How To Use Leaden In A Sentence

  • Once wide awake, even enterprising, they slowly become dilatory, leaden, slow, laggard, and lumpish.
  • At my Nativity," writes Browne in Religio Medici, "my ascendant was the water signe of Scorpius, I was borne in the Planetary hour of Saturn, and I think I have a piece of that Leaden Planet in me. Out of Novemberland
  • After a while, the freshness is gone, and it doesn't take long for the proceedings to become dull and leaden.
  • I looked up at dark branches silhouetted against a leaden sky.
  • Only the sizzling Mongolian lamb hotpot, mayo-slaughtered wasabi prawns, the stodgy dumplings and leaden-battered soft-shell crab were truly terrible.
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  • The cast does its adequate best - you can't blame the players for occasionally fumbling such leaden material.
  • In fact my whole being was permeated by the leaden-armed pervading weakness one feels when forced to work in the small hours.
  • This accomplished, they must then bespeed them to the top of the hill again, where two loaded rifles yet remained, in whose leaden bullets lay, as they trusted, the golden chance of victory. Burl
  • He is barely recognisable among the grime, dressed in filthy rags and as anaemic and leaden as his surroundings.
  • The fasciated honey-eater has loudly called “with a voice that seemed the very sound of happiness”; the leaden flycatcher, often silent but seldom still, has twittered and whispered plaintively; the sun-birds are playing gymnastics among the lemon blossoms, and the centre of activity for butterflies is the red-flowered shrub bordering the wavering path. Tropic Days
  • Hither ascended a _cantonnier_ when the new road was made up the valley, and here he found chipped flints of primeval man, a polished celt, a scrap of Samian ware, and in a niche at the side sealed up with stalactite, a tiny earthenware pitcher 2-1/2 inches high, a leaden spindle-whorl, some shells, and a toy sheep-bell. Castles and Cave Dwellings of Europe
  • We rode into Florence through drizzle, under a leaden sky. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rain had let up and the sun was beginning to peek out from behind the leaden clouds.
  • From most silly novels we can at least extract a laugh; but those of the modern-antique school have a ponderous, a leaden kind of fatuity, under which we groan. The Essays of "George Eliot" Complete
  • The door looked shut but was not quite pushed to and so made a shape which was wrong, a leaden shadow like a sealant. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Or it may be that most of this regulation was merely a bureaucratic scam and a leaden weight on small and medium-sized businesses. Times, Sunday Times
  • On his left shin there were two bruises, one a leaden yellow graduating here and there into purple, and another, obviously of more recent date, of a blotchy red — tumid and threatening. The Wheels of Chance: a bicycling idyll
  • This year it also finds the country in the leaden grip of a seemingly endless process of mourning.
  • He lay down on his pallet still pondering, but the exhaustion from his long vigil the previous day swept him off almost at once into a dreamless, leaden sleep.
  • It was an eerie and sombre scene, a grey warship beneath a leaden sky with the occasional drop of rain falling.
  • In youth the hours are golden in mature years they are silver, in old age they are leaden
  • She raised by degrees a leaden and inexpressive eye, to the objects that were about her, without having as yet spirit and recollectedness enough to distinguish them. Imogen A Pastoral Romance
  • Sky and water turned leaden grey and we headed for the safety of the nearest island.
  • Easter Sunday wasn't a great day; clouds scudded ominously across a leaden sky and at 3 p.m. it was looking bad for the parade in Athy.
  • It was late afternoon and her body felt leaden with fatigue, but the spark of life at the core of her essential being seemed inextinguishable.
  • A steady stream of ambulances was coming out of the school drive, all with lights flashing and sirens screaming into the leaden sky.
  • A leaden stillness descended and slowed their legs, but sight traveled in reverse and was quickened.
  • The horrible news leadened his brains with fear.
  • leaden steps
  • The thaw set in before the new year, although we were plagued with leaden skies and fog patches. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this novel the sky is always leaden grey, the light is smoky, the rain is pelting the windows and it is cold.
