How To Use Liquid In A Sentence
By adding the chlorides of strontian, uranium, potassium, sodium, iron, or copper to the liquid, various effects may be produced, and these bodies will be found to produce the same color on the plate that their flame gives to alcohol.
American Hand Book of the Daguerreotype
The potatoes will absorb any excess liquid overnight.
Times, Sunday Times
The liquids are pumped into a battery cell that converts the chemical energy to electrical energy.
Smithsonian Mag
If it is too hot, the liquid will evaporate not absorb.
Once the rice has absorbed the liquid add the next ladle, stirring all the time.
Times, Sunday Times

Check from time to time that the liquid has not completely evaporated - there should be just enough left to make a bit of a sauce with.
Traditional methods for liquid or semiliquid fecal incontinence management, such as the use of absorbent briefs/pads, skin cleansers, and moisturizers, are only moderately successful in alleviating the consequences of fecal incontinence.
New Data Shows Budget Impact of Fecal Management System in Hospital ICU
The potatoes will absorb any excess liquid overnight.
Times, Sunday Times
The stable oily liquid, which absorbs intense heat, was used as a coolant for electrical transformers and capacitors.
I dont know what these people keep talking about I bought sham wow and it SUCKS it just pushed the liquid around and did NOT absorb it at all, its a piece of crap use real car shammies, paper towels, sponges, or regular dishrags and you'd get way better results.
Bake at 350 until barley is tender and has absorbed liquid, about 1 - 1 1/2 hour.
Archive 2006-11-01
The space left by evaporation is called the ullage, while the liquid lost is sometimes called the ‘angels' share’ and is particularly financially significant in the production of older cognac and Armagnac.
He and Barton were now called upon for their names, and in return, we were favoured with the liquid and vowelly appellatives, by which our ingenuous and communicative acquaintances were respectively designated.
The Island Home
Italian is rich in broad open vowels and liquid consonants.
synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid.
To avoid having sodium react with oxygen or water vapor in the air, it is usually stored under kerosene, naphtha, or some other organic liquid with which it does not react.
The attractive forces between molecules in a liquid are called surface tension forces and are what hold the liquid together.
The black and white images suggested a lunar surface with bright elevated land masses, grooved by sloping drainage channels and seemingly surrounded by dark, still pools of oily liquid.
It will thicken as it sits and the liquid drips through.
Times, Sunday Times
In some recipes, such as tabbouleh, bulgur can be soaked in liquid without requiring cooking.
The Kitchn
We are pleased to offer our clients access to CBX ASIA through our trading platform as we remain fully committed to providing the broadest selection of liquidity in Asia and globally, ensuring that our clients have a unique and dynamic edge when accessing trading venues".
Bobsguide Financial Industry News
But other waste streams pose bigger challenges like this stuff, called swarf, a mixture of metal shavings and liquids.
CNN Transcript Nov 22, 2008
The sea was its usual calm blue, a glassy liquid surface stretching till it fused with the horizon in a spectacle of colour.
The water seal technology is used to solve the problem of the collection rate of the mother liquid in situ leach mining of the rare earth mineral.
Per hoc enim quod intelligimus vel gaudemus, ad aliquod obiectum aliqualiter nos habere oportet: amor vero aliquid alicui vult; hoc enim amare dicimur cui aliquod bonum volumus, secundum modum praedictum.
Quitting Smoking
Two separate guys (guy in trucker hat who I think is the liquid metal Terminator/Davey Scantino) and the other is Bathroom-Using Man who wore no cap.
Matthew Yglesias » Anticlimax
The molecular parameters of 12 halogenated ethanes were fit to experimental data for vapor pressure and saturated liquid density.
When it was their turn to be served, the pharmacist gave them each a plastic beaker filled with liquid, which they greedily consumed.
Vaporizers convert the liquid nitrogen to its gaseous state.
The trade-off between performance, fees and illiquidity will make hedge funds much less alluring in the future.
