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[ US /ˈɫæstɫi/ ]
[ UK /lˈɑːstli/ ]
  1. the item at the end
    last, I'll discuss family values

How To Use lastly In A Sentence

  • Lastly, I am a bit of control freak with a blistering pace when it comes to work.
  • Lastly, the hatred and contempt of the past two millennia add a formidable barrier to authentic communication.
  • Consecutively, the images of his present popped back into place: trees, restaurant guests, tables, and lastly, a worried looking Finn.
  • Lastly, this is the simplest transition yet disclosed from the succinyl to furfural grouping, being effected by a regulated proportion of oxygen, and under conditions of reaction which may be described as of the mildest. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • Lastly, there has to be some recognition that the ‘laws of nature’ are unvarying and not subject to the whims and fancies of the gods or of other supernatural entities.
  • Kippletringan was distant at first ‘a gey bit; ’ then the ‘gey bit’ was more accurately described, as ‘ablins three mile; ’ then the ‘three mile’ diminished into ‘like a mile and a bittock; ’ then extended themselves into ‘four mile or there-awa; ’ and, lastly, a female voice, having hushed a wailing infant which the spokeswoman carried in her arms, assured Guy Mannering, ‘It was a weary lang gate yet to Kippletringan, and unco heavy road for foot passengers. Chapter I
  • Lastly, and this is the last time I say this about the Hitler thing: The reason you may NOT compare people you simply do not like to the most evil person of the last century, Adolph Hitler, is the same reason we should not have "senior slaves" in high school or say that someone got "lynched" in slang. Pepper And His Puppet Korte Stay At It
  • Lastly, are the conservatives even really interested in persuasion? Matthew Yglesias » Doing It With Twitter
  • Lastly, if your dairy has grown up in the city, developable land within a country mile of it is scarce and trading at a premium.
  • Lastly I apologise to those of you that I upset, no offence was intended.
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