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lee side

  1. the side of something that is sheltered from the wind

How To Use lee side In A Sentence

  • To be fair to the Tralee side they were not lacking in spirit and endeavour and they made the visitors fight every inch of the way.
  • The thermals are strong enough to overcome the north winds and it is easy to climb up on the lee sides of the peaks and ridges.
  • Cavities, on the other hand, have their edges worn on the lee side and left sharp upon the stoss. The Elements of Geology
  • Hills overridden by an ice sheet often have similarly rounded contours on the stoss side, while on the lee side they may be craggy, either because of plucking or because here they have been less worn from their initial profile. The Elements of Geology
  • Winds were gusty which is why I stopped on the alee side of this low tide peninsula.
  • When I asked where the head was, a crewmember thumbed at the lee side of the boat.
  • Flint nodules or other small prominences in the bed rock are found more worn on the stoss than on the lee side, where indeed they may have a low cone of rock protected by them from abrasion. The Elements of Geology
  • The locals keep saying the lee side (the sunny side).
  • The party stopped for a little while to eat lunch on the lee side of a large rock.
  • You can normally tell the lee side from the windward side by looking for cornices.
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