Times, Sunday Times
Using encapsulated liquid tricyclic, like diolefin, and some kind of catalyst for quick hardening.
Archive 2009-03-01
The pace things were going meant that liquidity demands would have outstripped liquidity resources.
Times, Sunday Times
Ten of us broke the ice across the harbour with our feet and glided our boats out into the liquid waters beyond.
The electroholographic system consists of a special-purpose computational chip and a high-resolution, reflective mode, liquid-crystal display panel as a spatial light modulator.
Strain, and stir the mustard powder into the liquid.
The Natural Beauty Book - cruelty-free cosmetics to make at home
Cook the cauliflower until almost melting - if it is slightly crunchy, it won't liquidise to a velvety consistency.
The core mantle boundary is a complex and dynamic area that churns and chugs as the liquid iron core roils at the bottom of the rock-like mantle.
You may also find a liquid detergent better.
Times, Sunday Times
Mix the flour, sugar and raisins together in a bowl then add the liquid, stirring well to combine.
Combined with customers who would steer clear of Detroit brands because of uncertainty surrounding maintenance warranties, a messy bankruptcy could have have kicked off a vicious downward spiral that could have ended in liquidation and enormous job losses.
Wonk Room » If We Had Let GM Go Bankrupt Last November, We Could Have Lost Another Million Jobs
Fitch cautioned that the country's sovereign ratings remained constrained by relatively low levels of external liquidity as well as what it described as formidable social and structural challenges.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Some of you may be surprised to see Mr. Jerrold here in person-in as much as our notice card intimated that he had been "liquidated" - which process we have come to understand in recent years is somewhat of an ordeal.
The Present Condition of England
Scientists believe the magnetic field is generated deep inside the Earth where the heat of the planet's solid inner core churns a liquid outer core of iron and nickel.
Combine the reduced fumet, wine, pastis, and mussel liquid if using, in small heavy saucepan.
These measures restored some sense to the balance sheet and provided sufficient liquidity for the company to carry on.
Times, Sunday Times
Such an anode body may be used to be filled in the liquid electrolyte in the container to make a capacitor.
Shakily I splashed some cold water onto my stricken face, wishing the cold liquid to act as a reality check, maybe even wake me up from this painfully real nightmare.
He had taken over an old company verging on liquidation.
It is available in liquid drops, oral liquid (by mouth), chewable tablets, and rectal suppositories.
Add the vermouth, garlic and cayenne, boil the liquid away and start adding ladlefuls of the seaweed and saffron-flavoured vegetable stock, stirring vigorously all the while to aid absorption and prevent sticking.
I was drawn to Chicken Satsivi, a Georgian dish, because of the sauce, satsivi, which is a paste of walnuts, sauteed onions, coriander, and garlic, liquidized with a broth and perfumed with cinnamon and paprika.
Weekend Cookbook Challenge # 16 - Chicken Satsivi
The jazzy percussion's reminiscent of Liquid Liquid: snaps, shakers, cowbell, and maracas.
My private belief was that Combret had done it: one problem at least that he had been able to liquidate with his own hands.
Women engine fitters also undertake major overhauls on liquid- and air-cooled motors and instruction is given in the maintenance of variable-pitch airscrews.
Months after an album was cut in 1978, the record company went into liquidation.
Times, Sunday Times
In the standard form the contractor must pay to or allow the employer the liquidated damages.
The form of a food - solid, semi-solid or liquid - may greatly influence satiety signals.
As a scientist in the R&D arm of the US Justice Department, Shubin championed a carbon-based liquid polymer called Kevlar that could be woven into nylon to create a fabric vest resistant to bullets at close range.
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Ion exchange is a reversible exchange of ions between a solid ion exchanger and a liquid solution.
The engines are fuelled by liquid petroleum gas, which means that there is no risk of a fire breaking out.
Indeed, Fleet was eager to liquidate the preferred shares, because they legally precluded it from integrating those newly acquired assets.
