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[ US /ˌmɑhəˈjɑnə/ ]
  1. one of two great schools of Buddhist doctrine emphasizing a common search for universal salvation especially through faith alone; the dominant religion of China and Tibet and Japan
  2. a major school of Buddhism teaching social concern and universal salvation; China; Japan; Tibet; Nepal; Korea; Mongolia

How To Use Mahayana In A Sentence

  • One should not forget that Newar Buddhism possesses quite a number of indigenous elements, which are not to be found in Indian Mahayana Buddhism.
  • Heidegger's characterization of the fourfold's mutually appropriating "mirror-play" and insight regarding the universe's luminosity in Mahayana Buddhism. Blake, Heidegger, Buddhism, and Deep Ecology: A Fourfold Perspective on Humanity's Relationship to Nature
  • Re - Mahayana Jade Buddha Temple, a large - scale, floor Diange magnificent Church.
  • The Chan sect of China has called itself"Supplementary Biography of Buddhism", but its MuniuYus not only come from Mahayana, but also have a bearing on Hinayana.
  • In a footnote to this discussion Semple notes that the Mahayana tantra belongs to the wider Sunyatavada Doctrine.
  • Epic presentations (shin-tu rgyas-pa, Skt. vaipulya) are presentations of the vast and profound aspects of such topics as the six far-reaching attitudes (six perfections) and ten arya bodhisattva levels of mind (ten bhumis) of The Basket of the Mahayana or Bodhisattva Sutras. The Twelve Scriptural Categories
  • The Mahayana seeing and accustoming pathway minds span ten “bhumis” (sa-bcu) – ten levels of arya bodhisattva minds achieved before Buddhahood. The Five Pathway Minds (Five Paths): Advanced Presentation
  • These range from the abstrusely technical to his Mahayana Buddhism: The Doctrinal Foundations, which may be the most widely used introduction to Mahayana Buddhist thought in the English-speaking world.
  • Hinayana and Mahayana forms of Buddhist practice yet equally operates in foundational ways within a broad range of Romantic thought as well. Enlightenment East and West: An Introduction to Romanticism and Buddhism
  • This book is intended as an introduction to the ideas of Mahayana Buddhism, and also to some of the recent scholar work in the field.
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