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How To Use Lastly In A Sentence

  • Lastly, I am a bit of control freak with a blistering pace when it comes to work.
  • Lastly, the hatred and contempt of the past two millennia add a formidable barrier to authentic communication.
  • Consecutively, the images of his present popped back into place: trees, restaurant guests, tables, and lastly, a worried looking Finn.
  • Lastly, this is the simplest transition yet disclosed from the succinyl to furfural grouping, being effected by a regulated proportion of oxygen, and under conditions of reaction which may be described as of the mildest. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • Lastly, there has to be some recognition that the ‘laws of nature’ are unvarying and not subject to the whims and fancies of the gods or of other supernatural entities.
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Master English with Ease
  • Kippletringan was distant at first ‘a gey bit; ’ then the ‘gey bit’ was more accurately described, as ‘ablins three mile; ’ then the ‘three mile’ diminished into ‘like a mile and a bittock; ’ then extended themselves into ‘four mile or there-awa; ’ and, lastly, a female voice, having hushed a wailing infant which the spokeswoman carried in her arms, assured Guy Mannering, ‘It was a weary lang gate yet to Kippletringan, and unco heavy road for foot passengers. Chapter I
  • Lastly, and this is the last time I say this about the Hitler thing: The reason you may NOT compare people you simply do not like to the most evil person of the last century, Adolph Hitler, is the same reason we should not have "senior slaves" in high school or say that someone got "lynched" in slang. Pepper And His Puppet Korte Stay At It
  • Lastly, are the conservatives even really interested in persuasion? Matthew Yglesias » Doing It With Twitter
  • Lastly, if your dairy has grown up in the city, developable land within a country mile of it is scarce and trading at a premium.
  • Lastly I apologise to those of you that I upset, no offence was intended.
  • Lastly, we might note the apparent similarity of this exercise to the traditional exercise of precis, the shortening of texts.
  • Lastly, the youngsters had a crack at a 7m indoor climbing wall under the supervision of the ever-watchful PTIs.
  • And lastly, a tight foreskin is unhygienic and leads to the accumulation of a foul-smelling cheesy material (called smegma) underneath it.
  • Sabbatarianism, with the Lord's Day Alliance, a Canadian invention, in the van; then the gradual tightening of the laws against sexual irregularity, with the unenforceable New York Adultery Act as a typical product; and lastly, the general ploughing up and emotional discussion of sexual matters, with compulsory instruction in "sex hygiene" as its mildest manifestation and the mediaeval fury of the vice crusade as its worst. A Book of Prefaces
  • The macrospore or embryo-sac produces a prothallium called the endosperm, in which archegonia or corpuscula are formed; and lastly, in typical dicotyledons it is only lately that any trace of a prothallium from the microspore or pollen cell has been discovered, while the macrospore or embryo-sac produces only two or three prothallium cells, known as antipodal cells, and two or three oospheres, known as germinal vesicles. Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
  • Yet the building seemed ancient and strong, a part of the roof was battlemented, and the walls were of great thickness; lastly, I observed, with some unpleasant sensations, that the windows of my chamber had been lately secured with iron stanchions, and that the servants who brought me victuals, or visited my apartment to render other menial offices, always locked the door when they retired. Redgauntlet
  • Lastly, are we really preparing for developed world status, or are we on a regressive path to under-developed status?
  • Lastly, all chordates have a post-anal tail, or extension of the notochord and nerve cord past the anus.
  • Lastly, postseason performance was not a factor in these rankings.
  • Lastly, we have the morocco leather, so called because it was brought from Morocco, in Africa, and still we get the best from thence, and from the Mediterranean ports of the Levant -- whence comes another name for the best of this favorite leather, "Levant morocco," which is the skin of the mountain goat, and reckoned superior to all other leathers. A Book for All Readers An Aid to the Collection, Use, and Preservation of Books and the Formation of Public and Private Libraries
  • Lastly, a person who has been wrongfully dispossessed may undertake a form of self-help known as re-entry.
  • The ground had to be dug over, dressed with some compost and lastly covered with the topsoil.
  • Before I proceed to show how from the prosodical unities, the moved and the quiescent letter, first the metrical elements, then the feet and lastly the metres are built up, it will be necessary to obviate a few misunderstandings, to which our mode of transliterating Arabic into the Roman character might give rise. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Of the former disease my own corps, I am informed, had in hospital at one time 200 cases above the usual amount of sickness; this arises from the brackish water, the want of vegetables, and lastly the cachexy induced by an utter absence of change, diversion, and excitement. First footsteps in East Africa
  • Now, the announcement is nanarupam; it is also prithak; and lastly, it is viprasthitam or contradictory, for, as the commentator points out, that which a particular asrama announces to be righteous is according to another unrighteous. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
  • Lastly, I would like to say a person might not be very pretty or very dainty; that is not what I am trying to talk about.