When he died in June from cancer, investigators from Liquidators Cork Gulley were called in and soon smelt a rat.
Because of the wheal anti-itch liquid sprayer, the patients can quickly spray medicine to the sick parts on their own, the medicine is sprayed evenly, and the curative effect is good.
His diet should start with liquids, then soft foods, and then solids.
Eliminates drips, mess, and pot-life problems of liquid epoxy.
Liquids, whether waters or oils, which possess a great and intense acridity, act like heat in tearing asunder bodies and burning them after some time; yet to the touch they are not hot at first.
The New Organon
On the outside of the diestock the ultimately leaving liquid can be collected by suitable means, not shown.
Large, insoluble intermetallic particles that are present or form in the temperature range between liquidus and solidus reduce feeding.
The medicine is usually taken in liquid form.
The initial increase in liquidity from the sale of government securities to the banking sector is given by item 1.
The liquidation committee shall appoint the Independent Appraiser to conduct a valuation of the Company's assets on a current fair market value basis.
They are polar compounds and exhibit a high fluorescence quantum yield and lase efficiently both in liquid and in solid solutions, with some of them outperforming the laser performance of the reference dye Rhodamine 6G.
Water vapour rises into the atmosphere where it is cooled and turned back into liquid water.
Fat crystals with high melting points ‘dissolve’ in this liquid fat and are taken along to the surface where they can recrystallise as spiky crystals.
Gradually pour the liquid into the flour, working it in carefully with a wooden spoon.
It can be a hot fluid (a gas or liquid) that conducts electricity.
The Harper Dictionary of Science in Everyday Language
He pictured it as a liquid fiery ball, constantly dripping flames into no particular direction due to lack of gravity.
Stress-strain results are reported for two series of smectic C main chain liquid crystalline elastomers
IMechanica - Comments
Liquid-fueled DF-5A missiles may not employ storable liquid fuel propellant, possibly requiring a lengthy fueling process before firing.
The thickness of the liquid crystal and the arrangement of liquid crystal molecule are flexible, there are no deviation in the outgoing beams.
Ideally, the drainpipe is sloped or inclined approximately 2% or ¼ inch per foot of length, to keep the waste in the pipe, wet and amid liquid to lubricate and promote its slow but constant movement along the length of the pipe.
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The tundishes are used to feed liquid steel to Nucor's four-strand billet caster.
Sponge the woolly bits with neat washing-up liquid, suggests a reader who says her father used to deal with greenfly on his roses in this way.
The cloth takes up the liquid
The engines are fuelled by liquid petroleum gas, which means that there is no risk of a fire breaking out.
The bakery owners later gave up their lease after it emerged that the liquid had in fact been body fluids from the two men.
Of his style and manner, if we think first of the romance-poetry and then of Chaucers divine liquidness of diction, his divine fluidity of movement, it is difficult to speak temperately.
The Study of Poetry
Liquid crystal display having drain and pixel electrodes linkable to a wiring line having a potential
Solids, liquids and gases are ideal behaviours characterised by properties such as compressibility, viscosity, elasticity, strength and hardness.
Archive 2005-09-01
With a throaty roar, he fires out a jet of red liquid on to a nearby pillar, already stained dark red with chewing tobacco.
Times, Sunday Times
Liquid metal enters the crystallization cavity (19) through a cow horn shape water inlet (2) positioned at a dead point on the crystallization wheel (1).
Authorities released a dispersing liquid into the coastal waters to dilute the slick.
The chopping board is sloped and has grooves to grip the food and to encourage liquid to run away from the cutting area.
The paintings have been created using tactile road-surface materials such as sand, grit, gravel and liquid tar.
Add the drained whole tomatoes and chicken stock, making sure the lamb is submerged beneath the liquid.
