How To Use Lee side In A Sentence
To be fair to the Tralee side they were not lacking in spirit and endeavour and they made the visitors fight every inch of the way.
The thermals are strong enough to overcome the north winds and it is easy to climb up on the lee sides of the peaks and ridges.
Cavities, on the other hand, have their edges worn on the lee side and left sharp upon the stoss.
The Elements of Geology
Hills overridden by an ice sheet often have similarly rounded contours on the stoss side, while on the lee side they may be craggy, either because of plucking or because here they have been less worn from their initial profile.
The Elements of Geology
Winds were gusty which is why I stopped on the alee side of this low tide peninsula.

When I asked where the head was, a crewmember thumbed at the lee side of the boat.
Flint nodules or other small prominences in the bed rock are found more worn on the stoss than on the lee side, where indeed they may have a low cone of rock protected by them from abrasion.
The Elements of Geology
The locals keep saying the lee side (the sunny side).
The party stopped for a little while to eat lunch on the lee side of a large rock.
You can normally tell the lee side from the windward side by looking for cornices.
The bushes near Carleton Beck exuded the deep sonorous zoom sound of queen red-tailed and buff-tailed bumblebees, and all around the lee side of the thicket were the hoverflies known technically as Eristalis intricarius.
Country diary: Claxton, Norfolk
We parked our vehicles beside the hotel on what we considered to be the lee side from the shelling and went into the building.
Broken Lives
The boy stood on the lee side of the poop, and was looking over the side at the wreck of the fore-topgallant mast, which was still attached to the ship by the stay and braces of the yard, the men not yet having time to cut it adrift -- all hands being busy in doing what was possible to save the main-topgallant mast, that had begun to show signs of giving way.
The Wreck of the Nancy Bell Cast Away on Kerguelen Land
Anticipating some rough sails, I laid down additional beams and wedges against a possible knock-down but the original design was stabile to at least 60 degrees, which put the lee side of the coach house under to its carline.
Canberra moved to the lee side of Christmas Island until the possible danger had passed.
Aberrant type of lakebed yardangs on lee side of Ein El ShurfaHill, Kharga Depression, Egypt 96.
This made it desirable to locate our camp under the best cover we could find, and I spent some little time in looking about for a satisfactory place, but nothing better offered than a large fallen tree, which lay in such a direction that by encamping on its lee side we would be protected from the fury of the storm.
She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
I stepped out onto the ladder on the lee side.
The prominences left between the hollows due to plucking are commonly ground down and rounded on the stoss side, -- the side from which the ice advances, -- and sometimes on the opposite, the lee side, as well.
The Elements of Geology
We buried them just beyond the dooryard garden, on the lee side of the house from the chicken coops.
On their lee sides some pans have clay dunes or lunettes composed of sandy, silty, clayey, and salty materials blown out from the pan floor.
Fortunately, Trondur was working on the lee side of the main cabin, so he was sheltered from the onslaught.