  • Shakspere never hesitated to take crude ore and rough ashler from any quarry of thought; and out of the dull, leaden material of others, produced characters in living form to walk the stage of life forever, teaching the lesson of virtue triumphant over vice. Shakspere, Personal Recollections
  • In weather like this, if my husband were still with me, we would not be trapped in one place, watching a leaden dawn and a sunset of dull red; we would be traveling with the king's court, on progress through the weald and downland of Hampshire and Sussex, the richest and most beautiful countryside in all of England, riding high on the hilly roads and looking out for the first sight of the sea. Excerpt: The Boleyn Inheritance by Philippa Gregory
  • The sky is a leaden grey, the temperature is high and the wind is blowing from the West - absolutely ideal.
  • The game's leaden script also makes some of the dialogue exchanges exhausting to follow. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was one of Charles’s clerkly colleagues in Leadenhall Street. Excerpt: The Lambs of London by Peter Ackroyd
  • He exhaled the smoke and through the haze his eyes rested on the day's end; gulls scraped the underside of a grey sky, cormorants pierced leaden waters to emerge gullet-choked with fish.
  • Such small articles as hat-cases, hand-bags, etc., are subjected to it; an officer devoted to the duty comes with a huge pair of 'pincers' with some neat little leaden discs, which he squeezes on the strings which have tied up the article. A Day's Tour A Journey through France and Belgium by Calais, Tournay, Orchies, Douai, Arras, Béthune, Lille, Comines, Ypres, Hazebrouck, Berg
  • It is truly terrible: leadenly paced, datedly filmed, implausibly plotted and lazily acted. Times, Sunday Times
  • a leaden weight
  • Did they need to give me this little something that shines, when all I've been thinking are dull and leaden sentences?
  • The weather was at its worst; bitterly cold, with leaden skies that gave minimum visibility.
  • The special effects are pretty stunning - considerably better than in the first film - but the pacing is leaden, the characterisation pretty slapdash and threadbare and, well, it's still a bit long…
  • By means of a strip of lead called a leaden tape, which he pressed around and into the fillets and hollows with his finger and thumb, he transferred the exact contour of each moulding to his drawing, that lay on a sketching-stool a few feet distant; where were also a sketching-block, a small T-square, a bow-pencil, and other mathematical instruments. A Laodicean : a Story of To-day
  • 3547: Lest leaden slumber peize me downe to morrow, Richard III (1623 First Folio Edition)
  • Patrick's body felt overly heavy and leaden, not at all like his own.
  • They say that the inhabitants attach leaden weights to the tips of their arrows and therewith bring down the nests, and from the intertexture collect the cinnamon sticks. The History of Animals
  • Those pieces must have been taken out of Leadenhall Street at the beginning of the war and put in a depository for safe keeping. GOTHIC PURSUIT
  • That when the same cannot be done openly I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as 140 Million Dead? So What! Christianity's STILL A RELIGION OF PEACE!
  • All eyes turn to this shabby remnant, but they remain immovable, with the leaden expression belonging to the victims of the Confederate lexicon, that seems to say, unaccused, '_I am not ashamed. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No 3, September 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • No group of fans have tasted the pure air at the top of the mountain and luged so quickly all the way back to the leaden smog.
  • From start to finish, the 40-over contest was played under leaden skies and falling rain.
  • Once wide awake, even enterprising, they slowly become dilatory, leaden, slow, laggard, and lumpish.
  • Page 334 esthetically, intellectually, and as a mold of form one of the very lowest of the low order of batrachia, will eat his fill of leaden shot, when thrown to him one by one, until by excess of artificial weight he is utterly unable to move. Recollections and reflections : an auto of half a century and more,
  • The leaden sensation made her head and feet heavy.
  • I applied compresses to the bottom of the sinuous tracks, to cleanse and dry the soft spongy flesh, and hollow leaden tents, that the sanies might always have a way out; and above them a large plaster of Diacalcitheos dissolved in wine. The Journey to Flanders. 1569
  • The tirades can be leaden and repetitive; casual chatter between cohosts occasionally feels slack and aimless; and some of the non-Franken jokes reach for a humor they can't quite attain.
