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How To Use Lancet In A Sentence

  • The Company's flagship product, the Sharps Disposal by Mail System (R), is a cost-effective and easy-to-use solution to dispose of medical waste such as hypodermic needles, lancets and any other medical device or objects used to puncture or lacerate the skin (referred to as "sharps"). Undefined
  • Discard the lancet into a biohazard sharps container.
  • In his now notorious 1998 Lancet paper, Dr Wakefield invited further researches into his MMR-autism hypothesis in the spheres of epidemiology and virology.
  • The most interesting part is the five-sided apse, with in each side one long lancet window, and above it two small windows separated by an impost colonnette. The South of France—East Half
  • The heraldic devices of the lancet tops and in the tracery lights represent other of Louis's and Francoise's possessions and ancestors.
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  • First, a few basics: the ailment is known as G6PD deficiency (for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) and, according to a 2008 article in The Lancet, it "is the most common human enzyme defect, being present in more than 400 million people worldwide. Randall Amster: The Most Common Disease You've Never Heard Of
  • You must take you blood from your fingertips, using a spring-loaded ‘pen’ and lancet.
  • The barber carried a piece of rusty hoop instead of a razor, and a pot of grease for lather, while the doctor, with a huge pill box and a knife, which he called his lancet, stood by to prescribe the treatment each patient was to receive. Owen Hartley; or, Ups and Downs A Tale of Land and Sea
  • Any heraldic information that appeared at the top of the central and right lancets has been lost.
  • Here were scalpels and lancets and surgical shears... and other sharps as well. NIGHT SISTERS
  • New research in The Lancet medical journal shows that people were actually more likely to survive if ambulance dispatchers simply talked people through giving chest compressions, rather than trying to explain mouth-to-mouth resuscitation as well. Kiss goodbye to the kiss of life?
  • Linn Blancett and his wife, Tweeti, have been running cattle here for much of their lives.
  • There are also some questions over the validity of the Lancet study in the case of measuring casualties in Iraq.
  • The Lancet report showed evidence of extensive destruction triggered by blood cells called macrophages.
  • The lancet was the magician's wand of the dark ages of medicine. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • Tom had meant to spare him one little puncturation with a lancet, which he had it in his power to administer, but he changed his mind on hearing this, and said: The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit
  • Speaking of terrifying, a longnose lancetfish recently washed ashore in the state of Washington. Type D D!
  • The lancet is a weapon which annually slays more than the sword," says Dr. Tully. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • Fatality rates of one type of stroke -- aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, in which blood from a ruptured artery fills the space around the brain -- decreased 17% over the past three decades, even though the average age of the patients rose, according to a meta-analysis in The Lancet Neurology. Trauma Centers Are Trek for Millions of Children
  • Thus, from the combined effects of the ecclesiastical lancet lights and the apsidal shape of the room, it occurred to Christopher that the sisters were all a delightful set of pretty saints, exhibiting themselves in a lady chapel, and backed up by unkempt major prophets, as represented by the forms of their big brothers. The Hand of Ethelberta
  • The Company's flagship product, the Sharps Disposal by Mail System (r), is a cost-effective and easy-to-use solution to dispose of medical waste such as hypodermic needles, lancets and any other medical device or objects used to puncture or lacerate the skin News
  • He leads her into one of the exam rooms and pulls out drawers holding culture swabs, speculums, guaiac cards, sterile lancets, cotton four-by-fours and gloves. Healer
  • Additional heraldic shields float in the foregrounds below the flanking scenes, as well as in the lancet cusps and the adjacent tracery openings above them.
  • I defy you to produce reliable data to the contrary something from the Lancet or JAMA would do nicely, but anything of that level of quality and reputability. The Volokh Conspiracy » Criminal Charges Against Anti-Homosexuality Street Preacher Dropped in England
  • Pre-eclampsia: Researchers developed and tested a model that allows doctors to identify pregnant women at increased risk of major complications from pre-eclampsia, which is a leading cause of maternal deaths, according to a report in The Lancet. Many Risks of Shoveling Snow Stressed in New Study
  • Lancet is asleep on the rug.
