How To Use Loveliness In A Sentence
A breastknot of valley lilies added to the loveliness, and I allowed my eyes to feast on her fairness.
Vicky Van
No-one ever said of Kallis, as Cardus did of Woolley, that his batting is the stuff of "soft airs and fresh flavours" nor does it even contain "the brevity of summer" which also accounted for Woolley's loveliness.
The Kallis Conundrum
A loveliness of ladybirds in the spare room, sprinting house spiders in the living room, and hungry silverfish in the kitchen are just some of the creatures that head indoors as winter sets in.
Peter kept his eyes on the road with great difficulty; he wanted to look at her with moonstruck eyes and experience her loveliness all over again.
He found her in a white cymar of silk lined with furs, her little feet unstockinged and hastily thrust into slippers; her unbraided hair escaping from under her midnight coif, with little array but her own loveliness, rather augmented than diminished by the grief which she felt at the approaching moment of separation.

These would simultaneously raise the caliber of its repertoire and extend the range of its dancers beyond the loveliness that, in art, is simply not enough.
The tulips bloomed a brilliant symphony of colours and rivalled the loveliness of the birds who frequented the yard.
Then they returned to Dunyazad and displayed her in the fifth dress and in the sixth, which was green, when she surpassed with her loveliness the fair of the four quarters of the world and outvied, with the brightness of her countenance, the full moon at rising tide; for she was even as saith of her the poet in these couplets122: —
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Each case held a gem or jewelry of varying loveliness.
Whether up on their toes, skittering swiftly in small steps, or smoothly swiveling, this is liquid loveliness.
Swift half visions of her loveliness – of certain delectable details of her face or figure flitted always before him.
The Miller of Old Church
If one but gazes closely into a tiny flower of the pale blue Forget-me-not, what a chapter of loveliness is there!
An Island Garden
I've been posting some art here for the purpose of emphasizing how much loveliness is needed at home -- especially at home.
Donna Dewberry
It's people like Prather who trivialize the world, turning a buck on whatever rare loveliness they can defile in the name of commerce.
It does not rise before us in detached and disconnected proportions, like that of spiritual loveliness, but in crowds, and in solitude, and in all the throngful varieties of thought and feeling and action, the symmetrical whole, the beautiful perfection comes up in the vision of memory, and stands, like
Tales and Sketches Part 3, from Volume V., the Works of Whittier: Tales and Sketches
She grew, under his eye, in loveliness and refinement both of intellect and heart.
The Mourner
And (the relator continueth) as for Kanmakan, he became unique in loveliness and excelling in perfection no less; none could even him in qualities as in seemliness and the sheen of velour between his eyes was espied, testifying for him while against him it never testified.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
The trees, which are of magnificent size, are left to grow naturally; -- the Isar, which is turned into it, flows in more than one stream with its mountain impetuosity; the lake is gracefully indented and overhung with trees, and presents ever-changing aspects of loveliness as you walk along its banks; there are open, sunny meadows, in which single giant trees or splendid groups of them stand, and walks without end winding under leafy Gothic arches.
The Complete Project Gutenberg Writings of Charles Dudley Warner
Countertenor Lawrence Zazzo headed the fine cast, with Sophie Bevan, Christine Rice and Ailish Tynan, whose loveliness was cruelly hidden, somewhat unnecessarily and in the one false move, by a buffa fat-suit, goatee beard, specs and fez hat.
Teresa Carreño Youth Orchestra of Venezuela; Benjamin Grosvenor, LSO; Promised End; Radamisto
The loveliness of the scene was beyond compare.
It was, by design, kissably sensuous, designed to arouse men and provoke the lust of masters; some girls are terrified to wear such lipstick; they know how it enhances their loveliness and proclaims them well as slaves; they understand well its intention and are seldom left long in doubt as to its effectiveness; had they originally entertained doubts as to its efficacy these doubts are often dispelled rapidly, as they squirm, naked and collared, perfumed, in the arms of a strong man, as it is being ruthlessly kissed from their lips.
Guardsman Of Gor
The Princess Zairoff, to whom men's admiration was as familiar as the air of Heaven, who possessed rank and wealth and loveliness such as dower few women, had yet never granted to one human being a sign of tenderness, or unveiled, so to speak, the deep strange depths of her strange nature, to any beseechment.
The Mystery of a Turkish Bath
And that vision of loveliness over there is my wife,(sentence dictionary) Sandra.
