How To Use loveliness In A Sentence
- A breastknot of valley lilies added to the loveliness, and I allowed my eyes to feast on her fairness. Vicky Van
- No-one ever said of Kallis, as Cardus did of Woolley, that his batting is the stuff of "soft airs and fresh flavours" nor does it even contain "the brevity of summer" which also accounted for Woolley's loveliness. The Kallis Conundrum
- A loveliness of ladybirds in the spare room, sprinting house spiders in the living room, and hungry silverfish in the kitchen are just some of the creatures that head indoors as winter sets in.
- Peter kept his eyes on the road with great difficulty; he wanted to look at her with moonstruck eyes and experience her loveliness all over again.
- He found her in a white cymar of silk lined with furs, her little feet unstockinged and hastily thrust into slippers; her unbraided hair escaping from under her midnight coif, with little array but her own loveliness, rather augmented than diminished by the grief which she felt at the approaching moment of separation. Kenilworth
- These would simultaneously raise the caliber of its repertoire and extend the range of its dancers beyond the loveliness that, in art, is simply not enough.
- The tulips bloomed a brilliant symphony of colours and rivalled the loveliness of the birds who frequented the yard.
- Then they returned to Dunyazad and displayed her in the fifth dress and in the sixth, which was green, when she surpassed with her loveliness the fair of the four quarters of the world and outvied, with the brightness of her countenance, the full moon at rising tide; for she was even as saith of her the poet in these couplets122: — The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
- Each case held a gem or jewelry of varying loveliness.
- Whether up on their toes, skittering swiftly in small steps, or smoothly swiveling, this is liquid loveliness.