[ US /ˈɫɛdən/ ]
[ UK /lˈɛdən/ ]
  1. (of movement) slow and laborious
    leaden steps
  2. lacking lightness or liveliness
    heavy humor
    a leaden conversation
  3. made heavy or weighted down with weariness
    his leaden arms
    weighted eyelids
  4. made of lead
    a leaden weight
  5. darkened with overcast
    the sky was leaden and thick
    a dark day
    a dull sky
    a dark day
    a dull sky
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How To Use leaden In A Sentence

  • Once wide awake, even enterprising, they slowly become dilatory, leaden, slow, laggard, and lumpish.
  • At my Nativity," writes Browne in Religio Medici, "my ascendant was the water signe of Scorpius, I was borne in the Planetary hour of Saturn, and I think I have a piece of that Leaden Planet in me. Out of Novemberland
  • After a while, the freshness is gone, and it doesn't take long for the proceedings to become dull and leaden.
  • I looked up at dark branches silhouetted against a leaden sky.
  • Only the sizzling Mongolian lamb hotpot, mayo-slaughtered wasabi prawns, the stodgy dumplings and leaden-battered soft-shell crab were truly terrible.
  • The cast does its adequate best - you can't blame the players for occasionally fumbling such leaden material.
  • In fact my whole being was permeated by the leaden-armed pervading weakness one feels when forced to work in the small hours.
  • This accomplished, they must then bespeed them to the top of the hill again, where two loaded rifles yet remained, in whose leaden bullets lay, as they trusted, the golden chance of victory. Burl
  • He is barely recognisable among the grime, dressed in filthy rags and as anaemic and leaden as his surroundings.
  • The fasciated honey-eater has loudly called “with a voice that seemed the very sound of happiness”; the leaden flycatcher, often silent but seldom still, has twittered and whispered plaintively; the sun-birds are playing gymnastics among the lemon blossoms, and the centre of activity for butterflies is the red-flowered shrub bordering the wavering path. Tropic Days
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