  • The blockbuster season was launched to the sound of a thud thanks to this leaden sequel. Times, Sunday Times
  • The following days, I made injections, into the depth and cavities of the ulcers, of Aegyptiacum dissolved sometimes in eau-de-vie, other times in wine, I applied compresses to the bottom of the sinuous tracks, to cleanse and dry the soft spongy flesh, and hollow leaden tents, that the sanies might always have The Harvard Classics Volume 38 Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology)
  • Nothing achieved, he thought leadenly as he slogged back on foot to the hotel. THE QUEST FOR K
  • Knowing that a poor performance would reignite the whispering campaign against him, he spoke in a leaden manner before delivering a blunt ‘modernise or die’ message.
  • Occupying the whole southern face of the pentagonal was the sole window -- an immense sheet of unbroken glass from Venice -- a single pane, and tinted of a leaden hue, so that the rays of either the sun or moon passing through it, fell with a ghastly luster on the objects within. Famous Modern Ghost Stories
  • Only the sky was turning a leaden grey, the tide was low, and we were hungry, or at least I was.
  • The writing is pretty leaden too. The Sun
  • The blockbuster season was launched to the sound of a thud thanks to this leaden sequel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thinking about Patients is written in an engaging and conversational style and is an antidote to the increasingly leaden approach of the evidence based medicine enthusiasts.
  • Nobody, not even his old Eton chums, seemed to know much about him except that he was some kind of nabob, with connections in Leadenhall Street, but he was well received in Society, where his money and manners paid for all. Flashman's Lady
  • The quaint grossbeak, the ugly heron, the dirty-black buzzard, the hideous water-goose, with his featherless body and satiric head, start up from their nooks as you enter; the water moccasin slides warily into the slime; and if you see a sudden movement in the centre of a leaden-colored mass, with a flash or two of white in it, you will do well to beware, for half a dozen alligators may show themselves at home there. The Great South; A Record of Journeys in Louisiana, Texas, the Indian Territory, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland
  • Does that sort of detail make my booky wook any less leaden? Booky Wook 2 by Russell Brand
  • The Daily Mail, a revolutionary departure from the leaden format of its contemporaries, sold a record breaking 300,000 copies of its first issue.
  • The pace is leaden, the dialogue is risible and the plot is both complex and silly. Times, Sunday Times
  • In short: is the world's greatest deliberative body really filled with this many dim bulbs, card sharps and overstroked dolts who confuse a leaden pause with great rhetoric?
  • Considerable works are necessary — a special set of tools, an apparatus of platina, leaden chambers, unassailable by the acid, and in which the transformation is performed, etc. The engineer had none of these at his disposal, but he knew that, in The Mysterious Island
  • All the night long they did nothing else, keeping their hands still upon the pot, but despatch, both on foot and horseback, leaden-sealed writs or letters, to wit, papal commissions commonly called bulls, to stop the boats; for the tailors and seamsters would have made of the stolen shreds and clippings a goodly sagbut to cover the face of the ocean, which then was great with child of a potful of cabbage, according to the opinion of the hay-bundle-makers. Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 2
  • The leaden grey sky on the left of the car and sun on the right make me stir, looking all around for that favorite rare arch of color in the sky.
  • There's a decent version of flan with a hard, almost enameled caramel top, and a somewhat leaden guava bread pudding made heavier by a layer of plantains.
  • The landscape was turning a leaden grey as the sun sank behind the mountains. THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
  • The script was as leaden as the acting was wooden. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just one droplet to start with, but the sky was leaden grey and there was much more fallout in store.
  • The only thing that tempted me to stay was the fact that the one window was made up of little diamond panes set in a leaden sash, and that this window looked out on a little courtway where a dozen palms and as many ferns grew lush and green in green tubs and where in the center a fountain spurted. Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great
  • A leaden weight lay on her heart as she waved him goodbye.
