paths): Advanced Presentation
Within some Mahayana Buddhist texts, for example, bodhisattvas are described as having halos studded with 500 Buddhas, each attended by numberless gods.