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How To Use Leave off In A Sentence

  • Lastly, concerning the disdain to receive into natural history things either common, or mean, or oversubtle and in their original condition useless, the answer of the poor woman to the haughty prince who had rejected her petition as an unworthy thing and beneath his dignity, may be taken for an oracle: "Then leave off being king. The New Organon
  • I have no doubt that it is part of the destiny of the human race in its gradual improvement to leave off eating animals. Henry David Thoreau 
  • But I will leave off here and retreat into the backstage shadows for the nonce. METAPLANETARY
  • If you decide that the magic might be in that output buffer, you can also just leave off the input buffer with appropriate circuit changes.
  • Residents fear such a cut would leave officers worse equipped to fight crime in the town.
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  • What extraordinarily powerful intangibles professionals leave off the bottom line.
  • Yussuf, perceiving the dread which he inspired, and that he was taken, as he wished to be, for a beeldar, first clapped his hand to the handle of his pretended sword, and then struck the combatants several sharp blows with his almond stick, and thus induced them to leave off fighting. The Pacha of Many Tales
  • ˜population genetics™, ˜fitness™ refers either to the abilities of the different genotypes in a population to leave offspring, or to the measures of those abilities, represented by the variable W. Darwinism
  • No one could have anticipated that a president who "presided" over a fraudulent war, a disgrace in the Attorney General's office, an epic natural disaster outdone only by the epic futility of the response to that disaster, an economic downturn that shows no sign of moderating, stagnant wages, creeping unemployment, tainted food sources, skyrocketing energy prices and a stock market in need of serious psychoactive drugs would have such low approval ratings by the time he's ready to leave office. Obama Entering White House With High Favorables -- And Bush Leaving With High Disapproval
  • Therefore, an aberrant individual with a tall sinistral shell among tall-shelled dextral conspecifics is more likely to be able to mate and leave offspring than one with a wide sinistral shell among wide-shelled dextral conspecifics. How snails mate: Oxyloma retusa
  • Therefore, an aberrant individual with a tall sinistral shell among tall-shelled dextral conspecifics is more likely to be able to mate and leave offspring than one with a wide sinistral shell among wide-shelled dextral conspecifics. How snails mate: Oxyloma retusa
  • Even businessmen will often wear sport shirts, or leave off their jackets in hot weather in favor of the guayabera - a long cotton shirt.
  • Hey, leave off! I hate people touching my hair.
  • Hey, leave off! I hate people touching my hair.
  • When democrats leave office their problems are stored in cryogenic ice freezers in space so that when the good old republican days are over they’re waiting for the next democrat (sic) president. Think Progress » SC Lt. Gov. compares people getting gov’t help to ‘stray animals’ who ‘breed’ because they don’t know better.
  • But in spite of this, Don Quixote did not leave off discharging a continuous rain of cuts, slashes, downstrokes, and backstrokes, and at length, in less than the space of two credos, he brought the whole show to the ground, with all its fittings and figures shivered and knocked to pieces, King Don Quixote
  • Total DNA isolated from these yeast cells was treated with SmaI to cleave off one telomeric end.
  • Moslems, we have taken captives your Sultan and your Wazir who hath the ordering of your affairs; and except ye leave off fighting us, we will slay you to the last man; but an you yield yourselves we will take you to our King, who will make peace with you on condition that you quit our country and return home and harm us in naught, and we will do you no harm in aught. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He shewed a little emotion, but very little, and was only earnest in entreating that I would leave off making such bitter speeches to him, which I promised to do, and Selections from the Letters of Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury to Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • While this is a matter which is fundamentally tied to the need for liturgical study and ecclesial authority, it may do well, particularly as we sit upon the very time itself, to leave off with a practical suggestion for parish priests wishing to recover some sense of the octave, even within the present circumstances of the modern Roman calendar. Two Reforms Associated with Pentecost: The Vigil and the Octave
  • Meaning that although some people are slow or "laith" to begin a thing, still, when they do commence, it is difficult to get them to leave off. The Proverbs of Scotland
  • Mr Putin, his partner and patron, is due to leave office in 2008.
  • His opponents have no intention of letting him off the hook until he agrees to leave office immediately.
  • The statement said he did not intend to leave office before his term expires in another five years.
  • The Secretary of the Navy will leave office next month
  • He is always the first to leave office everyday.
  • His opponents have no intention of letting him off the hook until he agrees to leave office immediately.
  • He is never what we call humdrum; never unwilling to begin to talk, nor in haste to leave off.’ Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides
  • She take up the narrative where john have leave off.
  • Leave off the top piece
  • His opponents have no intention of letting him off the hook until he agrees to leave office immediately.