Times, Sunday Times
Dentro de los planes que tiene para mejorar su calidad de vida, esta la compra de un tanque de almacen de agua potale, debido a que el vital liquido no abastece en la zona y amenaza a la producción por la sequía, ella solicita un prestamo para la compra de materiales fertilizantes e insumos vegetativos que aporten un mejor mantenimientos agronomo a sus tierras y garantizen un crecimiento óptimo a la cosecha, esta inyección de capital a futuro le favorecera, para el establecimiento de 1 cuarto de manzana de piña, que le ayudara economicamente a la incursion en nuevos rubros y el mejoramiento continuo de sus niveles de vida.
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Getting any sort of fleshy pulp was very difficult, so I squeezed the fruits to get decent amounts of liquid.
At the Black Bull the liquid refreshment was welcome though the food was unexciting.
Frozen leaves were ground to a powder in a mortar with a pestle in the presence of liquid nitrogen in a cold room.
Liquid light and liquid movement are the motifs in this work, and the title echoes that theme.
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Diarrhoea was defined as three or more loose, liquid, or watery stools or at least one loose stool containing blood in a 24 hour period.
The all-water cube had frozen normally, but those with more alcohol in them got slushier and slushier, leaving the final all-vodka cube completely liquid.
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During the eight and a half minutes of main engine burn time, those pumps will have moved about 528,600 gallons of liquid hydrogen and oxygen.
Finally 100 grams of whiting, dry and sifted, are mixed with 5 grams of pulverised supertartrate of potass; this new powder is dissolved in a portion of the above described liquid, in sufficient quantity to form a paste of the proper consistency to be spread with a pencil on the article or part to be gilded.
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Nuclear power could free up more fossil and biomass fuels to use as liquid fuel for ground transportation.
The situation is much more interesting when there is a mixture of solids that are suspended in a liquid (a slurry).
We will continue to exert our best efforts to secure the liquidity and safety of our reserves holdings, while enhancing returns under the given constraints.
Times, Sunday Times
Kromek , based in Sedgefield, Co Durham, the company has developed a smart scanner, approved for use in airports, which can identify liquids in bottles without the need to open them.
The Guardian World News
Sed quando plene habent dominium super eos, si aliquid promiserunt eis nihil obseruant: sed quascunque possunt congrue occasiones inueniunt contra eos.
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During the tour visitors walk to an impressive overlook to peer into the ill-omened pools of bubbling, black, steaming liquid.
Ibra has repeatedly said that salvaging the bank through a rights issue would be the best and cheapest option on the table compared to other choices, such as a merger, acquisition or liquidation.
Remove from the heat, add the mint leaves and immediately blitz in a liquidiser, adding the onions and garlic.
Seaside recipes: crab tart, sea bass with pea and mint soup
Then he pours liquid gelatin into the mold and lets it harden.
I unscrewed the cap and sniffed at a minute drop of liquid - it was odourless.
The AC condenser cools the refrigerant and turns it to a liquid form.
Two pewter mugs banged down in front of us, spilling liquid.
I nodded slowly, feeling liquids inside my head churn roughly.
Keynes would have interpreted this as an extreme outbreak of liquidity-preference, says Paul Davidson, whose biography of the master has just been republished with a new afterword.
For all the established prices it makes use of the _Roman Denarii_; and it applies them to the _sextarius_ for liquids, and to the _Roman pound_ for the things sold by weight.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 281, November 3, 1827
These liquids together form a very concentrated mixture of 10 percent hydroquinone and 28 percent hydrogen peroxide.
Modern Science in the Bible
Seconds are critical when someone is sprayed with liquid ammonia.
Carey says he took the partnership public to create a liquid market for investors who wanted to cash out.
Its traditional disadvantages of high entry costs leading to illiquidity have been exacerbated, making it more difficult, particularly for the smaller investor, to get a foot on the ladder.
The water slowly eroded the pile of blue, liquid into the silver drain.
Final separation was achieved by fast protein liquid chromatography, followed by dialysis and lyophilization, resulting in a white powder.
During the growing season (late spring to autumn), keep the plant watered and apply a liquid feed every month, as the compost must be moist in winter.