Hundreds of delicate columns of white marble, filagreed and inlaid with gold and mosaics, and with exquisite capitals, rose before me on all sides, which, with the fine tracery of the Gothic windows, formed a vista of perfect classic loveliness.
Fair Italy, the Riviera and Monte Carlo Comprising a Tour Through North and South Italy and Sicily with a Short Account of Malta
Useful and ornamental needlework, knitting and netting are capable of being made, not only sources of personal gratification, but of high moral benefit, and the means of developing in surpassing loveliness and grace, some of the highest and noblest feelings of the soul.
Sunday Salon - Cowslip heaven
The loveliness of the location is matched by exceptionally attractive performances from the leading players.
It was one of those evenings of surpassing loveliness, such as gladdened our hearts only at long intervals.
Three Years in the Sixth Corps A Concise Narrative of Events in the Army of the Potomac, from 1861 to the Close of the Rebellion, April, 1865
There is no such beautifier as thoughtful goodness; and the amiable character, and clear understanding of Grace Darling, shone through her hazel eyes, and added to her loveliness.
Grace Darling Heroine of the Farne Islands
As elsewhere in Canto 2, here the occasion for elegy is young male loveliness dead betimes: "Thou art gone, thou lov'd and lovely one,/Whom youth and youth's affection bound to me" (st.
'A darkling plain': Hemans, Byron and _The Sceptic; A Poem_
The loveliness of the scene was beyond compare.
Though, fair demoiselles, I have been chosen the belle, I feel as I gaze upon the galaxy of beauty around me that I, "she added in gay tones," have no occasion to blush at my own loveliness, for I feel that the gods have been so lavish in their gifts of everything that is lovely that they have surely become bankrupt and have kept no charms for me, and that Monsieur Eau Clair must have looked at my poor graces through rose-coloured spectacles when he called me _la belle_ and made me the recipient of gifts fit for a queen.
A Heart-Song of To-day
Al – Fazl and said to him, “I wish to have a slave-girl of passing beauty, perfect in loveliness, exquisite in symmetry and endowed with all praiseworthy gifts.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
There should not be such loveliness in the midst of horror.
When all voices were united to panegyrize her beauty -- when I knew, that the powers of her wit -- the charms of her conversation -- the accurate judgment, united to the sparkling imagination, were even more remarkable characteristics of her mind, than loveliness of her person, I could not but feel my ambition, as well as my tenderness, excited; I dwelt with a double intensity on my choice, and with a tenfold bitterness on the obstacles which forbade me to indulge it.
Pelham — Volume 06
He's already involved with a woman who, despite her delicate loveliness, looks positively forlorn.
I'd never known such exaltation and transcendent joy… (I was) released from my body and a pure spirit partook of a loveliness I had never conceived.
There are about a dozen curries to have inside your roti: The potato-chickpea one is full of toasty cardamom seeds and has a biscuity, savory, warm, mustard-tinged loveliness to it.
Loveliness still existed in her oval face which was yet unlined and framed by curly tendrils which she couldn't convince to stay in place.
Loveliness, and so on, which appeared last year "; and his description of the annuals 'composite art sounds much like a description of" Verses "and its accompanying engraving:" A large weak plate, done in what we believe is called the stipple style of engraving [the stippling in Georgiana.
Commentary on "Verses" by L.E.L.
‘Yes, Mother,’ Violet replied, curtsying and breaking into the smile which transformed her face into loveliness before flinging her arms around her mother.
I think you are too apprehensive in regard to your sister's happiness: he loves her, and there is a certain variety in her manner, a kind of agreable caprice, that I think will secure the heart of a man of his turn, much more than her merit, or even the loveliness of her person.
The History of Emily Montague
The notion of beauty is associated with a variety of other words and meanings, including, majesty, glory, honor, loveliness, comeliness, pleasantness, delightfulness, and excellence.
And when the folk of that ward sighted such mighty fine sight and marvelous spectacle, all stood at gaze and they considered the forms and figures of the handmaids, marveling at their beauty and loveliness, for each and every wore robes inwrought with gold and studded with jewels, no dress being worth less than a thousand dinars.
Tehran Winter
The city looked dark to the south, while numerous lights along the near shores, and the beautiful aspect of the banks reposing in placid night, the waters keenly reflecting the heavenly lights, gave to this beauteous river a dower of loveliness that might have characterized a retreat in Paradise.