  • Meanwhile the Earl Spencer to whom he desired that his "Remains" should be dedicated passed away, and the title descended first to your lordship's uncle, then to your lordship's father, and lastly to your lordship. Life and Remains of John Clare "The Northamptonshire Peasant Poet"
  • Lastly, we demonstrated in Chap.VIII. that the difficulty of understanding Scripture lies in the language only, and not in the abstruseness of the argument. Theologico-Political Treatise
  • The author, then pursuing his comment upon Plato, observes, that "one of these manias may suffice (especially that which belongs to love) to lead back the soul to its first divinity and happiness; but that there is an intimate union with them all; and that the ordinary progress through which the soul ascends is, primarily, through the musical; next, through the telestic or mystic; thirdly, through the prophetic; and lastly, through the enthusiasm of love. Zanoni
  • Lastly, he was to wind them up by appearing in his favourite character of Mr. William Button, of Tooley Street, in ‘the highly novel and laughable hippo – comedietta of The Tailor’s Hard Times
  • And lastly, the state had a chance this time to actually see what the defendant presented as a defense.
  • Lastly, is anyone doing a natural vinification at low yields, with no enzymes or innoculated years. Updated List of TasteCamp EAST 2009 Posts
  • We have heard, lastly, that the new fiction is fatally in love with journalism, that it wishes to flatten itself into a registry of facts, an index of social connections.
  • It also increases metabolism, and lastly, it is thermogenic, which means that this herb encourages the body to burn calories.
  • _trouse_, is of every-day use in this county of Hereford for trimmings of hedges; that it is given by Grose as a verb in use in Warwickshire for trimming off the superfluous branches; and lastly, that it is employed as a substantive to signify shreddings by Philemon Holland, who, if I rightly remember, was many years head master of Coventry Grammar School: Notes and Queries, Number 189, June 11, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • Lastly, part of identifying a set of best practices is about documenting those examples of recent activism in which the digitally connected few galvanized and mobilized the less connected masses. Susannah Vila: The Wrong Debate: Why We Should Stop Debating Technology's Relevance and Start Figuring Out How to Effectively Leverage It
  • Lastly, she came to Noella, smiling warmly and embracing her in much the same way.
  • Lastly, I think the harsh reality of working to daily, weekly or even monthly deadlines sometimes drains the glamour out of publishing for journalists.
  • Lastly the author makes umpty countermeasure suggestions on how to accelerate the healthy development of the school-based in-service training in our country.
  • Lastly, put a clip-in loop made from 3mm cord or shoelace in the BOTTOM of the topo.
  • Lastly, over and above all, might they not plead themselves extremely scandalized, grieved, and offended at the disusage of circumcision, which they were sure was at first instituted by God, and never since Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VII.
  • Lastly, in species with compound leaves the length of the largest leaflet was considered.
  • Then he began to lose his birds by accident, by the destructive propensities of the goblin and a vicious old hen or two; and lastly, some kind of epidemic, which they dubbed ostrich chicken-pox, carried the young birds off wholesale. Diamond Dyke The Lone Farm on the Veldt - Story of South African Adventure
  • Lastly, nursing home residents were almost three times as likely to receive a laxative as those living at home.
  • Then plant and back fill, and lastly mulch well and water some more.
  • Lastly, Nestorianism once more showed itself in the Adoptionists of Spain, and gave occasion to the great Council of Frankfort.
  • Free acids, as a rule, are only tolerated in certain parts of the organism, the latter usually striving to neutralise acidic groups which may be brought about by salt formation; formation of amino compounds (proteins) or esterification (fats); and, lastly, esterformation by means of sugars. Synthetic Tannins
  • And lastly he has been excommunicated from the Cherokee nation for fraud. Heroes or Villains?
  • Lastly, for the errors brought in from false or uncertain history, what is all the legend of fictitious miracles in the lives of the saints; and all the histories of apparitions and ghosts alleged by the doctors of the Roman Church, to make good their doctrines of hell and purgatory, the power of exorcism, and other doctrines which have no warrant, neither in reason nor Scripture; as also all those traditions which they call the unwritten word of God; but old wives 'fables? Leviathan, or, The matter, forme, & power of a common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civill
  • And lastly, the very fashionable Pickled Pine Collection.
  • Lastly, kudos to all three performers for their spot-on character work.
  • In well-crafted chapters, Blake describes the interaction between primitivism and the fauvists, cubists, Dadaists, surrealists, and, lastly, purists.
  • The true place of Moringa seems to be near Xanthophyllum with which genus it has some remarkable points of resemblance, witness the papilionaceous corolla; unilocular stamina, their situation, ovary, placentation, and lastly glandulation. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Lastly, can you really claim that entrenching the current economic divides is a moral course of action? Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Libertarianism, the Environment, and Kyoto: Part 2
  • First Flintoff continues his Botham impression with another hook for six, then guides one down to the vacant third-man boundary, and lastly lets fly square of the wicket.