Most of the unliquidated obligations result from transactions booked during the war years.
State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
Caution! Highly flammable liquid.
If the point is reached where the financial returns are no longer attractive, your business will liquidate as your investors and lenders put their money elsewhere.
I think the point of a cup of tea is more for the liquid refreshment element when you are on a site.
The Sun
In vascular plant biology, electro-osmosis is also used as an alternative or supplemental explanation for the movement of polar liquids via the phloem.
My hope is that it's not a liquidation," Sen. Chris Dodd, chairman of the Banking Committee, said this morning on the "Early Show" on CBS, "but what they call a debtor-in-possession, sort of Chapter 11 filing, which would allow for the reorganization of these companies. - News
Quando sono ben freddi, si spalma sulla base una confettura a scelta (io preferisco quella di rosa canina perchè ha una consistenza che adoro, tipo una gelatina liquida, in più non è dolce), si appiccica la parte superiore precedentemente spolverizzata di zucchero a velo.
Ovis Mollis « Baking History
An interesting anecdote has also been spun into the wonder liquid.
One member was said to be carrying a washing-up liquid bottle, thought to contain ammonia, while another had a brown cricket kit type bag.
I was in need of some liquid refreshment.
Finally , cyclo ( - Ab 7 - Aib - Phe ( 2 - Me ) - D - Pro - ) is successfully prepared by using liquid phase peptide synthesis with Boc protection ...
In the troposphere, water exists as vapor in air, as liquid droplets in clouds, and as frozen ice particles in high altitude cirrus clouds.
I suspect that they never mention the wines, spirits and fortified liquids they use to marinate this, flambé that and simmer the other because it's all so easy.
In addition, a thin layer of liquid lining the alveoli exerts surface tension, tending to collapse the lungs, although this surface tension is greatly decreased by the presence of surfactant.
A fault means parts of the cap seal could end up in the liquid - causing a choking hazard.
The Sun
The lout was standing on the platform when he poured the warm liquid through an open window.
The Sun
You may protect the finish with a liquid furniture wax or cream polish that gives the desired gloss.
Halve the skinned fish fillets lengthways, season lightly with salt and slip them into the pan, encouraging them under the liquid.
Times, Sunday Times
Medicine from the days of liquid in glass bottles to bubble packs of psychotropic capsules.
A gel or liquid would be a better option.
Times, Sunday Times
one swallow of the liquid was enough
How can you tolerate the taste of this liquid? It disunited my stomach and intestines.
Strain and add infused liquid to the fumet.
If successful, it will lead to the supplier being placed into compulsory liquidation.
At the screening, you'll drink a sugary liquid and then take a blood test one hour later.
First, the ideas in these two theories provide the groundwork for the preferred habitat and liquidity premium theories.
Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
Embryogenic tissues were homogenized to a very fine powder in liquid nitrogen and then sugar extraction was carried out.
In front of him was a man holding a pitcher filled with some liquid.
The liquid medicine elements were misidentified.
She picked it up, swirled the liquid round, and scried into that.
But usually, there†™ s a trick to it†powder or liquid breathed from the mouth, or a chemical reagent to reacts with carbon dioxide.
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She twirled the liquid around in her glass.
Large herbs in the herb garden should over come attacks: pick off dead leaves and feed the plant with liquid seaweed solution.
Planning the Organic Herb Garden
The researchers need to gather thousands of the insects to get just a few milliliters of the insect's blood, called hemolymph, which is the green liquid in the vial.
The uncertainties over the timing of any asset realisations have led the liquidators to warn that thousands of policyholders may have to wait a full year before settlement of their claims.
The big question in nutrition research is how the body's regulation of liquid calories differs from that of solid food.
Times, Sunday Times
They have decided to liquidate the corporation by the end of the next month.
Further, the flavoured and tasteable body is suspended in a liquid matter, and this is tangible.
On the Soul
There is no driver, either pressure or highly reactive chemical such as sodium, to force radiotoxic substances into the environment; and, since the fuel is already in liquid form, there is no chance of 'meltdown'.
