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[ US /ˈɫaɪˌsɔɫ/ ]
  1. a clear oily brown solution of cresols in soap; used as an antiseptic and disinfectant

How To Use Lysol In A Sentence

  • If it is decided to try and save animals suffering from infection by these parasites, they must be segregated, the scabs carefully cleaned from the infected areas and the denuded surfaces washed with 5 per cent. solution of Potassium persulphate (a few drops being allowed to run into the concha), or with a preparation containing equal parts of soft paraffin and vaseline with a few drops of lysol. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • * A old Lysol advertisement, telling people (in roundabout terms) how it was great as a douche. The Tiptree Auction
  • Lysols, my multigrain will replace your white inflammation. Any migration is forced
  • Mrs Dunwoody glared at him as if she suspected that he doubted her word, but she made no reply and produced from under her table a bottle of Lysol about half-full, the neck sticky and covered with dust and the label stained by the drips that had run down over it. The Port of London Murders
  • I think it's ideal for sanitizing to occur if that person can't be limited, for example, refresh the air with an air sanitizer likely Lysol, which has a disinfecting alcohol spray that's useful, clean surfaces and counters and door knobs so that they don't become fomites for other family members. CNN Transcript Feb 8, 2004
  • I grabbed many cans of Lysol, loaded them into the car, and continued to the storage room where lumber lay about.
  • What, cough syrup and Lysol-in-a-cup not good enough for you fancypants, la-di-da aristocrats?
  • Had to scrub the wall there with Lysol to get, you know, the stains off it. WHEN THE WOMEN COME OUT TO DANCE
  • Crisco balopticon lysol, jello bellans, carborundum! Chapter 6. Tendencies in American. 3. Processes of Word-Formation
  • The lecithin was hydrolyzed with phospholipase A into the lysolecithin and the degree of conversion was 80%.
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