  • Lastly, due north, high up, the absurd Giraffe (_Camelopardus_) stands proudly on his ridiculous head. Half-Hours with the Stars A Plain and Easy Guide to the Knowledge of the Constellations
  • Be ruthless with clutter, write in the active voice, place each idea into a sentence of its own, and lastly, get your punctuation right.
  • Okay, lastly, the fortification is more than just the wall. Hadrian's Wall Day #1
  • In accepting this award, I would like to thank the producer, the director, the scriptwriter and, lastly, the film crew.
  • There is no "thirteenthly and lastly" in his simple address. Camps, Quarters, and Casual Places
  • Its auxiliary verbs, its pronouns, its articles, its deficiency of declinable participles, and, lastly, its uniformity of position, preclude the exhibition of much enthusiasm in poetry; it possesses fewer capabilities of this nature than the A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Lastly, using antibodies that we raised against ubiquitin with the help of Arthur Haas, we found that the ubiquitin system is involved in degradation of abnormal, short-lived proteins in hepatoma cells, demonstrating that the system is not limited to the terminally differentiating reticulocyte, but is probably distributed "universally" in nucleated mammalian cells, playing an important role in maintaining the cell's quality control, by removing abnormal proteins. Aaron Ciechanover - Autobiography
  • Lastly, they are valuable for use in medical research on multiple births, organ transplants, birth defects and diseases such as leprosy, typhus and trichinosis.
  • Thirdly, and lastly, in this prefatorial say, there is to be considered that inevitable defeator of all printed secrets -- impatience. The Complete Prose Works of Martin Farquhar Tupper
  • Lastly, with respect to karyokinesis, although it is true that the microscope has in comparatively recent years displayed this apparently important distinction between unicellular and multicellular organisms, two considerations have here to be supplied. Darwin, and After Darwin (Vol. 1 and 3, of 3) An Exposition of the Darwinian Theory and a Discussion of Post-Darwinian Questions
  • She had on silver hoop earrings and a silver necklace, and lastly she put on perfume.
  • I trust, that I have not extended this privilege beyond the grounds on which I have claimed it; namely, the conveniency of the scholastic phrase to distinguish the kind from all degrees, or rather to express the kind with the abstraction of degree, as for instance multeity instead of multitude; or secondly, for the sake of correspondence in sound in interdependent or antithetical terms, as subject and object; or lastly, to avoid the wearying recurrence of circumlocutions and definitions. Biographia Literaria
  • Lastly, this commandment conveys the obligation to dissent from, and reject, every superstition and every error, requiring us to preserve pure and intemerate the adoration due to the Supreme Being, who, in this sense, is represented in this text as jealously watching over human actions, and a not indifferent spectator of good or evil; therefore a sure punisher of the guilty, and an eternal remunerator of him who faithfully adheres to His law. A Guide for the Religious Instruction of Jewish Youth
  • Lastly, candidates should have a rich inner life, a capacity for self-actualization, and good interpersonal communication skills.
  • Lastly, keep in mind that children like variation and to have a say in what they do.
  • Lastly, guns are more useful as a deterrent than as a tool to subdue hijackers.
  • But when he had spoken awhile of some sacred and mystical numbers, as three for the Trinity, three for the heavenly Hierarchy, seven for the Sabbath, and seven times seven for a Jubilee; and lastly, -- seven times nine for the grand climacterical year; she, perceiving whereto it tended, began to be troubled with it. Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth
  • Lastly, echinacea, goldenseal and alfalfa may alleviate symptoms and promote healing.
  • Shakspeare, Ray, &c., and also of the Record publications; and lastly, which we have just received from the worthy bibliopole of Auld Reekie, Notes and Queries, Number 08, December 22, 1849
  • Lastly: I believe that despite this level of detail, this is fundamentally hoi polloi fiction redshifted or, to take our cue from political notation, blueshifted in the direction of complexity, without being, in itself, for the most part, complex. Hoi Polloi
  • It was followed by Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, and, lastly, the United States of America.
  • Lastly, the law of the long endurance of allied forms on the same continent, -- of marsupials in Australia, of edentata in America, and other such cases, -- is intelligible, for within a confined country, the recent and the extinct will naturally be allied by descent. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
  • I’m going to guess one can’t change the battery w/o sending it in so what’s the process for that … lastly, what kind of jacks is it using? Live Blog From the Google Phone Event - Bits Blog -
  • Both superior and inferior end with the Sakila or batta-palmas,50 three bouts of three claps in the best of time separated by the shortest of pauses, and lastly a “tiger” of four claps. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • The fragments of pottery include specimens plainly not of Indian manufacture, such as fragments of porcelain, and that variety of glazed ware known as delf, and lastly, the neck of a glass bottle. The Prehistoric World; or, Vanished races
  • Lastly, in 1571, the Settlement gained teeth sharper than the Act of Uniformity, when a Subscription Act required the beneficed clergy to assent to the Thirty-nine Articles.