  • In the Lachesis, which is so closely allied to the Rattle-snake that it was placed by Linnæus in the same genus, the tail ends in a single, large, lancet-shaped point or scale. The expression of the emotions in man and animals
  • Then he cleared all the little instruments out of his pocket-case -- the scissors, the forceps, the bistouries, the lancets -- and he laid them all out beside the stethoscope, to make as good a show as possible. Round the Red Lamp
  • New devices are being developed to make blood glucose testing less painful than the usual monitoring systems, which involve drawing blood by pricking the skin with a lancet.
  • I remembered how confidently the big doctor had wielded his surgical lancet. A RODENT OF DOUBT
  • The Lancet of "contaminating" science over its ban on the drug mephedrone, which it claims was imposed for political reasons. The First Post: Latest
  • Recently a commission run by The Lancet named what they called the biggest global health threat of the 21st century. Paul R. Epstein, M.D., M.P.H.: The Biggest Global Health Threat of the 21st Century
  • Then how does the Philanthus, in her long contact with the butchered Bee, manage to protect herself against that lancet, which is bent upon avenging the murder? More Hunting Wasps
  • I stumbled out into the early afternoon with my new machine, enough testing strips and pricking lancets to go on with, my marked-up diary and a fuddled brain.
  • An uncoated lancet was used as the negative control.
  • Closer to home, the family remained engaged in local affairs, making large donations to St Andrews Martyr's Church, where a beautiful lancet known as Forgan's Window is still preserved.
  • As a result, it is quite possible to interpret homeopathic data selectively and unfavourably, which is what appears to have been done in the Lancet paper. Health News from Medical News Today
  • He fumbled in his pockets as he spoke, and, as chance would it, the "fleam" (or cattle lancet) was somewhere about his dress. A Dark Night's Work
  • Patients use the kit's finger lancet to collect blood while routinely checking their blood glucose levels.
  • Thus the cathedral's most famous window, ‘The Root of Jesse’ in the northern lancet in the west front, depicts the lineage of David and the Jewish kings, culminating in Mary and Jesus.
  • For the test, he imbibed 250 ml of warm water or plain (unsugared) tea, after which fresh blood was drawn from his finger with an Autoclix mini-lancet and a pipette.
  • The article I chiefly accused myself of forgetting was a stout English clasp-knife, with a large handle, a blade like an “Arkansas toothpick,” and possessing the other useful appliances of picker, fleam, tweezers, lancet, and punch. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Blood samples were obtained by finger lancet or from an arterial catheter.
  • Jon SudbàƒÆ'à‚ⶠhas had articles published in the Lancet in which complete lists of patients with their names and personalia included in his research was and are completely a fabrication of his own from A to Z information taken from the Danish Television News . San Francisco Chronicle Op Ed: The Unholy Lust of Scientists « Climate Audit
  • From the high lancets, sunlight streamed in, and the dust motes flared like supernovae as they passed into the light.
  • Additional heraldic shields float in the foregrounds below the flanking scenes, as well as in the lancet cusps and the adjacent tracery openings above them.
  • First, a few basics: the ailment is known as G6PD deficiency (for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) and, according to a 2008 article in The Lancet, it "is the most common human enzyme defect, being present in more than 400 million people worldwide. Randall Amster: The Most Common Disease You've Never Heard Of
  • The pulse, apparently full, was easily compressible, and was what might be called a gaseous pulse, and a resort to the lancet A History of Caroline County, Virginia
  • The nurse pierced the skin of the boy with a lancet.
  • Medical wastes are defined as discarded sharps (needles, scalpel blades, lancets, and broken glass) and potentially infectious wastes.
  • This is a lovely Alpine setting, with the loch beautifully cradled below the steep Sgor Iutharn and its Lancet Edge ridge.
  • Gauze, alcohol swab, lancet, and bandage are enclosed in one package and sized appropriately for either adult or pediatric patients.
  • The editorial writer in The Lancet of December 22, 1866 was scathing about Mr Brown and about The Times, calling, with vigorous irony, for a "grand assize of clitoridectomy" at which the lunatic asylums of Europe would be cleared by means of what Mr Baker Brown "with the pardonable pride of an inventor, calls my invention". Peter Stothard - Times Online - WBLG:
  • He extracted teeth, stitched gashes, advised on pneumonia and sunstroke, set broken limbs, used the lancet and the thermometer.