And this loveliness was of a nature that was altogether pleasing, if once the beholder of it could get over the idea of falseness which certainly
The Eustace Diamonds
Now this King’s daughter loved the idol and was frequent in prostration to it and assiduous in its service; and she was the fairest woman of her day, accomplished in beauty and loveliness, elegance and grace.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Listening to the general secretary annunciate his list, emphasizing its clarity and unloveliness, I thought of Wis awa Szymborska, in particular the opening of "The End and The Beginning":
Two Paths for the Novel
All artists are androgynous; in Chopin the feminine often prevails, but it must be noted that this quality is a distinguishing sign of masculine lyric genius, for when he unbends, coquets and makes graceful confessions or whimpers in lyric loveliness at fate, then his mother's sex peeps out, a picture of the capricious, beautiful tyrannical Polish woman.
Chopin : the Man and His Music
HYACINTH ( WHITE ) - Loveliness , I'll Pray For You.
So she followed him into the presence of Naomi, whom she saluted after the godliest and goodliest fashion, and, when she looked on her, she was confounded at her exceeding seemliness and said to her, “O my lady, I commend thee to the safeguard of Allah, who made thee and thy lord fellows in beauty and loveliness!”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
We were encircled in this so-called "hong" by loveliness unlike any that we could have ever expected to see.
The Macphersons: Week 40: Crusin'
Zubaydah53 the lutist, an only child who is a model of beauty and loveliness, so I married her to him.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
'Indeed, Sir, – and pray believe me, I do not mean to repine I have not the beauty of Indiana; I know and have always heard her loveliness is beyond all comparison.
Tucked away in a courtyard of 15 th-century Cerne Abbey, in Dorset, Cerne Abbey Cottage is all leaded windows, mellow masonry and old-world loveliness.
The potato pancake was nicely browned and served as a sponge for the toppings of just-wilted spinach, slices of pink-as-a-tongue ham and a perfectly poached egg, just oozing yellow loveliness.
Caskets of Loveliness, Beauty, as they way be called; glaring caricatures of flowers, singly, in groups, in flower-pots, or with hideous deformed little Cupids sporting among them; of what are called “mezzotinto,” pencil-drawings,
The Paris Sketch Book
He might be proud of his possession, were she unendowed with any thing but that incomparable, unfading loveliness.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 54, No. 337, November, 1843
Indeed, there was always something more than human in her loveliness, though, to be frank, it savored less of chilling paradisial perfection than of a vision of some great-eyed queen of faery, such as those whose feet glide unwetted over our fen-waters when they roam o 'nights in search of unwary travellers.
The Line of Love Dizain des Mariages
They were reared in splendour and tender affection, in respectful bearing and in the perfection of training; and they were instructed in penmanship and science and the arts of government and horsemanship, till they attained the extreme accomplishments and the utmost limit of beauty and loveliness; both men and women being ravished by their charms.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
My favours are the longing of the lover and the delight of the desirer; for I am goodly of shape, sweet of smile and graceful as the bending willow-wand or the rattan-cane375 or the stalk of the basil-plant; nor is there any can compare with me in loveliness, even as saith one of me,
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
To the simple and ardent idealist its white stateliness must always suggest something symbolic, and, after all, it is the ardent and simple idealist whose dreams and symbols paint to prosaic human minds the beautiful impossibilities whose unattainable loveliness so allures as to force even the unexalted world into the endeavour to create such reproductions of their forms as crude living will allow.
In Connection with the De Willoughby Claim
Now I tend to think the Paul Simon cover rather beautiful, in a grave way: slowing it right down and leaving out the busy African layers of music focus attention on what are pretty smart Simonian lyrics; and the Elbow cover's rather lovely too, although it piggybacks on the loveliness of the original song rather.
Archive 2010-02-01
It was the mid eighties, and how could I possibly fail to have a haircut called after Her Royal Loveliness?
You came down the aisle, a smile, aof loveliness.
Princess was clad in a green dress, purfled with red gold and broidered with pearls and gems which enhanced her beauty and loveliness and inner grace; and right well quoth the poet of her,523
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
She was a vision of loveliness in her wedding dress.
My friend was very cheerful, and seemed to enjoy everything; but a kind of dreariness came over me, and I began comparing the loveliness of the summer evening with the cold misty blank that seemed to make up my future.
Adela Cathcart, Volume 1
If you feel your garden lacks natural balance, or you are just the panicky type, invest in a loveliness of ladybirds.