  • In accepting this award, I would like to thank the producer, the director, the scriptwriter and, lastly, the film crew.
  • And lastly, wrong public policies and priorities complete the picture.
  • Lastly, dopamine has been shown to stimulate insulin secretion by a adrenergic mediated mechanism.
  • And lastly, for imaginative or insinuative reason, which is the subject of rhetoric, we think it best to refer it to the arts of reason. The Advancement of Learning
  • Lastly, in the very fever of my irresoluteness, I made with my body many such motions as men sometimes would, but cannot, if either they have not the limbs, or these be bound with bands, weakened with infirmity, or any other way hindered. The Confessions
  • These were, the oath upon the evangelists; the ordeal of the cross and the fire ordeal, for persons in the higher ranks; the water ordeal, for the humbler classes; and, lastly, the _corsned_, or bread and cheese ordeal, for members of their own body. Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
  • _And -- "sixth and lastly" -- should confession be made that in the present rendering a purely arbitrary title has been assigned this little book; and chiefly for commercial reasons, since the word "dizain" has been adjudged both untranslatable and, in its pristine form, repellantly outre. Chivalry
  • Lastly, this keeping of the suspense for a whole week is a bit of overkill.
  • There remain the demand for an unbaptized child to kiss, the torture to which the heroes of the two Bohemian sagas submit, the requirement in the Pomeranian tale to place seven brothers on the stone haunted by the seven mice, and lastly the personal violence to the damsel involved in striking her with a birch-rod or a bunch of juniper and in beheadal. The Science of Fairy Tales An Inquiry into Fairy Mythology
  • Initially, the hall was to host lectures and speeches as primary functions, followed by university convocations and ceremonies, and lastly musical and theatrical performances.
  • Lastly, inventory represents the raw materials, work-in-progress goods and the company's finished goods.
  • Lastly, I must not omit that meeting of the parts of bodies which is the chief cause of induration and desiccation. The New Organon
  • The gnat and the tadpole resemble each other in their change from natant animals with gills into aerial animals with lungs; and in their change of the element in which they live; and probably of the food, with which they are supported; and lastly, with their acquiring in their new state the difference of sex, and the organs of seminal or amatorial reproduction. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • There's wormwood, woodsorrel, masterwort, zedoary, and angelica; and lastly, there is a little bottle of the sovereign preservative against the plague, as prepared by the great Lord Old Saint Paul's A Tale of the Plague and the Fire
  • Lastly, it sucks moisture out of the air during the curing process - so I figure any air trapped inside the assembly will be dry by the time the sealant has set.
  • Lastly to make the picture more realistic, some crew are placed on board, and on the floating pontoons.
  • Lastly everytime there is a dispute where government have to step up they announce they are organising a panel to investigate however we never hear anything conclusive from them again this is just a stalling tactic so i think we are past that, they need to sit up and start changing things as it looks like more and more ppl are waking up to the fact that they are serving noone other than themselves. yebo gogo i like toy toy very much it our national sport - lets bring Zuma and it's un educated gang to the gound - we are tired of him - go go go we want new leader maybe Julias Malema he is give us just what we want News24 Top Stories
  • Then she took her lute and, preluding thereon in manifold modes, lastly returned to the first and sang these couplets, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The enzymes lastly help to clean the blood, and get all the gunk and necrotic tissue that the body's trying to get rid of through the bloodstream out.
  • He accordingly resolved to manufacture and employ pyroxyle, although it has some inconveniences, that is to say, a great inequality of effect, an excessive inflammability, since it takes fire at one hundred and seventy degrees instead of two hundred and forty, and lastly, an instantaneous deflagration which might damage the firearms. The Mysterious Island
  • Lastly, all the existing statements and CL commands required an exclusive lock on the entire file.