  • The Company's flagship product, the Sharps Disposal by Mail System®, is a cost-effective and easy-to-use solution to dispose of medical waste such as hypodermic needles, lancets and any other medical device or objects. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • At the top of these lancets is a small quatrefoil oculus or rose. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • I defy you to produce reliable data to the contrary (something from the Lancet or JAMA would do nicely, but anything of that level of quality and reputability). The Volokh Conspiracy » Criminal Charges Against Anti-Homosexuality Street Preacher Dropped in England
  • To the right of the buttress is a long two-cusped lancet light; to the left may be traced, perhaps, the outline of an original round-arched window; while on both sides there are sloping lines in the masonry, as if there had been an acutely-pointed gable here. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Ripon A Short History of the Church and a Description of Its Fabric
  • A new lancet is used for each scratch to prevent cross-contamination of allergens.
  • He extracted teeth, stitched gashes, advised on pneumonia and sunstroke, set broken limbs, used the lancet and the thermometer.
  • In the meantime, 'Monsorlit took a lancet and ampul and deftly took a blood sample from the ugly man. Restoree
  • Blood was usually taken by opening a vein with a lancet, although bloodsucking leeches were regularly used.
  • Once all the drops are in place, the nurse takes a tiny, pointed, plastic instrument called a lancet and scratches the skin through each droplet of extract.
  • Vance held a piece of gauze in his left hand and the lancet in his right. A RODENT OF DOUBT
  • Writing in the Lancet medical journal, Knoll and colleague Christopher Murray said they found under-5 mortality is falling in every region of the world with increases in only Swaziland, Lesotho, Equatorial Guinea and Antigua and Barbuda. Child Mortality Decreases Globally for Children Under Five | Impact Lab
  • To his surprise, it had narrow lancet windows along one wall. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • I had to send him a glucometer and test strips and lancets.
  • One of the pieces conserves part of a painted lion, probably a surviving portion of the arms of Louis d' Halluin, which seems to have disappeared from the right lancet.
  • In June 1999 Taylor et al published in the Lancet the results of a study in which they identified children diagnosed as having autism in the North East Thames region for birth cohorts from 1979 to 1992.
  • His study, published in 1970 in the medical journal Lancet, compared IQs of 14 children with a Jewish disease called torsion dystonia -- a neurological disorder that causes uncontrollable muscle contractions that twist the body -- along with 10 of their healthy siblings, and unrelated Jewish students matched by age, sex and school. rss feed
  • The nurse pierced the skin of the boy with a lancet.
  • The study appeared in the Lacent Lancet medical journal which published a special issue on disability.
  • No, this time the target was a report on the Russian language web site of the BBC -- a study by the British medical journal The Lancet that found alcohol abuse in the Udmurt capital of Izhevsk to be the leading cause of death among working age males. Russia's New Cyberwarriors
  • Kennedy and the best of the contagionist authors, have fixed the intervening time from two days to a longer uncertain period; yet that writer (in the LANCET) proceeds to tell us, in proof of the virulence of the contagion, that when twenty healthy reapers went into the harvest field at Swedia, near Letters on the Cholera Morbus. Containing ample evidence that this disease, under whatever name known, cannot be transmitted from the persons of those labouring under it to other individuals, by contact—through the medium of inanimate substances—or throug
  • Doctors were so expensive that only the very rich could afford them and the “physick” of this era involved bleeding patients with lancets and using dangerous medicines such as mercury—your local village healer with her herbal charms was far less likely to kill you. Archive 2010-04-01
  • The Lancet, the critics pounced, again honing in on what they called fuzzy math.
  • The lancets are designed to enter no deeper than 2-3 mm.
  • The growing problem is underlined in the latest issue of the Lancet.
  • A high-level enquiry, Operation Lancet, investigated claims that officers under his command had given heroin to a suspect in return for a confession, and that known drug dealers had been tipped off in advance of a police raid.
  • As their argument sinks, the nonsensical numbers of the Lancet Study are all that is left to cling to.
  • -- It is the pocket-knife, not the lancet, that is oftener called into requisition. Hints for Lovers
  • Now," said the doctor, "for the lancet;" and he accordingly fell to work, with all the delicate caution of a butcher, to phlebotomize his patient. Eoneguski, or, the Cherokee Chief: A Tale of Past Wars. Vol. I.
  • Earlier this year, the British journal Lancet published a report saying that a test of strands of George III's hair contained arsenic, which can provoke porphyria attacks.
  • Fixtures include a triple sedilia (three seats inset in the south wall for priest, deacon and subdeacon), while the central east lancet window contains a complete Jesse Tree (the upper part C13, the lower put together from scraps in 1960).
