How To Use Lysol In A Sentence
If it is decided to try and save animals suffering from infection by these parasites, they must be segregated, the scabs carefully cleaned from the infected areas and the denuded surfaces washed with 5 per cent. solution of Potassium persulphate (a few drops being allowed to run into the concha), or with a preparation containing equal parts of soft paraffin and vaseline with a few drops of lysol.
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
* A old Lysol advertisement, telling people (in roundabout terms) how it was great as a douche.
The Tiptree Auction
Lysols, my multigrain will replace your white inflammation.
Any migration is forced
Mrs Dunwoody glared at him as if she suspected that he doubted her word, but she made no reply and produced from under her table a bottle of Lysol about half-full, the neck sticky and covered with dust and the label stained by the drips that had run down over it.
The Port of London Murders
I think it's ideal for sanitizing to occur if that person can't be limited, for example, refresh the air with an air sanitizer likely Lysol, which has a disinfecting alcohol spray that's useful, clean surfaces and counters and door knobs so that they don't become fomites for other family members.
CNN Transcript Feb 8, 2004
I grabbed many cans of Lysol, loaded them into the car, and continued to the storage room where lumber lay about.
What, cough syrup and Lysol-in-a-cup not good enough for you fancypants, la-di-da aristocrats?
Had to scrub the wall there with Lysol to get, you know, the stains off it.
Crisco balopticon lysol, jello bellans, carborundum!
Chapter 6. Tendencies in American. 3. Processes of Word-Formation
The lecithin was hydrolyzed with phospholipase A into the lysolecithin and the degree of conversion was 80%.
Thus ‘Lysol’ acts in a way that makeshifts like soap, salt or soda never can.
VINTAGE DOUCHE ADS » Sociological Images
Lysol is dark gold and as I recall Mr. Clean and Pine Sol are also a gold color.
Thursday, August 20 – The Bleat.
In "The Jumping-off Place," about San Diego as the nation's suicide capital, epitome of native anguish and exhaustion, he concludes with a black parody of the all-American Whitmaniacal catalogue: they stuff up the cracks of their doors and quietly turn on the gas; they go into their back sheds or back kitchens and eat ant-paste or swallow Lysol; they drive their cars into dark alleys, get into the back seat and shoot themselves; they hang themselves in hotel bedrooms, take overdoses of sulphonal or barbital; they slip off to the municipal golf-links and there stab themselves with carving-knives; or they throw themselves into the bay, blue and placid, where gray battleships and cruisers guard the limits of their broad-belting nation-already reaching out in the eighties for the sugar plantations of Honolulu.
Lysol is dark gold and as I recall Mr. Clean and Pine Sol are also a gold color.
Thursday, August 20 – The Bleat.
Because my skin isn't very sensitive, ** I used the Lysol wipes to remove excess dye drippage, and it mostly worked all right on my skin (except for on my chest and stomach) ... but not so much on the hard surfaces in the bathroom.
Lessons in hair dye
Lister's carbolic acid, now known as phenol, is a common main ingredient in household detergents like Lysol, Pine-Sol and Spic-n-Span (it's also found in mouthwash). laundry detergents and all-purpose cleaners, is banned in Europe, and biodegrades slowly into even more toxic compounds Beyond phenol, other chemicals found in household disinfectants include:
Anything anti-bacterial like LYSOL and Oust, cleaning products like Lysol wipes," she said.
The Gazette-Enterprise: News
I'd have preferred a cot until they got us semipermanent billets to stay in; at least cots can be sprayed with Lysol.