  • Lastly is Seneca and, because Seneca was translated from Latin to English as opposed to from Greek to English and also because he was a very accomplished writer and a playwright, I find his readings to be more memorable and accruable. Boing Boing
  • Lastly, there is a fourth compound of lime and phosphoric acid, which only occurs in one phosphatic manure -- viz., phosphatic slag, in which indeed it was first discovered -- which consists of four equivalents of lime to one of phosphoric acid, to which the name tetrabasic phosphate of lime or tetracalcic phosphate has been given. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • Lastly, the law of the long endurance of allied forms on the same continent, -- of marsupials in Australia, of edentata in On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. (2nd edition)
  • It consists of the following structures: next the areolar or submucous coat is a double layer of unstriped muscular fibers, outer longitudinal and inner circular, the muscularis mucosæ internal to this is a quantity of retiform tissue, enclosing in its meshes lymph corpuscles, and in this the bloodvessels and nerves ramify; lastly, a basement membrane, supporting a single layer of epithelial cells, which throughout the intestine are columnar in character. XI. Splanchnology. 2g. The Small Intestine
  • Kippletringan was distant at first ‘a gey bit; ’ then the ‘gey bit’ was more accurately described, as ‘ablins three mile; ’ then the ‘three mile’ diminished into ‘like a mile and a bittock; ’ then extended themselves into ‘four mile or there-awa; ’ and, lastly, a female voice, having hushed a wailing infant which the spokeswoman carried in her arms, assured Guy Mannering, ‘It was a weary lang gate yet to Kippletringan, and unco heavy road for foot passengers. Chapter I
  • If allowed to stand in a test tube, the odor of valeric aldehyde will first be noticed, then that of amyl valerate, and lastly that of valeric acid. Scientific American Supplement, No. 365, December 30, 1882
  • And lastly, the invention of stereotyped ‘assembly line’ tools (sophisticated symmetrical bifacial tools) that were hafted to a handle, took place only 200,000 years ago.
  • A very nice young man, of whom no maid's mother need ever be in trepidation; a very strong young man, whose substance had not been wasted in riotous living; a very learned young man, with a Freiberg mining engineer's diploma and a B.A. sheepskin from Yale; and, lastly, CHAPTER 7
  • There's wormwood, woodsorrel, masterwort, zedoary, and angelica; and lastly, there is a little bottle of the sovereign preservative against the plague, as prepared by the great Lord Old Saint Paul's A Tale of the Plague and the Fire
  • Lastly, this commandment conveys the obligation to dissent from, and reject, every superstition and every error, requiring us to preserve pure and intemerate the adoration due to the Supreme Being, who, in this sense, is represented in this text as jealously watching over human actions, and a not indifferent spectator of good or evil; therefore a sure punisher of the guilty, and an eternal remunerator of him who faithfully adheres to His law. A Guide for the Religious Instruction of Jewish Youth
  • Lastly, there is the tendinous band, already referred to, the posterior surface of the conus arteriosus. V. Angiology. 4b. The Heart
  • Then he drew a second pear, exactly like the former, except that one or two lines were scrawled in the midst of it, which bore somehow a ludicrous resemblance to the eyes, nose, and mouth of a celebrated personage; and, lastly, he drew the exact portrait of Louis Philippe; the well-known toupet, the ample whiskers and jowl were there, neither extenuated nor set down in malice. The Paris Sketch Book
  • And -- "sixth and lastly" -- should confession be made that in the present rendering a purely arbitrary title has been assigned this little book; chiefly for commercial reasons, since the word "dizain" has been adjudged both untranslatable and, in its pristine form, repellantly Chivalry
  • Kippletringan was distant at first 'a gey bit '; then the' gey bit 'was more accurately described as' ablins three mile '; then the' three mile 'diminished into' like a mile and a bittock '; then extended themselves into' four mile or thereawa '; and, lastly, a female voice, having hushed a wailing infant which the spokeswoman carried in her arms, assured Guy Mannering,' It was a weary lang gate yet to Kippletringan, and unco heavy road for foot passengers. ' Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer — Volume 01
  • Lastly this state can be compared to a condition called anasarca, in which the whole body is swollen. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • For our present purpose hypertrophy may be considered as it affects the axile or the foliar organs, and also according to the way in which the increased size is manifested, as by increased thickness or swelling -- intumescence, or by augmented length-elongation, by expansion or flattening, or, lastly, by the formation of excrescences or outgrowths, which may be classed under the head of luxuriance or enation. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Lastly, Mr. Robinson points out the offer to settle was withdrawn by the defendants and, therefore is not relevant.
  • I put antiperspirant on the bottoms of my feet to slow sweating a bit, wear thin wicking socks under my thicker socks, wear loose fiiting foot wear so not to constrict blood flow, put baking soda in my boots or waders to help absorb sweat and scent, never use any clothing in winter that hs cotton in the list of materials, bring a change of socks and gloves to change through out the day, wear a hand warmer around my waist with air activated hand warmers inside and lastly I try to keep my head and neck well insulated as most of my body heat is lost from these two areas. How Do You Keep Your Hands and Feet Toasty?
  • Lastly, we show some inequalities about invariant norms of matrix. In chapter 4, firstly, we investigate the properties of contraction by using spectrum norm, numerical range.
  • Lastly, this bench is debugged and its main technology indexes are proofed by experiment.
  • Lastly, fold in the vinegar and the vanilla. Times, Sunday Times
  • Food proteins causing acute reactions in patients are few in number such as peanuts, walnuts, filberts, eggs, fish, crustaceans (shelled joint-legged aquatic animals), cotton seed, kiwi and lastly milk, and wheat (rare in adults).