Scotland, they would each and all have been berhymed and bepainted until every point of real or imaginable loveliness had been exhausted: for myself, I have looked on many lakes, and by none have been more delightfully beguiled than by a contemplation of this during some nine hours of sunshine, sunset, and twilight, the last alone too brief.
Impressions of America During The Years 1833, 1834, and 1835. In Two Volumes, Volume II.
When all voices were united to panegyrize her beauty -- when I knew, that the powers of her wit -- the charms of her conversation -- the accurate judgment, united to the sparkling imagination, were even more remarkable characteristics of her mind, than loveliness of her person, I could not but feel my ambition, as well as my tenderness, excited; I dwelt with
Pelham — Complete
His soul was not particularly beautiful, in no way measuring up to the physical loveliness of his eyes.
The tiny hotel, technically a ‘restaurant with rooms’ as it has only five of them, is a haven of oak-beamed loveliness without an ounce of tweeness to spoil it.
Who can say why certain groups gel as they do and hit the listener with coherent loveliness, no matter how discordant the melody, while others laze in formlessness.
I disturbed a loveliness of ladybirds whilst cutting back Stipa gigantea
Bonchurch is perhaps a mile from Ventnor, and is the boskiest bit of loveliness in all the lovely island.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. 12, No. 32, November, 1873
From the assembled girls, he selected five he deemed to have some feature of singular loveliness.
You are a vision of loveliness.
She was robed in the costliest of raiment and decked with ornaments the most precious that could be and withal she was of passing beauty and loveliness, a model of symmetry and seemliness, of elegance and perfect grace, with waist slender and hips heavy and dewy lips such as heal the sick and eyelids lovely in their languor, as it were she of whom the sayer spake when he said,
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Moreover, he presented to him three hundred male white slaves and the like number of concubines, in loveliness like moons, and three hundred Abyssinian577 slave-girls, beside five hundred mules laden with treasure and sheep and oxen and buffaloes and bulls and other cattle beyond count; and he commanded all his Wazirs and Emirs and Grandees and Notables and
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Moreover, in that garden were birds of all breeds, ring-dove and cushat and nightingale and culver, each singing his several song, and amongst them the lady, swaying gracefully to and fro in her beauty and grace and symmetry and loveliness and ravishing all who saw her.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Beauty also -- her type of loveliness -- and yet she was lonely.
But, is there any such likeness between the loveliness of this world and the splendours in the Supreme?
And, should you wish to revive their loveliness, we are assured they are machine-washable.
Times, Sunday Times
a kind of agreable caprice, that I think will secure the heart of a man of his turn, much more than her merit, or even the loveliness of her person.
The History of Emily Montague
The thoughtful reader soon finds this inweaving of a larger purpose adding greatly to the idyllic loveliness of these scenes.
George Eliot; A Critical Study of Her Life, Writings and Philosophy
In the high hedges the ruddy cane of the willows was smothered by the succulent green tips of hawthorn and bramble; and on the rolling countryside that belle of trees, the larch, stood out among the copperish buds of the beeches and the first tightly folded leaves of the chestnuts, with a pale green feathery loveliness all its own.
The Way Home
“Verily this damsel is lovely as the Venus-star363 and all who see her love her and bow before her beauty and loveliness.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
And this loveliness was of a nature that was altogether pleasing, if once the beholder of it could get over the idea of falseness which certainly Lizzie's eye was apt to convey to the beholder.
The Eustace Diamonds
One morning, however, finding that my path lay through a deep wood, I ventured to continue my journey after the sun had risen; the day, which was one of the first of spring, cheered even me by the loveliness of its sunshine and the balminess of the air.
Chapter 16
When she had made an end of combing it, she plaited my tresses, and my beauty and loveliness charmed her; so she bent over me and kissed my cheek. 334 At that moment he came in unawares, and, seeing the girl kiss my cheek, straightways turned away in anger, vowing eternal-separation and repeating these two couplets,
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
It is rather, we say, on account of such lines as these (no picture of tropical loveliness ever surpassed, in our opinion, the description printed in italics) that we admire "Locksley Hall," than on account of the troubled passions which it embodies; knowing as we do, that poetry has nobler offices to perform than to fulmine forth fierce and sarcastic invectives against the head of a jilt; and if, as Mr Tennyson says,
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 56, Number 347, September, 1844
She was a vision of loveliness.