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
There is an urgent need for government to provide liquidity to small firms.
Times, Sunday Times
In the case of high-level waste, the nuclear industry has pioneered the stabilization of the liquid streams through vitrification into borosilicate glass blocks.
We quantitatively determined the degree of mixing nonideality by fitting the experimental liquidus and solidus curves to a model based on regular solution theory.
Coconut milk or cream is a thick sweet liquid produced by pouring boiling water over grated coconut, leaving it to cool, and squeezing the liquid from the pulp through a straining cloth.
Use a domestic firelighter to get it started - don't use petrol or other flammable liquids.
He coughed fitfully and held his heaving chest as dark liquid trickled out of his mouth.
Accidentally knocking over the bottle, I watched as the crimson coloured liquid soaked into the white papers.
The explosion at the Texas City plant occurred after a piece of equipment called a blowdown drum overfilled with highly flammable liquid hydrocarbons.
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The phenomenon of liquidity preference can find no place in a model that admits of only one asset, fiat money.
Special liquid reagents or tablets are added to a sample of aquarium water.
Return the strained liquid to the saucepan and reduce to a thick syrup.
Liquid-vapour phase diagrams at constant pressure are of crucial importance in the study of distillation.
The cloudy liquid is actually the spores of a fungus.
Add coriander and when wilted, slip the crab claws under the liquid.
Times, Sunday Times
Occasionally, they hold their hands out to the passing crowd asking for handouts, taking turns to sip an opaque liquid from a plastic container.
The current liquidity crisis has seen perfectly viable small companies dragged down.
Times, Sunday Times
It would literally have meant '(Town of) flowing waters', from *rūmōn 'river; flowing water', a securely Indo-European formation built on the root *reu- 'to flow, to run (as of liquid)' and the derivational suffix *-mo-.
An etymology for 'Rome'
Whether further repayments will follow remains uncertain as the bank attempts to recover illiquid assets.
Times, Sunday Times
It stores bile, a liquid produced by the liver, and then releases it into the intestine to help digestion.
You see, last night I dreamt about a huge rainbow and lots of rainbow coloured objects, Orange cups with strawberry coloured liquid in them and the like.
Add the cream and continue to cook for a further 5 minutes, then remove from the heat, season with salt and pepper, and liquidise to a smooth purée.
Some Eisweins sweeter than Sherry, but this is still as close to liquid raisins as it gets.
I'm noticing that the floor is wet - entirely covered in dark liquid.
Based on mathematics model and mathematics formula which are concluded from the hydrokinetics, we designed a new type device to measure velocity of flow and measure temperature and liquid stress.
The tepid liquid flows down my throat and straight to the bottom of my stomach.
Fringe photographer and subculture chronicler Charles Gatewood quickly added mess to his extreme repertoire, and New York nightclubs began splattering their go-go dancers with liquid latex.
The turnover ratios can reflect the firms' speed of fund turnover and time of operating cycle, hence indicate the liquidity.
Whether up on their toes, skittering swiftly in small steps, or smoothly swiveling, this is liquid loveliness.
If it can, it will attempt to relist; if not, it will almost certainly call in the liquidators.
Times, Sunday Times
The cold water tap produces nothing, not even a drop of liquid.
Yes, there are a number of uncertainties — Will contingent obligations (like guaranty claims, or liabilities on asserted but as yet unliquidated lawsuit claims) become due?
The Volokh Conspiracy » Greek Bailout and Liquidity Risk
Reserve the liquid and add a handful of chopped parsley and salt to it.
Food Watch
It is an integral entity which is made up of a manual corrugated pipe or sleeve piston pump and a flow controlling valve. It is suitable for liquid suction, pressing and siphoning.
Secondly, it means that any liquidity shortage initially suffered by banks will be instantly transferred to the discount market.
The problem is that liquidity is a matter of degree.
Principles of Corporate Finance