  • The nurse pierced the skin of the boy with a lancet.
  • Turkey, have sent a hundred thousand surgeons provided with lancets, bistouries, and all sorts of instruments, adapted to cut off the morbid and gangrened parts; but the disease has only become more virulent. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • This supposed retropulsion of erysipelas on the brain from the frequent appearance of delirium, has prevented the free use of the lancet early in this disease to the destruction of many; as it has prevented the subduing of the general inflammation, and thus has in the end produced the particular one on the brain. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • But now, says the Lancet paper, clinical microbiologists increasingly agree that multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria, which thrive in the gut, pose the greatest risk to public health.
  • The lancet is the preferable instrument in the performance of this operation. The Dog
  • Pre-eclampsia: Researchers developed and tested a model that allows doctors to identify pregnant women at increased risk of major complications from pre-eclampsia, which is a leading cause of maternal deaths, according to a report in The Lancet. Many Risks of Shoveling Snow Stressed in New Study
  • Sue Lancett who works in the glazing department would rather take redundancy.
  • This also reminds us of the so-called carbuncle flies, the lancet of whose mouth parts, contaminated with the sanies of corpses, produces such terrible accidents. The Life of the fly; with which are interspersed some chapters of autobiography
  • The lancet is the anchor of hope in this disease; which must be repeated four or five times, or as often as the fever and difficulty of breathing increase, which is generally in the evening; antimonials, diluents, repeated small blisters about the chest, mucilage, pediluvium, warm bath. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Turkey, have sent a hundred thousand surgeons provided with lancets, bistouries, and all sorts of instruments, adapted to cut off the morbid and gangrened parts; but the disease has only become more virulent. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • In eight locations, blood samples were obtained by piercing the skin with a sterile lancet and absorbing a drop of blood on a piece of filter paper.
  • An inspection of this end shows it to be pierced by three plain lancet windows with no dripstone.
  • The PAC reacted in a statement to reports of "brutalisation" of people held captive in a cell in the basement of Lancet building in Johannesburg, which houses the ANC's PWV regional offices. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • ‘No one has a product on the market that will let people throw away their lancets,’ he says.
  • Lancet editorial calls the "phenomenally successful" campaign that has reduced malaria deaths in Africa by 30 percent since the 2004 peak. News
  • The heraldic devices of the lancet tops and in the tracery lights represent other of Louis's and Francoise's possessions and ancestors.
  • Blood sugar testing is usually done with a special needle called a lancet and an electronic glucose monitor. All Topics
  • The Lancet letter also gave details of the herbal prescription which this patient supposedly was taking.
  • One of the most damning indictments of lethal injections as a means of capital punishment came from a 2005 article in The Lancet, which found that 43% of inmates undergoing lethal injection may be conscious when the fatal and excruciatingly painful dose of potassium chloride is delivered, due to insufficient doses of the anesthetic sodium thiopental. Nature Versus Nurturing the Death Penalty
  • But now, says the Lancet paper, clinical microbiologists increasingly agree that multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria, which thrive in the gut, pose the greatest risk to public health. Antibiotics' efficiency wanes due to global spread of drug-resistant bacteria
  • DSL species rise at night-some to waters as shallow as 30 feet deep-for a variety of reasons: Some are avoiding the daytime surface hunters; others are avoiding the nocturnal hunters of the DSL who don't rise (like lancetfish); still others are saving energy by spending their days in a sleeplike state prompted by the frigid waters.
  • Single-use throwaway lancets are used for haemoglobin check and single-use disposable transfusion sets that are attached to blood bags are used during the process of donation.
  • Determining which of those women have cancer, The Lancet said, also will require 358 breast examinations by ultrasound; 313 biopsies, including 209 in which part of the breast containing the abnormality is surgically removed, and 500 additional doctor's office visits. Rethinking the Mammogram Guidelines
  • Standardised skin prick tests were carried out with allergen coated lancets.
  • The sharply pointed lower ends are interpreted to have articulated in the alternating tiny furrows and ridges at the adoral extremity of each lancet plate surrounding the mouth.
  • The pain associated with lancet pricks has been largely overcome.
  • All kinds of weird species (like the lancetfish shown) wash up on Oregon's beaches. Archive 2008-01-01
  • The lancet is a weapon which annually slays more than the sword," says Medical Essays, 1842-1882

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