  • First and foremost, a kind of alchemical transmutation of all mere rationality into true Reason instrumental rationality being only the leaden and debased form of Reason; of the transmutation of mere fantasy into creative imagination, of knowledge into wisdom; and of science into gnosis. Blake, Nietzsche, and Sri Aurobindo
  • Not to mention a howling gale and a leaden sky. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ya gotta have molasses in them for them to be gingerbready ... these were more like leaden spicecakes. Gingerbread pancakes for Shrove Tuesday | Homesick Texan
  • Once wide awake, even enterprising, they slowly become dilatory, leaden, slow, laggard, and lumpish.
  • All the night long they did nothing else, keeping their hands still upon the pot, but despatch, both on foot and horseback, leaden-sealed writs or letters, to wit, papal commissions commonly called bulls, to stop the boats; for the tailors and seamsters would have made of the stolen shreds and clippings a goodly sagbut to cover the face of the ocean, which then was great with child of Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • We grew immense beards, we were buried in storms of sleet, our bloodshot eyes sank deep into our heads, our uniforms disappeared beneath an encrustation of icy clag, our hands were torn as though by cats, and our fingers curled up into leaden clubs. Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • The challenge ranges from leaden bureaucratic language full of arrimages and conciliation travail-famille to the Parti Québécois's propensity for rosy labels the nation-building business of sovereignty is a projet de société; Bernard Landry's attempt to revive his party program was the Saison des idées. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Toward the west the sky was still dark: not the empty dark of a night sky but the leaden solidity of storm clouds building.
  • I should have liked to have looked down from the sun into the sunlessness, as the old Fate woman at Ronco can do when she sits in winter at her window; or again, I should like to see how things would look from this same window on a leaden morning in midwinter after snow has fallen heavily and the sky is murky and much darker than the earth. Alps and Sanctuaries of Piedmont and the Canton Ticino
  • Nullam virtus respuit staturam, virtue refuseth no stature, and commonly your great vast bodies, and fine features, are sottish, dull, and leaden spirits. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Forty minutes later we have the fish pinwheeling to Richard's hands under a leaden sky, McVeigh and his boat ROSGILL hovering in attendance.
  • -- The back and top of the head are greyish-yellowish, the hairs being leaden grey at the base, passing into yellow, the sub-terminal part being brown, with a minute dark point; the upper surface of the parachute is almost wholly black, with a greyish-white border; under surface yellow; the belly greyish-ashy; feet black; limbs and tail concolorous with the body, the latter very bushy. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • In youth the hours are golden in mature years they are silver, in old age they are leaden
  • the sky was leaden and thick
  • And while some had soared like a Cuillins capercailzie - others have crashed like a shot-leaden grouse on the Glorious Twelfth.
  • So it's with a leaden heart that I find myself at the King's for my two daughters' annual hootenanny - Aladdin.
  • The sight was a most charming and cheerful thing, and would lift the spirits of even the most leaden cynic.
  • The weather was at its worst; bitterly cold, with leaden skies that gave minimum visibility.
  • 23 I have adopted the word leaden as expressive of the idea implied in the original word, viz. grey or greyish blue; hence, dulled, dimmed. The Koran (Al-Qur'an)
  • The weather was at its worst; bitterly cold, with leaden skies that gave minimum visibility.
  • Some good action scenes, but the leaden script hampers things. The Sun
  • Gloucester were leaden, slow and predictable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fun, leaden, lushy-painted lifeless fun stuff, but fun stuff nonetheless… ‘Rama Rampage: I’m Doing Okay, Pretty Good.
  • The fasciated honey-eater has loudly called “with a voice that seemed the very sound of happiness”; the leaden flycatcher, often silent but seldom still, has twittered and whispered plaintively; the sun-birds are playing gymnastics among the lemon blossoms, and the centre of activity for butterflies is the red-flowered shrub bordering the wavering path. Tropic Days
  • When the leaden sky clears, there are some splendid venues to eat under the sun in the UK. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a big, fat novel but there is not a leaden or heavy page in it.
  • Leaden Like a bullet To supplant Life from its centre.