  • The facts which I have adduced clearly prove that the straws of the cereals possess a far higher nutritive power than is commonly ascribed to them; that when properly harvested they contain from 20 to 40 per cent. of undoubted nutriment; and lastly, that it is highly probable that their so-called indigestible woody fibre is to a great extent assimilable. The Stock-Feeder's Manual the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock
  • Number three, inclusion of interstage matching as found in the AH212 and 323 and lastly with the highest levels of integration are needed a fully integrated 50 ohm input/output impedance solution such as the [TQM 87 9006]. TriQuint CEO Discusses Q3 2010 Results - Earnings Call Transcript -- Seeking Alpha
  • The mammalia are the class which suckle their young; second to them are the BIRDS; and then the blood cools, the organisation is inferior, and the REPTILES are produced; and lastly come the FISHES, with cold blood, and wanting aerial lungs. How to See the British Museum in Four Visits
  • Lastly, the ghost from the grave came out, and being called upon by the _angakok_, he entered the house to fetch the boy, who only perceived a strong smell of maggots, and then fainted away. The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought Studies of the Activities and Influences of the Child Among Primitive Peoples, Their Analogues and Survivals in the Civilization of To-Day
  • And lastly there is the Medium school, which, choosing the moment when the wasp is busily engaged, presses it down gently and firmly into the marmalade, so that the last spoonfuls of the dish are not so much a fruit product as a kind of entomological preserve. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 159, August 11, 1920
  • Lastly, the Pentecostal prosperity Gospel secularizes communities. Grant Brooke, M.Div.: The Case for the Prosperity Gospel
  • Lastly, Hercules was not content with the loves of Omphale and Dejanira, he also loved the beautiful Hylas, who was brought up by the nymphs. Satyricon
  • I made a couple of changes to the recipe, since I didn't have any nutritional yeast I left that out, I added green peppers (because I love green peppers in omelets), and lastly I used Black Salt, a spice that I found last week at Jungle Jims, in the Indian food section. Archive 2006-08-01
  • Thirdly and lastly, Has God thought fit to cast thy lot amongst the poor of this world, and that either by denying thee any share of the plenties of this life, which is something grievous; or by taking them away, which is much more so? Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. II.
  • And, lastly, other hormonal changes may influence metabolic rate.
  • It started with a story, then a snippet of a theory, and lastly a poem.
  • “Remains” should be dedicated passed away, and the title descended first to your lordship's uncle, then to your lordship's father, and lastly to your lordship. Life and Remains of John Clare
  • Mix in the orange purée and lastly add the teaspoon of baking powder.
  • In speaking of articulate sounds they may be conveniently divided first into clear continued sounds, expressed by the letters called vowels; secondly, Into hissing sounds, expressed by the letters called sibilants; thirdly, Into semivocal sounds, which consist of a mixture of the two former; and, lastly, Into interrupted sounds, represented by the letters properly termed consonants. The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society A Poem, with Philosophical Notes
  • 'tis suppos'd to have been in the Golden Age; or be may describe his own COUNTRY, but touching only what is agreable in it; or lastly, may depaint the Life of Swains exactly as it is, their Fatigues and A Full Enquiry into the Nature of the Pastoral (1717)
  • Next, I decreed and superintended the disembarkation of the stolen slaves; and, lastly, I concluded the morning call with a request that Brulôt would _produce the five hundred doubloons and his "promissory note" for two hundred slaves_! Captain Canot or, Twenty Years of an African Slaver
  • Lastly, Neo didn't do a good job of providing an interesting mix of burglary tools for the jobs.
  • Lastly, that they gather only (unless in case of necessity) leaves from the present, not from the former years sprigs, or old wood, which are not only rude and harsh, but are annex’d to stubb’d stalks, which injure the worms, and spoil the denudated branches. Sylva, Vol. 1 (of 2) Or A Discourse of Forest Trees
  • You will find three different classes of idyls in Theocritus; the idyl which is a simple song of peasant life, a pure lyric expressing only a single emotion; the idyl which is a little story, usually a story about the gods or heroes; and lastly, the idyl which is presented in the form of Books and Habits from the Lectures of Lafcadio Hearn
  • Lastly, some women report of having discharges that are usually described as odorless, white, and cheese-like. Tips and Answers
  • Processer Cooler = CoolerMaster V8 are u ocing? else got eca p55 mobos to consider from and if you're ocing, get a cheaper and yet good ocable mobo like asus p7p55d-evo and better rams instead of the elites and lastly, ur cpu cooler get noctua u12p-se2 frm prolinkdata, comes bundled with 2 premium fans, psu also change to seasonic/andyson - m520ii/f500m, nobody recommends gigabyte's psu here, nt cheap also ..
  • Their organization was strictly hierarchical, into priorates, then bailiwicks and lastly commanderies.