Then they returned to Dunyazade and displayed her in the fifth dress and in the sixth, which was green, when she surpassed with her loveliness the fair of the four quarters of the world, and outvied with the brightness of her countenance the full moon at rising tide, for she was even as saith of her the poet in these couplets:
Tehran Winter
And (the relator continueth) as for Kanmakan, he became unique in loveliness and excelling in perfection no less; none could even him in qualities as in seemliness and the sheen of velour between his eyes was espied, testifying for him while against him it never testified.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
The world was steeped in maddening loveliness of sound and colour.
Rilla of Ingleside
You have brought to your position a loveliness and grace and intelligence that are unusual and, I am afraid, irreplaceable.
Then he looked at the damsel and saw her surpassing beauty and loveliness and symmetry and perfect grace, with a face like the rondure of the moon at its full or the sun shining in the sheeny sky.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
That beauty of the tension between the loveliness of the restfulness and the fear of the unendingness is where life is at I think.
The wine added to her beauty and loveliness, and Nur al-Din recited these two couplets,
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
It's people like Prather who trivialize the world, turning a buck on whatever rare loveliness they can defile in the name of commerce.
The potential for spatial ambiguity - for drama, almost - enriches the loveliness of the objects and the muted restraint with which they are depicted.
Because they're not following you in panting desperation for your next morsel of linguistic loveliness, they're following you because they want more followers themselves.
Jonathan Fields: The Truth About Author Platforms
Beyond the tilled plain, beyond the toy roofs, there would be a slow suffusion of inutile loveliness, a low sun in a platinum haze with a warm, peeled-peach tinge pervading the upper edge of a two-dimensional dove-grey cloud fusing with the distant amorous mist.
Nabokov's Art as Story
That he has that loveliness in him which is not to be found in any other: He is the chief among ten thousand, a nonsuch for beauty, fairer than the children of men, than any of them, than all of them; there is none like him, nor any to be compared with him; every thing else is to be accounted loss and dung in comparison of him, Phil. iii.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
It's people like Prather who trivialize the world, turning a buck on whatever rare loveliness they can defile in the name of commerce.
King of the daylit-world, it became queen of the dimmer realms of night, and like a woman-queen it did not disdain to stoop and study its loveliness in the polished lake, and stooping thus it overhung the earth, a shadowy creature of gleam and gloom, an eternized cloud.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 62, December, 1862
The loveliness of Internet is infinitude and colorful, but strengthen to manage it.
But, is there any such likeness between the loveliness of this world and the splendours in the Supreme?
So he carried him to his place and clad his daughter in raiment, such as added to her beauty and loveliness.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Indeed, she loveth those who berhyme her and she affecteth those who set forth her charms and beauty and loveliness in verse, and we may not prevail over her save by wiles and soft speech and beguilement.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Moreover, in that garden were birds of all breeds, ring-dove and cushat and nightingale and culver, each singing his several song, and amongst them the lady, swaying gracefully to and fro in her beauty and grace and symmetry and loveliness and ravishing all who saw her.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
I admire Indian women here who have lived in this nation for decades who still wear the beautiful tunic suits or saris of their homeland; a beacon of loveliness in a Maoist landscape; what orwell called a 'tyranny of drabness'. i also admire the middle Eastern women in my neighbourhood always so elegant in their scarves and flowing robes, so beautifully put together and ready for anything!
Alfred Augustus Glendening 1861-1903
She was a vision of loveliness in her wedding dress.
While this went on, a young girl ran out into the arena, and, after a bow to the spectators, quickly mounted to the top of the pole, where she presently stood in statuesque beauty that took all eyes even from the loveliness of the officer of 'bersaglieri'.
Literature and Life (Complete)
The broker rejoiced at this and brought her up to Nur al-Din, and she considered him straitly and found him like the full moon, perfect in loveliness and a model of fine stature and symmetric grace, even as saith of him one of his describers.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Entranced in the enrapturing sensations which the vision of loveliness inspires, one seems to have left the several things of this lower earth to dwell with celestial purity, the paradisial loveliness of supernal creations; and, for a time, to lose a thought of aught but the scene around us.
Mountain Scenery. The Scenery of the Mountains of Western North Carolina and Northwestern South Carolina.
He took a step back, overtaken for a moment by her loveliness.
I was desperately in need of some shippy goodness today so I was trawling around on youtube and found this bit of Rose/Nine loveliness and thought I'd share.