  • But when I awoke early next morning, the city seemed quiet, almost leaden, and the daily traffic jam was missing.
  • The thaw set in before the new year, although we were plagued with leaden skies and fog patches. Times, Sunday Times
  • “Increase speed to nine-point-nine,” Riker told him, every word leaden. VENDETTA: THE GIANT NOVEL
  • Perfect powder snow makes a satisfying scrunch as I plod out to the children's area, an ungainly heel-toe process in the leaden moon boots binding my ankles.
  • To make sure the towers are not a blot on the view for local residents, it was ruled that they must be painted a dull grey similar to the leaden Stockport sky.
  • The brick-like tome devotes ten pages to our city, mostly praising it to the leaden skies.
  • The first, the leaden echo, asks how beauty can be kept from vanishing away. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today, when the world is drippy, puddly and weeping with rain, leaden with clouds and hazy memories of sunshine, one stays home and tends to domestic gardens, such as laundry, stove-scrubbing, and floor-mopping.
  • Ghosts of expunged flora, the never-born groaning in vegetative chancery beneath the asphalt came up with a tropical curse, an equatorial leaden wet sweat of air which rose from the earth itself, rose right up through the baked asphalt and into the heated air which entered the lungs like a hand slipping into a rubber glove. Southpaw Grammar
  • I looked at her through sleep leaden eyes and groaned.
  • In one, tongues of flame and wisps of smoke begin to emerge from the trailer's windows, while in another, the blaze has engulfed it, and a cloud of thick black smoke rises above the sullen trees into the leaden sky.
  • Drowsily, in a voice leaden from heavy drinking, he hits me up for a favor: Fill in for him in an arena concert Kiss is giving that night, only hours away.
  • A leaden weight lay on her heart as she waved him goodbye.
  • Leaden gray clouds hovered over the ancient burial ground.
  • In this dark movie, the sun never shines on French Canada - all the events take place under oppressively leaden skies.
  • He sprang behind the great table against the window and seized the heavy-leaden sandarach. Privy Seal His Last Venture
  • She reached the landing at the mid-point of the staircase and saw the twin leaden benches that sat on either side of the platform. 365 tomorrows » 2007 » July : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • With a leaden sense of guilt, but in a fever of impatience, of haste, she stripped off the coarse hemp for her most elaborate satins, her santal and clover and carmine. Java Head
  • Whilst on a golfing holiday at the Ugadale Arms Hotel at Machrihanish, near Campbeltown in Argyllshire, Scotland, on July 30, 1926 (p. 15), for example, J.W. Trumble wrote the following measured, if somewhat leaden critique of the then state of test wickets. Archive 2009-03-01
  • The first, the leaden echo, asks how beauty can be kept from vanishing away. Times, Sunday Times
  • His public utterances are more likely to be described as leaden than poetic. Home | Mail Online
  • I already knew which major surprises were coming, so I just had to wait around for them while the characters spouted incredibly leaden, flat, expositional dialogue. Whiteout (The Movie) » DVDs Worth Watching
  • In youth the hours are golden in mature years they are silver, in old age they are leaden
  • When day broke, the summer dawn could not penetrate the leaden gloom above the city.
  • Dondo was a clot of self-will, a leaden plug, digging into his body with claws like grappling hooks. THE CURSE OF CHALION
  • The bare bones of a claustrophobic thriller are ground into dust by some leaden direction in this uninspiring attempt at mining Misery territory. Times, Sunday Times
  • And two armored knights with slit-eyed helmets lashed out at each other with leaden swords (carefully shadowed by other dancers to make sure they didn't fall off the stage).
  • As Frank continues to stare at Olivia, whose penetrating gaze seems able to capture his secrets, his chest feels heavy, leaden.
  • To my eye, the gardens that looked best under leaden skies were those that used colour in other ways than planting.
  • Since then, with issues ranging from the environment to social justice to human rights, the leaden center has been an albatross weighing heavily against progress.
  • The game's leaden script also makes some of the dialogue exchanges exhausting to follow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Back home Harry and I returned to our window, to look out at the sad, flat landscape under a sky that was not so much leaden as plain tired.