  • Lastly, the compulsory AMG version, the 32, will rocket you there in just over five seconds with 354 horsepower at its disposal.
  • Lastly tuck in the khukuri completely and firmly push the blade forward against the front edge of the scabbard and then store in a cool dry place for few days.
  • For our present purpose hypertrophy may be considered as it affects the axile or the foliar organs, and also according to the way in which the increased size is manifested, as by increased thickness or swelling -- intumescence, or by augmented length-elongation, by expansion or flattening, or, lastly, by the formation of excrescences or outgrowths, which may be classed under the head of luxuriance or enation. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Lastly, he wears over all the sakkos, a vestment like our dalmatic. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Lastly conservation programmes often fail, and senior bureaucrats may have to take the blame.
  • Lastly, I fear I may have to disappoint you when I say that the coin is more interesting than valuable.
  • Lastly, there are eleven action periods, derived by dividing the thirty lunar dates in a rather unsymmetrical manner. Tibetan Astro Sciences ��� 2 History and the Tibetan Calendar
  • Lastly, the anaphylactic reaction is on the whole one of hypothermy, while the tuberculin injection on tuberculous subjects always causes hyperthermy. Charles Richet - Nobel Lecture
  • Lastly, constabulary tasks comprise another six functions, among which are sovereignty patrols, aid to the civil power, search and rescue, and disaster relief.
  • Lastly, we research on supplier selection system emphatically.
  • Lastly, place your hands on your chest, between your sternum and your collarbones.
  • Lastly, by treating the exhausted battery as an accumulator, that is to say, by passing a current through it in the opposite direction, we restore the various products to their original condition; the copper absorbs oxygen, and the alkali is restored, while the zinc is deposited; but the spongy state of the deposited zinc necessitates its being submitted to a process, or to its being received upon a mercury support. Scientific American Supplement, No. 421, January 26, 1884
  • Lastly, a cleanly delineated arrow shows the way, forcefully directing the view diagonally across the picture surface in a delicate balance between lyricism and hard-edged abstraction.
  • And lastly, they thanked us for helping to show the world by our presence that it was possible to create a world where all worlds fit.
  • In accepting this award, I would like to thank the producer, the director, the scriptwriter and, lastly, the film crew.
  • Lastly, I think that barographs in varios can be eliminated altogether with the use of 3D GPS.
  • But contention is rashly instituted against the opinion of an adversary, first, when it is not proposed according to the mind and intention of him who is the assertor; Secondly, when it is discussed beyond all due bounds, and its deformity is unseasonably exaggerated; and, lastly, when its refutation is attempted by arguments ill calculated to produce that effect. The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 1
  • In their preparation three articles are essential; first a three-square hard-steel file or preferably a glass-worker's knife of hard Thuringian steel for cutting glass tubes etc.; next a blowpipe flame, for although much can be done with the ordinary Bunsen burner, a blowpipe flame makes for rapid work; and lastly a bat's-wing burner. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Lastly, I think poltergeist is not all that dated. KAMN Show #31: Poltergeist : The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas
  • Lastly, narrates concisely the literary significance and cultural significance of travel literature.
  • Having already removed the prejudices against public spirit, or the love of our neighbour, on the side of private interest and self-love, I proceed to the particular explanation of the precept before us, by showing, _Who is our neighbour_: _In what sense we are required to love him as ourselves_; _The influence such love would have upon our behaviour in life_; and lastly, _How this commandment comprehends in it all others_. Human Nature and Other Sermons
  • In the same manner as sulphur and coal belong to periods of formation very remote from each other, the sal-gem is also found sometimes in transition gypsum, * sometimes in the Alpine limestone, * sometimes in a muriatiferous clay lying on a very recent sandstone, * and lastly, sometimes in a gypsum* posterior to the chalk. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Lastly, we have the great Council of Trent, which is not received in France in matters of discipline; but its doctrine is indisputable, since, as Fra Paolo Sarpi tells us, the Holy Ghost arrived at Trent from Rome every week in the courier’s bag. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Mohammed, who liked sneezing because accompanied by lightness of body and openness of pores, said of it, "If a man sneeze or eructate and say 'Alhamdolillah' he averts seventy diseases of which the least is leprosy" (Juzám); also "If one of you sneeze, let him exclaim, 'Alhamdolillah,' and let those around salute him in return with, 'Allah have mercy upon thee!' and lastly let him say, 'Allah direct you and strengthen your condition."' Arabian nights. English
  • I'm going to refute Bruce in three easy steps, first with some history, second with some analogy, and lastly with a bit of philosophy.
  • Lastly, let us come to the small and marginal farmer, landless labourer and the urban poor.