  • Eusebius [276] and Cyril [277] having quoted 'the parable of the wicked husbandmen' _in extenso_ (viz. from verse 33 to verse 43), _leave off at verse_ 43. The Causes of the Corruption of the Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels Being the Sequel to The Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels
  • They made a great hubbub amongst themselves, and whenever the old man showed his bald head on the foreside of the bridge, they would all leave off jawing and look at him from below. Typhoon, and other stories
  • To "revoke" a device we just leave off the copy of the media key encrypted with his secret key! Doom9's Forum
  • I believe that if they saw me fearless, and coming among them for friendly purposes, they would leave off hooting; but the notion frightens granny, so I am a prisoner. Dynevor Terrace: or, the clue of life — Volume 2
  • I have no doubt that it is part of the destiny of the human race in its gradual improvement to leave off eating animals. Henry David Thoreau 
  • FDA can pass through the cell membrane whereupon intracellular esterases cleave off the diacetate group.
  • For, on a time. as a man had loosed his tongue to missay of a bishop familiar with him, he rebuked him cruelly, and said that, he should leave off or raze away these verses, or go from the table. The Golden Legend, vol. 5
  • I ever fall in love (for I'll _fall_ in love, else not go in at all) I shall leave off loving mother best of anybody in the world? The Life and Letters of Elizabeth Prentiss
  • Pete, I can't be fashed pulling up the figures, but, as most presidents (save Reagan) leave office after eight years in a general cloud of disappointment, I don't think these figures demonstrate anything except that nothing changes. Gordon Brown, Charlie Whelan and Me
  • I have a vague memory that it took about eight months for him to leave office after Black Wednesday.
  • It is time to leave off, his daughter tells him, it s time to burst forth like a butterfly.
  • But for the present, brazenface, leave off your grimaces, and listen well to what I am going to tell you. Stories by Foreign Authors: Spanish
  • But as Mandela prepares to leave office on Wednesday, Clinton administration officials as well as private analysts say the positive aspects of his five-year term overwhelm the disagreements. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In place of the ‘Far from the madding crowd’ stanza were four stanzas in which the poet counseled himself to leave off his struggle.
  • leave off where you started
  • I would abjure my art then and there, leave off cursing, leave off binding fast and loose with spells.
  • And even though it's been nearly a year since she ventured onto the national stage and more than eight months since the Republican ticket lost the election, as Palin prepares to leave office, the public's interest in her has yet to wane. Palin's resignation hardly a curtain call
  • At the same time, the governor's unconventional decision to leave office without completing a term raises questions about the viability of such a run -- and about the state of the GOP field, following revelations of extramarital affairs recently by two other potential contenders. Governor's Move Highlights GOP Divide
  • Did you leave office with a bittersweet taste, or did you feel it was time? Christianity Today
  • He is never what we call humdrum; never unwilling to begin to talk, nor in haste to leave off. ' The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, LL.D.
  • What you leave off your CV is very important. Decide what is relevant and edit out the rest.
  • And then they’d leave off doing lessons, and go out in the yard and play tipcat; or Mr. Burroughs would show him how to bowl. The End of a Childhood
  • I've decided to leave off eating meat for a while.
  • Mom asked a favor to leave office early to take Zitta from summer school.
  • I will be making the VwaV Gingerbread Apple Pie again, but next time I'll leave off the topping, make it in a 10in pie pan instead of a 9in, only prebake the crust for five minutes, and maybe increase the cornstarch by 1/2Tb. Thanksgiving, continued: Mushroom Barley Bake, Roasted Veggies, Brussels Sprouts
  • If you leave off the year or you misname the statute or you do not put some aspect of the statute in, you are put out of court.
  • They all despaired of obtaining it from the coalesced powers, whilst they had a gang of professed regicides at their head; and several of the least desperate republicans would have joined with better men to shake them wholly off, and to produce something more ostensible, if they had not been reiteratedly told that their sole hope of peace was the very contrary to what they naturally imagined: that they must leave off their cabals and insurrections, which could serve no purpose but to bring in that royalty which was wholly rejected by the coalesced kings; that, to satisfy them, they must tranquilly, if they could not cordially, submit themselves to the tyranny and the tyrants they despised and abhorred. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 06 (of 12)
  • Once for all, Mrs. Minx, leave off talking of Hocus, or I will pull out these saucer-eyes of yours, and make that redstreak country face look as raw as an ox-cheek upon a butcher's-stall; remember, I say, that there are pillories and ducking-stools. History of John Bull
  • leave off your jacket--no need to wear it here
  • He is never what we call hum-drum; never unwilling to begin to talk, nor in haste to leave off. ' Life of Johnson
  • Years ago, people would come to these shrines to leave offerings of turquoise, jade and silver for the gods.
  • he was manifestly too important to leave off the guest list
  • I would advise you Sir, to study algebra, if you are not already an adept in it: your head would be less muddy, and you will leave off tormenting your neighbours about paper and packthread ... GOP Candidate In Mississippi House Race Uses Obama In Attack Ad

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