  • Many a night, as we have sought to follow the tradition of putting up on overnight posting – which we have come to call our "Horlicks", after the eponymous bed-time drink – we have groaned inwardly at the leaden, inane prose that confronts us, wondering how on earth we can present something, anything, that will entertain and inform our readers. Two years old
  • I find Woodward's breathless you-are-there insider accounts written in his trademark leaden prose to be virtually unreadable.
  • They brood over and revolve it -- the idea grows up, a horrid phantasmalian monomania; and all of a sudden, in a hundred different places, the one seed sown by the leaden types springs up into foul flowering. Night and Morning, Volume 3
  • During the early Middle Ages seals of lead, or more properly "bulls", were in common use both in East and West, but except in the case of the papal chancery, these leaden authentications soon went out of favour in western Christendom and it became the universal practice to take the impressions in wax. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • But she was suddenly struck by a chill that ran down her spine, a heavy leaden feeling in the pit of her stomach as she finally realized what she had down.
  • He walked towards the examination room with leaden feet .
  • The leaden poems have won him immortality as the world's worst poet and now he is to be cast in bronze.
  • After four glorious days of sunshine, the fifth day of the hike dawned grey with a leaden ceiling blanketing the sea.
  • On a less elevated level, "apterous jerks" brings to mind writers of leaden prose whose words never take wing. Anecdotal Evidence
  • This is a suitable metaphor after the rain pouring from leaden skies which greeted the All Blacks to training yesterday.
  • A watery sky, breached feebly by the occasional half-hearted sunrays on a grey leaden afternoon, seemed to catch the essential gloom that had descended on this region of North Galway.
  • Karen Kohlhaas's direction plays wholeheartedly into the leaden preciosity of the text and manages to make an already dreadful play even more abominable.
  • With his legs heavy and leaden through a combination of fear and fatigue, he clambered back to his feet, using the wall behind him for support.
  • But I should have liked to have looked down from the sun into the sunlessness, as the old Fate woman at Ronco can do when she sits in winter at her window; or again, I should like to see how things would look from this same window on a leaden morning in midwinter after snow has fallen heavily and the sky is murky and much darker than the earth. Selections from Previous Works and Remarks on Romanes' Mental Evolution in Animals
  • The first, the leaden echo, asks how beauty can be kept from vanishing away. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it wasn't the leaden grey of impending rain, nor was it the hazy grey of fog.
  • In youth the hours are golden in mature years they are silver, in old age they are leaden
  • The game's leaden script also makes some of the dialogue exchanges exhausting to follow. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fasciated honey-eater has loudly called "with a voice that seemed the very sound of happiness"; the leaden flycatcher, often silent but seldom still, has twittered and whispered plaintively; the sun-birds are playing gymnastics among the lemon blossoms, and the centre of activity for butterflies is the red-flowered shrub bordering the wavering path. Tropic Days
  • By her personal alchemy, she changed the leaden show into a golden evening of pleasure.
  • Not that such an expression was permitted to mar his Byronic beauty, but she could feel its leaden weight. ON A WICKED DAWN
  • The good prince — would he, nould he — was obliged to put some of the leaden dumplings into his pocket. Sixty Folk-tales from Exclusively Slavonic Sources
  • Apparently this symbolises jobs done by women, but with its leaden literalism it misses the point of memorials and just reminds you of housework and faceless drudgery.