Shippy Moment
Add to these detractions from her loveliness, viz: thinness and pallor, that her expression betokened earnest thought rather than gayety or sweetness, and the reader need not be surprised that people did not usually consider Hope a beauty, though we were captivated by her looks, even before we formed her acquaintance.
Then and Now;--Or,--Hope's First School
Like the ashen-grey hue that bedims the countenance of the dying, a filmy greasy skin appeared to overspread the recent loveliness of the ocean surface.
Through the Magic Door
A pamphlet published by the Park Association declared that the mountain range had "been presented in its virgin loveliness."
Railroad train and ocean grayhound, stage and pony cart, spurring horseman and naked brown runner sweating through jungle paths under his mail bags, would bear the news of me East and West, until they met in the antipodes and put a girdle of my loveliness right round the world!
The Bacillus of Beauty A Romance of To-day
The loveliness of the location is matched by exceptionally attractive performances from the leading players.
None of this bright Gothic art was ever done but either by faith in the attainableness of felicity in heaven, or under conditions of real order and delicate loveliness on the earth.
Lectures on Landscape Delivered at Oxford in Lent Term, 1871
There's a loveliness of ladybirds in the walled garden at the moment.
And this loveliness was of a nature that was altogether pleasing, if once the beholder of it could get over the idea of falseness which certainly Lizzie’s eye was apt to convey to the beholder.
The Eustace Diamonds
So, to be brief, I threw a dark cloak over the damsel's shoulders, for indeed she was clad in little more than her loveliness and the gauziest filaments of a Hither girl's underwear, and hand in hand led her down the log steps, over the splashing, ankle-deep courtyard, and into the shadows of the gateway beyond.
Gulliver of Mars
The earth had yielded of her fruits and now rested from her labour, worn and spent, taking no thought of comeliness, but waiting in decrepit indifference for her friend, the North Wind, to bring down the swirling snow to hide her scars and heal her unloveliness with its kindly white mantle.
Sowing Seeds in Danny
Beyond the tilled plain, beyond the toy roofs, there would be a slow suffusion of inutile loveliness, a low sun in a platinum haze with a warm, peeled-peach tinge pervading the upper edge of a two-dimensional dove-grey cloud fusing with the distant amorous mist.
Archive 2008-03-01
Which every Turk and Arab wight in loveliness outvies:
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
His breath is taken away by the city's loveliness to the extent that seeing a ‘clumpish’, aesthetically appalling block of flats in the midst of such splendour almost sends him into a paroxysm of bewildered fury.
And the cradlesong of the young Israelite born in the midst of this natural loveliness was the rustle of mighty groves of palms, mingled with the unceasing surge of the wild Caribbean Sea.
War-time sketches : historical and otherwise,
All the characteristics that make von Balthasar's work so distinctive and valuable are to be found here: breadth of vision, loveliness of style, and an intuitive-contemporary passion that allows him to "pray intellectually and think 'cordially'.
Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
There's the beauty of swallowing, the loveliness, the sharp breath from the bottle's neck and the handsomeness of that first taste, it rings out, shudders the walls.
Indeed, she loveth those who berhyme her and she affecteth those who set forth her charms and beauty and loveliness in verse, and we may not prevail over her save by wiles and soft speech and beguilement.
Arabian nights. English
The while she smiled in their faces so as to win their hearts; and she promised them all manner of good and seated them in their proper stations, as if she had been brought up with them; so all wondered at her beauty and loveliness and said to one another, “This damsel is none other than a Queen, the daughter of a King.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
It put me in mind of opening the bedroom window recently to discover an equally astonishing loveliness of more than 100 ladybirds crammed into the outer frame casing.
He was amazed at her as she lay in her beauty and loveliness, her symmetry and grace, and he recked no more of death.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
But as well as all the aforementioned loveliness, there is a tinge of sadness.
Wilting shrubs spring back to life and luxuriant grass begins to sprout in the open spaces, even as flower buds burst into blossoms of loveliness.
Tulips and hyacinths, and polyanthuses and primroses, were in a flush of spring glory now; violets breathed everywhere; the snowy-flowered gooseberry and the red-flowered currant, and berberry with its luxuriant yellow bloom, and the almond, and a magnificent magnolia blossoming out in the arms of its evergreen sister, with many another flower less known to Eleanor, made the garden-terraces a little wilderness of loveliness and sweetness.
The Old Helmet