  • The labiaplasty-clipping the lips for a symmetrical, neat shape; the vaginoplasty-general rejuvenation of the vagina area including tightening; and lastly, popular amongst born again Christians is the hymenorrhaphy-the surgical reconstruction of the hymen so you are biologically virginal-because that 30-second teenage blood-hump was so magical the first time round that for some reason you want to relive it. Vice Magazine
  • Lastly the Holocene (10,000 years to present) deposits that occur under Belfast were mainly deposited on the flood plain of the River Lagan.
  • Lastly, there are the long term overheads of video in the enterprise. :
  • Lastly she watered the office plants and fetched her coworker a fresh cup of decaf coffee.
  • Lastly, ensure that page titles and headings reflect the targeted keywords relevant to the content that the user will find on the page.
  • Lastly there's a flaw related to the display of the names of downloaded files.
  • Lastly, the law of the long endurance of allied forms on the same continent, — of marsupials in Australia, of edentata in America, and other such cases, — is intelligible, for within a confined country, the recent and the extinct will naturally be allied by descent. On the Origin of Species~ Chapter 14 (historical)
  • Lastly, the coach should maintain a good reference library on the subject of judo.
  • Lastly, we're going to visit Athens, and fly home from there.
  • Stashing my water bottle, urine supply, knife, and cameras in my backpack, I clear the top of the chockstone, lastly putting my scratched sunglasses on top of my head. 127 Hours
  • Lastly, general practitioners must feel confident to ask a colleague for advice if poor control of symptoms persists.
  • The calyx lobes overlap in a cochleate pattern such that lobe initiated third was innermost, overlapped by the fourth, then the fifth, the second, and lastly the first, which was always outermost.
  • Lastly, please remember to allocate me a cut of the profits when you claim the Nobel Prize for Literature.
  • Lastly, on Wednesday the Daily Mail ran with the scare headline "Swimming too often in chlorinated water 'could increase risk of developing bladder cancer', claim scientists".
  • A left 'ilium', almost perfect, and belonging to the femur: a fragment of the right 'scapula'; the anterior extremity of a rib of the right side; and the same part of a rib of the left side; the hinder part of a rib of the right side; and lastly, two hinder portions and one middle portion of ribs, which from their unusually rounded shape, and abrupt curvature, more resemble the ribs of a carnivorous animal than those of a man. Lectures and Essays
  • About this she bound a fillet of brocade, purfled with pearls, jacinths and other jewels, from beneath which she let down two tresses327 each looped with a pendant of ruby, charactered with glittering gold, and she loosed her hair, as it were the sombrest night; and lastly she incensed herself with aloes-wood and scented herself with musk and ambergris, and Hubub said to her, “Allah save thee from the evil eye!” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Should this happen, bondholders would be paid first during the liquidation process, then preferred stockholders, and lastly common stockholders.
  • I think lastly of my grandmother, who died about four years ago from cancer, again she never smoked a cigarette in her life.
  • Lastly, there is a continually increasing demand for popular art, multipliable by the printing-press, illustrative of daily events, of general literature, and of natural science. Lectures on Art Delivered before the University of Oxford in Hilary term, 1870
  • Lastly, don't discount the possibility of human error when conducting the audit.
  • Lastly, they are to be taught that not only the unjust facts, but the designs and intentions to do them, though by accident hindered, are injustice; which consisteth in the pravity of the will, as well as in the irregularity of the act. Leviathan
  • And lastly, most women, even younger women, are still failing to take emotional ownership of their money.
  • Kippletringan was distant at first ‘a gey bit; ’ then the ‘gey bit’ was more accurately described, as ‘ablins three mile; ’ then the ‘three mile’ diminished into ‘like a mile and a bittock; ’ then extended themselves into ‘four mile or there-awa; ’ and, lastly, a female voice, having hushed a wailing infant which the spokeswoman carried in her arms, assured Guy Mannering, ‘It was a weary lang gate yet to Kippletringan, and unco heavy road for foot passengers. Chapter I
  • About R1 billion over baseline will be allocated to programmes that fall within the EPWP; and, lastly, introducing the system of products for preferential procurement by government from small, medium and micro-enterprises; and through the Small Enterprises Development Agency setting up a rigorous system to ensure that the 30-day payment period is observ State of the Nation Address 2008
  • Lastly, the largest contributor of greenhouse gasses is methane or more directly caused by the farting of cows. Sound Politics: Global Warming Update
  • Lastly, Ms. Lien says, it calls for greater use of stop-loss orders, which are designed to automatically buy or sell at a certain price to prevent outsize losses. Foreign Exchange Gone Wild
  • Lastly, there's China, where inflation is higher than reported, where unrest is growing, where real estate companies are in financial trouble, and where official statistics are looked at circumspectly. Robert Lenzner: People Don't Imagine The Worst Until It's Upon Them
  • At last, after twenty hours on the boat, they arrived at their destination. You can also use finally, eventually or in the end with this meaning, but not lastly.sentence dictionary

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