  • In youth the hours are golden in mature years they are silver, in old age they are leaden
  • This venerable edifice is covered by one of those vast roofs with four sides, a ridgepole decorated with leaden ornaments, and a round projecting window on each side, such as Mansart very justly delighted in; for in France, the Italian attics and flat roofs are a folly against which our climate protests. An Historical Mystery
  • Its narrative drags along and itsnarrator's language is leaden and unnecessarily prolix to theextent thatI mostly had to force myself to finish the book. The Reading Experience
  • Director Yelena Demikovsky attempts to a tell a story of innocence lost and the fleeting nature of youthful affection, but winds up getting bogged down in leaden dialogue and cheesy music, both of which conspire to drag her film even deeper into the depths of irredeemable melodrama. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • In youth the hours are golden in mature years they are silver, in old age they are leaden
  • Has it ever occurred to you to ask the question, what effect the cottage would have upon your feelings if it had _no roof_? no visible roof, I mean; -- if instead of the thatched slope, in which the little upper windows are buried deep, as in a nest of straw -- or the rough shelter of its mountain shales -- or warm coloring of russet tiles -- there were nothing but a flat leaden top to it, making it look like a large packing-case with windows in it? Lectures on Architecture and Painting Delivered at Edinburgh in November 1853
  • I swam around in circles, unwilling to return to the shore, unable to surrender this state of aquatic, marine grace to the dull, leaden heaviness of dry land.
  • a leaden conversation
  • The wood's emerald greenness seemed somehow remarkably rich, although - or maybe because - the clouds above the treetops were a dark leaden grey.
  • The Dead C have been treading the same water since their inception in 1987 and their leaden, layered guitar-soaked dirges just feel tired up against the vibrancy of Konono.
  • The leaden bathos, insincere congratulations and lickspittle teasing were all cringingly, mesmerisingly grisly. Times, Sunday Times
  • This once lovely girl's body lay in a leaden coffin.
  • As befits their labor-intensiveness, the old houses command all the description, and the language with which Dew interprets the details she presents — "careful consideration" and "ponderous progression" — is fittingly leaden. A Close Read
  • With that peculiar leaden-footed clumsiness he was to display later in life, Wagner Jr told Humperdinck: "Your polyphonic texture is a true marvel", which could be a description of a variety of pebbledash. Bliss; BBC Prom 61: Hänsel and Gretel
  • It is quite an agreeable change to see a leaden sky and hear the rain softly pattering on the tent roof, after many days of sweltering, dazzling heat, _when one is in a comfortable tent_. A Yeoman's Letters Third Edition
  • His lungs feel "leaden," he has trouble concentrating on his graphic designs that used to give him so much pleasure, his moods swing unpredictably, he is dizzy, and the fragrance in ordinary household products makes his eyes water and sinuses stuffy. Riki Ott: Seafood Safety and Politics Don't Mix: Opening of Gulf Fisheries at Odds With Evidence of Harm
  • Conifers are dear to many people's hearts, but they don't add much to a garden, tending to be leaden and heavy, in shades of either dull green, or garish yellow and blue.
  • Sometimes he cast a leaden eye outdoors when his dogs were exercised from the kennel; rarely, and always unwillingly, he followed Malcourt to the hatchery to watch the stripping, or to the exotic pheasantry to inspect the breeding of birds entirely out of place in such a climate. The Firing Line
  • She felt sick, the leaden cramps forcing her to stay in her fetal curl. THE RHYTHM SECTION
  • The game's leaden script also makes some of the dialogue exchanges exhausting to follow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Soon heavy leaden clouds would blot out the sky but with them would come snow and freedom.
  • If the unbacked fiat dollar and all the currencies that depend on it are such ‘leaden ducks’, then why are they not sinking?
  • Their story was the basis for a recent straight-to-DVD ditty, called "Little Ashes," staring Robert Pattinson, who took time off from his "Twilight" duties to play a dewy-eyed, leaden-lipped Salvador Dal í. In Madrid, the Party Goes On, Austero Style
  • The horrible news leadened his brains with fear.
  • his leaden arms
  • Sluggish acting and leaden dialogue make this drama a colossal no-no.
  • In driving sleet, we walk to its base, its three bronze figures staring into the leaden sky. Times, Sunday Times
  • This morning I read it, and it is a lump of leaden prose, ungainly and unattractive, like a plain fat spotty teenager at her prom, dressed like a Christmas cake.
  • There were no labels on the bottles; the little leaden capsules placed over the corks alone bore an inscription, and they were coated with a kind of ceruse, doubtless to ensure preservation. The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Volume 3

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